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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file geomMunger.h
* @author drose
* @date 2005-03-10
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "typedReferenceCount.h"
#include "geomVertexAnimationSpec.h"
#include "geomVertexFormat.h"
#include "geomVertexData.h"
#include "geomCacheEntry.h"
#include "indirectCompareTo.h"
#include "pStatCollector.h"
#include "lightMutex.h"
#include "lightReMutex.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "pset.h"
class GraphicsStateGuardianBase;
class RenderState;
class Geom;
* Objects of this class are used to convert vertex data from a Geom into a
* format suitable for passing to the rendering backend. Typically, the
* rendering backend will create a specialization of this class to handle its
* particular needs (e.g. DXGeomMunger). This class is necessary because
* DirectX and OpenGL have somewhat different requirements for vertex format.
* This also performs runtime application of state changes to the vertex data;
* for instance, by scaling all of the color values in response to a
* ColorScaleAttrib.
* A GeomMunger must be registered before it can be used, and once registered,
* the object is constant and cannot be changed. All registered GeomMungers
* that perform the same operation will have the same pointer.
class EXPCL_PANDA_GOBJ GeomMunger : public TypedReferenceCount, public GeomEnums {
GeomMunger(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
GeomMunger(const GeomMunger ©);
void operator = (const GeomMunger ©);
virtual ~GeomMunger();
INLINE GraphicsStateGuardianBase *get_gsg() const;
INLINE bool is_registered() const;
INLINE static PT(GeomMunger) register_munger(GeomMunger *munger, Thread *current_thread);
INLINE static void unregister_mungers_for_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
INLINE CPT(GeomVertexFormat) munge_format(const GeomVertexFormat *format,
const GeomVertexAnimationSpec &animation) const;
INLINE CPT(GeomVertexData) munge_data(const GeomVertexData *data) const;
void remove_data(const GeomVertexData *data);
bool munge_geom(CPT(Geom) &geom, CPT(GeomVertexData) &data,
bool force, Thread *current_thread);
INLINE CPT(GeomVertexFormat) premunge_format(const GeomVertexFormat *format) const;
INLINE CPT(GeomVertexData) premunge_data(const GeomVertexData *data) const;
INLINE void premunge_geom(CPT(Geom) &geom, CPT(GeomVertexData) &data) const;
INLINE int compare_to(const GeomMunger &other) const;
INLINE int geom_compare_to(const GeomMunger &other) const;
INLINE void unregister_myself();
CPT(GeomVertexFormat) do_munge_format(const GeomVertexFormat *format,
const GeomVertexAnimationSpec &animation);
virtual CPT(GeomVertexFormat) munge_format_impl(const GeomVertexFormat *orig,
const GeomVertexAnimationSpec &animation);
virtual CPT(GeomVertexData) munge_data_impl(const GeomVertexData *data);
virtual void munge_geom_impl(CPT(Geom) &geom, CPT(GeomVertexData) &data,
Thread *current_thread);
CPT(GeomVertexFormat) do_premunge_format(const GeomVertexFormat *format);
virtual CPT(GeomVertexFormat) premunge_format_impl(const GeomVertexFormat *orig);
virtual CPT(GeomVertexData) premunge_data_impl(const GeomVertexData *data);
virtual void premunge_geom_impl(CPT(Geom) &geom, CPT(GeomVertexData) &data);
virtual int compare_to_impl(const GeomMunger *other) const;
virtual int geom_compare_to_impl(const GeomMunger *other) const;
class Registry;
INLINE static Registry *get_registry();
static void make_registry();
void do_register(Thread *current_thread);
void do_unregister();
class CacheEntry : public GeomCacheEntry {
virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const;
PT(GeomMunger) _munger;
typedef pmap<CPT(GeomVertexFormat), CPT(GeomVertexFormat) > Formats;
typedef pmap<GeomVertexAnimationSpec, Formats> FormatsByAnimation;
FormatsByAnimation _formats_by_animation;
Formats _premunge_formats;
// This mutex protects the above.
LightMutex _formats_lock;
GraphicsStateGuardianBase *_gsg;
bool _is_registered;
typedef pset<GeomMunger *, IndirectCompareTo<GeomMunger> > Mungers;
class EXPCL_PANDA_GOBJ Registry {
PT(GeomMunger) register_munger(GeomMunger *munger, Thread *current_thread);
void unregister_munger(GeomMunger *munger);
void unregister_mungers_for_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
Mungers _mungers;
LightReMutex _registry_lock;
// We store the iterator into the above registry, while we are registered.
// This makes it easier to remove our own entry, especially when the
// destructor is called. Since it's a virtual destructor, we can't reliably
// look up our pointer in the map once we have reached the base class
// destructor (since the object has changed types by then, and the sorting
// in the map depends partly on type).
Mungers::iterator _registered_key;
static Registry *_registry;
static PStatCollector _munge_pcollector;
friend class GeomCacheManager;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "GeomMunger",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class Geom;
#include "geomMunger.I"