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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file hermiteCurve.h
* @author drose
* @date 1998-02-27
#include "piecewiseCurve.h"
#include "cubicCurveseg.h"
// Hermite curve continuity types.
#define HC_CUT 1
// The curve is disconnected at this point. All points between this and the
// following CV are not part of the curve.
#define HC_FREE 2
// Tangents are unconstrained. The curve is continuous, but its first
// derivative is not. This is G0 geometric continuity.
#define HC_G1 3
// Tangents are constrained to be collinear. The curve's derivative is not
// continuous in parametric space, but its geometric slope is. The
// distinction is mainly relevant in the context of animation along the curve
// --when crossing the join point, direction of motion will change
// continuously, but the speed of motion may change suddenly. This is G1
// geometric continuity.
#define HC_SMOOTH 4
// Tangents are constrained to be identical. The curve and its first
// derivative are continuous in parametric space. When animating motion
// across the join point, speed and direction of motion will change
// continuously. This is C1 parametric continuity.
* A single CV of a Hermite curve. Hermite curve CV's include an in and out
* tangent, as well as a position.
HermiteCurveCV(const HermiteCurveCV &c);
void set_point(const LVecBase3 &point) { _p = point; }
void set_in(const LVecBase3 &in);
void set_out(const LVecBase3 &out);
void set_type(int type);
void set_name(const std::string &name);
void format_egg(std::ostream &out, int indent, int num_dimensions,
bool show_in, bool show_out,
PN_stdfloat scale_in, PN_stdfloat scale_out) const;
void write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &me) const;
void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager);
LVecBase3 _p, _in, _out;
int _type;
std::string _name;
* A parametric curve defined by a sequence of control vertices, each with an
* in and out tangent.
* This class is actually implemented as a PiecewiseCurve made up of several
* CubicCurvesegs, each of which is created using the hermite_basis() method.
* The HermiteCurve class itself keeps its own list of the CV's that are used
* to define the curve (since the CubicCurveseg class doesn't retain these).
class EXPCL_PANDA_PARAMETRICS HermiteCurve : public PiecewiseCurve {
HermiteCurve(const ParametricCurve &pc);
virtual ~HermiteCurve();
int get_num_cvs() const;
int insert_cv(PN_stdfloat t);
int append_cv(int type, PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z);
inline int append_cv(int type, const LVecBase3 &v) {
return append_cv(type, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
bool remove_cv(int n);
void remove_all_cvs();
bool set_cv_type(int n, int type);
bool set_cv_point(int n, PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z);
inline bool set_cv_point(int n, const LVecBase3 &v) {
return set_cv_point(n, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
bool set_cv_in(int n, PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z);
inline bool set_cv_in(int n, const LVecBase3 &v) {
return set_cv_in(n, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
bool set_cv_out(int n, PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z);
inline bool set_cv_out(int n, const LVecBase3 &v) {
return set_cv_out(n, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
bool set_cv_tstart(int n, PN_stdfloat tstart);
bool set_cv_name(int n, const char *name);
int get_cv_type(int n) const;
const LVecBase3 &get_cv_point(int n) const;
void get_cv_point(int n, LVecBase3 &v) const;
const LVecBase3 &get_cv_in(int n) const;
void get_cv_in(int n, LVecBase3 &v) const;
const LVecBase3 &get_cv_out(int n) const;
void get_cv_out(int n, LVecBase3 &v) const;
PN_stdfloat get_cv_tstart(int n) const;
std::string get_cv_name(int n) const;
virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const;
void write_cv(std::ostream &out, int n) const;
CubicCurveseg *get_curveseg(int ti) {
return (CubicCurveseg *)PiecewiseCurve::get_curveseg(ti);
virtual bool
rebuild_curveseg(int rtype0, PN_stdfloat t0, const LVecBase4 &v0,
int rtype1, PN_stdfloat t1, const LVecBase4 &v1,
int rtype2, PN_stdfloat t2, const LVecBase4 &v2,
int rtype3, PN_stdfloat t3, const LVecBase4 &v3);
virtual bool format_egg(std::ostream &out, const std::string &name,
const std::string &curve_type, int indent_level) const;
void invalidate_cv(int n, bool redo_all);
int find_cv(PN_stdfloat t);
void recompute_basis();
pvector<HermiteCurveCV> _points;
// TypedWritable stuff
static void register_with_read_factory();
static TypedWritable *make_HermiteCurve(const FactoryParams &params);
virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &me);
void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager);
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "HermiteCurve",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;