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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file geoMipTerrain.h
* @author rdb
* @date 2007-06-29
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "pandaNode.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pnmImage.h"
#include "nodePath.h"
#include "texture.h"
* GeoMipTerrain, meaning Panda3D GeoMipMapping, can convert a heightfield
* image into a 3D terrain, consisting of several GeomNodes. It uses the
* GeoMipMapping algorithm, or Geometrical MipMapping, based on the LOD (Level
* of Detail) algorithm. For more information about the GeoMipMapping
* algoritm, see this paper, written by Willem H. de Boer:
* http://flipcode.com/articles/article_geomipmaps.pdf
class EXPCL_PANDA_GRUTIL GeoMipTerrain : public TypedObject {
INLINE explicit GeoMipTerrain(const std::string &name);
INLINE ~GeoMipTerrain();
INLINE PNMImage &heightfield();
bool set_heightfield(const Filename &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr);
INLINE bool set_heightfield(const PNMImage &image);
INLINE PNMImage &color_map();
INLINE bool set_color_map(const Filename &filename,
PNMFileType *type = nullptr);
INLINE bool set_color_map(const PNMImage &image);
INLINE bool set_color_map(const Texture *image);
INLINE bool set_color_map(const std::string &path);
INLINE bool has_color_map() const;
INLINE void clear_color_map();
void calc_ambient_occlusion(PN_stdfloat radius = 32, PN_stdfloat contrast = 2.0f, PN_stdfloat brightness = 0.75f);
double get_elevation(double x, double y);
LVector3 get_normal(int x, int y);
INLINE LVector3 get_normal(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my,
int x,int y);
INLINE void set_bruteforce(bool bf);
INLINE bool get_bruteforce();
// The flatten mode specifies whether the terrain nodes are flattened
// together after each terrain update.
enum AutoFlattenMode {
// FM_off: don't ever flatten the terrain.
AFM_off = 0,
// FM_light: the terrain is flattened using flatten_light.
AFM_light = 1,
// FM_medium: the terrain is flattened using flatten_medium.
AFM_medium = 2,
// FM_strong: the terrain is flattened using flatten_strong.
AFM_strong = 3,
INLINE void set_auto_flatten(int mode);
// The focal point is the point at which the terrain will have the highest
// quality (lowest level of detail). Parts farther away from the focal point
// will have a lower quality (higher level of detail). The focal point is
// not taken in respect if bruteforce is set true.
INLINE void set_focal_point(const LPoint2d &fp);
INLINE void set_focal_point(const LPoint2f &fp);
INLINE void set_focal_point(const LPoint3d &fp);
INLINE void set_focal_point(const LPoint3f &fp);
INLINE void set_focal_point(double x, double y);
INLINE void set_focal_point(NodePath fnp);
INLINE NodePath get_focal_point() const;
INLINE NodePath get_root() const;
INLINE void set_block_size(unsigned short newbs);
INLINE unsigned short get_block_size();
INLINE unsigned short get_max_level();
INLINE void set_min_level(unsigned short minlevel);
INLINE unsigned short get_min_level();
INLINE bool is_dirty();
INLINE void set_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
INLINE void set_near_far(double input_near, double input_far);
INLINE void set_near(double input_near);
INLINE void set_far(double input_far);
INLINE const NodePath get_block_node_path(unsigned short mx,
unsigned short my);
INLINE LVecBase2 get_block_from_pos(double x, double y);
INLINE void set_border_stitching(bool stitching);
INLINE bool get_border_stitching();
INLINE double get_far();
INLINE double get_near();
INLINE int get_flatten_mode();
PNMImage make_slope_image();
void generate();
bool update();
PT(GeomNode) generate_block(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my, unsigned short level);
bool update_block(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my,
signed short level = -1, bool forced = false);
void calc_levels();
void auto_flatten();
bool root_flattened();
INLINE bool is_power_of_two(unsigned int i);
INLINE float f_part(float i);
INLINE double f_part(double i);
INLINE int sfav(int n, int powlevel, int mypowlevel);
INLINE double get_pixel_value(int x, int y);
INLINE double get_pixel_value(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my, int x, int y);
INLINE unsigned short lod_decide(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my);
unsigned short get_neighbor_level(unsigned short mx, unsigned short my, short dmx, short dmy);
NodePath _root;
int _auto_flatten;
bool _root_flattened;
PNMImage _heightfield;
PNMImage _color_map;
bool _is_dirty;
bool _has_color_map;
unsigned int _xsize;
unsigned int _ysize;
PN_stdfloat _factor;
double _near;
double _far;
bool _use_near_far; // False to use the _factor, True to use the _near and _far values.
unsigned short _block_size;
unsigned short _max_level; // Highest level possible for this block size
bool _bruteforce;
NodePath _focal_point;
bool _focal_is_temporary;
unsigned short _min_level;
bool _stitching;
pvector<pvector<NodePath> > _blocks;
pvector<pvector<unsigned short> > _levels;
pvector<pvector<unsigned short> > _old_levels;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "GeoMipTerrain",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
#include "geoMipTerrain.I"