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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
// EEExplorer
// simple shell-like tool for formatting/reading/writing contents of EEProm
// Scott Lawrence - yorgle@gmail.com
// 2013-Mar-01 v002 Added Poke, smarter Print
// 2013-Feb-18 v001 Initial basic version
#include <EEPROM.h>
// kLED - the pin that the indicator LED is connected to.
#define kLED 13
// setup
// set up our ports and Serial IO
void setup()
pinMode( kLED, OUTPUT );
digitalWrite( kLED, LOW );
Serial.begin( 9600 );
while( !Serial ); // Leonardo
digitalWrite( kLED, HIGH );
// serialAbout
// displays information about EEExplorer and help/commands
void serialAbout( void )
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.println( "EEExplorer v002 Scott Lawrence yorgle@gmail.com" );
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.print( " Flash size: " ); Serial.print( (unsigned) FLASHEND +1 ); Serial.println( " bytes" );
Serial.print( " RAM size: " ); Serial.print( RAMEND +1 ); Serial.println( " bytes" );
Serial.print( "EEProm size: " ); Serial.print( E2END +1 ); Serial.println( " bytes" );
Serial.println( " " );
Serial.println( "Commands:" );
Serial.println( " format clear the EEProm" );
Serial.println( " dump hex dump of the EEProm" );
Serial.println( " print text dump of the EEProm" );
Serial.println( " record erase EEProm until '.', buffer fill or reset" );
Serial.println( " poke A D poke value D into address a (decimal values)" );
// getSerialLine
// gets a line (terminated by \n newline) from the serial port
// stores it in the buffer pointed to by "buf"
// "buf" is a maximum of "maxbuf" bytes
// if echoback is true, it will also print stuff out as it gets it
void getSerialLine( char * buf, int maxbuf, boolean echoback )
int chp = 0;
// read a line or so into our buffer
do {
buf[chp] = Serial.read();
if( echoback ) Serial.write( buf[chp]);
} while( Serial.available()
&& buf[chp-1] != '\n'
&& chp < maxbuf );
// terminate the buffer
buf[chp] = '\0';
// strip newline
if( chp > 0 && buf[ chp-1 ] == '\n' ) buf[chp-1] = '\0';
if( echoback ) Serial.println( "" );
// formatEE
// formats the EEprom
// writes 0x00 to all bytes
void formatEE( void )
Serial.print( "Formatting EEPROM..." );
for( int i=0 ; i<=E2END ; i++ )
EEPROM.write( i, 0x00 );
digitalWrite( kLED, i & 0x020 );
Serial.println( "...DONE!" );
// hexdump
// hexdump to serial the first 16 bytes passed in
// helper function for dumpEE below
void hexdump( unsigned char *buf ) /* implied 16 byte buffer */
int i;
char s[16];
// A. hex bytes
for( i=0 ; i<16 ; i++ ) {
sprintf( s, "%02x ", buf[i] & 0x0ff );
Serial.print( s );
if( i==7 ) Serial.print( " " );
Serial.print( " " );
s[1] = '\0';
for( i=0 ; i<16 ; i++ ) {
if( buf[i] >=0x20 && buf[i] <= 0x7e ) {
s[0] = buf[i];
Serial.print( s );
} else {
Serial.print( "." );
if( i==7 ) Serial.print( " " );
// dumpEE
// Do a hex dump of the entire EEProm
void dumpEE( void )
long offset = 0;
char buf2[16];
unsigned char buf[32];
Serial.println( " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F" );
for( offset = 0 ; offset < E2END ; offset += 16 )
sprintf( buf2, "%04x ", offset );
Serial.print( buf2 );
for( int b=0 ; b<16 ; b++ )
buf[b] = EEPROM.read( offset + b );
hexdump( buf );
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.print( E2END + 1 );
Serial.println( " bytes." );
// printEE
// print out the contents, as-is, printable or not
// ends when it hits a null or the end of data
void printEE( void )
char buf[3];
buf[0] = 'X';
buf[1] = '\0';
Serial.println( "------------------" );
for( int i=0 ; (i<=E2END) && (buf[0] != '\0') ; i++ )
buf[0] = EEPROM.read( i );
if( buf[0] == '\0' ) continue;
if( buf[0] ) Serial.print( buf );
Serial.println( "------------------" );
#define kLineBuf 80
char linebuf[ kLineBuf ];
// recordEE
// take input and store it right into the EEProm
// end when we get a line with just a "."
// will also end if the user hits the reset button on the device
void recordEE( void )
digitalWrite( kLED, HIGH );
Serial.println( "Recording lines of text to EEProm." );
Serial.println( "End with '.' starting a line.");
int nbytes = 0;
boolean done = false;
do {
while( !Serial.available() );
delay( 100 );
getSerialLine( linebuf, kLineBuf, true );
if( linebuf[0] == '.' )
done = true;
//Serial.print( "<." );
for( int c=0 ; c<kLineBuf && linebuf[c] != '\0' && nbytes < E2END; c++ )
EEPROM.write( nbytes++, linebuf[c] );
EEPROM.write( nbytes++, '\n' );
//Serial.println( ".>" );
if( nbytes >= E2END ) {
Serial.println( "EEProm space overflow." );
done = true;
} while( !done );
Serial.print( nbytes, DEC );
Serial.println( " recorded to EEPROM." );
void pokeEE( char * buf )
char * addrstr = buf;
while( *buf != '\0' && *buf != ' ' ) buf++;
*buf = '\0';
char * datastr = buf;
if( addrstr[0] == '\0' || datastr[0] == '\0' )
Serial.println( "Specify address and data." );
int addr = atoi( addrstr );
int data = atoi( datastr );
Serial.print( "Poking data (" );
Serial.print( data, DEC );
Serial.print( ") into address (0x" );
Serial.print( addr, HEX );
Serial.println( ")." );
EEPROM.write( addr, data );
void handleSerial()
int chp = 0;
// wait 0.1 seconds to make sure we get a full line
delay( 100 );
// read a line in
getSerialLine( linebuf, kLineBuf, true );
// command valve
if( !strcmp( linebuf, "?" )) serialAbout();
else if( !strcmp( linebuf, "format" )) formatEE();
else if( !strcmp( linebuf, "dump" )) dumpEE();
else if( !strcmp( linebuf, "print" )) printEE();
else if( !strcmp( linebuf, "record" )) recordEE();
else {
// hack for now...
linebuf[4] = '\0';
if( !strcmp( linebuf, "poke" )) pokeEE( &linebuf[5] );
else {
// wut? print out help.
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.println( "Unknown command. '?' for help." );
// draw the prompt
Serial.println( "" );
Serial.print( "> " );
void loop()
// if there's serial, let's handle it...
if( Serial.available() ) {
// slow pulse on idle...
digitalWrite( kLED, (millis() & 0x0200)? HIGH:LOW );