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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file ordered_vector.I
* @author drose
* @date 2002-02-20
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ordered_vector(TypeHandle type_handle) :
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ordered_vector(const Compare &compare, TypeHandle type_handle) :
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
begin() {
return _vector.begin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
end() {
return _vector.end();
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector,
* when viewed in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
rbegin() {
return _vector.rbegin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector, when viewed
* in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
rend() {
return _vector.rend();
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
begin() const {
return _vector.begin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
end() const {
return _vector.end();
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector,
* when viewed in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
rbegin() const {
return _vector.rbegin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector, when viewed
* in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
rend() const {
return _vector.rend();
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
cbegin() const {
return _vector.begin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
cend() const {
return _vector.end();
* Returns the iterator that marks the first element in the ordered vector,
* when viewed in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
crbegin() const {
return _vector.rbegin();
* Returns the iterator that marks the end of the ordered vector, when viewed
* in reverse order.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REVERSE_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
crend() const {
return _vector.rend();
* Returns the nth element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator [] (typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE n) {
return _vector[n];
* Returns the nth element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator [] (typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE n) const {
return _vector[n];
* Returns a reference to the first element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
front() {
#ifdef _DEBUG
return _vector[0];
* Returns a const reference to the first element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
front() const {
#ifdef _DEBUG
return _vector[0];
* Returns a reference to the first element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
back() {
#ifdef _DEBUG
return _vector[_vector.size() - 1];
* Returns a const reference to the last element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_REFERENCE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
back() const {
#ifdef _DEBUG
return _vector[_vector.size() - 1];
* Returns the number of elements in the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
size() const {
return _vector.size();
* Returns the maximum number of elements that can possibly be stored in an
* ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
max_size() const {
return _vector.max_size();
* Returns true if the ordered vector is empty, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
empty() const {
return _vector.empty();
* Returns true if the two ordered vectors are memberwise equivalent, false
* otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator == (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector == other._vector;
* Returns true if the two ordered vectors are not memberwise equivalent,
* false if they are.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator != (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector != other._vector;
* Returns true if this ordered vector sorts lexicographically before the
* other one, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator < (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector < other._vector;
* Returns true if this ordered vector sorts lexicographically after the other
* one, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator > (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector > other._vector;
* Returns true if this ordered vector sorts lexicographically before the
* other one or is equivalent, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator <= (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector <= other._vector;
* Returns true if this ordered vector sorts lexicographically after the other
* one or is equivalent, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
operator >= (const ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &other) const {
return _vector >= other._vector;
* Inserts the indicated key into the ordered vector, at the appropriate
* place. If there is already an element sorting equivalent to the key in the
* vector, the new key is not inserted.
* The return value is a pair, where the first component is the iterator
* referencing the new element (or the original element), and the second
* componet is true if the insert operation has taken place.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE std::pair<typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR, bool> ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert_unique(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::insert_unique(const value_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
ITERATOR position = find_insert_position(begin(), end(), key);
#ifdef NDEBUG
std::pair<ITERATOR, bool> bogus_result(end(), false);
nassertr(position >= begin() && position <= end(), bogus_result);
// If there's already an equivalent key in the vector, it's at *(position -
// 1).
if (position != begin() && !_compare(*(position - 1), key)) {
std::pair<ITERATOR, bool> result(position - 1, false);
nassertr(!_compare(key, *(position - 1)), result);
return result;
ITERATOR result = _vector.insert(position, key);
return std::pair<ITERATOR, bool>(result, true);
* Inserts the indicated key into the ordered vector, at the appropriate
* place. If there are already elements sorting equivalent to the key in the
* vector, the new value is inserted following them.
* The return value is the iterator referencing the new element.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert_nonunique(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::insert_nonunique(const value_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
ITERATOR position = find_insert_position(begin(), end(), key);
nassertr(position >= begin() && position <= end(), end());
ITERATOR result = _vector.insert(position, key);
return result;
* Inserts the indicated key into the ordered vector at the indicated place.
* The user is trusted to have already verified that this is the correct
* sorting position; no checks are made.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert_unverified(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR position,
const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::insert_unverified(iterator, const value_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
ITERATOR result = _vector.insert(position, key);
return result;
* Removes the element indicated by the given iterator, and returns the next
* sequential iterator.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
erase(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR position) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::erase(iterator)", " ", TAU_USER);
SIZE_TYPE count = position - begin();
return begin() + count;
* Removes all elements matching the indicated key; returns the number of
* elements removed.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
erase(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::erase(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
std::pair<ITERATOR, ITERATOR> result = equal_range(key);
SIZE_TYPE count = result.second - result.first;
erase(result.first, result.second);
return count;
* Removes all elements indicated by the given iterator range.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
erase(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR first,
typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR last) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::erase(iterator, iterator)", " ", TAU_USER);
_vector.erase(first, last);
* Removes all elements from the ordered vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
clear() {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::clear()", " ", TAU_USER);
_vector.erase(_vector.begin(), _vector.end());
* Searches for an element with the indicated key and returns its iterator if
* it is found, or end() if it is not. If there are multiple elements
* matching the key, the particular iterator returned is not defined.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
find(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::find(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return nci(r_find(begin(), end(), end(), key));
* Searches for an element with the indicated key and returns its iterator if
* it is found, or end() if it is not. If there are multiple elements
* matching the key, the particular iterator returned is not defined.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
find(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::find(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_find(begin(), end(), end(), key);
* Searches for a particular element and returns its iterator if it is found,
* or end() if it is not.
* First, the Compare function is used to narrow down the range of elements
* the element might be located within; then the element is compared
* elementwise, via ==, until the exact matching element is found. If
* multiple matches exist within the vector, the particular iterator returned
* is not defined.
* The assumption is that == implies !Compare(a, b) and !Compare(b, a), but
* not necessarily the converse.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
find_particular(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::find_particular(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return nci(r_find_particular(begin(), end(), end(), key));
* Searches for a particular element and returns its iterator if it is found,
* or end() if it is not.
* First, the Compare function is used to narrow down the range of elements
* the element might be located within; then the element is compared
* elementwise, via ==, until the exact matching element is found. If
* multiple matches exist within the vector, the particular iterator returned
* is not defined.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
find_particular(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::find_particular(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_find_particular(begin(), end(), end(), key);
* Returns the number of elements that sort equivalent to the key that are in
* the vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
count(const key_type &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::count(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_count(begin(), end(), key);
* Returns the iterator for the first element not less than key, or end() if
* all elements are less than key.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
lower_bound(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::lower_bound(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return nci(r_lower_bound(begin(), end(), key));
* Returns the iterator for the first element not less than key, or end() if
* all elements are less than key.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
lower_bound(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::lower_bound(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_lower_bound(begin(), end(), key);
* Returns the iterator for the first element greater than key, or end() if no
* element is greater than key.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
upper_bound(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::upper_bound(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return nci(r_upper_bound(begin(), end(), key));
* Returns the iterator for the first element greater than key, or end() if no
* element is greater than key.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
upper_bound(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::upper_bound(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_upper_bound(begin(), end(), key);
* Returns the pair (lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key)).
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE std::pair<typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR, typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR> ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
equal_range(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::equal_range(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
std::pair<typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR, typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR> result;
result = r_equal_range(begin(), end(), key);
return std::pair<typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR, typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR>(nci(result.first), nci(result.second));
* Returns the pair (lower_bound(key), upper_bound(key)).
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE std::pair<typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR, typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR> ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
equal_range(const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) const {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::equal_range(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
return r_equal_range(begin(), end(), key);
* Exchanges the contents of this vector and the other vector, in constant
* time (e.g., with a pointer swap).
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
swap(ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector> &copy) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::swap(ordered_vector &)", " ", TAU_USER);
* Informs the vector of a planned change in size; ensures that the capacity
* of the vector is greater than or equal to n.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
reserve(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::SIZE_TYPE n) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::reserve(size_type)", " ", TAU_USER);
* Ensures that the vector is properly sorted after a potentially damaging
* operation. This should not normally need to be called, unless the user has
* written to the vector using the non-const iterators or has called
* push_back().
* This flavor of sort also eliminates repeated elements.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
sort_unique() {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::sort_unique()", " ", TAU_USER);
sort(begin(), end(), _compare);
iterator new_end = unique(begin(), end(), EquivalentTest(_compare));
erase(new_end, end());
* Ensures that the vector is properly sorted after a potentially damaging
* operation. This should not normally need to be called, unless the user has
* written to the vector using the non-const iterators or has called
* push_back().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
sort_nonunique() {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::sort_nonunique()", " ", TAU_USER);
std::stable_sort(begin(), end(), _compare);
* Adds the new element to the end of the vector without regard for proper
* sorting. This is a bad idea to do except to populate the vector the first
* time; be sure to call sort() after you have added all the elements.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
push_back(const value_type &key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::push_back()", " ", TAU_USER);
* Adds the new element to the end of the vector without regard for proper
* sorting. This is a bad idea to do except to populate the vector the first
* time; be sure to call sort() after you have added all the elements.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
push_back(value_type &&key) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::push_back()", " ", TAU_USER);
* Removes the last element at the end of the vector.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
pop_back() {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::pop_back()", " ", TAU_USER);
* Resizes the vector to contain n elements. This should not be used except
* to populate the vector for the first time.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
resize(SIZE_TYPE n) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::resize()", " ", TAU_USER);
* Resizes the vector to contain n elements. This should not be used except
* to populate the vector for the first time.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
resize(SIZE_TYPE n, const VALUE_TYPE &value) {
TAU_PROFILE("ordered_vector::resize()", " ", TAU_USER);
_vector.resize(n, value);
* I.e. "non-const iterator". This function is used to typecast a const
* iterator to a non-const iterator for easy definition of const vs. non-
* const flavors of some of these methods.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
nci(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::CONST_ITERATOR i) {
return begin() + (i - begin());
* Searches for the appropriate place in the ordered vector to insert the
* indicated key, and returns the corresponding iterator.
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::
find_insert_position(typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR first,
typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR last,
const typename ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::KEY_TYPE &key) {
ITERATOR result = r_find_insert_position(first, last, key);
return result;
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ov_set(TypeHandle type_handle) :
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>(type_handle)
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ov_set(const Compare &compare, TypeHandle type_handle) :
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>(compare, type_handle)
* Maps to insert_unique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
typename ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert(typename ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR position,
const typename ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::insert_unique(position, key);
* Maps to insert_unique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE std::pair<typename ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR, bool> ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert(const typename ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::insert_unique(key);
* Maps to sort_unique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
sort() {
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::sort_unique();
* Maps to verify_list_unique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ov_set<Key, Compare, Vector>::
verify_list() const {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::verify_list_unique();
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ov_multiset(TypeHandle type_handle) :
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>(type_handle)
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
ov_multiset(const Compare &compare, TypeHandle type_handle) :
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>(compare, type_handle)
* Maps to insert_nonunique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
typename ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert(typename ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR position,
const typename ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::insert_nonunique(position, key);
* Maps to insert_nonunique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE typename ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::ITERATOR ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
insert(const typename ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::VALUE_TYPE &key) {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::insert_nonunique(key);
* Maps to sort_nonunique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE void ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
sort() {
ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::sort_nonunique();
* Maps to verify_list_nonunique().
template<class Key, class Compare, class Vector>
INLINE bool ov_multiset<Key, Compare, Vector>::
verify_list() const {
return ordered_vector<Key, Compare, Vector>::verify_list_nonunique();