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909 lines
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""" Tools for manipulating Portable Executable files.
This can be used, for example, to extract a list of dependencies from an .exe
or .dll file, or to add version information and an icon resource to it. """
__all__ = ["PEFile"]
from struct import Struct, unpack, pack, pack_into
from collections import namedtuple
from array import array
import time
from io import BytesIO
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
unicode = str
unichr = chr
# Define some internally used structures.
RVASize = namedtuple('RVASize', ('addr', 'size'))
impdirtab = namedtuple('impdirtab', ('lookup', 'timdat', 'forward', 'name', 'impaddr'))
expdirtab = namedtuple('expdirtab', ('flags', 'timdat', 'majver', 'minver', 'name', 'ordinal_base', 'nentries', 'nnames', 'entries', 'names', 'ordinals'))
def _unpack_zstring(mem, offs=0):
"Read a zero-terminated string from memory."
c = mem[offs]
str = ""
while c:
str += chr(c)
offs += 1
c = mem[offs]
return str
def _unpack_wstring(mem, offs=0):
"Read a UCS-2 string from memory."
name_len, = unpack('<H', mem[offs:offs+2])
name = ""
for i in range(name_len):
offs += 2
name += unichr(*unpack('<H', mem[offs:offs+2]))
return name
def _padded(n, boundary):
align = n % boundary
if align:
n += boundary - align
return n
class Section(object):
_header = Struct('<8sIIIIIIHHI')
modified = True
def read_header(self, fp):
name, vsize, vaddr, size, scnptr, relptr, lnnoptr, nreloc, nlnno, flags = \
self.name = name.rstrip(b'\x00')
self.vaddr = vaddr # Base virtual address to map to.
self.vsize = vsize
self.offset = scnptr # Offset of the section in the file.
self.size = size
self.flags = flags
self.modified = False
def write_header(self, fp):
fp.write(self._header.pack(self.name, self.vsize, self.vaddr,
self.size, self.offset, 0, 0, 0, 0,
def __repr__(self):
return "<section '%s' memory %x-%x>" % (self.name, self.vaddr, self.vaddr + self.vsize)
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.vaddr > other.vaddr
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.vaddr < other.vaddr
class DataResource(object):
""" A resource entry in the resource table. """
# Resource types.
cursor = 1
bitmap = 2
icon = 3
menu = 4
dialog = 5
string = 6
font_directory = 7
font = 8
accelerator = 9
rcdata = 10
message_table = 11
cursor_group = 12
icon_group = 14
version = 16
dlg_include = 17
plug_play = 19
vxd = 20
animated_cursor = 21
animated_icon = 22
html = 23
manifest = 24
def __init__(self):
self._ident = ()
self.data = None
self.code_page = 0
def encoding(self):
if self.code_page == 0:
return 'ascii'
return 'cp%d' % (self.code_page)
def get_data(self):
return self.data
def get_text(self, errors='strict'):
return self.data.decode(self.encoding, errors)
class IconGroupResource(object):
code_page = 0
type = 14
_entry = Struct('<BBBxHHIH')
Icon = namedtuple('Icon', ('width', 'height', 'planes', 'bpp', 'size', 'id'))
def __init__(self):
self.icons = []
def add_icon(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.icons.append(self.Icon(*args, **kwargs))
def get_data(self):
data = bytearray(pack('<HHH', 0, 1, len(self.icons)))
for width, height, planes, bpp, size, id in self.icons:
colors = 1 << (planes * bpp)
if colors >= 256:
colors = 0
if width >= 256:
width = 0
if height >= 256:
height = 0
data += self._entry.pack(width, height, colors, planes, bpp, size, id)
return data
def unpack_from(self, data, offs=0):
type, count = unpack('<HH', data[offs+2:offs+6])
offs += 6
for i in range(count):
width, height, colors, planes, bpp, size, id = \
if width == 0:
width = 256
if height == 0:
height = 256
self.icons.append(self.Icon(width, height, planes, bpp, size, id))
offs += 14
class VersionInfoResource(object):
code_page = 0
type = 16
def __init__(self):
self.string_info = {}
self.var_info = {}
self.signature = 0xFEEF04BD
self.struct_version = 0x10000
self.file_version = (0, 0, 0, 0)
self.product_version = (0, 0, 0, 0)
self.file_flags_mask = 0x3f
self.file_flags = 0
self.file_os = 0x40004 # Windows NT
self.file_type = 1 # Application
self.file_subtype = 0
self.file_date = (0, 0)
def get_data(self):
# The first part of the header is pretty much fixed - we'll go
# back later to write the struct size.
data = bytearray(b'\x00\x004\x00\x00\x00V\x00S\x00_\x00V\x00E\x00R\x00S\x00I\x00O\x00N\x00_\x00I\x00N\x00F\x00O\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
data += pack('<13I', self.signature, self.struct_version,
self.file_version[1] | (self.file_version[0] << 16),
self.file_version[3] | (self.file_version[2] << 16),
self.product_version[1] | (self.product_version[0] << 16),
self.product_version[3] | (self.product_version[2] << 16),
self.file_flags_mask, self.file_flags,
self.file_os, self.file_type, self.file_subtype,
self.file_date[0], self.file_date[1])
self._pack_info(data, 'StringFileInfo', self.string_info)
self._pack_info(data, 'VarFileInfo', self.var_info)
data[0:2] = pack('<H', len(data))
return data
def _pack_info(self, data, key, value):
offset = len(data)
if isinstance(value, dict):
type = 1
value_length = 0
elif isinstance(value, bytes) or isinstance(value, unicode):
type = 1
value_length = len(value) * 2 + 2
type = 0
value_length = len(value)
data += pack('<HHH', 0, value_length, type)
for c in key:
data += pack('<H', ord(c))
data += b'\x00\x00'
if len(data) & 2:
data += b'\x00\x00'
assert len(data) & 3 == 0
if isinstance(value, dict):
for key2, value2 in sorted(value.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]):
self._pack_info(data, key2, value2)
elif isinstance(value, bytes) or isinstance(value, unicode):
for c in value:
data += pack('<H', ord(c))
data += b'\x00\x00'
data += value
if len(data) & 1:
data += b'\x00'
if len(data) & 2:
data += b'\x00\x00'
assert len(data) & 3 == 0
data[offset:offset+2] = pack('<H', len(data) - offset)
def unpack_from(self, data):
length, value_length = unpack('<HH', data[0:4])
offset = 40 + value_length + (value_length & 1)
dwords = array('I')
if len(dwords) > 0:
self.signature = dwords[0]
if len(dwords) > 1:
self.struct_version = dwords[1]
if len(dwords) > 3:
self.file_version = \
(int(dwords[2] >> 16), int(dwords[2] & 0xffff),
int(dwords[3] >> 16), int(dwords[3] & 0xffff))
if len(dwords) > 5:
self.product_version = \
(int(dwords[4] >> 16), int(dwords[4] & 0xffff),
int(dwords[5] >> 16), int(dwords[5] & 0xffff))
if len(dwords) > 7:
self.file_flags_mask = dwords[6]
self.file_flags = dwords[7]
if len(dwords) > 8:
self.file_os = dwords[8]
if len(dwords) > 9:
self.file_type = dwords[9]
if len(dwords) > 10:
self.file_subtype = dwords[10]
if len(dwords) > 12:
self.file_date = (dwords[11], dwords[12])
while offset < length:
offset += self._unpack_info(self, data, offset)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'StringFileInfo':
return self.string_info
elif key == 'VarFileInfo':
return self.var_info
raise KeyError("%s does not exist" % (key))
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in ('StringFileInfo', 'VarFileInfo')
def _unpack_info(self, dict, data, offset):
length, value_length, type = unpack('<HHH', data[offset:offset+6])
assert length > 0
end = offset + length
offset += 6
key = ""
c, = unpack('<H', data[offset:offset+2])
offset += 2
while c:
key += unichr(c)
c, = unpack('<H', data[offset:offset+2])
offset += 2
# Padding bytes to align value to 32-bit boundary.
offset = _padded(offset, 4)
if value_length > 0:
# It contains a value.
if type:
# It's a wchar array value.
value = u""
c, = unpack('<H', data[offset:offset+2])
offset += 2
while c:
value += unichr(c)
c, = unpack('<H', data[offset:offset+2])
offset += 2
# A binary value.
value = bytes(data[offset:offset+value_length])
offset += value_length
dict[key] = value
# It contains sub-entries.
if key not in dict:
dict[key] = {}
subdict = dict[key]
while offset < end:
offset += self._unpack_info(subdict, data, offset)
# Padding bytes to pad value to 32-bit boundary.
return _padded(length, 4)
class ResourceTable(object):
""" A table in the resource directory. """
_header = Struct('<IIHHHH')
def __init__(self, ident=()):
self.flags = 0
self.timdat = 0
self.version = (0, 0)
self._name_leaves = []
self._id_leaves = []
self._ident = ident
self._strings_size = 0 # Amount of space occupied by table keys.
self._descs_size = 0
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, int):
leaves = self._id_leaves
leaves = self._name_leaves
i = 0
while i < len(leaves):
idname, leaf = leaves[i]
if idname >= key:
if key == idname:
return leaf
i += 1
if not isinstance(key, int):
self._strings_size += _padded(len(key) * 2 + 2, 4)
leaf = ResourceTable(ident=self._ident + (key,))
leaves.insert(i, (key, leaf))
return leaf
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
""" Adds the given item to the table. Maintains sort order. """
if isinstance(key, int):
leaves = self._id_leaves
leaves = self._name_leaves
if not isinstance(value, ResourceTable):
self._descs_size += 16
value._ident = self._ident + (key,)
i = 0
while i < len(leaves):
idname, leaf = leaves[i]
if idname >= key:
if key == idname:
if not isinstance(leaves[i][1], ResourceTable):
self._descs_size -= 16
leaves[i] = (key, value)
i += 1
if not isinstance(key, int):
self._strings_size += _padded(len(key) * 2 + 2, 4)
leaves.insert(i, (key, value))
def __len__(self):
return len(self._name_leaves) + len(self._id_leaves)
def __iter__(self):
keys = []
for name, leaf in self._name_leaves:
for id, leaf in self._id_leaves:
return iter(keys)
def items(self):
return self._name_leaves + self._id_leaves
def count_resources(self):
"""Counts all of the resources."""
count = 0
for key, leaf in self._name_leaves + self._id_leaves:
if isinstance(leaf, ResourceTable):
count += leaf.count_resources()
count += 1
return count
def get_nested_tables(self):
"""Returns all tables in this table and subtables."""
# First we yield child tables, then nested tables. This is the
# order in which pack_into assumes the tables will be written.
for key, leaf in self._name_leaves + self._id_leaves:
if isinstance(leaf, ResourceTable):
yield leaf
for key, leaf in self._name_leaves + self._id_leaves:
if isinstance(leaf, ResourceTable):
for table in leaf.get_nested_tables():
yield table
def pack_header(self, data, offs):
self._header.pack_into(data, offs, self.flags, self.timdat,
self.version[0], self.version[1],
len(self._name_leaves), len(self._id_leaves))
def unpack_from(self, mem, addr=0, offs=0):
start = addr + offs
self.flags, self.timdat, majver, minver, nnames, nids = \
self.version = (majver, minver)
start += 16
# Subtables/entries specified by string name.
self._name_leaves = []
for i in range(nnames):
name_p, data = unpack('<II', mem[start:start+8])
if name_p & 0x80000000:
name = _unpack_wstring(mem, addr + (name_p & 0x7fffffff))
# Not sure what to do with this; I don't have a file with this.
name = str(name_p)
if data & 0x80000000:
entry = ResourceTable(self._ident + (name,))
entry.unpack_from(mem, addr, data & 0x7fffffff)
entry = self._unpack_data_entry(mem, addr + data, ident=self._ident+(name,))
self._descs_size += 16
self._name_leaves.append((name, entry))
self._strings_size += _padded(len(name) * 2 + 2, 4)
start += 8
# Subtables/entries specified by integer ID.
self._id_leaves = []
for i in range(nids):
id, data = unpack('<II', mem[start:start+8])
if data & 0x80000000:
entry = ResourceTable(self._ident + (id,))
entry.unpack_from(mem, addr, data & 0x7fffffff)
entry = self._unpack_data_entry(mem, addr + data, ident=self._ident+(id,))
self._descs_size += 16
self._id_leaves.append((id, entry))
start += 8
def _unpack_data_entry(self, mem, addr, ident):
rva, size, code_page = unpack('<III', mem[addr:addr+12])
type, name, lang = ident
#print("%s/%s/%s: %s [%s]" % (type, name, lang, size, code_page))
data = mem[rva:rva+size]
if type == VersionInfoResource.type:
entry = VersionInfoResource()
elif type == IconGroupResource.type:
entry = IconGroupResource()
entry = DataResource()
entry.data = data
entry.code_page = code_page
class PEFile(object):
imports = ()
def open(self, fn, mode='r'):
if 'b' not in mode:
mode += 'b'
self.fp = open(fn, mode)
def close(self):
def read(self, fp):
""" Reads a PE file from the given file object, which must be opened
in binary mode. """
# Read position of header.
offset, = unpack('<I', fp.read(4))
if fp.read(4) != b'PE\0\0':
raise ValueError("Invalid PE file.")
# Read the COFF header.
self.machine, nscns, timdat, symptr, nsyms, opthdr, flags = \
unpack('<HHIIIHH', fp.read(20))
if nscns == 0:
raise ValueError("No sections found.")
if not opthdr:
raise ValueError("No opthdr found.")
# Read part of the opthdr.
magic, self.code_size, self.initialized_size, self.uninitialized_size = \
unpack('<HxxIII', fp.read(16))
# Read alignments.
fp.seek(16, 1)
self.section_alignment, self.file_alignment = unpack('<II', fp.read(8))
# Read header/image sizes.
fp.seek(16, 1)
self.image_size, self.header_size = unpack('<II', fp.read(8))
if magic == 0x010b: # 32-bit.
fp.seek(28, 1)
elif magic == 0x20B: # 64-bit.
fp.seek(44, 1)
raise ValueError("unknown type 0x%x" % (magic))
self.rva_offset = fp.tell()
numrvas, = unpack('<I', fp.read(4))
self.exp_rva = RVASize(0, 0)
self.imp_rva = RVASize(0, 0)
self.res_rva = RVASize(0, 0)
# Locate the relevant tables in memory.
if numrvas >= 1:
self.exp_rva = RVASize(*unpack('<II', fp.read(8)))
if numrvas >= 2:
self.imp_rva = RVASize(*unpack('<II', fp.read(8)))
if numrvas >= 3:
self.res_rva = RVASize(*unpack('<II', fp.read(8)))
# Skip the rest of the tables.
if numrvas >= 4:
fp.seek((numrvas - 3) * 8, 1)
# Loop through the sections to find the ones containing our tables.
self.sections = []
for i in range(nscns):
section = Section()
# Read the sections into some kind of virtual memory.
self.vmem = bytearray(self.sections[-1].vaddr + self.sections[-1].size)
memview = memoryview(self.vmem)
for section in self.sections:
# Read the import table.
start = self.imp_rva.addr
dir = impdirtab(*unpack('<IIIII', self.vmem[start:start+20]))
imports = []
while dir.name and dir.lookup:
name = _unpack_zstring(self.vmem, dir.name)
start += 20
dir = impdirtab(*unpack('<IIIII', self.vmem[start:start+20]))
# Make it a tuple to indicate we don't support modifying it for now.
self.imports = tuple(imports)
# Read the resource tables from the .rsrc section.
self.resources = ResourceTable()
if self.res_rva.addr and self.res_rva.size:
self.resources.unpack_from(self.vmem, self.res_rva.addr)
def get_export_address(self, symbol_name):
""" Finds the virtual address for a named export symbol. """
if isinstance(symbol_name, bytes):
symbol_name = symbol_name.decode('ascii')
start = self.exp_rva.addr
expdir = expdirtab(*unpack('<IIHHIIIIIII', self.vmem[start:start+40]))
if expdir.nnames == 0 or expdir.ordinals == 0 or expdir.names == 0:
return None
nptr = expdir.names
optr = expdir.ordinals
for i in range(expdir.nnames):
name_rva, = unpack('<I', self.vmem[nptr:nptr+4])
ordinal, = unpack('<H', self.vmem[optr:optr+2])
if name_rva != 0:
name = _unpack_zstring(self.vmem, name_rva)
if name == symbol_name:
assert ordinal >= 0 and ordinal < expdir.nentries
start = expdir.entries + 4 * ordinal
addr, = unpack('<I', self.vmem[start:start+4])
return addr
nptr += 4
optr += 2
def get_address_offset(self, addr):
""" Turns an address into a offset relative to the file beginning. """
section = self.get_address_section(addr)
if section is not None:
return (addr - section.vaddr) + section.offset
def get_address_section(self, addr):
""" Returns the section that this virtual address belongs to. """
for section in self.sections:
if addr >= section.vaddr and addr < section.vaddr + section.size:
return section
def add_icon(self, icon, ordinal=2):
""" Adds an icon resource from the given Icon object. Requires
calling add_resource_section() afterwards. """
group = IconGroupResource()
self.resources[group.type][ordinal][1033] = group
images = sorted(icon.images.items(), key=lambda x:-x[0])
id = 1
# Write 8-bpp image headers for sizes under 256x256.
for size, image in images:
if size >= 256:
xorsize = size
if xorsize % 4 != 0:
xorsize += 4 - (xorsize % 4)
andsize = (size + 7) >> 3
if andsize % 4 != 0:
andsize += 4 - (andsize % 4)
datasize = 40 + 256 * 4 + (xorsize + andsize) * size
group.add_icon(size, size, 1, 8, datasize, id)
buf = BytesIO()
icon._write_bitmap(buf, image, size, 8)
res = DataResource()
res.data = buf.getvalue()
self.resources[3][id][1033] = res
id += 1
# And now the 24/32 bpp versions.
for size, image in images:
if size > 256:
# Calculate the size so we can write the offset within the file.
if image.hasAlpha():
bpp = 32
xorsize = size * 4
bpp = 24
xorsize = size * 3 + (-(size * 3) & 3)
andsize = (size + 7) >> 3
if andsize % 4 != 0:
andsize += 4 - (andsize % 4)
datasize = 40 + (xorsize + andsize) * size
buf = BytesIO()
icon._write_bitmap(buf, image, size, bpp)
res = DataResource()
res.data = buf.getvalue()
self.resources[3][id][1033] = res
group.add_icon(size, size, 1, bpp, datasize, id)
id += 1
def add_section(self, name, flags, data):
""" Adds a new section with the given name, flags and data. The
virtual address space is automatically resized to fit the new data.
Returns the newly created Section object. """
if isinstance(name, unicode):
name = name.encode('ascii')
section = Section()
section.name = name
section.flags = flags
# Put it at the end of all the other sections.
section.offset = 0
for s in self.sections:
section.offset = max(section.offset, s.offset + s.size)
# Align the offset.
section.offset = _padded(section.offset, self.file_alignment)
# Find a place to put it in the virtual address space.
section.vaddr = len(self.vmem)
align = section.vaddr % self.section_alignment
if align:
pad = self.section_alignment - align
self.vmem += bytearray(pad)
section.vaddr += pad
section.vsize = len(data)
section.size = _padded(section.vsize, self.file_alignment)
self.vmem += data
# Update the size tallies from the opthdr.
self.image_size += _padded(section.vsize, self.section_alignment)
if flags & 0x20:
self.code_size += section.size
if flags & 0x40:
self.initialized_size += section.size
if flags & 0x80:
self.uninitialized_size += section.size
return section
def add_version_info(self, file_ver, product_ver, data, lang=1033, codepage=1200):
""" Adds a version info resource to the file. """
if "FileVersion" not in data:
data["FileVersion"] = '.'.join(file_ver)
if "ProductVersion" not in data:
data["ProductVersion"] = '.'.join(product_ver)
assert len(file_ver) == 4
assert len(product_ver) == 4
res = VersionInfoResource()
res.file_version = file_ver
res.product_version = product_ver
res.string_info = {
"%04x%04x" % (lang, codepage): data
res.var_info = {
"Translation": bytearray(pack("<HH", lang, codepage))
self.resources[16][1][lang] = res
def add_resource_section(self):
""" Adds a resource section to the file containing the resources that
were previously added via add_icon et al. Assumes the file does not
contain a resource section yet. """
# Calculate how much space to reserve.
tables = [self.resources] + list(self.resources.get_nested_tables())
table_size = 0
string_size = 0
desc_size = 16 * self.resources.count_resources()
for table in tables:
table._offset = table_size
table_size += 16 + 8 * len(table)
string_size += table._strings_size
desc_size += table._descs_size
# Now write the actual data.
tbl_offs = 0
str_offs = table_size
desc_offs = str_offs + string_size
data_offs = desc_offs + desc_size
data = bytearray(data_offs)
data_addr = _padded(len(self.vmem), self.section_alignment) + data_offs
for table in tables:
table.pack_header(data, tbl_offs)
tbl_offs += 16
for name, leaf in table._name_leaves:
if isinstance(leaf, ResourceTable):
pack_into('<II', data, tbl_offs, str_offs | 0x80000000, leaf._offset | 0x80000000)
pack_into('<II', data, tbl_offs, str_offs | 0x80000000, desc_offs)
resdata = leaf.get_data()
pack_into('<IIII', data, desc_offs, data_addr, len(resdata), leaf.code_page, 0)
data += resdata
desc_offs += 16
data_addr += len(resdata)
align = len(resdata) & 3
if align:
data += bytearray(4 - align)
data_addr += 4 - align
tbl_offs += 8
# Pack the name into the string table.
pack_into('<H', data, str_offs, len(name))
str_offs += 2
for c in name:
pack_into('<H', data, str_offs, ord(c))
str_offs += 2
str_offs = _padded(str_offs, 4)
for id, leaf in table._id_leaves:
if isinstance(leaf, ResourceTable):
pack_into('<II', data, tbl_offs, id, leaf._offset | 0x80000000)
pack_into('<II', data, tbl_offs, id, desc_offs)
resdata = leaf.get_data()
pack_into('<IIII', data, desc_offs, data_addr, len(resdata), leaf.code_page, 0)
data += resdata
desc_offs += 16
data_addr += len(resdata)
align = len(resdata) & 3
if align:
data += bytearray(4 - align)
data_addr += 4 - align
tbl_offs += 8
flags = 0x40000040 # readable, contains initialized data
section = self.add_section('.rsrc', flags, data)
self.res_rva = RVASize(section.vaddr, section.vsize)
def write_changes(self):
""" Assuming the file was opened in read-write mode, writes back the
changes made via this class to the .exe file. """
fp = self.fp
# Read position of header.
offset, = unpack('<I', fp.read(4))
if fp.read(4) != b'PE\0\0':
raise ValueError("Invalid PE file.")
# Sync read/write pointer. Necessary before write. Bug in Python?
# Rewrite the first part of the COFF header.
timdat = int(time.time())
fp.write(pack('<HHI', self.machine, len(self.sections), timdat))
# Write calculated init and uninitialised sizes to the opthdr.
fp.seek(16, 1)
fp.write(pack('<III', self.code_size, self.initialized_size, self.uninitialized_size))
# Same for the image and header size.
fp.seek(40, 1)
fp.write(pack('<II', self.image_size, self.header_size))
# Write the modified RVA table.
numrvas, = unpack('<I', fp.read(4))
assert numrvas >= 3
fp.seek(self.rva_offset + 4)
if numrvas >= 1:
fp.write(pack('<II', *self.exp_rva))
if numrvas >= 2:
fp.write(pack('<II', *self.imp_rva))
if numrvas >= 3:
fp.write(pack('<II', *self.res_rva))
# Skip the rest of the tables.
if numrvas >= 4:
fp.seek((numrvas - 3) * 8, 1)
# Write the modified section headers.
for section in self.sections:
assert fp.tell() <= self.header_size
# Write the section data of modified sections.
for section in self.sections:
if not section.modified:
size = min(section.vsize, section.size)
pad = section.size - size
assert pad >= 0
if pad > 0:
section.modified = False