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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file glGraphicsBuffer_src.h
* @author jyelon
* @date 2006-01-15
* @author kleonard
* @date 2007-06-27
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "graphicsBuffer.h"
* An offscreen render buffer.
* The glGraphicsBuffer is based on the OpenGL EXT_framebuffer_object and
* ARB_draw_buffers extensions. This design has significant advantages over
* the older wglGraphicsBuffer and glxGraphicsBuffer:
* * Can export depth and stencil. * Supports auxiliary bitplanes. *
* Supports non-power-of-two padding. * Supports tracking of host window
* size. * Supports cumulative render-to-texture. * Faster than pbuffers. *
* Can render onto a texture without clearing it first. * Supports
* multisample antialiased rendering.
* Some of these deserve a little explanation. Auxiliary bitplanes are
* additional bitplanes above and beyond the normal depth,stencil,color. One
* can use them to render out multiple textures in a single pass. Cumulative
* render-to-texture means that if don't clear the buffer, then the contents
* of the buffer will be equal to the texture's previous contents. This alo
* means you can meaningfully share a bitplane between two buffers by binding
* the same texture to both buffers.
* If either of the necessary OpenGL extensions is not available, then the
* glGraphicsBuffer will not be available (although it may still be possible
* to create a wglGraphicsBuffer or glxGraphicsBuffer).
* This class now also uses the extensions EXT_framebuffer_multisample and
* EXT_framebuffer_blit to allow for multisample antialiasing these offscreen
* render targets. If these extensions are unavailable the buffer will render
* as if multisamples is 0.
class EXPCL_GL CLP(GraphicsBuffer) : public GraphicsBuffer {
CLP(GraphicsBuffer)(GraphicsEngine *engine, GraphicsPipe *pipe,
const std::string &name,
const FrameBufferProperties &fb_prop,
const WindowProperties &win_prop,
int flags,
GraphicsStateGuardian *gsg,
GraphicsOutput *host);
virtual ~CLP(GraphicsBuffer)();
#ifndef OPENGLES
virtual void clear(Thread *current_thread);
virtual bool begin_frame(FrameMode mode, Thread *current_thread);
virtual void end_frame(FrameMode mode, Thread *current_thread);
virtual void set_size(int x, int y);
virtual void select_target_tex_page(int page);
virtual bool share_depth_buffer(GraphicsOutput *graphics_output);
virtual void unshare_depth_buffer();
virtual bool get_supports_render_texture() const;
void register_shared_depth_buffer(GraphicsOutput *graphics_output);
void unregister_shared_depth_buffer(GraphicsOutput *graphics_output);
virtual GraphicsOutput *get_host();
virtual void close_buffer();
virtual bool open_buffer();
void check_host_valid();
void report_my_errors(int line, const char *file);
void bind_slot(int layer, bool rb_resize, Texture **attach,
RenderTexturePlane plane, GLenum attachpoint);
void bind_slot_multisample(bool rb_resize, Texture **attach,
RenderTexturePlane plane, GLenum attachpoint);
void attach_tex(int layer, int view, Texture *attach, GLenum attachpoint);
bool check_fbo();
void generate_mipmaps();
void rebuild_bitplanes();
void resolve_multisamples();
// We create one FBO for each cube map face we'll be rendering to. If we
// aren't rendering to any cube maps, we use only _fbo[0].
pvector<GLuint> _fbo;
// For multisample we render first to a multisample buffer, then filter it
// to _fbo[face] at the end of the frame.
GLuint _fbo_multisample;
int _requested_multisamples;
int _requested_coverage_samples;
bool _use_depth_stencil;
bool _have_any_color;
int _rb_size_x;
int _rb_size_y;
int _rb_size_z;
// Stores the render buffers for each plane. _rbm stores the multisample
// renderbuffers.
GLuint _rb[RTP_COUNT];
GLuint _rbm[RTP_COUNT];
// For memory tracking of renderbuffers.
BufferContext *_rb_context;
size_t _rb_data_size_bytes;
// List of textures for which we might have to generate mipmaps after
// rendering one frame.
typedef pvector<CLP(TextureContext)*> TextureContexts;
TextureContexts _texture_contexts;
// The cube map face we are currently drawing to or have just finished
// drawing to, or -1 if we are not drawing to a cube map.
int _bound_tex_page;
bool _initial_clear;
bool _needs_rebuild;
UpdateSeq _last_textures_seq;
CLP(GraphicsBuffer) *_shared_depth_buffer;
std::list <CLP(GraphicsBuffer) *> _shared_depth_buffer_list;
PStatCollector _bind_texture_pcollector;
PStatCollector _generate_mipmap_pcollector;
PStatCollector _resolve_multisample_pcollector;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, CLASSPREFIX_QUOTED "GraphicsBuffer",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
INLINE int get_multisample_count();
INLINE int get_coverage_sample_count();
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
friend class CLP(GraphicsStateGuardian);
#include "glGraphicsBuffer_src.I"