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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file fltTexture.h
* @author drose
* @date 2000-08-25
#include "pandatoolbase.h"
#include "fltRecord.h"
#include "filename.h"
#include "luse.h"
* Represents a single texture in the texture palette.
class FltTexture : public FltRecord {
FltTexture(FltHeader *header);
virtual void apply_converted_filenames();
std::string _orig_filename;
Filename _converted_filename;
int _pattern_index;
int _x_location;
int _y_location;
Filename get_texture_filename() const;
void set_texture_filename(const Filename &filename);
Filename get_attr_filename() const;
FltError read_attr_data();
FltError write_attr_data() const;
FltError write_attr_data(Filename attr_filename) const;
// The remaining fields are from the attr file.
enum FileFormat {
FF_none = -1,
FF_att_8_pattern = 0,
FF_att_8_template = 1,
FF_sgi_i = 2,
FF_sgi_ia = 3,
FF_sgi_rgb = 4,
FF_sgi_rgba = 5
enum Minification {
MN_point = 0,
MN_bilinear = 1,
MN_OB_mipmap = 2, // obsolete
MN_mipmap_point = 3,
MN_mipmap_linear = 4,
MN_mipmap_bilinear = 5,
MN_mipmap_trilinear = 6,
MN_bicubic = 8,
MN_bilinear_gequal = 9,
MN_bilinear_lequal = 10,
MN_bicubic_gequal = 11,
MN_bicubic_lequal = 12
enum Magnification {
MG_point = 0,
MG_bilinear = 1,
MG_bicubic = 3,
MG_sharpen = 4,
MG_add_detail = 5,
MG_modulate_detail = 6,
MG_bilinear_gequal = 7,
MG_bilinear_lequal = 8,
MG_bicubic_gequal = 9,
MG_bicubic_lequal = 10
enum RepeatType {
RT_repeat = 0,
RT_clamp = 1
enum EnvironmentType {
ET_modulate = 0,
ET_blend = 1,
ET_decal = 2,
ET_color = 3
enum InternalFormat {
IF_default = 0,
IF_i_12a_4 = 1,
IF_ia_8 = 2,
IF_rgb_5 = 3,
IF_rgba_4 = 4,
IF_ia_12 = 5,
IF_rgba_8 = 6,
IF_rgba_12 = 7,
IF_i_16 = 8, // shadow mode only
IF_rgb_12 = 9
enum ExternalFormat {
EF_default = 0,
EF_pack_8 = 1,
EF_pack_16 = 2
enum ProjectionType {
PT_flat_earth = 0,
PT_lambert = 3,
PT_utm = 4,
PT_undefined = 7
enum EarthModel {
EM_wgs84 = 0,
EM_wgs72 = 1,
EM_bessel = 2,
EM_clarke_1866 = 3,
EM_nad27 = 4
enum ImageOrigin {
IO_lower_left = 0,
IO_upper_left = 1
enum PointsUnits {
PU_degrees = 0,
PU_meters = 1,
PU_pixels = 2
enum Hemisphere {
H_southern = 0,
H_northern = 1,
struct LODScale {
PN_stdfloat _lod;
PN_stdfloat _scale;
struct GeospecificControlPoint {
LPoint2d _uv;
LPoint2d _real_earth;
typedef pvector<GeospecificControlPoint> GeospecificControlPoints;
struct SubtextureDef {
std::string _name;
int _left;
int _bottom;
int _right;
int _top;
typedef pvector<SubtextureDef> SubtextureDefs;
int _num_texels_u;
int _num_texels_v;
int _real_world_size_u;
int _real_world_size_v;
int _up_vector_x;
int _up_vector_y;
FileFormat _file_format;
Minification _min_filter;
Magnification _mag_filter;
RepeatType _repeat;
RepeatType _repeat_u;
RepeatType _repeat_v;
int _modify_flag;
int _x_pivot_point;
int _y_pivot_point;
EnvironmentType _env_type;
bool _intensity_is_alpha; // if true, a one-channel image is actually
// an alpha image, not an intensity image.
double _float_real_world_size_u;
double _float_real_world_size_v;
int _imported_origin_code;
int _kernel_version;
InternalFormat _internal_format;
ExternalFormat _external_format;
bool _use_mipmap_kernel;
PN_stdfloat _mipmap_kernel[8];
bool _use_lod_scale;
LODScale _lod_scale[8];
PN_stdfloat _clamp;
Magnification _mag_filter_alpha;
Magnification _mag_filter_color;
double _lambert_conic_central_meridian;
double _lambert_conic_upper_latitude;
double _lambert_conic_lower_latitude;
bool _use_detail;
int _detail_j;
int _detail_k;
int _detail_m;
int _detail_n;
int _detail_scramble;
bool _use_tile;
PN_stdfloat _tile_lower_left_u;
PN_stdfloat _tile_lower_left_v;
PN_stdfloat _tile_upper_right_u;
PN_stdfloat _tile_upper_right_v;
ProjectionType _projection;
EarthModel _earth_model;
int _utm_zone;
ImageOrigin _image_origin;
PointsUnits _geospecific_points_units;
Hemisphere _geospecific_hemisphere;
std::string _comment;
int _file_version;
GeospecificControlPoints _geospecific_control_points;
SubtextureDefs _subtexture_defs;
virtual bool extract_record(FltRecordReader &reader);
virtual bool build_record(FltRecordWriter &writer) const;
FltError unpack_attr(const Datagram &datagram);
FltError pack_attr(Datagram &datagram) const;
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "FltTexture",
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class FltHeader;