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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
3 3
10 libp3putil 4 xqRv 12 panda3d.core
953 5 clear 0 4 1898 56 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > >::clear 0 1 14 0
inline void PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > >::clear(void);
954 6 output 0 4 1898 57 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > >::output 0 1 15 0
void PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
955 19 ~PointerToArrayBase 0 4 1897 49 PointerToArrayBase< ushort >::~PointerToArrayBase 0 0 0
inline PointerToArrayBase< ushort >::~PointerToArrayBase(void);
956 19 ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1896 50 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::ConstPointerToArray 0 2 1 2 0
inline ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::ConstPointerToArray(PointerToArray< ushort > const &copy);
inline ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::ConstPointerToArray(ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const &copy);
957 5 clear 0 4 1896 36 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::clear 0 1 3 0
inline void ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::clear(void);
958 4 size 0 4 1896 35 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::size 0 1 4 0
inline unsigned long long int ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::size(void) const;
959 11 get_element 0 4 1896 42 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_element 0 1 5 0
inline ushort const &ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_element(unsigned long long int n) const;
960 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1896 42 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__getitem__ 0 1 6 0
ushort const &ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__getitem__(unsigned long long int n) const;
961 8 get_data 0 4 1896 39 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_data 0 1 7 0
PyObject *ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_data(void) const;
962 11 get_subdata 0 4 1896 42 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_subdata 0 1 8 0
PyObject *ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_subdata(unsigned long long int n, unsigned long long int count) const;
963 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1896 44 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_ref_count 0 1 9 0
inline int ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_ref_count(void) const;
964 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1896 49 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 10 0
inline int ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::get_node_ref_count(void) const;
965 5 count 0 4 1896 36 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::count 0 1 11 0
inline unsigned long long int ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::count(ushort const &) const;
966 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1896 44 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 12 0
int ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) const;
967 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1896 48 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 13 0
void ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const;
968 20 ~ConstPointerToArray 0 4 1896 51 ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::~ConstPointerToArray 0 0 0
ConstPointerToArray< ushort >::~ConstPointerToArray(void);
969 14 PointerToArray 0 4 1900 40 PointerToArray< ushort >::PointerToArray 0 3 16 17 18 0
inline PointerToArray< ushort >::PointerToArray(TypeHandle type_handle = (::_get_type_handle((ushort const *)(0))));
inline PointerToArray< ushort >::PointerToArray(PointerToArray< ushort > const &copy);
PointerToArray< ushort >::PointerToArray(PyObject *self, PyObject *source);
970 11 empty_array 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::empty_array 0 1 19 0
static inline PointerToArray< ushort > PointerToArray< ushort >::empty_array(unsigned long long int n, TypeHandle type_handle = (::_get_type_handle((ushort const *)(0))));
971 5 clear 0 4 1900 31 PointerToArray< ushort >::clear 0 1 20 0
inline void PointerToArray< ushort >::clear(void);
972 4 size 0 4 1900 30 PointerToArray< ushort >::size 0 1 21 0
inline unsigned long long int PointerToArray< ushort >::size(void) const;
973 9 push_back 0 4 1900 35 PointerToArray< ushort >::push_back 0 1 22 0
inline void PointerToArray< ushort >::push_back(ushort const &x);
974 8 pop_back 0 4 1900 34 PointerToArray< ushort >::pop_back 0 1 23 0
inline void PointerToArray< ushort >::pop_back(void);
975 11 get_element 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::get_element 0 1 24 0
inline ushort const &PointerToArray< ushort >::get_element(unsigned long long int n) const;
976 11 set_element 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::set_element 0 1 25 0
inline void PointerToArray< ushort >::set_element(unsigned long long int n, ushort const &value);
977 11 __getitem__ 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::__getitem__ 0 1 26 0
ushort const &PointerToArray< ushort >::__getitem__(unsigned long long int n) const;
978 11 __setitem__ 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::__setitem__ 0 1 27 0
void PointerToArray< ushort >::__setitem__(unsigned long long int n, ushort const &value);
979 8 get_data 0 4 1900 34 PointerToArray< ushort >::get_data 0 1 28 0
PyObject *PointerToArray< ushort >::get_data(void) const;
980 8 set_data 0 4 1900 34 PointerToArray< ushort >::set_data 0 1 29 0
void PointerToArray< ushort >::set_data(PyObject *data);
981 11 get_subdata 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::get_subdata 0 1 30 0
PyObject *PointerToArray< ushort >::get_subdata(unsigned long long int n, unsigned long long int count) const;
982 11 set_subdata 0 4 1900 37 PointerToArray< ushort >::set_subdata 0 1 31 0
inline void PointerToArray< ushort >::set_subdata(unsigned long long int n, unsigned long long int count, std::basic_string< char > const &data);
983 13 get_ref_count 0 4 1900 39 PointerToArray< ushort >::get_ref_count 0 1 32 0
inline int PointerToArray< ushort >::get_ref_count(void) const;
984 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1900 44 PointerToArray< ushort >::get_node_ref_count 0 1 33 0
inline int PointerToArray< ushort >::get_node_ref_count(void) const;
985 5 count 0 4 1900 31 PointerToArray< ushort >::count 0 1 34 0
inline unsigned long long int PointerToArray< ushort >::count(ushort const &) const;
986 13 __getbuffer__ 0 4 1900 39 PointerToArray< ushort >::__getbuffer__ 0 1 35 0
int PointerToArray< ushort >::__getbuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags);
987 17 __releasebuffer__ 0 4 1900 43 PointerToArray< ushort >::__releasebuffer__ 0 1 36 0
void PointerToArray< ushort >::__releasebuffer__(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) const;
988 15 ~PointerToArray 0 4 1900 41 PointerToArray< ushort >::~PointerToArray 0 0 0
PointerToArray< ushort >::~PointerToArray(void);
989 14 ~AnimInterface 0 6 1901 29 AnimInterface::~AnimInterface 0 0 10
virtual AnimInterface::~AnimInterface(void);
990 4 play 0 4 1901 19 AnimInterface::play 0 2 37 38 477
* Runs the entire animation from beginning to end and stops.
* Runs the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* at which point the animation is stopped. Both "from" and "to" frame
* numbers may be outside the range (0, get_num_frames()) and the animation
* will follow the range correctly, reporting numbers modulo get_num_frames().
* For instance, play(0, get_num_frames() * 2) will play the animation twice
* and then stop.
inline void AnimInterface::play(void);
inline void AnimInterface::play(double from, double to);
991 4 loop 0 4 1901 19 AnimInterface::loop 0 2 39 40 392
* Starts the entire animation looping. If restart is true, the animation is
* restarted from the beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current
* frame.
* Loops the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* indefinitely. If restart is true, the animation is restarted from the
* beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current frame.
inline void AnimInterface::loop(bool restart);
inline void AnimInterface::loop(bool restart, double from, double to);
992 8 pingpong 0 4 1901 23 AnimInterface::pingpong 0 2 41 42 369
* Starts the entire animation bouncing back and forth between its first frame
* and last frame. If restart is true, the animation is restarted from the
* beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current frame.
* Loops the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* and then back in the opposite direction, indefinitely.
inline void AnimInterface::pingpong(bool restart);
inline void AnimInterface::pingpong(bool restart, double from, double to);
993 4 stop 0 4 1901 19 AnimInterface::stop 0 1 43 130
* Stops a currently playing or looping animation right where it is. The
* animation remains posed at the current frame.
inline void AnimInterface::stop(void);
994 4 pose 0 4 1901 19 AnimInterface::pose 0 1 44 72
* Sets the animation to the indicated frame and holds it there.
inline void AnimInterface::pose(double frame);
995 13 set_play_rate 0 4 1901 28 AnimInterface::set_play_rate 0 1 45 243
* Changes the rate at which the animation plays. 1.0 is the normal speed,
* 2.0 is twice normal speed, and 0.5 is half normal speed. 0.0 is legal to
* pause the animation, and a negative value will play the animation
* backwards.
inline void AnimInterface::set_play_rate(double play_rate);
996 13 get_play_rate 0 4 1901 28 AnimInterface::get_play_rate 0 1 46 79
* Returns the rate at which the animation plays. See set_play_rate().
inline double AnimInterface::get_play_rate(void) const;
997 14 get_frame_rate 0 4 1901 29 AnimInterface::get_frame_rate 0 1 47 234
* Returns the native frame rate of the animation. This is the number of
* frames per second that will elapse when the play_rate is set to 1.0. It is
* a fixed property of the animation and may not be adjusted by the user.
inline double AnimInterface::get_frame_rate(void) const;
998 14 get_num_frames 0 6 1901 29 AnimInterface::get_num_frames 0 1 48 278
* Returns the number of frames in the animation. This is a property of the
* animation and may not be directly adjusted by the user (although it may
* change without warning with certain kinds of animations, since this is a
* virtual method that may be overridden).
virtual int AnimInterface::get_num_frames(void) const;
999 9 get_frame 0 4 1901 24 AnimInterface::get_frame 0 1 49 116
* Returns the current integer frame number. This number will be in the range
* 0 <= f < get_num_frames().
inline int AnimInterface::get_frame(void) const;
1000 14 get_next_frame 0 4 1901 29 AnimInterface::get_next_frame 0 1 50 330
* Returns the current integer frame number + 1, constrained to the range 0 <=
* f < get_num_frames().
* If the play mode is PM_play, this will clamp to the same value as
* get_frame() at the end of the animation. If the play mode is any other
* value, this will wrap around to frame 0 at the end of the animation.
inline int AnimInterface::get_next_frame(void) const;
1001 8 get_frac 0 4 1901 23 AnimInterface::get_frac 0 1 51 314
* Returns the fractional part of the current frame. Normally, this is in the
* range 0.0 <= f < 1.0, but in the one special case of an animation playing
* to its end frame and stopping, it might exactly equal 1.0.
* It will always be true that get_full_frame() + get_frac() ==
* get_full_fframe().
inline double AnimInterface::get_frac(void) const;
1002 14 get_full_frame 0 4 1901 29 AnimInterface::get_full_frame 0 1 52 372
* Returns the current integer frame number.
* Unlike the value returned by get_frame(), this frame number may extend
* beyond the range of get_num_frames() if the frame range passed to play(),
* loop(), etc. did.
* Unlike the value returned by get_full_fframe(), this return value will
* never exceed the value passed to to_frame in the play() method.
inline int AnimInterface::get_full_frame(void) const;
1003 15 get_full_fframe 0 4 1901 30 AnimInterface::get_full_fframe 0 1 53 490
* Returns the current floating-point frame number.
* Unlike the value returned by get_frame(), this frame number may extend
* beyond the range of get_num_frames() if the frame range passed to play(),
* loop(), etc. did.
* Unlike the value returned by get_full_frame(), this return value may equal
* (to_frame + 1.0), when the animation has played to its natural end.
* However, in this case the return value of get_full_frame() will be
* to_frame, not (to_frame + 1).
inline double AnimInterface::get_full_fframe(void) const;
1004 10 is_playing 0 4 1901 25 AnimInterface::is_playing 0 1 54 208
* Returns true if the animation is currently playing, false if it is stopped
* (e.g. because stop() or pose() was called, or because it reached the end
* of the animation after play() was called).
inline bool AnimInterface::is_playing(void) const;
1005 6 output 0 6 1901 21 AnimInterface::output 0 1 55 10
virtual void AnimInterface::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1006 14 get_class_type 0 4 1901 29 AnimInterface::get_class_type 0 1 56 0
static TypeHandle AnimInterface::get_class_type(void);
1007 9 UpdateSeq 0 4 1906 20 UpdateSeq::UpdateSeq 0 2 57 58 132
* Creates an UpdateSeq in the given state.
* Creates an UpdateSeq in the 'initial' state.
constexpr UpdateSeq::UpdateSeq(void);
inline UpdateSeq::UpdateSeq(UpdateSeq const &copy);
1008 7 initial 0 4 1906 18 UpdateSeq::initial 0 1 59 0
static constexpr UpdateSeq UpdateSeq::initial(void);
1009 3 old 0 4 1906 14 UpdateSeq::old 0 1 60 0
static constexpr UpdateSeq UpdateSeq::old(void);
1010 5 fresh 0 4 1906 16 UpdateSeq::fresh 0 1 61 0
static constexpr UpdateSeq UpdateSeq::fresh(void);
1011 10 operator = 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::operator = 0 1 62 10
inline void UpdateSeq::operator =(UpdateSeq const &copy);
1012 5 clear 0 4 1906 16 UpdateSeq::clear 0 1 63 55
* Resets the UpdateSeq to the 'initial' state.
inline void UpdateSeq::clear(void);
1013 10 is_initial 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::is_initial 0 1 64 67
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'initial' state.
inline bool UpdateSeq::is_initial(void) const;
1014 6 is_old 0 4 1906 17 UpdateSeq::is_old 0 1 65 63
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'old' state.
inline bool UpdateSeq::is_old(void) const;
1015 8 is_fresh 0 4 1906 19 UpdateSeq::is_fresh 0 1 66 65
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'fresh' state.
inline bool UpdateSeq::is_fresh(void) const;
1016 10 is_special 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::is_special 0 1 67 105
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in any special states, i.e. 'initial',
* 'old', or 'fresh'.
inline bool UpdateSeq::is_special(void) const;
1017 11 operator == 0 4 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator == 0 1 68 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator ==(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1018 11 operator != 0 4 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator != 0 1 69 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator !=(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1019 10 operator < 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::operator < 0 1 70 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator <(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1020 11 operator <= 0 4 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator <= 0 1 71 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator <=(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1021 10 operator > 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::operator > 0 1 72 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator >(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1022 11 operator >= 0 4 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator >= 0 1 73 0
inline bool UpdateSeq::operator >=(UpdateSeq const &other) const;
1023 11 operator ++ 0 68 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator ++ 0 1 74 0
inline UpdateSeq UpdateSeq::operator ++(void);
1024 11 operator ++ 0 4 1906 22 UpdateSeq::operator ++ 0 1 75 0
inline UpdateSeq UpdateSeq::operator ++(int );
1025 7 get_seq 0 4 1906 18 UpdateSeq::get_seq 0 1 76 107
* Returns the internal integer value associated with the UpdateSeq. Useful
* for debugging only.
inline AtomicAdjust::Integer UpdateSeq::get_seq(void) const;
1026 6 output 0 4 1906 17 UpdateSeq::output 0 1 77 10
inline void UpdateSeq::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1027 10 ~UpdateSeq 0 4 1906 21 UpdateSeq::~UpdateSeq 0 0 0
1028 6 fillin 0 6 1910 21 TypedWritable::fillin 0 1 78 308
* This internal function is intended to be called by each class's
* make_from_bam() method to read in all of the relevant data from the BamFile
* for the new object. It is also called directly by the BamReader to re-read
* the data for an object that has been placed on the stream for an update.
virtual void TypedWritable::fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager);
1029 17 mark_bam_modified 0 4 1910 32 TypedWritable::mark_bam_modified 0 1 79 345
* Increments the bam_modified counter, so that this object will be
* invalidated and retransmitted on any open bam streams. This should
* normally not need to be called by user code; it should be called internally
* when the object has been changed in a way that legitimately requires its
* retransmission to any connected clients.
inline void TypedWritable::mark_bam_modified(void);
1030 16 get_bam_modified 0 4 1910 31 TypedWritable::get_bam_modified 0 1 80 140
* Returns the current bam_modified counter. This counter is normally
* incremented automatically whenever the object is modified.
inline UpdateSeq TypedWritable::get_bam_modified(void) const;
1031 10 __reduce__ 0 4 1910 25 TypedWritable::__reduce__ 0 1 81 0
PyObject *TypedWritable::__reduce__(PyObject *self) const;
1032 18 __reduce_persist__ 0 4 1910 33 TypedWritable::__reduce_persist__ 0 1 82 0
PyObject *TypedWritable::__reduce_persist__(PyObject *self, PyObject *pickler) const;
1033 20 encode_to_bam_stream 0 4 1910 35 TypedWritable::encode_to_bam_stream 0 2 83 84 854
* Converts the TypedWritable object into a single stream of data using a
* BamWriter, and returns that data as a bytes object. Returns an empty bytes
* object on failure.
* This is a convenience method particularly useful for cases when you are
* only serializing a single object. If you have many objects to process, it
* is more efficient to use the same BamWriter to serialize all of them
* together.
* Converts the TypedWritable object into a single stream of data using a
* BamWriter, and stores that data in the indicated string. Returns true on
* success, false on failure.
* This is a convenience method particularly useful for cases when you are
* only serializing a single object. If you have many objects to process, it
* is more efficient to use the same BamWriter to serialize all of them
* together.
inline vector_uchar TypedWritable::encode_to_bam_stream(void) const;
bool TypedWritable::encode_to_bam_stream(vector_uchar &data, BamWriter *writer = nullptr) const;
1034 26 decode_raw_from_bam_stream 0 4 1910 41 TypedWritable::decode_raw_from_bam_stream 0 0 953
* Reads the bytes created by a previous call to encode_to_bam_stream(), and
* extracts the single object on those bytes. Returns true on success, false
* on error.
* This variant sets the TypedWritable and ReferenceCount pointers separately;
* both are pointers to the same object. The reference count is not
* incremented; it is the caller's responsibility to manage the reference
* count.
* Note that this method cannot be used to retrieve objects that do not
* inherit from ReferenceCount, because these objects cannot persist beyond
* the lifetime of the BamReader that reads them. To retrieve these objects
* from a bam stream, you must construct a BamReader directly.
* If you happen to know that the particular object in question inherits from
* TypedWritableReferenceCount or PandaNode, consider calling the variant of
* decode_from_bam_stream() defined for those methods, which presents a
* simpler interface.
static bool TypedWritable::decode_raw_from_bam_stream(TypedWritable *&ptr, ReferenceCount *&ref_ptr, vector_uchar data, BamReader *reader = nullptr);
1035 14 get_class_type 0 4 1910 29 TypedWritable::get_class_type 0 1 85 0
static TypeHandle TypedWritable::get_class_type(void);
1036 23 upcast_to_TypedWritable 0 12 1912 52 TypedWritableReferenceCount::upcast_to_TypedWritable 0 1 88 56
upcast from TypedWritableReferenceCount to TypedWritable
TypedWritable *TypedWritableReferenceCount::upcast_to_TypedWritable(void);
1037 39 downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 12 1910 54 TypedWritable::downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 0 58
downcast from TypedWritable to TypedWritableReferenceCount
TypedWritableReferenceCount *TypedWritable::downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount(void);
1038 24 upcast_to_ReferenceCount 0 12 1912 53 TypedWritableReferenceCount::upcast_to_ReferenceCount 0 1 89 57
upcast from TypedWritableReferenceCount to ReferenceCount
ReferenceCount *TypedWritableReferenceCount::upcast_to_ReferenceCount(void);
1039 39 downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 12 1913 55 ReferenceCount::downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 0 59
downcast from ReferenceCount to TypedWritableReferenceCount
TypedWritableReferenceCount *ReferenceCount::downcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount(void);
1040 22 decode_from_bam_stream 0 4 1912 51 TypedWritableReferenceCount::decode_from_bam_stream 0 1 86 491
* Reads the bytes created by a previous call to encode_to_bam_stream(), and
* extracts and returns the single object on those bytes. Returns NULL on
* error.
* This method is intended to replace decode_raw_from_bam_stream() when you
* know the stream in question returns an object of type
* TypedWritableReferenceCount, allowing for easier reference count
* management. Note that the caller is still responsible for maintaining the
* reference count on the return value.
static PointerTo< TypedWritableReferenceCount > TypedWritableReferenceCount::decode_from_bam_stream(vector_uchar data, BamReader *reader = nullptr);
1041 14 get_class_type 0 4 1912 43 TypedWritableReferenceCount::get_class_type 0 1 87 0
static TypeHandle TypedWritableReferenceCount::get_class_type(void);
1042 28 ~TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 4 1912 57 TypedWritableReferenceCount::~TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 0 0
1043 37 upcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 12 1914 53 BamCacheRecord::upcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 1 112 57
upcast from BamCacheRecord to TypedWritableReferenceCount
TypedWritableReferenceCount *BamCacheRecord::upcast_to_TypedWritableReferenceCount(void);
1044 26 downcast_to_BamCacheRecord 0 12 1912 55 TypedWritableReferenceCount::downcast_to_BamCacheRecord 0 0 59
downcast from TypedWritableReferenceCount to BamCacheRecord
BamCacheRecord *TypedWritableReferenceCount::downcast_to_BamCacheRecord(void);
1045 24 upcast_to_LinkedListNode 0 12 1914 40 BamCacheRecord::upcast_to_LinkedListNode 0 0 44
upcast from BamCacheRecord to LinkedListNode
LinkedListNode *BamCacheRecord::upcast_to_LinkedListNode(void);
1046 26 downcast_to_BamCacheRecord 0 12 1915 42 LinkedListNode::downcast_to_BamCacheRecord 0 0 46
downcast from LinkedListNode to BamCacheRecord
BamCacheRecord *LinkedListNode::downcast_to_BamCacheRecord(void);
1047 15 ~BamCacheRecord 0 6 1914 31 BamCacheRecord::~BamCacheRecord 0 0 10
virtual BamCacheRecord::~BamCacheRecord(void);
1048 9 make_copy 0 4 1914 25 BamCacheRecord::make_copy 0 1 90 179
* Returns a duplicate of the BamCacheRecord. The duplicate will not have a
* data pointer set, even though one may have been assigned to the original
* via set_data().
inline PointerTo< BamCacheRecord > BamCacheRecord::make_copy(void) const;
1049 11 operator == 0 4 1914 27 BamCacheRecord::operator == 0 1 91 0
inline bool BamCacheRecord::operator ==(BamCacheRecord const &other) const;
1050 19 get_source_pathname 0 4 1914 35 BamCacheRecord::get_source_pathname 0 1 92 237
* Returns the full pathname to the source file that originally generated this
* cache request. In some cases, for instance in the case of a of a multipage
* texture like "cube_#.png", this may not not a true filename on disk.
inline Filename const &BamCacheRecord::get_source_pathname(void) const;
1051 18 get_cache_filename 0 4 1914 34 BamCacheRecord::get_cache_filename 0 1 93 230
* Returns the name of the cache file as hashed from the source_pathname.
* This will be relative to the root of the cache directory, and it will not
* include any suffixes that may be appended to resolve hash conflicts.
inline Filename const &BamCacheRecord::get_cache_filename(void) const;
1052 20 get_source_timestamp 0 4 1914 36 BamCacheRecord::get_source_timestamp 0 1 94 204
* Returns the file timestamp of the original source file that generated this
* cache record, if available. In some cases the original file timestamp is
* not available, and this will return 0.
inline time_t BamCacheRecord::get_source_timestamp(void) const;
1053 17 get_recorded_time 0 4 1914 33 BamCacheRecord::get_recorded_time 0 1 95 84
* Returns the time at which this particular record was recorded or updated.
inline time_t BamCacheRecord::get_recorded_time(void) const;
1054 23 get_num_dependent_files 0 4 1914 39 BamCacheRecord::get_num_dependent_files 0 1 96 75
* Returns the number of source files that contribute to the cache.
inline int BamCacheRecord::get_num_dependent_files(void) const;
1055 22 get_dependent_pathname 0 4 1914 38 BamCacheRecord::get_dependent_pathname 0 1 97 94
* Returns the full pathname of the nth source files that contributes to the
* cache.
inline Filename const &BamCacheRecord::get_dependent_pathname(int n) const;
1056 20 dependents_unchanged 0 4 1914 36 BamCacheRecord::dependents_unchanged 0 1 98 124
* Returns true if all of the dependent files are still the same as when the
* cache was recorded, false otherwise.
bool BamCacheRecord::dependents_unchanged(void) const;
1057 21 clear_dependent_files 0 4 1914 37 BamCacheRecord::clear_dependent_files 0 1 99 80
* Empties the list of files that contribute to the data in this record.
void BamCacheRecord::clear_dependent_files(void);
1058 18 add_dependent_file 0 4 1914 34 BamCacheRecord::add_dependent_file 0 2 100 101 309
* Adds the indicated file to the list of files that will be loaded to
* generate the data in this record. This should be called once for the
* primary source file, and again for each secondary source file, if any.
* Variant of add_dependent_file that takes an already opened VirtualFile.
void BamCacheRecord::add_dependent_file(Filename const &pathname);
void BamCacheRecord::add_dependent_file(VirtualFile const *file);
1059 8 has_data 0 4 1914 24 BamCacheRecord::has_data 0 1 102 130
* Returns true if this cache record has an in-memory data object associated--
* that is, the object stored in the cache.
inline bool BamCacheRecord::has_data(void) const;
1060 10 clear_data 0 4 1914 26 BamCacheRecord::clear_data 0 1 103 147
* Removes the in-memory data object associated with this record, if any.
* This does not affect the on-disk representation of the record.
inline void BamCacheRecord::clear_data(void);
1061 8 get_data 0 4 1914 24 BamCacheRecord::get_data 0 1 104 139
* Returns a pointer to the data stored in the record, or NULL if there is no
* data. The pointer is not removed from the record.
inline TypedWritable *BamCacheRecord::get_data(void) const;
1062 12 extract_data 0 4 1914 28 BamCacheRecord::extract_data 0 0 416
* Fills ptr and ref_ptr with the two different-typed pointers to the same
* object, the data stored within this record. This transfers ownership of
* the data pointer; the caller will be responsible for managing the reference
* counts on this object subsequently.
* Returns true if the record contained any data (and the pointers have been
* filled), false if it didn't (and the pointers are NULL).
inline bool BamCacheRecord::extract_data(TypedWritable *&ptr, ReferenceCount *&ref_ptr);
1063 8 set_data 0 4 1914 24 BamCacheRecord::set_data 0 4 105 106 107 108 916
* Stores a new data object on the record. You should pass the same pointer
* twice, to both parameters; this allows the C++ typecasting to automatically
* convert the pointer into both a TypedWritable and a ReferenceCount pointer,
* so that the BamCacheRecord object can reliably manage the reference counts.
* You may pass 0 or NULL as the second parameter. If you do this, the
* BamCacheRecord will not manage the object's reference count; it will be up
* to you to ensure the object is not deleted during the lifetime of the
* BamCacheRecord object.
* This variant on set_data() is provided to easily pass objects deriving from
* TypedWritable.
* This variant on set_data() is provided to easily pass objects deriving from
* TypedWritableReferenceCount.
* This variant on set_data() is provided just to allow Python code to pass a
* 0 as the second parameter.
inline void BamCacheRecord::set_data(TypedWritable *ptr, ReferenceCount *ref_ptr);
inline void BamCacheRecord::set_data(TypedWritable *ptr);
inline void BamCacheRecord::set_data(TypedWritableReferenceCount *ptr);
inline void BamCacheRecord::set_data(TypedWritable *ptr, int dummy);
1064 6 output 0 4 1914 22 BamCacheRecord::output 0 1 109 10
void BamCacheRecord::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1065 5 write 0 4 1914 21 BamCacheRecord::write 0 1 110 10
void BamCacheRecord::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1066 14 get_class_type 0 4 1914 30 BamCacheRecord::get_class_type 0 1 111 0
static TypeHandle BamCacheRecord::get_class_type(void);
1067 8 BamCache 0 4 1920 18 BamCache::BamCache 0 1 113 10
1068 9 ~BamCache 0 4 1920 19 BamCache::~BamCache 0 0 10
1069 10 set_active 0 4 1920 20 BamCache::set_active 0 1 114 347
* Changes the state of the active flag. "active" means that the cache should
* be consulted automatically on loads, "not active" means that objects should
* be loaded directly without consulting the cache.
* This represents the global flag. Also see the individual cache_models,
* cache_textures, cache_compressed_textures flags.
inline void BamCache::set_active(bool flag);
1070 10 get_active 0 4 1920 20 BamCache::get_active 0 1 115 381
* Returns true if the BamCache is currently active, false if it is not.
* "active" means that the cache should be consulted automatically on loads,
* "not active" means that objects should be loaded directly without
* consulting the cache.
* This represents the global flag. Also see the individual cache_models,
* cache_textures, cache_compressed_textures flags.
inline bool BamCache::get_active(void) const;
1071 16 set_cache_models 0 4 1920 26 BamCache::set_cache_models 0 1 116 118
* Indicates whether model files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be
* stored in the cache, as bam files.
inline void BamCache::set_cache_models(bool flag);
1072 16 get_cache_models 0 4 1920 26 BamCache::get_cache_models 0 1 117 172
* Returns whether model files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be stored
* in the cache, as bam files.
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
inline bool BamCache::get_cache_models(void) const;
1073 18 set_cache_textures 0 4 1920 28 BamCache::set_cache_textures 0 1 118 101
* Indicates whether texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* uncompressed txo files.
inline void BamCache::set_cache_textures(bool flag);
1074 18 get_cache_textures 0 4 1920 28 BamCache::get_cache_textures 0 1 119 174
* Returns whether texture files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be
* stored in the cache, as txo files.
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
inline bool BamCache::get_cache_textures(void) const;
1075 29 set_cache_compressed_textures 0 4 1920 39 BamCache::set_cache_compressed_textures 0 1 120 722
* Indicates whether compressed texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* compressed txo files. The compressed data may either be generated in-CPU,
* via the squish library, or it may be extracted from the GSG after the
* texture has been loaded.
* This may be set in conjunction with set_cache_textures(), or independently
* of it. If set_cache_textures() is true and this is false, all textures
* will be cached in their uncompressed form. If set_cache_textures() is
* false and this is true, only compressed textures will be cached, and they
* will be cached in their compressed form. If both are true, all textures
* will be cached, in their uncompressed or compressed form appropriately.
inline void BamCache::set_cache_compressed_textures(bool flag);
1076 29 get_cache_compressed_textures 0 4 1920 39 BamCache::get_cache_compressed_textures 0 1 121 202
* Returns whether compressed texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* compressed txo files. See set_cache_compressed_textures().
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
inline bool BamCache::get_cache_compressed_textures(void) const;
1077 26 set_cache_compiled_shaders 0 4 1920 36 BamCache::set_cache_compiled_shaders 0 1 122 184
* Indicates whether compiled shader programs will be stored in the cache, as
* binary .sho files. This may not be supported by all shader languages or
* graphics renderers.
inline void BamCache::set_cache_compiled_shaders(bool flag);
1078 26 get_cache_compiled_shaders 0 4 1920 36 BamCache::get_cache_compiled_shaders 0 1 123 196
* Returns whether compiled shader programs will be stored in the cache, as
* binary .txo files. See set_cache_compiled_shaders().
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
inline bool BamCache::get_cache_compiled_shaders(void) const;
1079 8 set_root 0 4 1920 18 BamCache::set_root 0 1 124 372
* Changes the current root pathname of the cache. This specifies where the
* cache files are stored on disk. This should name a directory that is on a
* disk local to the machine (not on a network-mounted disk), for instance,
* /tmp/panda-cache or /c/panda-cache.
* If the directory does not already exist, it will be created as a result of
* this call.
void BamCache::set_root(Filename const &root);
1080 8 get_root 0 4 1920 18 BamCache::get_root 0 1 125 75
* Returns the current root pathname of the cache. See set_root().
inline Filename BamCache::get_root(void) const;
1081 14 set_flush_time 0 4 1920 24 BamCache::set_flush_time 0 1 126 86
* Specifies the time in seconds between automatic flushes of the cache index.
inline void BamCache::set_flush_time(int flush_time);
1082 14 get_flush_time 0 4 1920 24 BamCache::get_flush_time 0 1 127 84
* Returns the time in seconds between automatic flushes of the cache index.
inline int BamCache::get_flush_time(void) const;
1083 20 set_cache_max_kbytes 0 4 1920 30 BamCache::set_cache_max_kbytes 0 1 128 430
* Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, which the cache is allowed to
* grow to. If a newly cached file would exceed this size, an older file is
* removed from the cache.
* Note that in the case of multiple different processes simultaneously
* operating on the same cache directory, the actual cache size may slightly
* exceed this value from time to time due to latency in checking between the
* processes.
inline void BamCache::set_cache_max_kbytes(int max_kbytes);
1084 20 get_cache_max_kbytes 0 4 1920 30 BamCache::get_cache_max_kbytes 0 1 129 121
* Returns the maximum size, in kilobytes, which the cache is allowed to grow
* to. See set_cache_max_kbytes().
inline int BamCache::get_cache_max_kbytes(void) const;
1085 13 set_read_only 0 4 1920 23 BamCache::set_read_only 0 1 130 252
* Can be used to put the cache in read-only mode, or take it out of read-only
* mode. Note that if you put it into read-write mode, and it discovers that
* it does not have write access, it will put itself right back into read-only
* mode.
inline void BamCache::set_read_only(bool ro);
1086 13 get_read_only 0 4 1920 23 BamCache::get_read_only 0 1 131 230
* Returns true if the cache is in read-only mode. Normally, the cache starts
* in read-write mode. It can put itself into read-only mode automatically if
* it discovers that it does not have write access to the cache.
inline bool BamCache::get_read_only(void) const;
1087 6 lookup 0 4 1920 16 BamCache::lookup 0 1 132 782
* Looks up a file in the cache.
* If the file is cacheable, then regardless of whether the file is found in
* the cache or not, this returns a BamCacheRecord. On the other hand, if the
* file cannot be cached, returns NULL.
* If record->has_data() returns true, then the file was found in the cache,
* and you may call record->extract_data() to get the object. If
* record->has_data() returns false, then the file was not found in the cache
* or the cache was stale; and you should reload the source file (calling
* record->add_dependent_file() for each file loaded, including the original
* source file), and then call record->set_data() to record the resulting
* loaded object; and finally, you should call store() to write the cached
* record to disk.
PointerTo< BamCacheRecord > BamCache::lookup(Filename const &source_filename, std::string const &cache_extension);
1088 5 store 0 4 1920 15 BamCache::store 0 1 133 212
* Flushes a cache entry to disk. You must have retrieved the cache record
* via a prior call to lookup(), and then stored the data via
* record->set_data(). Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool BamCache::store(BamCacheRecord *record);
1089 20 consider_flush_index 0 4 1920 30 BamCache::consider_flush_index 0 1 134 92
* Flushes the index if enough time has elapsed since the index was last
* flushed.
void BamCache::consider_flush_index(void);
1090 11 flush_index 0 4 1920 21 BamCache::flush_index 0 1 135 48
* Ensures the index is written to disk.
void BamCache::flush_index(void);
1091 10 list_index 0 4 1920 20 BamCache::list_index 0 1 136 63
* Writes the contents of the index to standard output.
void BamCache::list_index(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1092 14 get_global_ptr 0 4 1920 24 BamCache::get_global_ptr 0 1 137 124
* Returns a pointer to the global BamCache object, which is used
* automatically by the ModelPool and TexturePool.
static inline BamCache *BamCache::get_global_ptr(void);
1093 27 consider_flush_global_index 0 4 1920 37 BamCache::consider_flush_global_index 0 1 138 84
* If there is a global BamCache object, calls consider_flush_index() on it.
static inline void BamCache::consider_flush_global_index(void);
1094 18 flush_global_index 0 4 1920 28 BamCache::flush_global_index 0 1 139 75
* If there is a global BamCache object, calls flush_index() on it.
static inline void BamCache::flush_global_index(void);
1095 8 BamEnums 0 4 1921 18 BamEnums::BamEnums 0 2 140 141 0
inline BamEnums::BamEnums(void) = default;
inline BamEnums::BamEnums(BamEnums const &) = default;
1096 9 ~BamEnums 0 4 1921 19 BamEnums::~BamEnums 0 0 0
1097 13 LoaderOptions 0 4 1925 28 LoaderOptions::LoaderOptions 0 3 142 143 144 22
LoaderOptions::LoaderOptions(int flags = (::LoaderOptions::LF_search | ::LoaderOptions::LF_report_errors));
constexpr LoaderOptions::LoaderOptions(int flags, int texture_flags);
inline LoaderOptions::LoaderOptions(LoaderOptions const &) = default;
1098 9 set_flags 0 4 1925 24 LoaderOptions::set_flags 0 1 145 10
inline void LoaderOptions::set_flags(int flags);
1099 9 get_flags 0 4 1925 24 LoaderOptions::get_flags 0 1 146 10
inline int LoaderOptions::get_flags(void) const;
1100 17 set_texture_flags 0 4 1925 32 LoaderOptions::set_texture_flags 0 1 147 10
inline void LoaderOptions::set_texture_flags(int flags);
1101 17 get_texture_flags 0 4 1925 32 LoaderOptions::get_texture_flags 0 1 148 10
inline int LoaderOptions::get_texture_flags(void) const;
1102 21 set_texture_num_views 0 4 1925 36 LoaderOptions::set_texture_num_views 0 1 149 459
* Specifies the expected number of views to load for the texture. This is
* ignored unless TF_multiview is included in texture_flags. This must be
* specified when loading a 3-d multiview texture or 2-d texture array, in
* which case it is used to differentiate z levels from separate views; it
* may be zero in the case of 2-d textures or cube maps, in which case the
* number of views can be inferred from the number of images found on disk.
inline void LoaderOptions::set_texture_num_views(int num_views);
1103 21 get_texture_num_views 0 4 1925 36 LoaderOptions::get_texture_num_views 0 1 150 39
* See set_texture_num_views().
inline int LoaderOptions::get_texture_num_views(void) const;
1104 22 set_auto_texture_scale 0 4 1925 37 LoaderOptions::set_auto_texture_scale 0 1 151 209
* Set this flag to ATS_none, ATS_up, ATS_down, or ATS_pad to control how a
* texture is scaled from disk when it is subsequently loaded. Set it to
* ATS_unspecified to restore the default behavior.
inline void LoaderOptions::set_auto_texture_scale(AutoTextureScale scale);
1105 22 get_auto_texture_scale 0 4 1925 37 LoaderOptions::get_auto_texture_scale 0 1 152 40
* See set_auto_texture_scale().
inline AutoTextureScale LoaderOptions::get_auto_texture_scale(void) const;
1106 6 output 0 4 1925 21 LoaderOptions::output 0 1 153 10
void LoaderOptions::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1107 14 ~LoaderOptions 0 4 1925 29 LoaderOptions::~LoaderOptions 0 0 0
1108 9 BamReader 0 4 1928 20 BamReader::BamReader 0 1 154 50
// The primary interface for a caller.
explicit BamReader::BamReader(DatagramGenerator *source = nullptr);
1109 10 ~BamReader 0 4 1928 21 BamReader::~BamReader 0 0 10
1110 10 set_source 0 4 1928 21 BamReader::set_source 0 1 155 142
* Changes the source of future datagrams for this BamReader. This also
* implicitly calls init() if it has not already been called.
void BamReader::set_source(DatagramGenerator *source);
1111 10 get_source 0 4 1928 21 BamReader::get_source 0 1 156 100
* Returns the current source of the BamReader as set by set_source() or the
* constructor.
inline DatagramGenerator *BamReader::get_source(void);
1112 4 init 0 4 1928 15 BamReader::init 0 1 157 210
* Initializes the BamReader prior to reading any objects from its source.
* This includes reading the Bam header.
* This returns true if the BamReader successfully initialized, false
* otherwise.
bool BamReader::init(void);
1113 12 set_aux_data 0 4 1928 23 BamReader::set_aux_data 0 1 158 1007
* Associates an arbitrary block of data with the indicated object (or NULL),
* and the indicated name.
* This is intended to provide a place for temporary storage for objects
* reading themselves from the bam file. To use it, inherit from
* BamReader::AuxData and store whatever data you like there. Then associate
* your AuxData with the object as it is being read with set_aux_data(). You
* may later set the aux data to NULL to remove it; or it will automatically
* be removed (and deleted) after finalize() is called for the object in
* question.
* If the TypedWritable pointer is NULL, the the aux data is stored globally
* for the BamReader in general. This pointer is available to any bam
* objects, and will not be automatically removed until the BamReader itself
* destructs.
* In either case, the name is just an arbitrary user-defined key. If there
* is already a data pointer stored for the obj/name pair, that data pointer
* will be replaced (and deleted).
void BamReader::set_aux_data(TypedWritable *obj, std::string const &name, BamReader::AuxData *data);
1114 12 get_aux_data 0 4 1928 23 BamReader::get_aux_data 0 1 159 173
* Returns the pointer previously associated with the bam reader by a previous
* call to set_aux_data(), or NULL if data with the indicated key has not been
* set.
BamReader::AuxData *BamReader::get_aux_data(TypedWritable *obj, std::string const &name) const;
1115 12 get_filename 0 4 1928 23 BamReader::get_filename 0 1 160 199
* If a BAM is a file, then the BamReader should contain the name of the file.
* This enables the reader to interpret pathnames in the BAM as relative to
* the directory containing the BAM.
inline Filename const &BamReader::get_filename(void) const;
1116 18 get_loader_options 0 4 1928 29 BamReader::get_loader_options 0 1 161 98
* Returns the LoaderOptions passed to the loader when the model was
* requested, if any.
inline LoaderOptions const &BamReader::get_loader_options(void) const;
1117 18 set_loader_options 0 4 1928 29 BamReader::set_loader_options 0 1 162 58
* Specifies the LoaderOptions for this BamReader.
inline void BamReader::set_loader_options(LoaderOptions const &options);
1118 11 read_object 0 4 1928 22 BamReader::read_object 0 1 163 1393
* Reads a single object from the Bam file. If the object type is known, a
* new object of the appropriate type is created and returned; otherwise, NULL
* is returned. NULL is also returned when the end of the file is reached.
* is_eof() may be called to differentiate between these two cases.
* This may be called repeatedly to extract out all the objects in the Bam
* file, but typically (especially for scene graph files, indicated with the
* .bam extension), only one object is retrieved directly from the Bam file:
* the root of the scene graph. The remaining objects will all be retrieved
* recursively by the first object.
* Note that the object returned may not yet be complete. In particular, some
* of its pointers may not be filled in; you must call resolve() to fill in
* all the available pointers before you can safely use any objects returned
* by read_object().
* This flavor of read_object() requires the caller to know what type of
* object it has received in order to properly manage the reference counts.
* Reads a single object from the Bam file.
* This flavor of read_object() returns both a TypedWritable and a
* ReferenceCount pointer to the same object, so the reference count may be
* tracked reliably, without having to know precisely what type of object we
* have.
* @return true on success, or false on failure.
TypedWritable *BamReader::read_object(void);
bool BamReader::read_object(TypedWritable *&ptr, ReferenceCount *&ref_ptr);
1119 6 is_eof 0 4 1928 17 BamReader::is_eof 0 1 164 138
* Returns true if the reader has reached end-of-file, false otherwise. This
* call is only valid after a call to read_object().
inline bool BamReader::is_eof(void) const;
1120 7 resolve 0 4 1928 18 BamReader::resolve 0 1 165 565
* This may be called at any time during processing of the Bam file to resolve
* all the known pointers so far. It is usually called at the end of the
* processing, after all objects have been read, which is generally the best
* time to call it.
* This must be called at least once after reading a particular object via
* get_object() in order to validate that object.
* The return value is true if all objects have been resolved, or false if
* some objects are still outstanding (in which case you will need to call
* resolve() again later).
bool BamReader::resolve(void);
1121 14 change_pointer 0 4 1928 25 BamReader::change_pointer 0 1 166 406
* Indicates that an object recently read from the bam stream should be
* replaced with a new object. Any future occurrences of the original object
* in the stream will henceforth return the new object instead.
* The return value is true if the replacement was successfully made, or false
* if the object was not read from the stream (or if change_pointer had
* already been called on it).
bool BamReader::change_pointer(TypedWritable const *orig_pointer, TypedWritable const *new_pointer);
1122 18 get_file_major_ver 0 4 1928 29 BamReader::get_file_major_ver 0 1 167 81
* Returns the major version number of the Bam file currently being read.
inline int BamReader::get_file_major_ver(void) const;
1123 18 get_file_minor_ver 0 4 1928 29 BamReader::get_file_minor_ver 0 1 168 81
* Returns the minor version number of the Bam file currently being read.
inline int BamReader::get_file_minor_ver(void) const;
1124 15 get_file_endian 0 4 1928 26 BamReader::get_file_endian 0 1 169 254
* Returns the endian preference indicated by the Bam file currently being
* read. This does not imply that every number is stored using the indicated
* convention, but individual objects may choose to respect this flag when
* recording data.
inline BamEnums::BamEndian BamReader::get_file_endian(void) const;
1125 24 get_file_stdfloat_double 0 4 1928 35 BamReader::get_file_stdfloat_double 0 1 170 220
* Returns true if the file stores all "standard" floats as 64-bit doubles, or
* false if they are 32-bit floats. This is determined by the compilation
* flags of the version of Panda that generated this file.
inline bool BamReader::get_file_stdfloat_double(void) const;
1126 21 get_current_major_ver 0 4 1928 32 BamReader::get_current_major_ver 0 1 171 174
* Returns the major version number of Bam files supported by the current code
* base. This must match get_file_major_ver() in order to successfully read a
* file.
inline int BamReader::get_current_major_ver(void) const;
1127 21 get_current_minor_ver 0 4 1928 32 BamReader::get_current_minor_ver 0 1 172 184
* Returns the minor version number of Bam files supported by the current code
* base. This must match or exceed get_file_minor_ver() in order to
* successfully read a file.
inline int BamReader::get_current_minor_ver(void) const;
1128 16 get_file_version 0 4 1928 27 BamReader::get_file_version 0 1 173 0
PyObject *BamReader::get_file_version(void) const;
1129 16 register_factory 0 4 1928 27 BamReader::register_factory 0 1 174 208
* Registers a factory function that is called when an object of the given
* type is encountered within the .bam stream.
* @param user_data an optional pointer to be passed along to the function.
static void BamReader::register_factory(TypeHandle handle, PyObject *func);
1130 9 BamWriter 0 4 1935 20 BamWriter::BamWriter 0 2 175 176 10
explicit BamWriter::BamWriter(DatagramSink *target = nullptr);
inline BamWriter::BamWriter(BamWriter const &) = default;
1131 10 ~BamWriter 0 4 1935 21 BamWriter::~BamWriter 0 0 10
1132 10 set_target 0 4 1935 21 BamWriter::set_target 0 1 177 153
* Changes the destination of future datagrams written by the BamWriter. This
* also implicitly calls init() if it has not already been called.
void BamWriter::set_target(DatagramSink *target);
1133 10 get_target 0 4 1935 21 BamWriter::get_target 0 1 178 100
* Returns the current target of the BamWriter as set by set_target() or the
* constructor.
inline DatagramSink *BamWriter::get_target(void);
1134 4 init 0 4 1935 15 BamWriter::init 0 1 179 220
* Initializes the BamWriter prior to writing any objects to its output
* stream. This includes writing out the Bam header.
* This returns true if the BamWriter successfully initialized, false
* otherwise.
bool BamWriter::init(void);
1135 12 get_filename 0 4 1935 23 BamWriter::get_filename 0 1 180 197
* If a BAM is a file, then the BamWriter should contain the name of the file.
* This enables the writer to convert pathnames in the BAM to relative to the
* directory containing the BAM.
inline Filename const &BamWriter::get_filename(void) const;
1136 12 write_object 0 4 1935 23 BamWriter::write_object 0 1 181 736
* Writes a single object to the Bam file, so that the
* BamReader::read_object() can later correctly restore the object and all its
* pointers.
* This implicitly also writes any additional objects this object references
* (if they haven't already been written), so that pointers may be fully
* resolved.
* This may be called repeatedly to write a sequence of objects to the Bam
* file, but typically (especially for scene graph files, indicated with the
* .bam extension), only one object is written directly from the Bam file: the
* root of the scene graph. The remaining objects will all be written
* recursively by the first object.
* Returns true if the object is successfully written, false otherwise.
bool BamWriter::write_object(TypedWritable const *obj);
1137 10 has_object 0 4 1935 21 BamWriter::has_object 0 1 182 170
* Returns true if the object has previously been written (or at least
* requested to be written) to the bam file, or false if we've never heard of
* it before.
bool BamWriter::has_object(TypedWritable const *obj) const;
1138 5 flush 0 4 1935 16 BamWriter::flush 0 1 183 85
* Ensures that all data written thus far is manifested on the output stream.
void BamWriter::flush(void);
1139 18 get_file_major_ver 0 4 1935 29 BamWriter::get_file_major_ver 0 1 184 84
* Returns the major version number of the Bam file currently being written.
inline int BamWriter::get_file_major_ver(void) const;
1140 18 get_file_minor_ver 0 4 1935 29 BamWriter::get_file_minor_ver 0 1 185 84
* Returns the minor version number of the Bam file currently being written.
inline int BamWriter::get_file_minor_ver(void) const;
1141 18 set_file_minor_ver 0 4 1935 29 BamWriter::set_file_minor_ver 0 1 186 232
* Changes the minor .bam version to write. This should be called before
* init(). Each Panda version has only a fairly narrow range of versions it
* is able to write; consult the .bam documentation for more information.
inline void BamWriter::set_file_minor_ver(int minor_ver);
1142 15 get_file_endian 0 4 1935 26 BamWriter::get_file_endian 0 1 187 257
* Returns the endian preference indicated by the Bam file currently being
* written. This does not imply that every number is stored using the
* indicated convention, but individual objects may choose to respect this
* flag when recording data.
inline BamEnums::BamEndian BamWriter::get_file_endian(void) const;
1143 24 get_file_stdfloat_double 0 4 1935 35 BamWriter::get_file_stdfloat_double 0 1 188 248
* Returns true if the file will store all "standard" floats as 64-bit
* doubles, or false if they are 32-bit floats. This isn't runtime settable;
* it's based on the compilation flags of the version of Panda that generated
* this file.
inline bool BamWriter::get_file_stdfloat_double(void) const;
1144 21 get_file_texture_mode 0 4 1935 32 BamWriter::get_file_texture_mode 0 1 189 196
* Returns the BamTextureMode preference indicated by the Bam file currently
* being written. Texture objects written to this Bam file will be encoded
* according to the specified mode.
inline BamEnums::BamTextureMode BamWriter::get_file_texture_mode(void) const;
1145 21 set_file_texture_mode 0 4 1935 32 BamWriter::set_file_texture_mode 0 1 190 187
* Changes the BamTextureMode preference for the Bam file currently being
* written. Texture objects written to this Bam file will be encoded
* according to the specified mode.
inline void BamWriter::set_file_texture_mode(BamEnums::BamTextureMode file_texture_mode);
1146 13 get_root_node 0 4 1935 24 BamWriter::get_root_node 0 1 191 165
* Returns the root node of the part of the scene graph we are currently
* writing out. This is used for determining what to make NodePaths relative
* to.
inline TypedWritable *BamWriter::get_root_node(void) const;
1147 13 set_root_node 0 4 1935 24 BamWriter::set_root_node 0 1 192 160
* Sets the root node of the part of the scene graph we are currently writing
* out. NodePaths written to this bam file will be relative to this node.
inline void BamWriter::set_root_node(TypedWritable *root_node);
1148 7 BitMask 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::BitMask 0 3 193 194 195 0
constexpr BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::BitMask(void) = default;
inline constexpr BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::BitMask(uint16_t init_value);
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::BitMask(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &) = default;
1149 6 all_on 0 4 1938 31 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::all_on 0 1 196 0
static inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::all_on(void);
1150 7 all_off 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::all_off 0 1 197 0
static inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::all_off(void);
1151 8 lower_on 0 4 1938 33 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::lower_on 0 1 198 0
static inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::lower_on(int on_bits);
1152 3 bit 0 4 1938 28 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::bit 0 1 199 0
static inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::bit(int index);
1153 5 range 0 4 1938 30 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::range 0 1 200 0
static inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::range(int low_bit, int size);
1154 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1938 41 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_max_num_bits 0 1 201 0
static constexpr bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_max_num_bits(void);
1155 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1938 41 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_max_num_bits 0 1 202 0
static constexpr int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_max_num_bits(void);
1156 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1938 37 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_bits 0 1 203 0
constexpr int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_bits(void) const;
1157 7 get_bit 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_bit 0 1 204 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_bit(int index) const;
1158 7 set_bit 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_bit 0 1 205 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_bit(int index);
1159 9 clear_bit 0 4 1938 34 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear_bit 0 1 206 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear_bit(int index);
1160 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_bit_to 0 1 207 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1161 7 is_zero 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::is_zero 0 1 208 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::is_zero(void) const;
1162 9 is_all_on 0 4 1938 34 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::is_all_on 0 1 209 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::is_all_on(void) const;
1163 7 extract 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::extract 0 1 210 0
inline uint16_t BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1164 5 store 0 4 1938 30 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::store 0 1 211 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::store(uint16_t value, int low_bit, int size);
1165 10 has_any_of 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_any_of 0 1 212 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1166 10 has_all_of 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_all_of 0 1 213 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1167 9 set_range 0 4 1938 34 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_range 0 1 214 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1168 11 clear_range 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear_range 0 1 215 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1169 12 set_range_to 0 4 1938 37 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_range_to 0 1 216 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1170 8 get_word 0 4 1938 33 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_word 0 1 217 0
inline uint16_t BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_word(void) const;
1171 8 set_word 0 4 1938 33 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_word 0 1 218 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::set_word(uint16_t value);
1172 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1938 40 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_on_bits 0 1 219 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1173 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1938 41 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_off_bits 0 1 220 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1174 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1938 42 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 221 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1175 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1938 43 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 222 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1176 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1938 43 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 223 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1177 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1938 44 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 224 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1178 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1938 54 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 225 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1179 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1938 40 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::invert_in_place 0 1 226 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::invert_in_place(void);
1180 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1938 43 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_bits_in_common 0 1 227 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::has_bits_in_common(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1181 5 clear 0 4 1938 30 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear 0 1 228 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::clear(void);
1182 6 output 0 4 1938 31 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output 0 1 229 0
void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1183 13 output_binary 0 4 1938 38 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output_binary 0 1 230 0
void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1184 10 output_hex 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output_hex 0 1 231 0
void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1185 5 write 0 4 1938 30 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::write 0 1 232 0
void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1186 11 operator == 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator == 0 1 233 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ==(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1187 11 operator != 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator != 0 1 234 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator !=(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1188 10 operator < 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator < 0 1 235 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator <(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1189 10 compare_to 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::compare_to 0 1 236 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::compare_to(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1190 10 operator & 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator & 0 1 237 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator &(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1191 10 operator | 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator | 0 1 238 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator |(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1192 10 operator ^ 0 4 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ^ 0 1 239 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ^(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1193 10 operator ~ 0 68 1938 35 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ~ 0 1 240 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ~(void) const;
1194 11 operator << 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator << 0 1 241 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator <<(int shift) const;
1195 11 operator >> 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator >> 0 1 242 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator >>(int shift) const;
1196 11 operator &= 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator &= 0 1 243 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator &=(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other);
1197 11 operator |= 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator |= 0 1 244 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator |=(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other);
1198 11 operator ^= 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ^= 0 1 245 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator ^=(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other);
1199 12 operator <<= 0 4 1938 37 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator <<= 0 1 246 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator <<=(int shift);
1200 12 operator >>= 0 4 1938 37 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator >>= 0 1 247 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::operator >>=(int shift);
1201 19 flood_down_in_place 0 4 1938 44 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_down_in_place 0 1 248 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_down_in_place(void);
1202 17 flood_up_in_place 0 4 1938 42 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_up_in_place 0 1 249 0
inline void BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_up_in_place(void);
1203 15 flood_bits_down 0 4 1938 40 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_bits_down 0 1 250 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_bits_down(void) const;
1204 13 flood_bits_up 0 4 1938 38 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_bits_up 0 1 251 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::flood_bits_up(void) const;
1205 21 keep_next_highest_bit 0 4 1938 46 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_highest_bit 0 3 252 253 254 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_highest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_highest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_highest_bit(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1206 20 keep_next_lowest_bit 0 4 1938 45 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_lowest_bit 0 3 255 256 257 0
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const &other) const;
1207 7 get_key 0 4 1938 32 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_key 0 1 258 0
inline int BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_key(void) const;
1208 11 __nonzero__ 0 4 1938 36 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::__nonzero__ 0 1 259 0
inline bool BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::__nonzero__(void) const;
1209 14 get_class_type 0 4 1938 39 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_class_type 0 1 260 0
static TypeHandle BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::get_class_type(void);
1210 8 ~BitMask 0 4 1938 33 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::~BitMask 0 0 0
BitMask< uint16_t, 16 >::~BitMask(void);
1211 7 BitMask 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::BitMask 0 3 261 262 263 0
constexpr BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::BitMask(void) = default;
inline constexpr BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::BitMask(uint32_t init_value);
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::BitMask(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &) = default;
1212 6 all_on 0 4 1940 31 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::all_on 0 1 264 0
static inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::all_on(void);
1213 7 all_off 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::all_off 0 1 265 0
static inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::all_off(void);
1214 8 lower_on 0 4 1940 33 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::lower_on 0 1 266 0
static inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::lower_on(int on_bits);
1215 3 bit 0 4 1940 28 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::bit 0 1 267 0
static inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::bit(int index);
1216 5 range 0 4 1940 30 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::range 0 1 268 0
static inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::range(int low_bit, int size);
1217 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1940 41 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_max_num_bits 0 1 269 0
static constexpr bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_max_num_bits(void);
1218 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1940 41 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_max_num_bits 0 1 270 0
static constexpr int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_max_num_bits(void);
1219 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1940 37 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_bits 0 1 271 0
constexpr int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_bits(void) const;
1220 7 get_bit 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_bit 0 1 272 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_bit(int index) const;
1221 7 set_bit 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_bit 0 1 273 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_bit(int index);
1222 9 clear_bit 0 4 1940 34 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear_bit 0 1 274 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear_bit(int index);
1223 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_bit_to 0 1 275 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1224 7 is_zero 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::is_zero 0 1 276 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::is_zero(void) const;
1225 9 is_all_on 0 4 1940 34 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::is_all_on 0 1 277 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::is_all_on(void) const;
1226 7 extract 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::extract 0 1 278 0
inline uint32_t BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1227 5 store 0 4 1940 30 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::store 0 1 279 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::store(uint32_t value, int low_bit, int size);
1228 10 has_any_of 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_any_of 0 1 280 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1229 10 has_all_of 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_all_of 0 1 281 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1230 9 set_range 0 4 1940 34 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_range 0 1 282 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1231 11 clear_range 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear_range 0 1 283 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1232 12 set_range_to 0 4 1940 37 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_range_to 0 1 284 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1233 8 get_word 0 4 1940 33 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_word 0 1 285 0
inline uint32_t BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_word(void) const;
1234 8 set_word 0 4 1940 33 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_word 0 1 286 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::set_word(uint32_t value);
1235 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1940 40 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_on_bits 0 1 287 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1236 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1940 41 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_off_bits 0 1 288 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1237 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1940 42 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 289 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1238 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1940 43 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 290 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1239 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1940 43 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 291 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1240 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1940 44 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 292 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1241 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1940 54 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 293 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1242 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1940 40 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::invert_in_place 0 1 294 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::invert_in_place(void);
1243 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1940 43 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_bits_in_common 0 1 295 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::has_bits_in_common(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1244 5 clear 0 4 1940 30 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear 0 1 296 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::clear(void);
1245 6 output 0 4 1940 31 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output 0 1 297 0
void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1246 13 output_binary 0 4 1940 38 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output_binary 0 1 298 0
void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1247 10 output_hex 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output_hex 0 1 299 0
void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1248 5 write 0 4 1940 30 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::write 0 1 300 0
void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1249 11 operator == 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator == 0 1 301 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ==(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1250 11 operator != 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator != 0 1 302 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator !=(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1251 10 operator < 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator < 0 1 303 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator <(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1252 10 compare_to 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::compare_to 0 1 304 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::compare_to(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1253 10 operator & 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator & 0 1 305 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator &(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1254 10 operator | 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator | 0 1 306 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator |(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1255 10 operator ^ 0 4 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ^ 0 1 307 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ^(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1256 10 operator ~ 0 68 1940 35 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ~ 0 1 308 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ~(void) const;
1257 11 operator << 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator << 0 1 309 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator <<(int shift) const;
1258 11 operator >> 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator >> 0 1 310 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator >>(int shift) const;
1259 11 operator &= 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator &= 0 1 311 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator &=(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other);
1260 11 operator |= 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator |= 0 1 312 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator |=(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other);
1261 11 operator ^= 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ^= 0 1 313 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator ^=(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other);
1262 12 operator <<= 0 4 1940 37 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator <<= 0 1 314 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator <<=(int shift);
1263 12 operator >>= 0 4 1940 37 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator >>= 0 1 315 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::operator >>=(int shift);
1264 19 flood_down_in_place 0 4 1940 44 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_down_in_place 0 1 316 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_down_in_place(void);
1265 17 flood_up_in_place 0 4 1940 42 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_up_in_place 0 1 317 0
inline void BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_up_in_place(void);
1266 15 flood_bits_down 0 4 1940 40 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_bits_down 0 1 318 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_bits_down(void) const;
1267 13 flood_bits_up 0 4 1940 38 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_bits_up 0 1 319 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::flood_bits_up(void) const;
1268 21 keep_next_highest_bit 0 4 1940 46 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_highest_bit 0 3 320 321 322 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_highest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_highest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_highest_bit(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1269 20 keep_next_lowest_bit 0 4 1940 45 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_lowest_bit 0 3 323 324 325 0
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const &other) const;
1270 7 get_key 0 4 1940 32 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_key 0 1 326 0
inline int BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_key(void) const;
1271 11 __nonzero__ 0 4 1940 36 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::__nonzero__ 0 1 327 0
inline bool BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::__nonzero__(void) const;
1272 14 get_class_type 0 4 1940 39 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_class_type 0 1 328 0
static TypeHandle BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::get_class_type(void);
1273 8 ~BitMask 0 4 1940 33 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::~BitMask 0 0 0
BitMask< uint32_t, 32 >::~BitMask(void);
1274 7 BitMask 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::BitMask 0 3 329 330 331 0
constexpr BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::BitMask(void) = default;
inline constexpr BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::BitMask(uint64_t init_value);
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::BitMask(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &) = default;
1275 6 all_on 0 4 1942 31 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::all_on 0 1 332 0
static inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::all_on(void);
1276 7 all_off 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::all_off 0 1 333 0
static inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::all_off(void);
1277 8 lower_on 0 4 1942 33 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::lower_on 0 1 334 0
static inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::lower_on(int on_bits);
1278 3 bit 0 4 1942 28 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::bit 0 1 335 0
static inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::bit(int index);
1279 5 range 0 4 1942 30 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::range 0 1 336 0
static inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::range(int low_bit, int size);
1280 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1942 41 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_max_num_bits 0 1 337 0
static constexpr bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_max_num_bits(void);
1281 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1942 41 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_max_num_bits 0 1 338 0
static constexpr int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_max_num_bits(void);
1282 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1942 37 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_bits 0 1 339 0
constexpr int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_bits(void) const;
1283 7 get_bit 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_bit 0 1 340 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_bit(int index) const;
1284 7 set_bit 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_bit 0 1 341 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_bit(int index);
1285 9 clear_bit 0 4 1942 34 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear_bit 0 1 342 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear_bit(int index);
1286 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_bit_to 0 1 343 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1287 7 is_zero 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::is_zero 0 1 344 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::is_zero(void) const;
1288 9 is_all_on 0 4 1942 34 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::is_all_on 0 1 345 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::is_all_on(void) const;
1289 7 extract 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::extract 0 1 346 0
inline uint64_t BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1290 5 store 0 4 1942 30 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::store 0 1 347 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::store(uint64_t value, int low_bit, int size);
1291 10 has_any_of 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_any_of 0 1 348 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1292 10 has_all_of 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_all_of 0 1 349 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1293 9 set_range 0 4 1942 34 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_range 0 1 350 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1294 11 clear_range 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear_range 0 1 351 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1295 12 set_range_to 0 4 1942 37 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_range_to 0 1 352 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1296 8 get_word 0 4 1942 33 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_word 0 1 353 0
inline uint64_t BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_word(void) const;
1297 8 set_word 0 4 1942 33 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_word 0 1 354 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::set_word(uint64_t value);
1298 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1942 40 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_on_bits 0 1 355 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1299 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1942 41 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_off_bits 0 1 356 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1300 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1942 42 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 357 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1301 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1942 43 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 358 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1302 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1942 43 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 359 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1303 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1942 44 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 360 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1304 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1942 54 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 361 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1305 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1942 40 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::invert_in_place 0 1 362 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::invert_in_place(void);
1306 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1942 43 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_bits_in_common 0 1 363 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::has_bits_in_common(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1307 5 clear 0 4 1942 30 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear 0 1 364 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::clear(void);
1308 6 output 0 4 1942 31 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output 0 1 365 0
void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1309 13 output_binary 0 4 1942 38 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output_binary 0 1 366 0
void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1310 10 output_hex 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output_hex 0 1 367 0
void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1311 5 write 0 4 1942 30 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::write 0 1 368 0
void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1312 11 operator == 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator == 0 1 369 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ==(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1313 11 operator != 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator != 0 1 370 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator !=(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1314 10 operator < 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator < 0 1 371 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator <(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1315 10 compare_to 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::compare_to 0 1 372 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::compare_to(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1316 10 operator & 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator & 0 1 373 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator &(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1317 10 operator | 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator | 0 1 374 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator |(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1318 10 operator ^ 0 4 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ^ 0 1 375 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ^(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1319 10 operator ~ 0 68 1942 35 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ~ 0 1 376 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ~(void) const;
1320 11 operator << 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator << 0 1 377 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator <<(int shift) const;
1321 11 operator >> 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator >> 0 1 378 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator >>(int shift) const;
1322 11 operator &= 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator &= 0 1 379 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator &=(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other);
1323 11 operator |= 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator |= 0 1 380 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator |=(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other);
1324 11 operator ^= 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ^= 0 1 381 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator ^=(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other);
1325 12 operator <<= 0 4 1942 37 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator <<= 0 1 382 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator <<=(int shift);
1326 12 operator >>= 0 4 1942 37 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator >>= 0 1 383 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::operator >>=(int shift);
1327 19 flood_down_in_place 0 4 1942 44 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_down_in_place 0 1 384 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_down_in_place(void);
1328 17 flood_up_in_place 0 4 1942 42 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_up_in_place 0 1 385 0
inline void BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_up_in_place(void);
1329 15 flood_bits_down 0 4 1942 40 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_bits_down 0 1 386 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_bits_down(void) const;
1330 13 flood_bits_up 0 4 1942 38 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_bits_up 0 1 387 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::flood_bits_up(void) const;
1331 21 keep_next_highest_bit 0 4 1942 46 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_highest_bit 0 3 388 389 390 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_highest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_highest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_highest_bit(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1332 20 keep_next_lowest_bit 0 4 1942 45 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_lowest_bit 0 3 391 392 393 0
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(void) const;
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(int index) const;
inline BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::keep_next_lowest_bit(BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const &other) const;
1333 7 get_key 0 4 1942 32 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_key 0 1 394 0
inline int BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_key(void) const;
1334 11 __nonzero__ 0 4 1942 36 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::__nonzero__ 0 1 395 0
inline bool BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::__nonzero__(void) const;
1335 14 get_class_type 0 4 1942 39 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_class_type 0 1 396 0
static TypeHandle BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::get_class_type(void);
1336 8 ~BitMask 0 4 1942 33 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::~BitMask 0 0 0
BitMask< uint64_t, 64 >::~BitMask(void);
1337 8 BitArray 0 4 1945 18 BitArray::BitArray 0 4 397 398 399 400 34
inline BitArray::BitArray(void);
inline BitArray::BitArray(BitArray::WordType init_value);
BitArray::BitArray(SparseArray const &from);
inline BitArray::BitArray(BitArray const &) = default;
1338 6 all_on 0 4 1945 16 BitArray::all_on 0 1 401 69
* Returns a BitArray with an infinite array of bits, all on.
static inline BitArray BitArray::all_on(void);
1339 7 all_off 0 4 1945 17 BitArray::all_off 0 1 402 53
* Returns a BitArray whose bits are all off.
static inline BitArray BitArray::all_off(void);
1340 8 lower_on 0 4 1945 18 BitArray::lower_on 0 1 403 62
* Returns a BitArray whose lower on_bits bits are on.
static inline BitArray BitArray::lower_on(int on_bits);
1341 3 bit 0 4 1945 13 BitArray::bit 0 1 404 61
* Returns a BitArray with only the indicated bit on.
static inline BitArray BitArray::bit(int index);
1342 5 range 0 4 1945 15 BitArray::range 0 1 405 76
* Returns a BitArray whose size bits, beginning at low_bit, are on.
static inline BitArray BitArray::range(int low_bit, int size);
1343 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1945 26 BitArray::has_max_num_bits 0 1 406 0
static constexpr bool BitArray::has_max_num_bits(void);
1344 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1945 26 BitArray::get_max_num_bits 0 1 407 0
static constexpr int BitArray::get_max_num_bits(void);
1345 21 get_num_bits_per_word 0 4 1945 31 BitArray::get_num_bits_per_word 0 1 408 0
static constexpr int BitArray::get_num_bits_per_word(void);
1346 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1945 22 BitArray::get_num_bits 0 1 409 300
* Returns the current number of possibly different bits in this array. There
* are actually an infinite number of bits, but every bit higher than this bit
* will have the same value, either 0 or 1 (see get_highest_bits()).
* This number may grow and/or shrink automatically as needed.
inline std::size_t BitArray::get_num_bits(void) const;
1347 7 get_bit 0 4 1945 17 BitArray::get_bit 0 1 410 191
* Returns true if the nth bit is set, false if it is cleared. It is valid
* for n to increase beyond get_num_bits(), but the return value
* get_num_bits() will always be the same.
inline bool BitArray::get_bit(int index) const;
1348 7 set_bit 0 4 1945 17 BitArray::set_bit 0 1 411 97
* Sets the nth bit on. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
inline void BitArray::set_bit(int index);
1349 9 clear_bit 0 4 1945 19 BitArray::clear_bit 0 1 412 98
* Sets the nth bit off. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
inline void BitArray::clear_bit(int index);
1350 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::set_bit_to 0 1 413 84
* Sets the nth bit either on or off, according to the indicated bool value.
inline void BitArray::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1351 16 get_highest_bits 0 4 1945 26 BitArray::get_highest_bits 0 1 414 118
* Returns true if the infinite set of bits beyond get_num_bits() are all on,
* or false of they are all off.
inline bool BitArray::get_highest_bits(void) const;
1352 7 is_zero 0 4 1945 17 BitArray::is_zero 0 1 415 71
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is zero, false otherwise.
bool BitArray::is_zero(void) const;
1353 9 is_all_on 0 4 1945 19 BitArray::is_all_on 0 1 416 70
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is one, false otherwise.
bool BitArray::is_all_on(void) const;
1354 7 extract 0 4 1945 17 BitArray::extract 0 1 417 187
* Returns a word that represents only the indicated range of bits within this
* BitArray, shifted to the least-significant position. size must be <=
* get_num_bits_per_word().
inline BitArray::WordType BitArray::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1355 5 store 0 4 1945 15 BitArray::store 0 1 418 92
* Stores the indicated word into the indicated range of bits with this
* BitArray.
inline void BitArray::store(BitArray::WordType value, int low_bit, int size);
1356 10 has_any_of 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::has_any_of 0 1 419 82
* Returns true if any bit in the indicated range is set, false otherwise.
bool BitArray::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1357 10 has_all_of 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::has_all_of 0 1 420 84
* Returns true if all bits in the indicated range are set, false otherwise.
bool BitArray::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1358 9 set_range 0 4 1945 19 BitArray::set_range 0 1 421 47
* Sets the indicated range of bits on.
void BitArray::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1359 11 clear_range 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::clear_range 0 1 422 48
* Sets the indicated range of bits off.
void BitArray::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1360 12 set_range_to 0 4 1945 22 BitArray::set_range_to 0 1 423 64
* Sets the indicated range of bits to either on or off.
inline void BitArray::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1361 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1945 25 BitArray::get_num_on_bits 0 1 424 127
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
int BitArray::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1362 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1945 26 BitArray::get_num_off_bits 0 1 425 127
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 0 bits.
int BitArray::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1363 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1945 27 BitArray::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 426 101
* Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits.
int BitArray::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1364 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1945 28 BitArray::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 427 101
* Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits.
int BitArray::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1365 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1945 28 BitArray::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 428 143
* Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
int BitArray::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1366 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1945 29 BitArray::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 429 143
* Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
int BitArray::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1367 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1945 39 BitArray::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 430 287
* Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value
* is different that the value of low_bit. Returns low_bit again if all bits
* higher than low_bit have the same value.
* This can be used to quickly iterate through all of the bits in the array.
int BitArray::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1368 13 get_num_words 0 4 1945 23 BitArray::get_num_words 0 1 431 75
* Returns the number of possibly-unique words stored in the array.
inline std::size_t BitArray::get_num_words(void) const;
1369 8 get_word 0 4 1945 18 BitArray::get_word 0 1 432 175
* Returns the nth word in the array. It is valid for n to be greater than
* get_num_words(), but the return value beyond get_num_words() will always be
* the same.
inline BitArray::MaskType BitArray::get_word(std::size_t n) const;
1370 8 set_word 0 4 1945 18 BitArray::set_word 0 1 433 113
* Replaces the nth word in the array. If n >= get_num_words(), this
* automatically extends the array.
inline void BitArray::set_word(std::size_t n, BitArray::WordType value);
1371 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1945 25 BitArray::invert_in_place 0 1 434 90
* Inverts all the bits in the BitArray. This is equivalent to array =
* ~array.
void BitArray::invert_in_place(void);
1372 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1945 28 BitArray::has_bits_in_common 0 1 435 178
* Returns true if this BitArray has any "one" bits in common with the other
* one, false otherwise.
* This is equivalent to (array & other) != 0, but may be faster.
bool BitArray::has_bits_in_common(BitArray const &other) const;
1373 5 clear 0 4 1945 15 BitArray::clear 0 1 436 49
* Sets all the bits in the BitArray off.
inline void BitArray::clear(void);
1374 6 output 0 4 1945 16 BitArray::output 0 1 437 193
* Writes the BitArray out as a hex number. For a BitArray, this is always
* the same as output_hex(); it's too confusing for the output format to
* change back and forth at runtime.
void BitArray::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1375 13 output_binary 0 4 1945 23 BitArray::output_binary 0 1 438 83
* Writes the BitArray out as a binary number, with spaces every four bits.
void BitArray::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1376 10 output_hex 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::output_hex 0 1 439 93
* Writes the BitArray out as a hexadecimal number, with spaces every four
* digits.
void BitArray::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1377 5 write 0 4 1945 15 BitArray::write 0 1 440 99
* Writes the BitArray out as a binary or a hex number, according to the
* number of bits.
void BitArray::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1378 11 operator == 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator == 0 1 441 0
inline bool BitArray::operator ==(BitArray const &other) const;
1379 11 operator != 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator != 0 1 442 0
inline bool BitArray::operator !=(BitArray const &other) const;
1380 10 operator < 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::operator < 0 1 443 0
inline bool BitArray::operator <(BitArray const &other) const;
1381 10 compare_to 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::compare_to 0 1 444 233
* Returns a number less than zero if this BitArray sorts before the indicated
* other BitArray, greater than zero if it sorts after, or 0 if they are
* equivalent. This is based on the same ordering defined by operator <.
int BitArray::compare_to(BitArray const &other) const;
1382 10 operator & 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::operator & 0 1 445 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator &(BitArray const &other) const;
1383 10 operator | 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::operator | 0 1 446 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator |(BitArray const &other) const;
1384 10 operator ^ 0 4 1945 20 BitArray::operator ^ 0 1 447 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator ^(BitArray const &other) const;
1385 10 operator ~ 0 68 1945 20 BitArray::operator ~ 0 1 448 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator ~(void) const;
1386 11 operator << 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator << 0 1 449 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator <<(int shift) const;
1387 11 operator >> 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator >> 0 1 450 0
inline BitArray BitArray::operator >>(int shift) const;
1388 11 operator &= 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator &= 0 1 451 0
void BitArray::operator &=(BitArray const &other);
1389 11 operator |= 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator |= 0 1 452 0
void BitArray::operator |=(BitArray const &other);
1390 11 operator ^= 0 4 1945 21 BitArray::operator ^= 0 1 453 0
void BitArray::operator ^=(BitArray const &other);
1391 12 operator <<= 0 4 1945 22 BitArray::operator <<= 0 1 454 0
void BitArray::operator <<=(int shift);
1392 12 operator >>= 0 4 1945 22 BitArray::operator >>= 0 1 455 0
void BitArray::operator >>=(int shift);
1393 14 get_class_type 0 4 1945 24 BitArray::get_class_type 0 1 456 0
static TypeHandle BitArray::get_class_type(void);
1394 9 ~BitArray 0 4 1945 19 BitArray::~BitArray 0 0 0
1395 12 ButtonHandle 0 4 1947 26 ButtonHandle::ButtonHandle 0 4 457 458 459 460 758
// The default constructor must do nothing, because we can't guarantee
// ordering of static initializers. If the constructor tried to initialize
// its value, it might happen after the value had already been set
// previously by another static initializer!
* Constructs a ButtonHandle with the corresponding index number, which may
* have been returned by an earlier call to ButtonHandle::get_index().
* Constructs a ButtonHandle with the corresponding name, which is looked up
* in the ButtonRegistry. This exists for the purpose of being able to
* automatically coerce a string into a ButtonHandle; for most purposes, you
* should use either the static KeyboardButton/MouseButton getters or
* ButtonRegistry::register_button().
inline ButtonHandle::ButtonHandle(void) = default;
constexpr ButtonHandle::ButtonHandle(int index);
ButtonHandle::ButtonHandle(std::string const &name);
inline ButtonHandle::ButtonHandle(ButtonHandle const &) = default;
1396 11 operator == 0 4 1947 25 ButtonHandle::operator == 0 1 461 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator ==(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1397 11 operator != 0 4 1947 25 ButtonHandle::operator != 0 1 462 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator !=(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1398 10 operator < 0 4 1947 24 ButtonHandle::operator < 0 1 463 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator <(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1399 11 operator <= 0 4 1947 25 ButtonHandle::operator <= 0 1 464 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator <=(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1400 10 operator > 0 4 1947 24 ButtonHandle::operator > 0 1 465 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator >(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1401 11 operator >= 0 4 1947 25 ButtonHandle::operator >= 0 1 466 0
inline bool ButtonHandle::operator >=(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1402 10 compare_to 0 4 1947 24 ButtonHandle::compare_to 0 1 467 209
* Sorts ButtonHandles arbitrarily (according to <, >, etc.). Returns a
* number less than 0 if this type sorts before the other one, greater than
* zero if it sorts after, 0 if they are equivalent.
inline int ButtonHandle::compare_to(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1403 8 get_hash 0 4 1947 22 ButtonHandle::get_hash 0 1 468 54
* Returns a hash code suitable for phash_map.
inline std::size_t ButtonHandle::get_hash(void) const;
1404 8 get_name 0 4 1947 22 ButtonHandle::get_name 0 1 469 42
* Returns the name of the button.
std::string ButtonHandle::get_name(void) const;
1405 20 has_ascii_equivalent 0 4 1947 34 ButtonHandle::has_ascii_equivalent 0 1 470 121
* Returns true if the button was created with an ASCII equivalent code (e.g.
* for a standard keyboard button).
inline bool ButtonHandle::has_ascii_equivalent(void) const;
1406 20 get_ascii_equivalent 0 4 1947 34 ButtonHandle::get_ascii_equivalent 0 1 471 109
* Returns the character code associated with the button, or '\0' if no ASCII
* code was associated.
inline char ButtonHandle::get_ascii_equivalent(void) const;
1407 9 get_alias 0 4 1947 23 ButtonHandle::get_alias 0 1 472 373
* Returns the alias (alternate name) associated with the button, if any, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if the button has no alias.
* Each button is allowed to have one alias, and multiple different buttons
* can refer to the same alias. The alias should be the more general name for
* the button, for instance, shift is an alias for lshift, but not vice-versa.
ButtonHandle ButtonHandle::get_alias(void) const;
1408 7 matches 0 4 1947 21 ButtonHandle::matches 0 1 473 263
* Returns true if this ButtonHandle is the same as the other one, or if the
* other one is an alias for this one. (Does not return true if this button
* is an alias for the other one, however.)
* This is a more general comparison than operator ==.
inline bool ButtonHandle::matches(ButtonHandle const &other) const;
1409 9 get_index 0 4 1947 23 ButtonHandle::get_index 0 1 474 363
* Returns the integer index associated with this ButtonHandle. Each
* different ButtonHandle will have a different index. However, you probably
* shouldn't be using this method; you should just treat the ButtonHandles as
* opaque classes. This is provided for the convenience of non-C++ scripting
* languages to build a hashtable of ButtonHandles.
constexpr int ButtonHandle::get_index(void) const;
1410 6 output 0 4 1947 20 ButtonHandle::output 0 1 475 10
inline void ButtonHandle::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1411 4 none 0 4 1947 18 ButtonHandle::none 0 1 476 0
static constexpr ButtonHandle ButtonHandle::none(void);
1412 22 operator typecast bool 0 132 1947 36 ButtonHandle::operator typecast bool 0 1 478 0
inline operator bool (void) const;
1413 14 get_class_type 0 4 1947 28 ButtonHandle::get_class_type 0 1 477 0
static TypeHandle ButtonHandle::get_class_type(void);
1414 13 ~ButtonHandle 0 4 1947 27 ButtonHandle::~ButtonHandle 0 0 0
1415 10 get_button 0 4 1951 26 ButtonRegistry::get_button 0 1 480 150
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated name. If there
* is no such ButtonHandle, registers a new one and returns it.
ButtonHandle ButtonRegistry::get_button(std::string const &name);
1416 11 find_button 0 4 1951 27 ButtonRegistry::find_button 0 1 481 144
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated name. If there
* is no such ButtonHandle, returns ButtonHandle::none().
ButtonHandle ButtonRegistry::find_button(std::string const &name);
1417 17 find_ascii_button 0 4 1951 33 ButtonRegistry::find_ascii_button 0 1 482 169
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated ASCII
* equivalent character. If there is no such ButtonHandle, returns
* ButtonHandle::none().
ButtonHandle ButtonRegistry::find_ascii_button(char ascii_equivalent) const;
1418 5 write 0 4 1951 21 ButtonRegistry::write 0 1 483 10
void ButtonRegistry::write(std::ostream &out) const;
1419 3 ptr 0 4 1951 19 ButtonRegistry::ptr 0 1 484 134
// ptr() returns the pointer to the global ButtonRegistry object.
* Returns the pointer to the global ButtonRegistry object.
static inline ButtonRegistry *ButtonRegistry::ptr(void);
1420 14 ButtonRegistry 0 4 1951 30 ButtonRegistry::ButtonRegistry 0 1 479 10
inline ButtonRegistry::ButtonRegistry(ButtonRegistry const &) = default;
1421 15 ~ButtonRegistry 0 4 1951 31 ButtonRegistry::~ButtonRegistry 0 0 0
1422 15 get_num_buttons 0 4 1952 26 ButtonMap::get_num_buttons 0 1 487 76
* Returns the number of buttons that this button mapping specifies.
inline std::size_t ButtonMap::get_num_buttons(void) const;
1423 14 get_raw_button 0 4 1952 25 ButtonMap::get_raw_button 0 1 488 76
* Returns the underlying raw button associated with the nth button.
inline ButtonHandle ButtonMap::get_raw_button(std::size_t i) const;
1424 17 get_mapped_button 0 4 1952 28 ButtonMap::get_mapped_button 0 3 489 490 491 437
* Returns the nth mapped button, meaning the button that the nth raw button
* is mapped to.
* Returns the button that the given button is mapped to, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if this map does not specify a mapped button for the
* given raw button.
* Returns the button that the given button is mapped to, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if this map does not specify a mapped button for the
* given raw button.
inline ButtonHandle ButtonMap::get_mapped_button(std::size_t i) const;
inline ButtonHandle ButtonMap::get_mapped_button(ButtonHandle raw) const;
inline ButtonHandle ButtonMap::get_mapped_button(std::string const &raw_name) const;
1425 23 get_mapped_button_label 0 4 1952 34 ButtonMap::get_mapped_button_label 0 3 492 493 494 837
* Returns the label associated with the nth mapped button, meaning the button
* that the nth raw button is mapped to.
* If the button map specifies a special name for the button (eg. if the
* operating system or keyboard device has a localized name describing the
* key), returns it, or the empty string otherwise.
* Note that this is not the same as get_mapped_button().get_name(), which
* returns the name of the Panda event associated with the button.
* If the button map specifies a special name for the button (eg. if the
* operating system or keyboard device has a localized name describing the
* key), returns it, or the empty string otherwise.
* Note that this is not the same as get_mapped_button().get_name(), which
* returns the name of the Panda event associated with the button.
inline std::string const &ButtonMap::get_mapped_button_label(std::size_t i) const;
inline std::string const &ButtonMap::get_mapped_button_label(ButtonHandle raw) const;
inline std::string const &ButtonMap::get_mapped_button_label(std::string const &raw_name) const;
1426 6 output 0 4 1952 17 ButtonMap::output 0 1 495 10
void ButtonMap::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1427 5 write 0 4 1952 16 ButtonMap::write 0 1 496 10
void ButtonMap::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1428 14 get_class_type 0 4 1952 25 ButtonMap::get_class_type 0 1 497 0
static TypeHandle ButtonMap::get_class_type(void);
1429 9 ButtonMap 0 4 1952 20 ButtonMap::ButtonMap 0 2 485 486 0
inline ButtonMap::ButtonMap(void) = default;
inline ButtonMap::ButtonMap(ButtonMap const &) = default;
1430 10 ~ButtonMap 0 4 1952 21 ButtonMap::~ButtonMap 0 0 0
1431 6 output 0 6 1954 22 CallbackObject::output 0 1 499 10
virtual void CallbackObject::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1432 4 make 0 4 1954 20 CallbackObject::make 0 1 500 0
static PointerTo< CallbackObject > CallbackObject::make(PyObject *function);
1433 14 get_class_type 0 4 1954 30 CallbackObject::get_class_type 0 1 501 0
static TypeHandle CallbackObject::get_class_type(void);
1434 14 CallbackObject 0 4 1954 30 CallbackObject::CallbackObject 0 1 498 10
inline CallbackObject::CallbackObject(CallbackObject const &) = default;
1435 15 ~CallbackObject 0 4 1954 31 CallbackObject::~CallbackObject 0 0 0
1436 19 get_cache_ref_count 0 4 1955 54 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::get_cache_ref_count 0 1 502 47
* Returns the current reference count.
inline int CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::get_cache_ref_count(void) const;
1437 9 cache_ref 0 4 1955 44 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_ref 0 1 503 108
* Explicitly increments the cache reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
inline void CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_ref(void) const;
1438 11 cache_unref 0 4 1955 46 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_unref 0 1 504 202
* Explicitly decrements the cache reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
* The return value is true if the new reference count is nonzero, false if it
* is zero.
inline bool CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_unref(void) const;
1439 24 test_ref_count_integrity 0 4 1955 59 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::test_ref_count_integrity 0 1 505 97
* Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't
* completely bogus.
inline bool CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::test_ref_count_integrity(void) const;
1440 14 get_class_type 0 4 1955 49 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::get_class_type 0 1 506 0
static TypeHandle CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::get_class_type(void);
1441 6 output 0 6 1956 20 CallbackData::output 0 1 507 10
virtual void CallbackData::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1442 6 upcall 0 6 1956 20 CallbackData::upcall 0 1 508 159
* You should make this call during the callback if you want to continue the
* normal function that would have been done in the absence of a callback.
virtual void CallbackData::upcall(void);
1443 14 get_class_type 0 4 1956 28 CallbackData::get_class_type 0 1 509 0
static TypeHandle CallbackData::get_class_type(void);
1444 13 ~CallbackData 0 4 1956 27 CallbackData::~CallbackData 0 0 0
1445 20 PythonCallbackObject 0 4 1957 42 PythonCallbackObject::PythonCallbackObject 0 2 510 511 10
PythonCallbackObject::PythonCallbackObject(PyObject *function = (& ::_Py_NoneStruct));
inline PythonCallbackObject::PythonCallbackObject(PythonCallbackObject const &) = default;
1446 12 operator new 0 4 1957 34 PythonCallbackObject::operator new 0 1 512 0
inline void *PythonCallbackObject::operator new(std::size_t size);
inline void *PythonCallbackObject::operator new(std::size_t size, void *ptr);
1447 15 operator delete 0 4 1957 37 PythonCallbackObject::operator delete 0 0 0
inline void PythonCallbackObject::operator delete(void *ptr);
inline void PythonCallbackObject::operator delete(void *, void *);
1448 12 validate_ptr 0 4 1957 34 PythonCallbackObject::validate_ptr 0 0 0
static inline bool PythonCallbackObject::validate_ptr(void const *ptr);
1449 12 set_function 0 4 1957 34 PythonCallbackObject::set_function 0 1 513 126
* Replaces the function that is called for the callback. runs. The
* parameter should be a Python callable object.
void PythonCallbackObject::set_function(PyObject *function);
1450 12 get_function 0 4 1957 34 PythonCallbackObject::get_function 0 1 514 64
* Returns the function that is called for the callback.
PyObject *PythonCallbackObject::get_function(void);
1451 14 get_class_type 0 4 1957 36 PythonCallbackObject::get_class_type 0 1 515 0
static TypeHandle PythonCallbackObject::get_class_type(void);
1452 7 TimeVal 0 4 1958 16 TimeVal::TimeVal 0 2 516 517 10
inline TimeVal::TimeVal(void);
inline TimeVal::TimeVal(TimeVal const &) = default;
1453 7 get_sec 0 4 1958 16 TimeVal::get_sec 0 1 518 10
inline ulong TimeVal::get_sec(void) const;
1454 8 get_usec 0 4 1958 17 TimeVal::get_usec 0 1 519 10
inline ulong TimeVal::get_usec(void) const;
1455 6 get_tv 0 20 1958 15 TimeVal::get_tv 0 0 32
getter for ulong TimeVal::tv[2];
ulong *TimeVal::get_tv(void) const;
1456 6 set_tv 0 36 1958 15 TimeVal::set_tv 0 0 32
setter for ulong TimeVal::tv[2];
void TimeVal::set_tv(ulong value[2]);
1457 8 ~TimeVal 0 4 1958 17 TimeVal::~TimeVal 0 0 0
1458 11 ClockObject 0 4 1962 24 ClockObject::ClockObject 0 2 520 521 22
ClockObject::ClockObject(ClockObject::Mode mode = ::ClockObject::M_normal);
ClockObject::ClockObject(ClockObject const &copy);
1459 8 set_mode 0 4 1962 21 ClockObject::set_mode 0 1 522 1841
* Changes the mode of the clock. Normally, the clock is in mode M_normal.
* In this mode, each call to tick() will set the value returned by
* get_frame_time() to the current real time; thus, the clock simply reports
* time advancing.
* Other possible modes:
* M_non_real_time - the clock ignores real time completely; at each call to
* tick(), it pretends that exactly dt seconds have elapsed since the last
* call to tick(). You may set the value of dt with set_dt() or
* set_frame_rate().
* M_limited - the clock will run as fast as it can, as in M_normal, but will
* not run faster than the rate specified by set_frame_rate(). If the
* application would run faster than this rate, the clock will slow down the
* application.
* M_integer - the clock will run as fast as it can, but the rate will be
* constrained to be an integer multiple or divisor of the rate specified by
* set_frame_rate(). The clock will slow down the application a bit to
* guarantee this.
* M_integer_limited - a combination of M_limited and M_integer; the clock
* will not run faster than set_frame_rate(), and if it runs slower, it will
* run at a integer divisor of that rate.
* M_forced - the clock forces the application to run at the rate specified by
* set_frame_rate(). If the application would run faster than this rate, the
* clock will slow down the application; if the application would run slower
* than this rate, the clock slows down time so that the application believes
* it is running at the given rate.
* M_degrade - the clock runs at real time, but the application is slowed down
* by a set factor of its frame rate, specified by set_degrade_factor().
* M_slave - the clock does not advance, but relies on the user to call
* set_frame_time() and/or set_frame_count() each frame.
void ClockObject::set_mode(ClockObject::Mode mode);
1460 8 get_mode 0 4 1962 21 ClockObject::get_mode 0 1 523 66
* Returns the current mode of the clock. See set_mode().
inline ClockObject::Mode ClockObject::get_mode(void) const;
1461 14 get_frame_time 0 4 1962 27 ClockObject::get_frame_time 0 1 524 350
* Returns the time in seconds as of the last time tick() was called
* (typically, this will be as of the start of the current frame).
* This is generally the kind of time you want to ask for in most rendering
* and animation contexts, since it's important that all of the animation for
* a given frame remains in sync with each other.
inline double ClockObject::get_frame_time(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1462 13 get_real_time 0 4 1962 26 ClockObject::get_real_time 0 1 525 434
* Returns the actual number of seconds elapsed since the ClockObject was
* created, or since it was last reset. This is useful for doing real timing
* measurements, e.g. for performance statistics.
* This returns the most precise timer we have for short time intervals, but
* it may tend to drift over the long haul. If more accurate timekeeping is
* needed over a long period of time, use get_long_time() instead.
inline double ClockObject::get_real_time(void) const;
1463 13 get_long_time 0 4 1962 26 ClockObject::get_long_time 0 1 526 440
* Returns the actual number of seconds elapsed since the ClockObject was
* created, or since it was last reset.
* This is similar to get_real_time(), except that it uses the most accurate
* counter we have over a long period of time, and so it is less likely to
* drift. However, it may not be very precise for measuring short intervals.
* On Windows, for instace, this is only accurate to within about 55
* milliseconds.
inline double ClockObject::get_long_time(void) const;
1464 5 reset 0 4 1962 18 ClockObject::reset 0 1 527 75
* Simultaneously resets both the time and the frame count to zero.
inline void ClockObject::reset(void);
1465 13 set_real_time 0 4 1962 26 ClockObject::set_real_time 0 1 528 316
* Resets the clock to the indicated time. This changes only the real time of
* the clock as reported by get_real_time(), but does not immediately change
* the time reported by get_frame_time()--that will change after the next call
* to tick(). Also see reset(), set_frame_time(), and set_frame_count().
void ClockObject::set_real_time(double time);
1466 14 set_frame_time 0 4 1962 27 ClockObject::set_frame_time 0 1 529 215
* Changes the time as reported for the current frame to the indicated time.
* Normally, the way to adjust the frame time is via tick(); this function is
* provided only for occasional special adjustments.
void ClockObject::set_frame_time(double time, Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread());
1467 15 set_frame_count 0 4 1962 28 ClockObject::set_frame_count 0 1 530 132
* Resets the number of frames counted to the indicated number. Also see
* reset(), set_real_time(), and set_frame_time().
void ClockObject::set_frame_count(int frame_count, Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread());
1468 15 get_frame_count 0 4 1962 28 ClockObject::get_frame_count 0 1 531 195
* Returns the number of times tick() has been called since the ClockObject
* was created, or since it was last reset. This is generally the number of
* frames that have been rendered.
inline int ClockObject::get_frame_count(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1469 18 get_net_frame_rate 0 4 1962 31 ClockObject::get_net_frame_rate 0 1 532 245
* Returns the average frame rate since the last reset. This is simply the
* total number of frames divided by the total elapsed time. This reports the
* virtual frame rate if the clock is in (or has been in) M_non_real_time
* mode.
inline double ClockObject::get_net_frame_rate(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1470 6 get_dt 0 4 1962 19 ClockObject::get_dt 0 1 533 130
* Returns the elapsed time for the previous frame: the number of seconds
* elapsed between the last two calls to tick().
inline double ClockObject::get_dt(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1471 6 set_dt 0 4 1962 19 ClockObject::set_dt 0 1 534 291
* In non-real-time mode, sets the number of seconds that should appear to
* elapse between frames. In forced mode or limited mode, sets our target dt.
* In normal mode, this has no effect.
* Also see set_frame_rate(), which is a different way to specify the same
* quantity.
void ClockObject::set_dt(double dt);
1472 14 set_frame_rate 0 4 1962 27 ClockObject::set_frame_rate 0 1 535 291
* In non-real-time mode, sets the number of frames per second that we should
* appear to be running. In forced mode or limited mode, sets our target
* frame rate. In normal mode, this has no effect.
* Also see set_dt(), which is a different way to specify the same quantity.
void ClockObject::set_frame_rate(double frame_rate);
1473 10 get_max_dt 0 4 1962 23 ClockObject::get_max_dt 0 1 536 106
* Returns the current maximum allowable time elapsed between any two frames.
* See set_max_dt().
inline double ClockObject::get_max_dt(void) const;
1474 10 set_max_dt 0 4 1962 23 ClockObject::set_max_dt 0 1 537 511
* Sets a limit on the value returned by get_dt(). If this value is less than
* zero, no limit is imposed; otherwise, this is the maximum value that will
* ever be returned by get_dt(), regardless of how much time has actually
* elapsed between frames.
* This limit is only imposed in real-time mode; in non-real-time mode, the dt
* is fixed anyway and max_dt is ignored.
* This is generally used to guarantee reasonable behavior even in the
* presence of a very slow or chuggy frame rame.
inline void ClockObject::set_max_dt(double max_dt);
1475 18 get_degrade_factor 0 4 1962 31 ClockObject::get_degrade_factor 0 1 538 265
* In degrade mode, returns the ratio by which the performance is degraded. A
* value of 2.0 causes the clock to be slowed down by a factor of two
* (reducing performance to 1/2 what would be otherwise).
* This has no effect if mode is not M_degrade.
inline double ClockObject::get_degrade_factor(void) const;
1476 18 set_degrade_factor 0 4 1962 31 ClockObject::set_degrade_factor 0 1 539 262
* In degrade mode, sets the ratio by which the performance is degraded. A
* value of 2.0 causes the clock to be slowed down by a factor of two
* (reducing performance to 1/2 what would be otherwise).
* This has no effect if mode is not M_degrade.
inline void ClockObject::set_degrade_factor(double degrade_factor);
1477 31 set_average_frame_rate_interval 0 4 1962 44 ClockObject::set_average_frame_rate_interval 0 1 540 393
* Specifies the interval of time (in seconds) over which
* get_average_frame_rate() averages the number of frames per second to
* compute the frame rate. Changing this does not necessarily immediately
* change the result of get_average_frame_rate(), until this interval of time
* has elapsed again.
* Setting this to zero disables the computation of get_average_frame_rate().
inline void ClockObject::set_average_frame_rate_interval(double time);
1478 31 get_average_frame_rate_interval 0 4 1962 44 ClockObject::get_average_frame_rate_interval 0 1 541 162
* Returns the interval of time (in seconds) over which
* get_average_frame_rate() averages the number of frames per second to
* compute the frame rate.
inline double ClockObject::get_average_frame_rate_interval(void) const;
1479 22 get_average_frame_rate 0 4 1962 35 ClockObject::get_average_frame_rate 0 1 542 214
* Returns the average frame rate in number of frames per second over the last
* get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds. This measures the virtual frame
* rate if the clock is in M_non_real_time mode.
double ClockObject::get_average_frame_rate(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1480 22 get_max_frame_duration 0 4 1962 35 ClockObject::get_max_frame_duration 0 1 543 105
* Returns the maximum frame duration over the last
* get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds.
double ClockObject::get_max_frame_duration(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1481 25 calc_frame_rate_deviation 0 4 1962 38 ClockObject::calc_frame_rate_deviation 0 1 544 539
* Returns the standard deviation of the frame times of the frames rendered
* over the past get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds. This number gives
* an estimate of the chugginess of the frame rate; if it is large, there is a
* large variation in the frame rate; if is small, all of the frames are
* consistent in length.
* A large value might also represent just a recent change in frame rate, for
* instance, because the camera has just rotated from looking at a simple
* scene to looking at a more complex scene.
double ClockObject::calc_frame_rate_deviation(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread()) const;
1482 4 tick 0 4 1962 17 ClockObject::tick 0 1 545 285
* Instructs the clock that a new frame has just begun. In normal, real-time
* mode, get_frame_time() will henceforth report the time as of this instant
* as the current start-of-frame time. In non-real-time mode,
* get_frame_time() will be incremented by the value of dt.
void ClockObject::tick(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread());
1483 15 sync_frame_time 0 4 1962 28 ClockObject::sync_frame_time 0 1 546 417
* Resets the frame time to the current real time. This is similar to tick(),
* except that it does not advance the frame counter and does not affect dt.
* This is intended to be used in the middle of a particularly long frame to
* compensate for the time that has already elapsed.
* In non-real-time mode, this function has no effect (because in this mode
* all frames take the same length of time).
void ClockObject::sync_frame_time(Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread());
1484 12 check_errors 0 4 1962 25 ClockObject::check_errors 0 1 547 322
* Returns true if a clock error was detected since the last time
* check_errors() was called. A clock error means that something happened, an
* OS or BIOS bug, for instance, that makes the current value of the clock
* somewhat suspect, and an application may wish to resynchronize with any
* external clocks.
inline bool ClockObject::check_errors(Thread *current_thread);
1485 16 get_global_clock 0 4 1962 29 ClockObject::get_global_clock 0 1 548 159
* Returns a pointer to the global ClockObject. This is the ClockObject that
* most code should use for handling scene graph rendering and animation.
static inline ClockObject *ClockObject::get_global_clock(void);
1486 14 get_class_type 0 4 1962 27 ClockObject::get_class_type 0 1 549 0
static TypeHandle ClockObject::get_class_type(void);
1487 24 parse_color_space_string 0 1 0 24 parse_color_space_string 0 1 943 0
ColorSpace parse_color_space_string(std::string const &str);
1488 18 format_color_space 0 1 0 18 format_color_space 0 1 944 0
std::string format_color_space(ColorSpace cs);
1489 14 get_model_path 0 1 0 14 get_model_path 0 1 945 0
ConfigVariableSearchPath &get_model_path(void);
1490 15 get_plugin_path 0 1 0 15 get_plugin_path 0 1 946 0
ConfigVariableSearchPath &get_plugin_path(void);
1491 9 cache_ref 0 4 1966 28 CopyOnWriteObject::cache_ref 0 1 550 62
* @see CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_ref()
inline void CopyOnWriteObject::cache_ref(void) const;
1492 11 cache_unref 0 4 1966 30 CopyOnWriteObject::cache_unref 0 1 551 64
* @see CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_unref()
inline bool CopyOnWriteObject::cache_unref(void) const;
1493 14 get_class_type 0 4 1966 33 CopyOnWriteObject::get_class_type 0 1 552 0
static TypeHandle CopyOnWriteObject::get_class_type(void);
1494 18 ~CopyOnWriteObject 0 4 1966 37 CopyOnWriteObject::~CopyOnWriteObject 0 0 0
1495 22 upcast_to_DatagramSink 0 12 1967 38 DatagramBuffer::upcast_to_DatagramSink 0 1 556 42
upcast from DatagramBuffer to DatagramSink
DatagramSink *DatagramBuffer::upcast_to_DatagramSink(void);
1496 26 downcast_to_DatagramBuffer 0 12 1937 40 DatagramSink::downcast_to_DatagramBuffer 0 0 44
downcast from DatagramSink to DatagramBuffer
DatagramBuffer *DatagramSink::downcast_to_DatagramBuffer(void);
1497 27 upcast_to_DatagramGenerator 0 12 1967 43 DatagramBuffer::upcast_to_DatagramGenerator 0 1 557 47
upcast from DatagramBuffer to DatagramGenerator
DatagramGenerator *DatagramBuffer::upcast_to_DatagramGenerator(void);
1498 26 downcast_to_DatagramBuffer 0 12 1930 45 DatagramGenerator::downcast_to_DatagramBuffer 0 0 49
downcast from DatagramGenerator to DatagramBuffer
DatagramBuffer *DatagramGenerator::downcast_to_DatagramBuffer(void);
1499 14 DatagramBuffer 0 4 1967 30 DatagramBuffer::DatagramBuffer 0 2 553 554 104
* Initializes an empty datagram buffer.
* Initializes the buffer with the given data.
inline DatagramBuffer::DatagramBuffer(void);
inline explicit DatagramBuffer::DatagramBuffer(vector_uchar data);
1500 5 clear 0 4 1967 21 DatagramBuffer::clear 0 1 555 38
* Clears the internal buffer.
inline void DatagramBuffer::clear(void);
1501 8 get_data 0 4 1967 24 DatagramBuffer::get_data 0 0 39
* Returns the internal buffer.
inline vector_uchar const &DatagramBuffer::get_data(void) const;
1502 8 set_data 0 4 1967 24 DatagramBuffer::set_data 0 0 52
* Replaces the data in the internal buffer.
inline void DatagramBuffer::set_data(vector_uchar data);
1503 15 ~DatagramBuffer 0 4 1967 31 DatagramBuffer::~DatagramBuffer 0 0 0
1504 17 DatagramInputFile 0 4 1971 36 DatagramInputFile::DatagramInputFile 0 1 558 10
inline DatagramInputFile::DatagramInputFile(void);
1505 4 open 0 4 1971 23 DatagramInputFile::open 0 3 559 560 561 432
* Opens the indicated filename for reading. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
* Opens the indicated filename for reading. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
* Starts reading from the indicated stream. Returns true on success, false
* on failure. The DatagramInputFile does not take ownership of the stream;
* you are responsible for closing or deleting it when you are done.
bool DatagramInputFile::open(FileReference const *file);
inline bool DatagramInputFile::open(Filename const &filename);
bool DatagramInputFile::open(std::istream &in, Filename const &filename = Filename());
1506 10 get_stream 0 4 1971 29 DatagramInputFile::get_stream 0 1 562 61
* Returns the istream represented by the input file.
inline std::istream &DatagramInputFile::get_stream(void);
1507 5 close 0 4 1971 24 DatagramInputFile::close 0 1 563 98
* Closes the file. This is also implicitly done when the DatagramInputFile
* destructs.
void DatagramInputFile::close(void);
1508 11 read_header 0 4 1971 30 DatagramInputFile::read_header 0 0 257
* Reads a sequence of bytes from the beginning of the datagram file. This
* may be called any number of times after the file has been opened and before
* the first datagram is read. It may not be called once the first datagram
* has been read.
bool DatagramInputFile::read_header(std::string &header, std::size_t num_bytes);
1509 18 DatagramOutputFile 0 4 1972 38 DatagramOutputFile::DatagramOutputFile 0 1 564 10
inline DatagramOutputFile::DatagramOutputFile(void);
1510 4 open 0 4 1972 24 DatagramOutputFile::open 0 3 565 566 567 434
* Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
* Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true if successful,
* false on failure.
* Starts writing to the indicated stream. Returns true on success, false on
* failure. The DatagramOutputFile does not take ownership of the stream; you
* are responsible for closing or deleting it when you are done.
bool DatagramOutputFile::open(FileReference const *file);
inline bool DatagramOutputFile::open(Filename const &filename);
bool DatagramOutputFile::open(std::ostream &out, Filename const &filename = Filename());
1511 5 close 0 4 1972 25 DatagramOutputFile::close 0 1 568 99
* Closes the file. This is also implicitly done when the DatagramOutputFile
* destructs.
void DatagramOutputFile::close(void);
1512 12 write_header 0 4 1972 32 DatagramOutputFile::write_header 0 1 569 256
* Writes a sequence of bytes to the beginning of the datagram file. This may
* be called any number of times after the file has been opened and before the
* first datagram is written. It may not be called once the first datagram is
* written.
bool DatagramOutputFile::write_header(std::string const &header);
1513 10 get_stream 0 4 1972 30 DatagramOutputFile::get_stream 0 0 62
* Returns the ostream represented by the output file.
inline std::ostream &DatagramOutputFile::get_stream(void);
1514 13 DoubleBitMask 0 4 1974 45 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask 0 2 570 571 0
constexpr DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask(void) = default;
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &) = default;
1515 6 all_on 0 4 1974 38 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::all_on 0 1 572 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::all_on(void);
1516 7 all_off 0 4 1974 39 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::all_off 0 1 573 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::all_off(void);
1517 8 lower_on 0 4 1974 40 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::lower_on 0 1 574 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::lower_on(int on_bits);
1518 3 bit 0 4 1974 35 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::bit 0 1 575 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::bit(int index);
1519 5 range 0 4 1974 37 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::range 0 1 576 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::range(int low_bit, int size);
1520 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1974 48 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_max_num_bits 0 1 577 0
static constexpr bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_max_num_bits(void);
1521 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1974 48 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_max_num_bits 0 1 578 0
static constexpr int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_max_num_bits(void);
1522 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1974 44 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_bits 0 1 579 0
constexpr int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_bits(void) const;
1523 7 get_bit 0 4 1974 39 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_bit 0 1 580 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_bit(int index) const;
1524 7 set_bit 0 4 1974 39 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_bit 0 1 581 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_bit(int index);
1525 9 clear_bit 0 4 1974 41 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear_bit 0 1 582 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear_bit(int index);
1526 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_bit_to 0 1 583 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1527 7 is_zero 0 4 1974 39 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::is_zero 0 1 584 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::is_zero(void) const;
1528 9 is_all_on 0 4 1974 41 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::is_all_on 0 1 585 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::is_all_on(void) const;
1529 7 extract 0 4 1974 39 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::extract 0 1 586 0
inline uint64_t DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1530 5 store 0 4 1974 37 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::store 0 1 587 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::store(uint64_t value, int low_bit, int size);
1531 10 has_any_of 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_any_of 0 1 588 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1532 10 has_all_of 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_all_of 0 1 589 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1533 9 set_range 0 4 1974 41 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_range 0 1 590 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1534 11 clear_range 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear_range 0 1 591 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1535 12 set_range_to 0 4 1974 44 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_range_to 0 1 592 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1536 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1974 47 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_on_bits 0 1 593 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1537 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1974 48 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_off_bits 0 1 594 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1538 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1974 49 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 595 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1539 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1974 50 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 596 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1540 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1974 50 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 597 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1541 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1974 51 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 598 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1542 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1974 61 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 599 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1543 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1974 47 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::invert_in_place 0 1 600 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::invert_in_place(void);
1544 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1974 50 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_bits_in_common 0 1 601 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::has_bits_in_common(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1545 5 clear 0 4 1974 37 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear 0 1 602 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::clear(void);
1546 6 output 0 4 1974 38 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output 0 1 603 0
void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1547 13 output_binary 0 4 1974 45 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output_binary 0 1 604 0
void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1548 10 output_hex 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output_hex 0 1 605 0
void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1549 5 write 0 4 1974 37 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::write 0 1 606 0
void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1550 11 operator == 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator == 0 1 607 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ==(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1551 11 operator != 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator != 0 1 608 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator !=(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1552 10 operator < 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator < 0 1 609 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator <(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1553 10 compare_to 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::compare_to 0 1 610 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::compare_to(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1554 10 operator & 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator & 0 1 611 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator &(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1555 10 operator | 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator | 0 1 612 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator |(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1556 10 operator ^ 0 4 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ^ 0 1 613 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ^(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1557 10 operator ~ 0 68 1974 42 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ~ 0 1 614 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ~(void) const;
1558 11 operator << 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator << 0 1 615 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator <<(int shift) const;
1559 11 operator >> 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator >> 0 1 616 0
inline DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator >>(int shift) const;
1560 11 operator &= 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator &= 0 1 617 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator &=(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other);
1561 11 operator |= 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator |= 0 1 618 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator |=(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other);
1562 11 operator ^= 0 4 1974 43 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ^= 0 1 619 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator ^=(DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const &other);
1563 12 operator <<= 0 4 1974 44 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator <<= 0 1 620 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator <<=(int shift);
1564 12 operator >>= 0 4 1974 44 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator >>= 0 1 621 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::operator >>=(int shift);
1565 14 get_class_type 0 4 1974 46 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_class_type 0 1 622 0
static TypeHandle DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::get_class_type(void);
1566 14 ~DoubleBitMask 0 4 1974 46 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::~DoubleBitMask 0 0 0
DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative >::~DoubleBitMask(void);
1567 13 DoubleBitMask 0 4 1976 51 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask 0 2 623 624 0
constexpr DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask(void) = default;
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::DoubleBitMask(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &) = default;
1568 6 all_on 0 4 1976 44 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::all_on 0 1 625 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::all_on(void);
1569 7 all_off 0 4 1976 45 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::all_off 0 1 626 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::all_off(void);
1570 8 lower_on 0 4 1976 46 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::lower_on 0 1 627 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::lower_on(int on_bits);
1571 3 bit 0 4 1976 41 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::bit 0 1 628 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::bit(int index);
1572 5 range 0 4 1976 43 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::range 0 1 629 0
static inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::range(int low_bit, int size);
1573 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1976 54 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_max_num_bits 0 1 630 0
static constexpr bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_max_num_bits(void);
1574 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1976 54 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_max_num_bits 0 1 631 0
static constexpr int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_max_num_bits(void);
1575 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1976 50 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_bits 0 1 632 0
constexpr int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_bits(void) const;
1576 7 get_bit 0 4 1976 45 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_bit 0 1 633 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_bit(int index) const;
1577 7 set_bit 0 4 1976 45 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_bit 0 1 634 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_bit(int index);
1578 9 clear_bit 0 4 1976 47 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear_bit 0 1 635 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear_bit(int index);
1579 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_bit_to 0 1 636 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1580 7 is_zero 0 4 1976 45 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::is_zero 0 1 637 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::is_zero(void) const;
1581 9 is_all_on 0 4 1976 47 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::is_all_on 0 1 638 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::is_all_on(void) const;
1582 7 extract 0 4 1976 45 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::extract 0 1 639 0
inline uint64_t DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::extract(int low_bit, int size) const;
1583 5 store 0 4 1976 43 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::store 0 1 640 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::store(uint64_t value, int low_bit, int size);
1584 10 has_any_of 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_any_of 0 1 641 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1585 10 has_all_of 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_all_of 0 1 642 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1586 9 set_range 0 4 1976 47 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_range 0 1 643 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1587 11 clear_range 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear_range 0 1 644 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1588 12 set_range_to 0 4 1976 50 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_range_to 0 1 645 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1589 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1976 53 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_on_bits 0 1 646 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1590 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1976 54 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_off_bits 0 1 647 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1591 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1976 55 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 648 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1592 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1976 56 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 649 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1593 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1976 56 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 650 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1594 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1976 57 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 651 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1595 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1976 67 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 652 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1596 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1976 53 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::invert_in_place 0 1 653 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::invert_in_place(void);
1597 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1976 56 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_bits_in_common 0 1 654 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::has_bits_in_common(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1598 5 clear 0 4 1976 43 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear 0 1 655 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::clear(void);
1599 6 output 0 4 1976 44 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output 0 1 656 0
void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1600 13 output_binary 0 4 1976 51 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output_binary 0 1 657 0
void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output_binary(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1601 10 output_hex 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output_hex 0 1 658 0
void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::output_hex(std::ostream &out, int spaces_every = 4) const;
1602 5 write 0 4 1976 43 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::write 0 1 659 0
void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const;
1603 11 operator == 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator == 0 1 660 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ==(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1604 11 operator != 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator != 0 1 661 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator !=(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1605 10 operator < 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator < 0 1 662 0
inline bool DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator <(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1606 10 compare_to 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::compare_to 0 1 663 0
inline int DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::compare_to(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1607 10 operator & 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator & 0 1 664 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator &(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1608 10 operator | 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator | 0 1 665 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator |(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1609 10 operator ^ 0 4 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ^ 0 1 666 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ^(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other) const;
1610 10 operator ~ 0 68 1976 48 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ~ 0 1 667 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ~(void) const;
1611 11 operator << 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator << 0 1 668 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator <<(int shift) const;
1612 11 operator >> 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator >> 0 1 669 0
inline DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator >>(int shift) const;
1613 11 operator &= 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator &= 0 1 670 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator &=(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other);
1614 11 operator |= 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator |= 0 1 671 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator |=(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other);
1615 11 operator ^= 0 4 1976 49 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ^= 0 1 672 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator ^=(DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const &other);
1616 12 operator <<= 0 4 1976 50 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator <<= 0 1 673 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator <<=(int shift);
1617 12 operator >>= 0 4 1976 50 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator >>= 0 1 674 0
inline void DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::operator >>=(int shift);
1618 14 get_class_type 0 4 1976 52 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_class_type 0 1 675 0
static TypeHandle DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::get_class_type(void);
1619 14 ~DoubleBitMask 0 4 1976 52 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::~DoubleBitMask 0 0 0
DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative >::~DoubleBitMask(void);
1620 6 lstick 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::lstick 0 1 678 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::lstick(void);
1621 6 rstick 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::rstick 0 1 679 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::rstick(void);
1622 9 lshoulder 0 4 1979 24 GamepadButton::lshoulder 0 1 680 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::lshoulder(void);
1623 9 rshoulder 0 4 1979 24 GamepadButton::rshoulder 0 1 681 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::rshoulder(void);
1624 8 ltrigger 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::ltrigger 0 1 682 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::ltrigger(void);
1625 8 rtrigger 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::rtrigger 0 1 683 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::rtrigger(void);
1626 5 lgrip 0 4 1979 20 GamepadButton::lgrip 0 1 684 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::lgrip(void);
1627 5 rgrip 0 4 1979 20 GamepadButton::rgrip 0 1 685 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::rgrip(void);
1628 9 dpad_left 0 4 1979 24 GamepadButton::dpad_left 0 1 686 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::dpad_left(void);
1629 10 dpad_right 0 4 1979 25 GamepadButton::dpad_right 0 1 687 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::dpad_right(void);
1630 7 dpad_up 0 4 1979 22 GamepadButton::dpad_up 0 1 688 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::dpad_up(void);
1631 9 dpad_down 0 4 1979 24 GamepadButton::dpad_down 0 1 689 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::dpad_down(void);
1632 4 back 0 4 1979 19 GamepadButton::back 0 1 690 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::back(void);
1633 5 guide 0 4 1979 20 GamepadButton::guide 0 1 691 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::guide(void);
1634 5 start 0 4 1979 20 GamepadButton::start 0 1 692 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::start(void);
1635 4 next 0 4 1979 19 GamepadButton::next 0 1 693 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::next(void);
1636 8 previous 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::previous 0 1 694 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::previous(void);
1637 6 face_a 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_a 0 1 695 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_a(void);
1638 6 face_b 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_b 0 1 696 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_b(void);
1639 6 face_c 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_c 0 1 697 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_c(void);
1640 6 face_x 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_x 0 1 698 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_x(void);
1641 6 face_y 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_y 0 1 699 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_y(void);
1642 6 face_z 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_z 0 1 700 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_z(void);
1643 6 face_1 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_1 0 1 701 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_1(void);
1644 6 face_2 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::face_2 0 1 702 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::face_2(void);
1645 7 trigger 0 4 1979 22 GamepadButton::trigger 0 1 703 74
// Flight stick buttons, takes zero-based index. First is always trigger.
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::trigger(void);
1646 8 joystick 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::joystick 0 1 704 169
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered joystick
* button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is
* not.
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::joystick(int button_number);
1647 6 hat_up 0 4 1979 21 GamepadButton::hat_up 0 1 705 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::hat_up(void);
1648 8 hat_down 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::hat_down 0 1 706 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::hat_down(void);
1649 8 hat_left 0 4 1979 23 GamepadButton::hat_left 0 1 707 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::hat_left(void);
1650 9 hat_right 0 4 1979 24 GamepadButton::hat_right 0 1 708 0
static ButtonHandle GamepadButton::hat_right(void);
1651 13 GamepadButton 0 4 1979 28 GamepadButton::GamepadButton 0 2 676 677 0
inline GamepadButton::GamepadButton(void) = default;
inline GamepadButton::GamepadButton(GamepadButton const &) = default;
1652 14 ~GamepadButton 0 4 1979 29 GamepadButton::~GamepadButton 0 0 0
1653 9 ascii_key 0 4 1980 25 KeyboardButton::ascii_key 0 1 711 144
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular ASCII character, if
* there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is not.
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::ascii_key(char ascii_equivalent);
1654 5 space 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::space 0 1 712 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::space(void);
1655 9 backspace 0 4 1980 25 KeyboardButton::backspace 0 1 713 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::backspace(void);
1656 3 tab 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::tab 0 1 714 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::tab(void);
1657 5 enter 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::enter 0 1 715 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::enter(void);
1658 6 escape 0 4 1980 22 KeyboardButton::escape 0 1 716 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::escape(void);
1659 2 f1 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f1 0 1 717 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f1(void);
1660 2 f2 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f2 0 1 718 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f2(void);
1661 2 f3 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f3 0 1 719 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f3(void);
1662 2 f4 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f4 0 1 720 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f4(void);
1663 2 f5 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f5 0 1 721 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f5(void);
1664 2 f6 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f6 0 1 722 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f6(void);
1665 2 f7 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f7 0 1 723 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f7(void);
1666 2 f8 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f8 0 1 724 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f8(void);
1667 2 f9 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::f9 0 1 725 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f9(void);
1668 3 f10 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f10 0 1 726 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f10(void);
1669 3 f11 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f11 0 1 727 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f11(void);
1670 3 f12 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f12 0 1 728 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f12(void);
1671 3 f13 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f13 0 1 729 59
// PC keyboards don't have these four buttons, but Macs do.
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f13(void);
1672 3 f14 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f14 0 1 730 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f14(void);
1673 3 f15 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f15 0 1 731 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f15(void);
1674 3 f16 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::f16 0 1 732 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::f16(void);
1675 4 left 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::left 0 1 733 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::left(void);
1676 5 right 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::right 0 1 734 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::right(void);
1677 2 up 0 4 1980 18 KeyboardButton::up 0 1 735 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::up(void);
1678 4 down 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::down 0 1 736 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::down(void);
1679 7 page_up 0 4 1980 23 KeyboardButton::page_up 0 1 737 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::page_up(void);
1680 9 page_down 0 4 1980 25 KeyboardButton::page_down 0 1 738 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::page_down(void);
1681 4 home 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::home 0 1 739 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::home(void);
1682 3 end 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::end 0 1 740 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::end(void);
1683 6 insert 0 4 1980 22 KeyboardButton::insert 0 1 741 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::insert(void);
1684 3 del 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::del 0 1 742 27
// delete is a C++ keyword.
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::del(void);
1685 4 help 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::help 0 1 743 27
// delete is a C++ keyword.
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::help(void);
1686 4 menu 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::menu 0 1 744 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::menu(void);
1687 5 shift 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::shift 0 1 745 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::shift(void);
1688 7 control 0 4 1980 23 KeyboardButton::control 0 1 746 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::control(void);
1689 3 alt 0 4 1980 19 KeyboardButton::alt 0 1 747 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::alt(void);
1690 4 meta 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::meta 0 1 748 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::meta(void);
1691 9 caps_lock 0 4 1980 25 KeyboardButton::caps_lock 0 1 749 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::caps_lock(void);
1692 10 shift_lock 0 4 1980 26 KeyboardButton::shift_lock 0 1 750 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::shift_lock(void);
1693 8 num_lock 0 4 1980 24 KeyboardButton::num_lock 0 1 751 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::num_lock(void);
1694 11 scroll_lock 0 4 1980 27 KeyboardButton::scroll_lock 0 1 752 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::scroll_lock(void);
1695 12 print_screen 0 4 1980 28 KeyboardButton::print_screen 0 1 753 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::print_screen(void);
1696 5 pause 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::pause 0 1 754 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::pause(void);
1697 6 lshift 0 4 1980 22 KeyboardButton::lshift 0 1 755 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::lshift(void);
1698 6 rshift 0 4 1980 22 KeyboardButton::rshift 0 1 756 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::rshift(void);
1699 8 lcontrol 0 4 1980 24 KeyboardButton::lcontrol 0 1 757 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::lcontrol(void);
1700 8 rcontrol 0 4 1980 24 KeyboardButton::rcontrol 0 1 758 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::rcontrol(void);
1701 4 lalt 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::lalt 0 1 759 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::lalt(void);
1702 4 ralt 0 4 1980 20 KeyboardButton::ralt 0 1 760 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::ralt(void);
1703 5 lmeta 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::lmeta 0 1 761 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::lmeta(void);
1704 5 rmeta 0 4 1980 21 KeyboardButton::rmeta 0 1 762 0
static ButtonHandle KeyboardButton::rmeta(void);
1705 14 KeyboardButton 0 4 1980 30 KeyboardButton::KeyboardButton 0 2 709 710 0
inline KeyboardButton::KeyboardButton(void) = default;
inline KeyboardButton::KeyboardButton(KeyboardButton const &) = default;
1706 15 ~KeyboardButton 0 4 1980 31 KeyboardButton::~KeyboardButton 0 0 0
1707 13 load_prc_file 0 1 0 13 load_prc_file 0 1 947 1206
* A convenience function for loading explicit prc files from a disk file or
* from within a multifile (via the virtual file system). Save the return
* value and pass it to unload_prc_file() if you ever want to unload this file
* later.
* The filename is first searched along the default prc search path, and then
* also along the model path, for convenience.
* This function is defined in putil instead of in dtool with the read of the
* prc stuff, so that it can take advantage of the virtual file system (which
* is defined in express), and the model path (which is in putil).
* A convenience function for loading explicit prc files from a disk file or
* from within a multifile (via the virtual file system). Save the return
* value and pass it to unload_prc_file() if you ever want to unload this file
* later.
* The filename is first searched along the default prc search path, and then
* also along the model path, for convenience.
* This function is defined in putil instead of in dtool with the read of the
* prc stuff, so that it can take advantage of the virtual file system (which
* is defined in express), and the model path (which is in putil).
ConfigPage *load_prc_file(Filename const &filename);
1708 18 load_prc_file_data 0 1 0 18 load_prc_file_data 0 1 948 794
* Another convenience function to load a prc file from an explicit string,
* which represents the contents of the prc file.
* The first parameter is an arbitrary name to assign to this in-memory prc
* file. Supply a filename if the data was read from a file, or use any other
* name that is meaningful to you. The name is only used when the set of
* loaded prc files is listed.
* Another convenience function to load a prc file from an explicit string,
* which represents the contents of the prc file.
* The first parameter is an arbitrary name to assign to this in-memory prc
* file. Supply a filename if the data was read from a file, or use any other
* name that is meaningful to you. The name is only used when the set of
* loaded prc files is listed.
ConfigPage *load_prc_file_data(std::string const &name, std::string const &data);
1709 15 unload_prc_file 0 1 0 15 unload_prc_file 0 1 949 0
bool unload_prc_file(ConfigPage *page);
1710 18 hash_prc_variables 0 1 0 18 hash_prc_variables 0 1 950 0
void hash_prc_variables(HashVal &hash);
1711 15 ModifierButtons 0 4 1981 32 ModifierButtons::ModifierButtons 0 2 763 764 22
ModifierButtons::ModifierButtons(ModifierButtons const &copy);
1712 16 ~ModifierButtons 0 4 1981 33 ModifierButtons::~ModifierButtons 0 0 10
1713 10 operator = 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::operator = 0 1 765 0
inline void ModifierButtons::operator =(ModifierButtons const &copy);
1714 11 operator == 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::operator == 0 1 766 0
inline bool ModifierButtons::operator ==(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1715 11 operator != 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::operator != 0 1 767 0
inline bool ModifierButtons::operator !=(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1716 10 operator < 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::operator < 0 1 768 0
inline bool ModifierButtons::operator <(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1717 10 operator & 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::operator & 0 1 769 0
inline ModifierButtons ModifierButtons::operator &(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1718 10 operator | 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::operator | 0 1 770 0
inline ModifierButtons ModifierButtons::operator |(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1719 11 operator &= 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::operator &= 0 1 771 0
void ModifierButtons::operator &=(ModifierButtons const &other);
1720 11 operator |= 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::operator |= 0 1 772 0
void ModifierButtons::operator |=(ModifierButtons const &other);
1721 15 set_button_list 0 4 1981 32 ModifierButtons::set_button_list 0 1 773 374
* Sets the list of buttons to watch to be the same as that of the other
* ModifierButtons object. This makes the lists pointer equivalent (until one
* or the other is later modified).
* This will preserve the state of any button that was on the original list
* and is also on the new lists. Any other buttons will get reset to the
* default state of "up".
void ModifierButtons::set_button_list(ModifierButtons const &other);
1722 7 matches 0 4 1981 24 ModifierButtons::matches 0 1 774 232
* Returns true if the set of buttons indicated as down by this
* ModifierButtons object is the same set of buttons indicated as down by the
* other ModifierButtons object. The buttons indicated as up are not
* relevant.
bool ModifierButtons::matches(ModifierButtons const &other) const;
1723 10 add_button 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::add_button 0 1 775 248
* Adds the indicated button to the set of buttons that will be monitored for
* upness and downness. Returns true if the button was added, false if it was
* already being monitored or if too many buttons are currently being
* monitored.
bool ModifierButtons::add_button(ButtonHandle button);
1724 10 has_button 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::has_button 0 1 776 109
* Returns true if the indicated button is in the set of buttons being
* monitored, false otherwise.
bool ModifierButtons::has_button(ButtonHandle button) const;
1725 13 remove_button 0 4 1981 30 ModifierButtons::remove_button 0 1 777 313
* Removes the indicated button from the set of buttons being monitored.
* Returns true if the button was removed, false if it was not being monitored
* in the first place.
* Unlike the other methods, you cannot remove a button by removing its alias;
* you have to remove exactly the button itself.
bool ModifierButtons::remove_button(ButtonHandle button);
1726 15 get_num_buttons 0 4 1981 32 ModifierButtons::get_num_buttons 0 1 778 143
* Returns the number of buttons that the ModifierButtons object is monitoring
* (e.g. the number of buttons passed to add_button()).
inline int ModifierButtons::get_num_buttons(void) const;
1727 10 get_button 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::get_button 0 1 779 185
* Returns the nth button that the ModifierButtons object is monitoring (the
* nth button passed to add_button()). This must be in the range 0 <= index <
* get_num_buttons().
inline ButtonHandle ModifierButtons::get_button(int index) const;
1728 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1729 11 button_down 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::button_down 0 1 780 305
* Records that a particular button has been pressed. If the given button is
* one of the buttons that is currently being monitored, this will update the
* internal state appropriately; otherwise, it will do nothing. Returns true
* if the button is one that was monitored, or false otherwise.
bool ModifierButtons::button_down(ButtonHandle button);
1730 9 button_up 0 4 1981 26 ModifierButtons::button_up 0 1 781 306
* Records that a particular button has been released. If the given button is
* one of the buttons that is currently being monitored, this will update the
* internal state appropriately; otherwise, it will do nothing. Returns true
* if the button is one that was monitored, or false otherwise.
bool ModifierButtons::button_up(ButtonHandle button);
1731 14 all_buttons_up 0 4 1981 31 ModifierButtons::all_buttons_up 0 1 782 66
* Marks all monitored buttons as being in the "up" state.
inline void ModifierButtons::all_buttons_up(void);
1732 7 is_down 0 4 1981 24 ModifierButtons::is_down 0 2 783 784 264
* Returns true if the indicated button is known to be down, or false if it is
* known to be up.
* Returns true if the indicated button is known to be down, or false if it is
* known to be up or if it is not in the set of buttons being tracked.
bool ModifierButtons::is_down(ButtonHandle button) const;
inline bool ModifierButtons::is_down(int index) const;
1733 11 is_any_down 0 4 1981 28 ModifierButtons::is_any_down 0 1 785 109
* Returns true if any of the tracked button are known to be down, or false if
* all of them are up.
inline bool ModifierButtons::is_any_down(void) const;
1734 10 get_prefix 0 4 1981 27 ModifierButtons::get_prefix 0 1 786 150
* Returns a string which can be used to prefix any button name or event name
* with the unique set of modifier buttons currently being held.
std::string ModifierButtons::get_prefix(void) const;
1735 6 output 0 4 1981 23 ModifierButtons::output 0 1 787 69
* Writes a one-line summary of the buttons known to be down.
void ModifierButtons::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1736 5 write 0 4 1981 22 ModifierButtons::write 0 1 788 123
* Writes a multi-line summary including all of the buttons being monitored
* and which ones are known to be down.
void ModifierButtons::write(std::ostream &out) const;
1737 6 button 0 4 1982 19 MouseButton::button 0 1 791 166
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered mouse
* button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is
* not.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::button(int button_number);
1738 3 one 0 4 1982 16 MouseButton::one 0 1 792 75
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the first mouse button.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::one(void);
1739 3 two 0 4 1982 16 MouseButton::two 0 1 793 76
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the second mouse button.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::two(void);
1740 5 three 0 4 1982 18 MouseButton::three 0 1 794 75
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the third mouse button.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::three(void);
1741 4 four 0 4 1982 17 MouseButton::four 0 1 795 76
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fourth mouse button.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::four(void);
1742 4 five 0 4 1982 17 MouseButton::five 0 1 796 75
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fifth mouse button.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::five(void);
1743 8 wheel_up 0 4 1982 21 MouseButton::wheel_up 0 1 797 98
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch
* upwards.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::wheel_up(void);
1744 10 wheel_down 0 4 1982 23 MouseButton::wheel_down 0 1 798 100
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch
* downwards.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::wheel_down(void);
1745 10 wheel_left 0 4 1982 23 MouseButton::wheel_left 0 1 799 148
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the left.
* Usually, you'll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::wheel_left(void);
1746 11 wheel_right 0 4 1982 24 MouseButton::wheel_right 0 1 800 149
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the right.
* Usually, you'll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.
static ButtonHandle MouseButton::wheel_right(void);
1747 15 is_mouse_button 0 4 1982 28 MouseButton::is_mouse_button 0 1 801 117
* Returns true if the indicated ButtonHandle is a mouse button, false if it
* is some other kind of button.
static bool MouseButton::is_mouse_button(ButtonHandle button);
1748 11 MouseButton 0 4 1982 24 MouseButton::MouseButton 0 2 789 790 0
inline MouseButton::MouseButton(void) = default;
inline MouseButton::MouseButton(MouseButton const &) = default;
1749 12 ~MouseButton 0 4 1982 25 MouseButton::~MouseButton 0 0 0
1750 5 get_x 0 4 1984 18 PointerData::get_x 0 1 804 10
inline double PointerData::get_x(void) const;
1751 5 get_y 0 4 1984 18 PointerData::get_y 0 1 805 10
inline double PointerData::get_y(void) const;
1752 13 get_in_window 0 4 1984 26 PointerData::get_in_window 0 1 806 157
* If this returns false, the pointer is not currently present in the window
* and the values returned by get_x() and get_y() may not be meaningful.
inline bool PointerData::get_in_window(void) const;
1753 8 get_type 0 4 1984 21 PointerData::get_type 0 0 47
* Returns the type of pointing device.
inline PointerType PointerData::get_type(void) const;
1754 6 get_id 0 4 1984 19 PointerData::get_id 0 0 273
* Returns a unique identifier for this pointer. This is for tracking
* individual fingers. This value should not be assumed to have a specific
* meaning other than that there will not be two different pointers active
* simultaneously with the same identifier.
inline int PointerData::get_id(void) const;
1755 12 get_pressure 0 4 1984 25 PointerData::get_pressure 0 0 119
* Returns the pressure of the pointer. For mice, this will be 1.0 if any
* button is pressed, 0.0 otherwise.
inline double PointerData::get_pressure(void) const;
1756 11 PointerData 0 4 1984 24 PointerData::PointerData 0 2 802 803 0
inline PointerData::PointerData(void) = default;
inline PointerData::PointerData(PointerData const &) = default;
1757 12 ~PointerData 0 4 1984 25 PointerData::~PointerData 0 0 0
1758 18 get_node_ref_count 0 4 1986 44 NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_node_ref_count 0 1 807 47
* Returns the current reference count.
inline int NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_node_ref_count(void) const;
1759 8 node_ref 0 4 1986 34 NodeCachedReferenceCount::node_ref 0 1 808 349
* Explicitly increments the reference count.
* This function is const, even though it changes the object, because
* generally fiddling with an object's reference count isn't considered part
* of fiddling with the object. An object might be const in other ways, but
* we still need to accurately count the number of references to it.
inline void NodeCachedReferenceCount::node_ref(void) const;
1760 10 node_unref 0 4 1986 36 NodeCachedReferenceCount::node_unref 0 1 809 201
* Explicitly decrements the node reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
* The return value is true if the new reference count is nonzero, false if it
* is zero.
inline bool NodeCachedReferenceCount::node_unref(void) const;
1761 24 test_ref_count_integrity 0 4 1986 50 NodeCachedReferenceCount::test_ref_count_integrity 0 1 810 97
* Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't
* completely bogus.
inline bool NodeCachedReferenceCount::test_ref_count_integrity(void) const;
1762 19 get_referenced_bits 0 4 1986 45 NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_referenced_bits 0 1 811 293
* Returns the union of the values defined in the Referenced enum that
* represents the various things that appear to be holding a pointer to this
* object.
* If R_node is included, at least one node is holding a pointer; if R_cache
* is included, at least one cache element is.
inline int NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_referenced_bits(void) const;
1763 14 get_class_type 0 4 1986 40 NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_class_type 0 1 812 0
static TypeHandle NodeCachedReferenceCount::get_class_type(void);
1764 11 SparseArray 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::SparseArray 0 3 813 814 815 22
inline SparseArray::SparseArray(void);
SparseArray::SparseArray(BitArray const &from);
inline SparseArray::SparseArray(SparseArray const &) = default;
1765 6 all_on 0 4 1988 19 SparseArray::all_on 0 1 816 72
* Returns a SparseArray with an infinite array of bits, all on.
static inline SparseArray SparseArray::all_on(void);
1766 7 all_off 0 4 1988 20 SparseArray::all_off 0 1 817 56
* Returns a SparseArray whose bits are all off.
static inline SparseArray SparseArray::all_off(void);
1767 8 lower_on 0 4 1988 21 SparseArray::lower_on 0 1 818 65
* Returns a SparseArray whose lower on_bits bits are on.
static inline SparseArray SparseArray::lower_on(int on_bits);
1768 3 bit 0 4 1988 16 SparseArray::bit 0 1 819 64
* Returns a SparseArray with only the indicated bit on.
static inline SparseArray SparseArray::bit(int index);
1769 5 range 0 4 1988 18 SparseArray::range 0 1 820 79
* Returns a SparseArray whose size bits, beginning at low_bit, are on.
static inline SparseArray SparseArray::range(int low_bit, int size);
1770 16 has_max_num_bits 0 4 1988 29 SparseArray::has_max_num_bits 0 1 821 393
* Returns true if there is a maximum number of bits that may be stored in
* this structure, false otherwise. If this returns true, the number may be
* queried in get_max_num_bits().
* This method always returns false. The SparseArray has no maximum number of
* bits. This method is defined so generic programming algorithms can use
* BitMask or SparseArray interchangeably.
static inline bool SparseArray::has_max_num_bits(void);
1771 16 get_max_num_bits 0 4 1988 29 SparseArray::get_max_num_bits 0 1 822 428
* If get_max_num_bits() returned true, this method may be called to return
* the maximum number of bits that may be stored in this structure. It is an
* error to call this if get_max_num_bits() return false.
* It is always an error to call this method. The SparseArray has no maximum
* number of bits. This method is defined so generic programming algorithms
* can use BitMask or SparseArray interchangeably.
static inline int SparseArray::get_max_num_bits(void);
1772 12 get_num_bits 0 4 1988 25 SparseArray::get_num_bits 0 1 823 300
* Returns the current number of possibly different bits in this array. There
* are actually an infinite number of bits, but every bit higher than this bit
* will have the same value, either 0 or 1 (see get_highest_bits()).
* This number may grow and/or shrink automatically as needed.
inline int SparseArray::get_num_bits(void) const;
1773 7 get_bit 0 4 1988 20 SparseArray::get_bit 0 1 824 191
* Returns true if the nth bit is set, false if it is cleared. It is valid
* for n to increase beyond get_num_bits(), but the return value
* get_num_bits() will always be the same.
inline bool SparseArray::get_bit(int index) const;
1774 7 set_bit 0 4 1988 20 SparseArray::set_bit 0 1 825 97
* Sets the nth bit on. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
inline void SparseArray::set_bit(int index);
1775 9 clear_bit 0 4 1988 22 SparseArray::clear_bit 0 1 826 98
* Sets the nth bit off. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
inline void SparseArray::clear_bit(int index);
1776 10 set_bit_to 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::set_bit_to 0 1 827 84
* Sets the nth bit either on or off, according to the indicated bool value.
inline void SparseArray::set_bit_to(int index, bool value);
1777 16 get_highest_bits 0 4 1988 29 SparseArray::get_highest_bits 0 1 828 118
* Returns true if the infinite set of bits beyond get_num_bits() are all on,
* or false of they are all off.
inline bool SparseArray::get_highest_bits(void) const;
1778 7 is_zero 0 4 1988 20 SparseArray::is_zero 0 1 829 71
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is zero, false otherwise.
inline bool SparseArray::is_zero(void) const;
1779 9 is_all_on 0 4 1988 22 SparseArray::is_all_on 0 1 830 70
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is one, false otherwise.
inline bool SparseArray::is_all_on(void) const;
1780 10 has_any_of 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::has_any_of 0 1 831 82
* Returns true if any bit in the indicated range is set, false otherwise.
inline bool SparseArray::has_any_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1781 10 has_all_of 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::has_all_of 0 1 832 84
* Returns true if all bits in the indicated range are set, false otherwise.
inline bool SparseArray::has_all_of(int low_bit, int size) const;
1782 9 set_range 0 4 1988 22 SparseArray::set_range 0 1 833 47
* Sets the indicated range of bits on.
inline void SparseArray::set_range(int low_bit, int size);
1783 11 clear_range 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::clear_range 0 1 834 48
* Sets the indicated range of bits off.
inline void SparseArray::clear_range(int low_bit, int size);
1784 12 set_range_to 0 4 1988 25 SparseArray::set_range_to 0 1 835 64
* Sets the indicated range of bits to either on or off.
inline void SparseArray::set_range_to(bool value, int low_bit, int size);
1785 15 get_num_on_bits 0 4 1988 28 SparseArray::get_num_on_bits 0 1 836 127
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
int SparseArray::get_num_on_bits(void) const;
1786 16 get_num_off_bits 0 4 1988 29 SparseArray::get_num_off_bits 0 1 837 127
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 0 bits.
int SparseArray::get_num_off_bits(void) const;
1787 17 get_lowest_on_bit 0 4 1988 30 SparseArray::get_lowest_on_bit 0 1 838 146
* Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
int SparseArray::get_lowest_on_bit(void) const;
1788 18 get_lowest_off_bit 0 4 1988 31 SparseArray::get_lowest_off_bit 0 1 839 146
* Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
int SparseArray::get_lowest_off_bit(void) const;
1789 18 get_highest_on_bit 0 4 1988 31 SparseArray::get_highest_on_bit 0 1 840 143
* Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
int SparseArray::get_highest_on_bit(void) const;
1790 19 get_highest_off_bit 0 4 1988 32 SparseArray::get_highest_off_bit 0 1 841 143
* Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
int SparseArray::get_highest_off_bit(void) const;
1791 29 get_next_higher_different_bit 0 4 1988 42 SparseArray::get_next_higher_different_bit 0 1 842 287
* Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value
* is different that the value of low_bit. Returns low_bit again if all bits
* higher than low_bit have the same value.
* This can be used to quickly iterate through all of the bits in the array.
int SparseArray::get_next_higher_different_bit(int low_bit) const;
1792 15 invert_in_place 0 4 1988 28 SparseArray::invert_in_place 0 1 843 93
* Inverts all the bits in the SparseArray. This is equivalent to array =
* ~array.
inline void SparseArray::invert_in_place(void);
1793 18 has_bits_in_common 0 4 1988 31 SparseArray::has_bits_in_common 0 1 844 181
* Returns true if this SparseArray has any "one" bits in common with the
* other one, false otherwise.
* This is equivalent to (array & other) != 0, but may be faster.
bool SparseArray::has_bits_in_common(SparseArray const &other) const;
1794 5 clear 0 4 1988 18 SparseArray::clear 0 1 845 52
* Sets all the bits in the SparseArray off.
inline void SparseArray::clear(void);
1795 6 output 0 4 1988 19 SparseArray::output 0 1 846 10
void SparseArray::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1796 11 operator == 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator == 0 1 847 0
inline bool SparseArray::operator ==(SparseArray const &other) const;
1797 11 operator != 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator != 0 1 848 0
inline bool SparseArray::operator !=(SparseArray const &other) const;
1798 10 operator < 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::operator < 0 1 849 0
inline bool SparseArray::operator <(SparseArray const &other) const;
1799 10 compare_to 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::compare_to 0 1 850 242
* Returns a number less than zero if this SparseArray sorts before the
* indicated other SparseArray, greater than zero if it sorts after, or 0 if
* they are equivalent. This is based on the same ordering defined by
* operator <.
int SparseArray::compare_to(SparseArray const &other) const;
1800 10 operator & 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::operator & 0 1 851 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator &(SparseArray const &other) const;
1801 10 operator | 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::operator | 0 1 852 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator |(SparseArray const &other) const;
1802 10 operator ^ 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::operator ^ 0 1 853 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator ^(SparseArray const &other) const;
1803 10 operator ~ 0 68 1988 23 SparseArray::operator ~ 0 1 854 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator ~(void) const;
1804 11 operator << 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator << 0 1 855 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator <<(int shift) const;
1805 11 operator >> 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator >> 0 1 856 0
inline SparseArray SparseArray::operator >>(int shift) const;
1806 11 operator &= 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator &= 0 1 857 0
void SparseArray::operator &=(SparseArray const &other);
1807 11 operator |= 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator |= 0 1 858 0
void SparseArray::operator |=(SparseArray const &other);
1808 11 operator ^= 0 4 1988 24 SparseArray::operator ^= 0 1 859 0
void SparseArray::operator ^=(SparseArray const &other);
1809 12 operator <<= 0 4 1988 25 SparseArray::operator <<= 0 1 860 0
inline void SparseArray::operator <<=(int shift);
1810 12 operator >>= 0 4 1988 25 SparseArray::operator >>= 0 1 861 0
inline void SparseArray::operator >>=(int shift);
1811 10 is_inverse 0 4 1988 23 SparseArray::is_inverse 0 1 862 330
* If this is true, the SparseArray is actually defined as a list of subranges
* of integers that are *not* in the set. If this is false (the default),
* then the subranges define the integers that *are* in the set. This affects
* the interpretation of the values returned by iterating through
* get_num_subranges().
inline bool SparseArray::is_inverse(void) const;
1812 17 get_num_subranges 0 4 1988 30 SparseArray::get_num_subranges 0 1 863 237
* Returns the number of separate subranges stored in the SparseArray. You
* can use this limit to iterate through the subranges, calling
* get_subrange_begin() and get_subrange_end() for each one.
* Also see is_inverse().
inline std::size_t SparseArray::get_num_subranges(void) const;
1813 18 get_subrange_begin 0 4 1988 31 SparseArray::get_subrange_begin 0 1 864 94
* Returns the first numeric element in the nth subrange.
* Also see is_inverse().
inline int SparseArray::get_subrange_begin(std::size_t n) const;
1814 16 get_subrange_end 0 4 1988 29 SparseArray::get_subrange_end 0 1 865 104
* Returns the last numeric element, plus one, in the nth subrange.
* Also see is_inverse().
inline int SparseArray::get_subrange_end(std::size_t n) const;
1815 14 get_class_type 0 4 1988 27 SparseArray::get_class_type 0 1 866 0
static TypeHandle SparseArray::get_class_type(void);
1816 12 ~SparseArray 0 4 1988 25 SparseArray::~SparseArray 0 0 0
1817 14 get_value_type 0 6 1989 30 ParamValueBase::get_value_type 0 1 867 52
* Returns the type of the underlying value.
virtual inline TypeHandle ParamValueBase::get_value_type(void) const;
1818 6 output 0 6 1989 22 ParamValueBase::output 0 1 868 0
virtual void ParamValueBase::output(std::ostream &out) const = 0;
1819 14 get_class_type 0 4 1989 30 ParamValueBase::get_class_type 0 1 869 0
static TypeHandle ParamValueBase::get_class_type(void);
1820 18 ParamTypedRefCount 0 4 1990 38 ParamTypedRefCount::ParamTypedRefCount 0 1 870 10
inline ParamTypedRefCount::ParamTypedRefCount(TypedReferenceCount const *value);
1821 9 get_value 0 4 1990 29 ParamTypedRefCount::get_value 0 1 871 55
* Retrieves the value stored in the parameter.
inline TypedReferenceCount *ParamTypedRefCount::get_value(void) const;
1822 14 get_class_type 0 4 1990 34 ParamTypedRefCount::get_class_type 0 1 872 0
static TypeHandle ParamTypedRefCount::get_class_type(void);
1823 10 ParamValue 0 4 1992 32 ParamValue< string >::ParamValue 0 1 873 0
inline ParamValue< string >::ParamValue(std::string const &value);
1824 9 set_value 0 4 1992 31 ParamValue< string >::set_value 0 1 874 0
inline void ParamValue< string >::set_value(std::string const &value);
inline void ParamValue< string >::set_value(Type const &value);
1825 9 get_value 0 4 1992 31 ParamValue< string >::get_value 0 1 875 0
inline std::string const &ParamValue< string >::get_value(void) const;
1826 14 get_class_type 0 4 1992 36 ParamValue< string >::get_class_type 0 1 876 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< string >::get_class_type(void);
1827 10 ParamValue 0 4 1995 33 ParamValue< wstring >::ParamValue 0 1 877 0
inline ParamValue< wstring >::ParamValue(std::wstring const &value);
1828 9 set_value 0 4 1995 32 ParamValue< wstring >::set_value 0 1 878 0
inline void ParamValue< wstring >::set_value(std::wstring const &value);
inline void ParamValue< wstring >::set_value(Type const &value);
1829 9 get_value 0 4 1995 32 ParamValue< wstring >::get_value 0 1 879 0
inline std::wstring const &ParamValue< wstring >::get_value(void) const;
1830 14 get_class_type 0 4 1995 37 ParamValue< wstring >::get_class_type 0 1 880 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< wstring >::get_class_type(void);
1831 10 ParamValue 0 4 1997 36 ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::ParamValue 0 1 881 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::ParamValue(LVecBase2d const &value);
1832 9 set_value 0 4 1997 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::set_value 0 1 882 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::set_value(LVecBase2d const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::set_value(Type const &value);
1833 9 get_value 0 4 1997 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::get_value 0 1 883 0
inline LVecBase2d const &ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::get_value(void) const;
1834 14 get_class_type 0 4 1997 40 ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::get_class_type 0 1 884 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::get_class_type(void);
1835 10 ParamValue 0 4 1999 36 ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::ParamValue 0 1 885 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::ParamValue(LVecBase2f const &value);
1836 9 set_value 0 4 1999 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::set_value 0 1 886 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::set_value(LVecBase2f const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::set_value(Type const &value);
1837 9 get_value 0 4 1999 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::get_value 0 1 887 0
inline LVecBase2f const &ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::get_value(void) const;
1838 14 get_class_type 0 4 1999 40 ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::get_class_type 0 1 888 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::get_class_type(void);
1839 10 ParamValue 0 4 2001 36 ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::ParamValue 0 1 889 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::ParamValue(LVecBase2i const &value);
1840 9 set_value 0 4 2001 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::set_value 0 1 890 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::set_value(LVecBase2i const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::set_value(Type const &value);
1841 9 get_value 0 4 2001 35 ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::get_value 0 1 891 0
inline LVecBase2i const &ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::get_value(void) const;
1842 14 get_class_type 0 4 2001 40 ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::get_class_type 0 1 892 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::get_class_type(void);
1843 10 ParamValue 0 4 2003 36 ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::ParamValue 0 1 893 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::ParamValue(LVecBase3d const &value);
1844 9 set_value 0 4 2003 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::set_value 0 1 894 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::set_value(LVecBase3d const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::set_value(Type const &value);
1845 9 get_value 0 4 2003 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::get_value 0 1 895 0
inline LVecBase3d const &ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::get_value(void) const;
1846 14 get_class_type 0 4 2003 40 ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::get_class_type 0 1 896 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::get_class_type(void);
1847 10 ParamValue 0 4 2005 36 ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::ParamValue 0 1 897 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::ParamValue(LVecBase3f const &value);
1848 9 set_value 0 4 2005 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::set_value 0 1 898 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::set_value(LVecBase3f const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::set_value(Type const &value);
1849 9 get_value 0 4 2005 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::get_value 0 1 899 0
inline LVecBase3f const &ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::get_value(void) const;
1850 14 get_class_type 0 4 2005 40 ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::get_class_type 0 1 900 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::get_class_type(void);
1851 10 ParamValue 0 4 2007 36 ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::ParamValue 0 1 901 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::ParamValue(LVecBase3i const &value);
1852 9 set_value 0 4 2007 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::set_value 0 1 902 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::set_value(LVecBase3i const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::set_value(Type const &value);
1853 9 get_value 0 4 2007 35 ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::get_value 0 1 903 0
inline LVecBase3i const &ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::get_value(void) const;
1854 14 get_class_type 0 4 2007 40 ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::get_class_type 0 1 904 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::get_class_type(void);
1855 10 ParamValue 0 4 2009 36 ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::ParamValue 0 1 905 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::ParamValue(LVecBase4d const &value);
1856 9 set_value 0 4 2009 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::set_value 0 1 906 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::set_value(LVecBase4d const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::set_value(Type const &value);
1857 9 get_value 0 4 2009 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::get_value 0 1 907 0
inline LVecBase4d const &ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::get_value(void) const;
1858 14 get_class_type 0 4 2009 40 ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::get_class_type 0 1 908 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::get_class_type(void);
1859 10 ParamValue 0 4 2011 36 ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::ParamValue 0 1 909 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::ParamValue(LVecBase4f const &value);
1860 9 set_value 0 4 2011 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::set_value 0 1 910 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::set_value(LVecBase4f const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::set_value(Type const &value);
1861 9 get_value 0 4 2011 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::get_value 0 1 911 0
inline LVecBase4f const &ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::get_value(void) const;
1862 14 get_class_type 0 4 2011 40 ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::get_class_type 0 1 912 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::get_class_type(void);
1863 10 ParamValue 0 4 2013 36 ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::ParamValue 0 1 913 0
inline ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::ParamValue(LVecBase4i const &value);
1864 9 set_value 0 4 2013 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::set_value 0 1 914 0
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::set_value(LVecBase4i const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::set_value(Type const &value);
1865 9 get_value 0 4 2013 35 ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::get_value 0 1 915 0
inline LVecBase4i const &ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::get_value(void) const;
1866 14 get_class_type 0 4 2013 40 ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::get_class_type 0 1 916 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::get_class_type(void);
1867 10 ParamValue 0 4 2015 35 ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::ParamValue 0 1 917 0
inline ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::ParamValue(LMatrix3d const &value);
1868 9 set_value 0 4 2015 34 ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::set_value 0 1 918 0
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::set_value(LMatrix3d const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::set_value(Type const &value);
1869 9 get_value 0 4 2015 34 ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::get_value 0 1 919 0
inline LMatrix3d const &ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::get_value(void) const;
1870 14 get_class_type 0 4 2015 39 ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::get_class_type 0 1 920 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::get_class_type(void);
1871 10 ParamValue 0 4 2017 35 ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::ParamValue 0 1 921 0
inline ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::ParamValue(LMatrix3f const &value);
1872 9 set_value 0 4 2017 34 ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::set_value 0 1 922 0
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::set_value(LMatrix3f const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::set_value(Type const &value);
1873 9 get_value 0 4 2017 34 ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::get_value 0 1 923 0
inline LMatrix3f const &ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::get_value(void) const;
1874 14 get_class_type 0 4 2017 39 ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::get_class_type 0 1 924 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::get_class_type(void);
1875 10 ParamValue 0 4 2019 35 ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::ParamValue 0 1 925 0
inline ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::ParamValue(LMatrix4d const &value);
1876 9 set_value 0 4 2019 34 ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::set_value 0 1 926 0
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::set_value(LMatrix4d const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::set_value(Type const &value);
1877 9 get_value 0 4 2019 34 ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::get_value 0 1 927 0
inline LMatrix4d const &ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::get_value(void) const;
1878 14 get_class_type 0 4 2019 39 ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::get_class_type 0 1 928 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::get_class_type(void);
1879 10 ParamValue 0 4 2021 35 ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::ParamValue 0 1 929 0
inline ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::ParamValue(LMatrix4f const &value);
1880 9 set_value 0 4 2021 34 ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::set_value 0 1 930 0
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::set_value(LMatrix4f const &value);
inline void ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::set_value(Type const &value);
1881 9 get_value 0 4 2021 34 ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::get_value 0 1 931 0
inline LMatrix4f const &ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::get_value(void) const;
1882 14 get_class_type 0 4 2021 39 ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::get_class_type 0 1 932 0
static TypeHandle ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::get_class_type(void);
1883 14 get_class_type 0 4 2028 36 WritableConfigurable::get_class_type 0 1 933 0
static TypeHandle WritableConfigurable::get_class_type(void);
1884 21 ~WritableConfigurable 0 4 2028 43 WritableConfigurable::~WritableConfigurable 0 0 0
1885 17 UniqueIdAllocator 0 4 2029 36 UniqueIdAllocator::UniqueIdAllocator 0 2 934 935 56
* Create a free id pool in the range [min:max].
explicit UniqueIdAllocator::UniqueIdAllocator(uint32_t min = 0, uint32_t max = 20);
inline UniqueIdAllocator::UniqueIdAllocator(UniqueIdAllocator const &) = default;
1886 18 ~UniqueIdAllocator 0 4 2029 37 UniqueIdAllocator::~UniqueIdAllocator 0 0 10
1887 8 allocate 0 4 2029 27 UniqueIdAllocator::allocate 0 1 936 134
* Returns an id between _min and _max (that were passed to the constructor).
* IndexEnd is returned if no ids are available.
uint32_t UniqueIdAllocator::allocate(void);
1888 18 initial_reserve_id 0 4 2029 37 UniqueIdAllocator::initial_reserve_id 0 1 937 518
* This may be called to mark a particular id as having already been allocated
* (for instance, by a prior pass). The specified id is removed from the
* available pool.
* Because of the limitations of this algorithm, this is most efficient when
* it is called before the first call to allocate(), and when all the calls to
* initial_reserve_id() are made in descending order by id. However, this is
* a performance warning only; if performance is not an issue, any id may be
* reserved at any time.
void UniqueIdAllocator::initial_reserve_id(uint32_t id);
1889 12 is_allocated 0 4 2029 31 UniqueIdAllocator::is_allocated 0 1 938 119
* Checks the allocated state of an index. Returns true for
* indices that are currently allocated and in use.
bool UniqueIdAllocator::is_allocated(uint32_t index);
1890 4 free 0 4 2029 23 UniqueIdAllocator::free 0 1 939 112
* Free an allocated index (index must be between _min and _max that were
* passed to the constructor).
void UniqueIdAllocator::free(uint32_t index);
1891 13 fraction_used 0 4 2029 32 UniqueIdAllocator::fraction_used 0 1 940 117
* return the decimal fraction of the pool that is used. The range is 0 to
* 1.0 (e.g. 75% would be 0.75).
PN_stdfloat UniqueIdAllocator::fraction_used(void) const;
1892 6 output 0 4 2029 25 UniqueIdAllocator::output 0 1 941 42
* ...intended for debugging only.
void UniqueIdAllocator::output(std::ostream &out) const;
1893 5 write 0 4 2029 24 UniqueIdAllocator::write 0 1 942 42
* ...intended for debugging only.
void UniqueIdAllocator::write(std::ostream &out) const;
1894 39 py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream 0 1 0 39 py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream 0 1 951 203
* This wrapper is defined as a global function to suit pickle's needs.
* This hooks into the native pickle and cPickle modules, but it cannot
* properly handle self-referential BAM objects.
PyObject *py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream(PyObject *this_class, vector_uchar const &data);
1895 47 py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream_persist 0 1 0 47 py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream_persist 0 1 952 398
* This wrapper is defined as a global function to suit pickle's needs.
* This is similar to py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream, but it provides
* additional support for the missing persistent-state object needed to
* properly support self-referential BAM objects written to the pickle stream.
* This hooks into the pickle and cPickle modules implemented in
* direct/src/stdpy.
PyObject *py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream_persist(PyObject *unpickler, PyObject *this_class, vector_uchar const &data);
1 0 0 7 8 2033 968 0 0 1 4 copy 1 2031
2 0 0 7 8 2033 968 0 0 1 4 copy 1 2034
3 0 0 4 9 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2033
4 0 0 6 10 2037 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2031
5 0 0 6 11 2038 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2031 1 n 1 2037
6 0 0 6 12 2038 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2031 1 n 1 2037
7 0 0 6 13 1932 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2031
8 0 0 6 14 1932 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2031 1 n 1 2037 5 count 1 2037
9 0 0 6 15 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2031
10 0 0 6 16 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2031
11 0 0 6 17 2037 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2031 6 param0 0 2038
12 0 0 6 18 1903 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2031 4 view 1 2040 5 flags 1 1903
13 0 0 4 19 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2031 4 view 1 2040
14 0 0 4 5 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2043
15 0 0 4 6 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2044 3 out 1 2046
16 0 0 7 22 2047 988 0 0 1 4 copy 1 2034
17 0 0 7 22 2047 988 0 0 1 6 source 1 1932
18 0 0 7 22 2047 988 0 0 1 11 type_handle 1 2048
19 0 0 7 23 2047 988 0 0 2 1 n 1 2037 11 type_handle 1 2048
20 0 0 4 24 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2047
21 0 0 6 25 2037 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2034
22 0 0 4 26 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2047 1 x 1 2038
23 0 0 4 27 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2047
24 0 0 6 28 2038 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2034 1 n 1 2037
25 0 0 4 29 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2047 1 n 1 2037 5 value 1 2038
26 0 0 6 30 2038 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2034 1 n 1 2037
27 0 0 4 31 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2047 1 n 1 2037 5 value 1 2038
28 0 0 6 32 1932 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2034
29 0 0 4 33 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2047 4 data 1 1932
30 0 0 6 34 1932 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2034 1 n 1 2037 5 count 1 2037
31 0 0 4 35 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2047 1 n 1 2037 5 count 1 2037 4 data 1 2050
32 0 0 6 36 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2034
33 0 0 6 37 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2034
34 0 0 6 38 2037 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2034 6 param0 0 2038
35 0 0 6 39 1903 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2047 4 view 1 2040 5 flags 1 1903
36 0 0 4 40 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2034 4 view 1 2040
37 0 0 4 44 2036 0 0 69 /**
* Runs the entire animation from beginning to end and stops.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2051
38 0 0 4 44 2036 0 0 406 /**
* Runs the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* at which point the animation is stopped. Both "from" and "to" frame
* numbers may be outside the range (0, get_num_frames()) and the animation
* will follow the range correctly, reporting numbers modulo get_num_frames().
* For instance, play(0, get_num_frames() * 2) will play the animation twice
* and then stop.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2051 4 from 1 1902 2 to 1 1902
39 0 0 4 45 2036 0 0 169 /**
* Starts the entire animation looping. If restart is true, the animation is
* restarted from the beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current
* frame.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2051 7 restart 1 1904
40 0 0 4 45 2036 0 0 221 /**
* Loops the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* indefinitely. If restart is true, the animation is restarted from the
* beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current frame.
*/ 4 4 this 3 2051 7 restart 1 1904 4 from 1 1902 2 to 1 1902
41 0 0 4 46 2036 0 0 224 /**
* Starts the entire animation bouncing back and forth between its first frame
* and last frame. If restart is true, the animation is restarted from the
* beginning; otherwise, it continues from the current frame.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2051 7 restart 1 1904
42 0 0 4 46 2036 0 0 143 /**
* Loops the animation from the frame "from" to and including the frame "to",
* and then back in the opposite direction, indefinitely.
*/ 4 4 this 3 2051 7 restart 1 1904 4 from 1 1902 2 to 1 1902
43 0 0 4 47 2036 0 0 130 /**
* Stops a currently playing or looping animation right where it is. The
* animation remains posed at the current frame.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2051
44 0 0 4 48 2036 0 0 72 /**
* Sets the animation to the indicated frame and holds it there.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2051 5 frame 1 1902
45 0 0 4 49 2036 0 0 243 /**
* Changes the rate at which the animation plays. 1.0 is the normal speed,
* 2.0 is twice normal speed, and 0.5 is half normal speed. 0.0 is legal to
* pause the animation, and a negative value will play the animation
* backwards.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2051 9 play_rate 1 1902
46 0 0 6 50 1902 0 0 79 /**
* Returns the rate at which the animation plays. See set_play_rate().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
47 0 0 6 51 1902 0 0 234 /**
* Returns the native frame rate of the animation. This is the number of
* frames per second that will elapse when the play_rate is set to 1.0. It is
* a fixed property of the animation and may not be adjusted by the user.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
48 0 0 6 52 1903 0 0 278 /**
* Returns the number of frames in the animation. This is a property of the
* animation and may not be directly adjusted by the user (although it may
* change without warning with certain kinds of animations, since this is a
* virtual method that may be overridden).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
49 0 0 6 53 1903 0 0 116 /**
* Returns the current integer frame number. This number will be in the range
* 0 <= f < get_num_frames().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
50 0 0 6 54 1903 0 0 330 /**
* Returns the current integer frame number + 1, constrained to the range 0 <=
* f < get_num_frames().
* If the play mode is PM_play, this will clamp to the same value as
* get_frame() at the end of the animation. If the play mode is any other
* value, this will wrap around to frame 0 at the end of the animation.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
51 0 0 6 55 1902 0 0 314 /**
* Returns the fractional part of the current frame. Normally, this is in the
* range 0.0 <= f < 1.0, but in the one special case of an animation playing
* to its end frame and stopping, it might exactly equal 1.0.
* It will always be true that get_full_frame() + get_frac() ==
* get_full_fframe().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
52 0 0 6 56 1903 0 0 372 /**
* Returns the current integer frame number.
* Unlike the value returned by get_frame(), this frame number may extend
* beyond the range of get_num_frames() if the frame range passed to play(),
* loop(), etc. did.
* Unlike the value returned by get_full_fframe(), this return value will
* never exceed the value passed to to_frame in the play() method.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
53 0 0 6 57 1902 0 0 490 /**
* Returns the current floating-point frame number.
* Unlike the value returned by get_frame(), this frame number may extend
* beyond the range of get_num_frames() if the frame range passed to play(),
* loop(), etc. did.
* Unlike the value returned by get_full_frame(), this return value may equal
* (to_frame + 1.0), when the animation has played to its natural end.
* However, in this case the return value of get_full_frame() will be
* to_frame, not (to_frame + 1).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
54 0 0 6 58 1904 0 0 208 /**
* Returns true if the animation is currently playing, false if it is stopped
* (e.g. because stop() or pose() was called, or because it reached the end
* of the animation after play() was called).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2052
55 0 0 4 59 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2052 3 out 1 2046
56 0 0 7 72 2048 0 0 0 0
57 0 0 7 75 2054 1027 0 55 /**
* Creates an UpdateSeq in the 'initial' state.
*/ 0
58 0 0 7 75 2054 1027 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 copy 1 2055
59 0 0 7 76 2054 1027 0 0 0
60 0 0 7 77 2054 1027 0 0 0
61 0 0 7 78 2054 1027 0 0 0
62 0 0 6 79 2054 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2054 4 copy 1 2055
63 0 0 4 80 2036 0 0 55 /**
* Resets the UpdateSeq to the 'initial' state.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2054
64 0 0 6 81 1904 0 0 67 /**
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'initial' state.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2055
65 0 0 6 82 1904 0 0 63 /**
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'old' state.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2055
66 0 0 6 83 1904 0 0 65 /**
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in the 'fresh' state.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2055
67 0 0 6 84 1904 0 0 105 /**
* Returns true if the UpdateSeq is in any special states, i.e. 'initial',
* 'old', or 'fresh'.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2055
68 0 0 6 85 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
69 0 0 6 86 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
70 0 0 6 87 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
71 0 0 6 88 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
72 0 0 6 89 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
73 0 0 6 90 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2055 5 other 1 2055
74 0 0 7 91 2054 1027 0 0 1 4 this 3 2054
75 0 0 7 92 2054 1027 0 0 2 4 this 3 2054 6 param0 0 1903
76 0 0 6 93 1907 0 0 107 /**
* Returns the internal integer value associated with the UpdateSeq. Useful
* for debugging only.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2055
77 0 0 4 98 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2055 3 out 1 2046
78 0 0 4 102 2036 0 0 308 /**
* This internal function is intended to be called by each class's
* make_from_bam() method to read in all of the relevant data from the BamFile
* for the new object. It is also called directly by the BamReader to re-read
* the data for an object that has been placed on the stream for an update.
*/ 3 4 this 3 1919 4 scan 1 2057 7 manager 1 2059
79 0 0 4 103 2036 0 0 345 /**
* Increments the bam_modified counter, so that this object will be
* invalidated and retransmitted on any open bam streams. This should
* normally not need to be called by user code; it should be called internally
* when the object has been changed in a way that legitimately requires its
* retransmission to any connected clients.
*/ 1 4 this 3 1919
80 0 0 7 104 2054 1027 0 140 /**
* Returns the current bam_modified counter. This counter is normally
* incremented automatically whenever the object is modified.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2060
81 0 0 6 105 1932 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2060
82 0 0 6 106 1932 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2060 7 pickler 1 1932
83 0 0 6 107 1969 0 0 423 /**
* Converts the TypedWritable object into a single stream of data using a
* BamWriter, and returns that data as a bytes object. Returns an empty bytes
* object on failure.
* This is a convenience method particularly useful for cases when you are
* only serializing a single object. If you have many objects to process, it
* is more efficient to use the same BamWriter to serialize all of them
* together.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2060
84 0 0 6 107 1904 0 0 429 /**
* Converts the TypedWritable object into a single stream of data using a
* BamWriter, and stores that data in the indicated string. Returns true on
* success, false on failure.
* This is a convenience method particularly useful for cases when you are
* only serializing a single object. If you have many objects to process, it
* is more efficient to use the same BamWriter to serialize all of them
* together.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2060 4 data 1 2062 6 writer 1 2063
85 0 0 7 109 2048 0 0 0 0
86 0 0 7 116 2064 1042 0 491 /**
* Reads the bytes created by a previous call to encode_to_bam_stream(), and
* extracts and returns the single object on those bytes. Returns NULL on
* error.
* This method is intended to replace decode_raw_from_bam_stream() when you
* know the stream in question returns an object of type
* TypedWritableReferenceCount, allowing for easier reference count
* management. Note that the caller is still responsible for maintaining the
* reference count on the return value.
*/ 2 4 data 1 1969 6 reader 1 2059
87 0 0 7 117 2048 0 0 0 0
88 0 0 6 111 1919 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2064
89 0 0 7 114 2065 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2064
90 0 0 7 126 2068 1047 0 179 /**
* Returns a duplicate of the BamCacheRecord. The duplicate will not have a
* data pointer set, even though one may have been assigned to the original
* via set_data().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
91 0 0 6 127 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2066 5 other 1 2066
92 0 0 6 128 2069 0 0 237 /**
* Returns the full pathname to the source file that originally generated this
* cache request. In some cases, for instance in the case of a of a multipage
* texture like "cube_#.png", this may not not a true filename on disk.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
93 0 0 6 129 2069 0 0 230 /**
* Returns the name of the cache file as hashed from the source_pathname.
* This will be relative to the root of the cache directory, and it will not
* include any suffixes that may be appended to resolve hash conflicts.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
94 0 0 6 130 1918 0 0 204 /**
* Returns the file timestamp of the original source file that generated this
* cache record, if available. In some cases the original file timestamp is
* not available, and this will return 0.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
95 0 0 6 131 1918 0 0 84 /**
* Returns the time at which this particular record was recorded or updated.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
96 0 0 6 139 1903 0 0 75 /**
* Returns the number of source files that contribute to the cache.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
97 0 0 6 140 2069 0 0 94 /**
* Returns the full pathname of the nth source files that contributes to the
* cache.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2066 1 n 1 1903
98 0 0 6 141 1904 0 0 124 /**
* Returns true if all of the dependent files are still the same as when the
* cache was recorded, false otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
99 0 0 4 142 2036 0 0 80 /**
* Empties the list of files that contribute to the data in this record.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2068
100 0 0 4 143 2036 0 0 225 /**
* Adds the indicated file to the list of files that will be loaded to
* generate the data in this record. This should be called once for the
* primary source file, and again for each secondary source file, if any.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2068 8 pathname 1 2069
101 0 0 4 143 2036 0 0 82 /**
* Variant of add_dependent_file that takes an already opened VirtualFile.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2068 4 file 1 2070
102 0 0 6 144 1904 0 0 130 /**
* Returns true if this cache record has an in-memory data object associated--
* that is, the object stored in the cache.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
103 0 0 4 145 2036 0 0 147 /**
* Removes the in-memory data object associated with this record, if any.
* This does not affect the on-disk representation of the record.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2068
104 0 0 6 146 1919 0 0 139 /**
* Returns a pointer to the data stored in the record, or NULL if there is no
* data. The pointer is not removed from the record.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2066
105 0 0 4 148 2036 0 0 104 /**
* This variant on set_data() is provided to easily pass objects deriving from
* TypedWritable.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2068 3 ptr 1 1919
106 0 0 4 148 2036 0 0 573 /**
* Stores a new data object on the record. You should pass the same pointer
* twice, to both parameters; this allows the C++ typecasting to automatically
* convert the pointer into both a TypedWritable and a ReferenceCount pointer,
* so that the BamCacheRecord object can reliably manage the reference counts.
* You may pass 0 or NULL as the second parameter. If you do this, the
* BamCacheRecord will not manage the object's reference count; it will be up
* to you to ensure the object is not deleted during the lifetime of the
* BamCacheRecord object.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2068 3 ptr 1 1919 7 ref_ptr 1 2065
107 0 0 4 148 2036 0 0 115 /**
* This variant on set_data() is provided just to allow Python code to pass a
* 0 as the second parameter.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2068 3 ptr 1 1919 5 dummy 1 1903
108 0 0 4 148 2036 0 0 118 /**
* This variant on set_data() is provided to easily pass objects deriving from
* TypedWritableReferenceCount.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2068 3 ptr 1 2064
109 0 0 4 151 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2066 3 out 1 2046
110 0 0 4 152 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 3 4 this 3 2066 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
111 0 0 7 153 2048 0 0 0 0
112 0 0 7 120 2064 1042 0 0 1 4 this 3 2068
113 0 0 7 155 2073 1068 0 10 /**
*/ 0
114 0 0 4 157 2036 0 0 347 /**
* Changes the state of the active flag. "active" means that the cache should
* be consulted automatically on loads, "not active" means that objects should
* be loaded directly without consulting the cache.
* This represents the global flag. Also see the individual cache_models,
* cache_textures, cache_compressed_textures flags.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 flag 1 1904
115 0 0 6 158 1904 0 0 381 /**
* Returns true if the BamCache is currently active, false if it is not.
* "active" means that the cache should be consulted automatically on loads,
* "not active" means that objects should be loaded directly without
* consulting the cache.
* This represents the global flag. Also see the individual cache_models,
* cache_textures, cache_compressed_textures flags.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
116 0 0 4 159 2036 0 0 118 /**
* Indicates whether model files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be
* stored in the cache, as bam files.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 flag 1 1904
117 0 0 6 160 1904 0 0 172 /**
* Returns whether model files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be stored
* in the cache, as bam files.
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
118 0 0 4 161 2036 0 0 101 /**
* Indicates whether texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* uncompressed txo files.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 flag 1 1904
119 0 0 6 162 1904 0 0 174 /**
* Returns whether texture files (e.g. egg files and bam files) will be
* stored in the cache, as txo files.
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
120 0 0 4 163 2036 0 0 722 /**
* Indicates whether compressed texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* compressed txo files. The compressed data may either be generated in-CPU,
* via the squish library, or it may be extracted from the GSG after the
* texture has been loaded.
* This may be set in conjunction with set_cache_textures(), or independently
* of it. If set_cache_textures() is true and this is false, all textures
* will be cached in their uncompressed form. If set_cache_textures() is
* false and this is true, only compressed textures will be cached, and they
* will be cached in their compressed form. If both are true, all textures
* will be cached, in their uncompressed or compressed form appropriately.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 flag 1 1904
121 0 0 6 164 1904 0 0 202 /**
* Returns whether compressed texture files will be stored in the cache, as
* compressed txo files. See set_cache_compressed_textures().
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
122 0 0 4 165 2036 0 0 184 /**
* Indicates whether compiled shader programs will be stored in the cache, as
* binary .sho files. This may not be supported by all shader languages or
* graphics renderers.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 flag 1 1904
123 0 0 6 166 1904 0 0 196 /**
* Returns whether compiled shader programs will be stored in the cache, as
* binary .txo files. See set_cache_compiled_shaders().
* This also returns false if get_active() is false.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
124 0 0 4 167 2036 0 0 372 /**
* Changes the current root pathname of the cache. This specifies where the
* cache files are stored on disk. This should name a directory that is on a
* disk local to the machine (not on a network-mounted disk), for instance,
* /tmp/panda-cache or /c/panda-cache.
* If the directory does not already exist, it will be created as a result of
* this call.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 4 root 1 2069
125 0 0 7 168 2076 0 0 75 /**
* Returns the current root pathname of the cache. See set_root().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
126 0 0 4 169 2036 0 0 86 /**
* Specifies the time in seconds between automatic flushes of the cache index.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 10 flush_time 1 1903
127 0 0 6 170 1903 0 0 84 /**
* Returns the time in seconds between automatic flushes of the cache index.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
128 0 0 4 171 2036 0 0 430 /**
* Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, which the cache is allowed to
* grow to. If a newly cached file would exceed this size, an older file is
* removed from the cache.
* Note that in the case of multiple different processes simultaneously
* operating on the same cache directory, the actual cache size may slightly
* exceed this value from time to time due to latency in checking between the
* processes.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 10 max_kbytes 1 1903
129 0 0 6 172 1903 0 0 121 /**
* Returns the maximum size, in kilobytes, which the cache is allowed to grow
* to. See set_cache_max_kbytes().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
130 0 0 4 173 2036 0 0 252 /**
* Can be used to put the cache in read-only mode, or take it out of read-only
* mode. Note that if you put it into read-write mode, and it discovers that
* it does not have write access, it will put itself right back into read-only
* mode.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 2 ro 1 1904
131 0 0 6 174 1904 0 0 230 /**
* Returns true if the cache is in read-only mode. Normally, the cache starts
* in read-write mode. It can put itself into read-only mode automatically if
* it discovers that it does not have write access to the cache.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2074
132 0 0 7 175 2068 1047 0 782 /**
* Looks up a file in the cache.
* If the file is cacheable, then regardless of whether the file is found in
* the cache or not, this returns a BamCacheRecord. On the other hand, if the
* file cannot be cached, returns NULL.
* If record->has_data() returns true, then the file was found in the cache,
* and you may call record->extract_data() to get the object. If
* record->has_data() returns false, then the file was not found in the cache
* or the cache was stale; and you should reload the source file (calling
* record->add_dependent_file() for each file loaded, including the original
* source file), and then call record->set_data() to record the resulting
* loaded object; and finally, you should call store() to write the cached
* record to disk.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2073 15 source_filename 1 2069 15 cache_extension 1 2050
133 0 0 6 176 1904 0 0 212 /**
* Flushes a cache entry to disk. You must have retrieved the cache record
* via a prior call to lookup(), and then stored the data via
* record->set_data(). Returns true on success, false on failure.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2073 6 record 1 2068
134 0 0 4 177 2036 0 0 92 /**
* Flushes the index if enough time has elapsed since the index was last
* flushed.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2073
135 0 0 4 178 2036 0 0 48 /**
* Ensures the index is written to disk.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2073
136 0 0 4 179 2036 0 0 63 /**
* Writes the contents of the index to standard output.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2074 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
137 0 0 6 180 2073 0 0 124 /**
* Returns a pointer to the global BamCache object, which is used
* automatically by the ModelPool and TexturePool.
*/ 0
138 0 0 4 181 2036 0 0 84 /**
* If there is a global BamCache object, calls consider_flush_index() on it.
*/ 0
139 0 0 4 182 2036 0 0 75 /**
* If there is a global BamCache object, calls flush_index() on it.
*/ 0
140 0 0 7 196 2077 1096 0 0 0
141 0 0 7 196 2077 1096 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2078
142 0 0 7 201 2081 1107 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2080
143 0 0 7 201 2081 1107 0 10 /**
*/ 1 5 flags 1 1903
144 0 0 7 201 2081 1107 0 10 /**
*/ 2 5 flags 1 1903 13 texture_flags 1 1903
145 0 0 4 202 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2081 5 flags 1 1903
146 0 0 6 203 1903 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2080
147 0 0 4 205 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2081 5 flags 1 1903
148 0 0 6 206 1903 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2080
149 0 0 4 207 2036 0 0 459 /**
* Specifies the expected number of views to load for the texture. This is
* ignored unless TF_multiview is included in texture_flags. This must be
* specified when loading a 3-d multiview texture or 2-d texture array, in
* which case it is used to differentiate z levels from separate views; it
* may be zero in the case of 2-d textures or cube maps, in which case the
* number of views can be inferred from the number of images found on disk.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2081 9 num_views 1 1903
150 0 0 6 208 1903 0 0 39 /**
* See set_texture_num_views().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2080
151 0 0 4 211 2036 0 0 209 /**
* Set this flag to ATS_none, ATS_up, ATS_down, or ATS_pad to control how a
* texture is scaled from disk when it is subsequently loaded. Set it to
* ATS_unspecified to restore the default behavior.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2081 5 scale 1 1905
152 0 0 6 212 1905 0 0 40 /**
* See set_auto_texture_scale().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2080
153 0 0 4 214 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2080 3 out 1 2046
154 0 0 7 217 2059 1109 0 38 // The primary interface for a caller. 1 6 source 1 1929
155 0 0 4 219 2036 0 0 142 /**
* Changes the source of future datagrams for this BamReader. This also
* implicitly calls init() if it has not already been called.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2059 6 source 1 1929
156 0 0 6 220 1929 0 0 100 /**
* Returns the current source of the BamReader as set by set_source() or the
* constructor.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2059
157 0 0 6 221 1904 0 0 210 /**
* Initializes the BamReader prior to reading any objects from its source.
* This includes reading the Bam header.
* This returns true if the BamReader successfully initialized, false
* otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2059
158 0 0 4 222 2036 0 0 1007 /**
* Associates an arbitrary block of data with the indicated object (or NULL),
* and the indicated name.
* This is intended to provide a place for temporary storage for objects
* reading themselves from the bam file. To use it, inherit from
* BamReader::AuxData and store whatever data you like there. Then associate
* your AuxData with the object as it is being read with set_aux_data(). You
* may later set the aux data to NULL to remove it; or it will automatically
* be removed (and deleted) after finalize() is called for the object in
* question.
* If the TypedWritable pointer is NULL, the the aux data is stored globally
* for the BamReader in general. This pointer is available to any bam
* objects, and will not be automatically removed until the BamReader itself
* destructs.
* In either case, the name is just an arbitrary user-defined key. If there
* is already a data pointer stored for the obj/name pair, that data pointer
* will be replaced (and deleted).
*/ 4 4 this 3 2059 3 obj 1 1919 4 name 1 2050 4 data 1 2082
159 0 0 7 223 2082 0 0 173 /**
* Returns the pointer previously associated with the bam reader by a previous
* call to set_aux_data(), or NULL if data with the indicated key has not been
* set.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2084 3 obj 1 1919 4 name 1 2050
160 0 0 6 224 2069 0 0 199 /**
* If a BAM is a file, then the BamReader should contain the name of the file.
* This enables the reader to interpret pathnames in the BAM as relative to
* the directory containing the BAM.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
161 0 0 6 225 2080 0 0 98 /**
* Returns the LoaderOptions passed to the loader when the model was
* requested, if any.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
162 0 0 4 226 2036 0 0 58 /**
* Specifies the LoaderOptions for this BamReader.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2059 7 options 1 2080
163 0 0 6 227 1919 0 0 1059 /**
* Reads a single object from the Bam file. If the object type is known, a
* new object of the appropriate type is created and returned; otherwise, NULL
* is returned. NULL is also returned when the end of the file is reached.
* is_eof() may be called to differentiate between these two cases.
* This may be called repeatedly to extract out all the objects in the Bam
* file, but typically (especially for scene graph files, indicated with the
* .bam extension), only one object is retrieved directly from the Bam file:
* the root of the scene graph. The remaining objects will all be retrieved
* recursively by the first object.
* Note that the object returned may not yet be complete. In particular, some
* of its pointers may not be filled in; you must call resolve() to fill in
* all the available pointers before you can safely use any objects returned
* by read_object().
* This flavor of read_object() requires the caller to know what type of
* object it has received in order to properly manage the reference counts.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2059
164 0 0 6 228 1904 0 0 138 /**
* Returns true if the reader has reached end-of-file, false otherwise. This
* call is only valid after a call to read_object().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
165 0 0 6 229 1904 0 0 565 /**
* This may be called at any time during processing of the Bam file to resolve
* all the known pointers so far. It is usually called at the end of the
* processing, after all objects have been read, which is generally the best
* time to call it.
* This must be called at least once after reading a particular object via
* get_object() in order to validate that object.
* The return value is true if all objects have been resolved, or false if
* some objects are still outstanding (in which case you will need to call
* resolve() again later).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2059
166 0 0 6 230 1904 0 0 406 /**
* Indicates that an object recently read from the bam stream should be
* replaced with a new object. Any future occurrences of the original object
* in the stream will henceforth return the new object instead.
* The return value is true if the replacement was successfully made, or false
* if the object was not read from the stream (or if change_pointer had
* already been called on it).
*/ 3 4 this 3 2059 12 orig_pointer 1 2060 11 new_pointer 1 2060
167 0 0 6 231 1903 0 0 81 /**
* Returns the major version number of the Bam file currently being read.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
168 0 0 6 232 1903 0 0 81 /**
* Returns the minor version number of the Bam file currently being read.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
169 0 0 6 233 1922 0 0 254 /**
* Returns the endian preference indicated by the Bam file currently being
* read. This does not imply that every number is stored using the indicated
* convention, but individual objects may choose to respect this flag when
* recording data.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
170 0 0 6 234 1904 0 0 220 /**
* Returns true if the file stores all "standard" floats as 64-bit doubles, or
* false if they are 32-bit floats. This is determined by the compilation
* flags of the version of Panda that generated this file.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
171 0 0 6 235 1903 0 0 174 /**
* Returns the major version number of Bam files supported by the current code
* base. This must match get_file_major_ver() in order to successfully read a
* file.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
172 0 0 6 236 1903 0 0 184 /**
* Returns the minor version number of Bam files supported by the current code
* base. This must match or exceed get_file_minor_ver() in order to
* successfully read a file.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2084
173 0 0 6 237 1932 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2084
174 0 0 4 250 2036 0 0 0 2 6 handle 1 2048 4 func 1 1932
175 0 0 7 252 2063 1131 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2086
176 0 0 7 252 2063 1131 0 10 /**
*/ 1 6 target 1 1936
177 0 0 4 254 2036 0 0 153 /**
* Changes the destination of future datagrams written by the BamWriter. This
* also implicitly calls init() if it has not already been called.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2063 6 target 1 1936
178 0 0 6 255 1936 0 0 100 /**
* Returns the current target of the BamWriter as set by set_target() or the
* constructor.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2063
179 0 0 6 256 1904 0 0 220 /**
* Initializes the BamWriter prior to writing any objects to its output
* stream. This includes writing out the Bam header.
* This returns true if the BamWriter successfully initialized, false
* otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2063
180 0 0 6 257 2069 0 0 197 /**
* If a BAM is a file, then the BamWriter should contain the name of the file.
* This enables the writer to convert pathnames in the BAM to relative to the
* directory containing the BAM.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
181 0 0 6 258 1904 0 0 736 /**
* Writes a single object to the Bam file, so that the
* BamReader::read_object() can later correctly restore the object and all its
* pointers.
* This implicitly also writes any additional objects this object references
* (if they haven't already been written), so that pointers may be fully
* resolved.
* This may be called repeatedly to write a sequence of objects to the Bam
* file, but typically (especially for scene graph files, indicated with the
* .bam extension), only one object is written directly from the Bam file: the
* root of the scene graph. The remaining objects will all be written
* recursively by the first object.
* Returns true if the object is successfully written, false otherwise.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2063 3 obj 1 2060
182 0 0 6 259 1904 0 0 170 /**
* Returns true if the object has previously been written (or at least
* requested to be written) to the bam file, or false if we've never heard of
* it before.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2086 3 obj 1 2060
183 0 0 4 260 2036 0 0 85 /**
* Ensures that all data written thus far is manifested on the output stream.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2063
184 0 0 6 261 1903 0 0 84 /**
* Returns the major version number of the Bam file currently being written.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
185 0 0 6 262 1903 0 0 84 /**
* Returns the minor version number of the Bam file currently being written.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
186 0 0 4 263 2036 0 0 232 /**
* Changes the minor .bam version to write. This should be called before
* init(). Each Panda version has only a fairly narrow range of versions it
* is able to write; consult the .bam documentation for more information.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2063 9 minor_ver 1 1903
187 0 0 6 264 1922 0 0 257 /**
* Returns the endian preference indicated by the Bam file currently being
* written. This does not imply that every number is stored using the
* indicated convention, but individual objects may choose to respect this
* flag when recording data.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
188 0 0 6 265 1904 0 0 248 /**
* Returns true if the file will store all "standard" floats as 64-bit
* doubles, or false if they are 32-bit floats. This isn't runtime settable;
* it's based on the compilation flags of the version of Panda that generated
* this file.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
189 0 0 6 266 1924 0 0 196 /**
* Returns the BamTextureMode preference indicated by the Bam file currently
* being written. Texture objects written to this Bam file will be encoded
* according to the specified mode.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
190 0 0 4 267 2036 0 0 187 /**
* Changes the BamTextureMode preference for the Bam file currently being
* written. Texture objects written to this Bam file will be encoded
* according to the specified mode.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2063 17 file_texture_mode 1 1924
191 0 0 6 268 1919 0 0 165 /**
* Returns the root node of the part of the scene graph we are currently
* writing out. This is used for determining what to make NodePaths relative
* to.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2086
192 0 0 4 269 2036 0 0 160 /**
* Sets the root node of the part of the scene graph we are currently writing
* out. NodePaths written to this bam file will be relative to this node.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2063 9 root_node 1 1919
193 0 0 7 279 2088 1210 0 0 0
194 0 0 7 279 2088 1210 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2089
195 0 0 7 279 2088 1210 0 0 1 10 init_value 1 2091
196 0 0 7 280 2088 1210 0 0 0
197 0 0 7 281 2088 1210 0 0 0
198 0 0 7 282 2088 1210 0 0 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
199 0 0 7 283 2088 1210 0 0 1 5 index 1 1903
200 0 0 7 284 2088 1210 0 0 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
201 0 0 6 285 1904 0 0 0 0
202 0 0 6 286 1903 0 0 0 0
203 0 0 6 287 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
204 0 0 6 288 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 index 1 1903
205 0 0 4 289 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 index 1 1903
206 0 0 4 290 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 index 1 1903
207 0 0 4 291 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2088 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
208 0 0 6 292 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
209 0 0 6 293 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
210 0 0 6 294 2091 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
211 0 0 4 295 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2088 5 value 1 2091 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
212 0 0 6 296 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
213 0 0 6 297 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
214 0 0 4 298 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2088 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
215 0 0 4 299 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2088 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
216 0 0 4 300 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2088 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
217 0 0 6 301 2091 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
218 0 0 4 302 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 value 1 2091
219 0 0 6 303 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
220 0 0 6 304 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
221 0 0 6 305 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
222 0 0 6 306 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
223 0 0 6 307 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
224 0 0 6 308 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
225 0 0 6 309 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 7 low_bit 1 1903
226 0 0 4 310 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2088
227 0 0 6 311 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
228 0 0 4 312 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2088
229 0 0 4 313 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 3 out 1 2046
230 0 0 4 314 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
231 0 0 4 315 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
232 0 0 4 316 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2089 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
233 0 0 6 317 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
234 0 0 6 318 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
235 0 0 6 319 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
236 0 0 6 320 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
237 0 0 7 321 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
238 0 0 7 322 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
239 0 0 7 323 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
240 0 0 7 324 2088 1210 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
241 0 0 7 325 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 shift 1 1903
242 0 0 7 326 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 shift 1 1903
243 0 0 6 327 2088 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 other 1 2089
244 0 0 6 328 2088 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 other 1 2089
245 0 0 6 329 2088 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 other 1 2089
246 0 0 6 330 2088 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 shift 1 1903
247 0 0 6 331 2088 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2088 5 shift 1 1903
248 0 0 4 332 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2088
249 0 0 4 333 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2088
250 0 0 7 334 2088 1210 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
251 0 0 7 335 2088 1210 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
252 0 0 7 336 2088 1210 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
253 0 0 7 336 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
254 0 0 7 336 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 index 1 1903
255 0 0 7 337 2088 1210 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
256 0 0 7 337 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 other 1 2089
257 0 0 7 337 2088 1210 0 0 2 4 this 3 2089 5 index 1 1903
258 0 0 6 338 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
259 0 0 6 339 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2089
260 0 0 7 340 2048 0 0 0 0
261 0 0 7 344 2092 1273 0 0 0
262 0 0 7 344 2092 1273 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2093
263 0 0 7 344 2092 1273 0 0 1 10 init_value 1 2095
264 0 0 7 345 2092 1273 0 0 0
265 0 0 7 346 2092 1273 0 0 0
266 0 0 7 347 2092 1273 0 0 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
267 0 0 7 348 2092 1273 0 0 1 5 index 1 1903
268 0 0 7 349 2092 1273 0 0 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
269 0 0 6 350 1904 0 0 0 0
270 0 0 6 351 1903 0 0 0 0
271 0 0 6 352 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
272 0 0 6 353 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 index 1 1903
273 0 0 4 354 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 index 1 1903
274 0 0 4 355 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 index 1 1903
275 0 0 4 356 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2092 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
276 0 0 6 357 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
277 0 0 6 358 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
278 0 0 6 359 2095 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
279 0 0 4 360 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2092 5 value 1 2095 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
280 0 0 6 361 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
281 0 0 6 362 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
282 0 0 4 363 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2092 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
283 0 0 4 364 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2092 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
284 0 0 4 365 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2092 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
285 0 0 6 366 2095 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
286 0 0 4 367 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 value 1 2095
287 0 0 6 368 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
288 0 0 6 369 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
289 0 0 6 370 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
290 0 0 6 371 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
291 0 0 6 372 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
292 0 0 6 373 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
293 0 0 6 374 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 7 low_bit 1 1903
294 0 0 4 375 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2092
295 0 0 6 376 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
296 0 0 4 377 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2092
297 0 0 4 378 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 3 out 1 2046
298 0 0 4 379 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
299 0 0 4 380 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
300 0 0 4 381 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2093 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
301 0 0 6 382 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
302 0 0 6 383 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
303 0 0 6 384 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
304 0 0 6 385 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
305 0 0 7 386 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
306 0 0 7 387 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
307 0 0 7 388 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
308 0 0 7 389 2092 1273 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
309 0 0 7 390 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 shift 1 1903
310 0 0 7 391 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 shift 1 1903
311 0 0 6 392 2092 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 other 1 2093
312 0 0 6 393 2092 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 other 1 2093
313 0 0 6 394 2092 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 other 1 2093
314 0 0 6 395 2092 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 shift 1 1903
315 0 0 6 396 2092 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2092 5 shift 1 1903
316 0 0 4 397 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2092
317 0 0 4 398 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2092
318 0 0 7 399 2092 1273 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
319 0 0 7 400 2092 1273 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
320 0 0 7 401 2092 1273 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
321 0 0 7 401 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
322 0 0 7 401 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 index 1 1903
323 0 0 7 402 2092 1273 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
324 0 0 7 402 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 other 1 2093
325 0 0 7 402 2092 1273 0 0 2 4 this 3 2093 5 index 1 1903
326 0 0 6 403 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
327 0 0 6 404 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2093
328 0 0 7 405 2048 0 0 0 0
329 0 0 7 409 2097 1336 0 0 0
330 0 0 7 409 2097 1336 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2098
331 0 0 7 409 2097 1336 0 0 1 10 init_value 1 2100
332 0 0 7 410 2097 1336 0 0 0
333 0 0 7 411 2097 1336 0 0 0
334 0 0 7 412 2097 1336 0 0 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
335 0 0 7 413 2097 1336 0 0 1 5 index 1 1903
336 0 0 7 414 2097 1336 0 0 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
337 0 0 6 415 1904 0 0 0 0
338 0 0 6 416 1903 0 0 0 0
339 0 0 6 417 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
340 0 0 6 418 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 index 1 1903
341 0 0 4 419 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 index 1 1903
342 0 0 4 420 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 index 1 1903
343 0 0 4 421 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2097 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
344 0 0 6 422 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
345 0 0 6 423 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
346 0 0 6 424 2100 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
347 0 0 4 425 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2097 5 value 1 2100 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
348 0 0 6 426 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
349 0 0 6 427 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
350 0 0 4 428 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2097 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
351 0 0 4 429 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2097 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
352 0 0 4 430 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2097 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
353 0 0 6 431 2100 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
354 0 0 4 432 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 value 1 2100
355 0 0 6 433 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
356 0 0 6 434 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
357 0 0 6 435 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
358 0 0 6 436 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
359 0 0 6 437 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
360 0 0 6 438 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
361 0 0 6 439 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 7 low_bit 1 1903
362 0 0 4 440 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2097
363 0 0 6 441 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
364 0 0 4 442 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2097
365 0 0 4 443 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 3 out 1 2046
366 0 0 4 444 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
367 0 0 4 445 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
368 0 0 4 446 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2098 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
369 0 0 6 447 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
370 0 0 6 448 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
371 0 0 6 449 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
372 0 0 6 450 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
373 0 0 7 451 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
374 0 0 7 452 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
375 0 0 7 453 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
376 0 0 7 454 2097 1336 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
377 0 0 7 455 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 shift 1 1903
378 0 0 7 456 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 shift 1 1903
379 0 0 6 457 2097 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 other 1 2098
380 0 0 6 458 2097 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 other 1 2098
381 0 0 6 459 2097 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 other 1 2098
382 0 0 6 460 2097 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 shift 1 1903
383 0 0 6 461 2097 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2097 5 shift 1 1903
384 0 0 4 462 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2097
385 0 0 4 463 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2097
386 0 0 7 464 2097 1336 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
387 0 0 7 465 2097 1336 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
388 0 0 7 466 2097 1336 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
389 0 0 7 466 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
390 0 0 7 466 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 index 1 1903
391 0 0 7 467 2097 1336 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
392 0 0 7 467 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 other 1 2098
393 0 0 7 467 2097 1336 0 0 2 4 this 3 2098 5 index 1 1903
394 0 0 6 468 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
395 0 0 6 469 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2098
396 0 0 7 470 2048 0 0 0 0
397 0 0 7 476 2101 1394 0 10 /**
*/ 0
398 0 0 7 476 2101 1394 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2102
399 0 0 7 476 2101 1394 0 10 /**
*/ 1 10 init_value 1 2104
400 0 0 7 476 2101 1394 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 from 1 2105
401 0 0 7 477 2101 1394 0 69 /**
* Returns a BitArray with an infinite array of bits, all on.
*/ 0
402 0 0 7 478 2101 1394 0 53 /**
* Returns a BitArray whose bits are all off.
*/ 0
403 0 0 7 479 2101 1394 0 62 /**
* Returns a BitArray whose lower on_bits bits are on.
*/ 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
404 0 0 7 480 2101 1394 0 61 /**
* Returns a BitArray with only the indicated bit on.
*/ 1 5 index 1 1903
405 0 0 7 481 2101 1394 0 76 /**
* Returns a BitArray whose size bits, beginning at low_bit, are on.
*/ 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
406 0 0 6 482 1904 0 0 0 0
407 0 0 6 483 1903 0 0 0 0
408 0 0 6 484 1903 0 0 0 0
409 0 0 6 485 2107 0 0 300 /**
* Returns the current number of possibly different bits in this array. There
* are actually an infinite number of bits, but every bit higher than this bit
* will have the same value, either 0 or 1 (see get_highest_bits()).
* This number may grow and/or shrink automatically as needed.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
410 0 0 6 486 1904 0 0 191 /**
* Returns true if the nth bit is set, false if it is cleared. It is valid
* for n to increase beyond get_num_bits(), but the return value
* get_num_bits() will always be the same.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 5 index 1 1903
411 0 0 4 487 2036 0 0 97 /**
* Sets the nth bit on. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2101 5 index 1 1903
412 0 0 4 488 2036 0 0 98 /**
* Sets the nth bit off. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2101 5 index 1 1903
413 0 0 4 489 2036 0 0 84 /**
* Sets the nth bit either on or off, according to the indicated bool value.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2101 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
414 0 0 6 490 1904 0 0 118 /**
* Returns true if the infinite set of bits beyond get_num_bits() are all on,
* or false of they are all off.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
415 0 0 6 491 1904 0 0 71 /**
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is zero, false otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
416 0 0 6 492 1904 0 0 70 /**
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is one, false otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
417 0 0 6 493 2104 0 0 187 /**
* Returns a word that represents only the indicated range of bits within this
* BitArray, shifted to the least-significant position. size must be <=
* get_num_bits_per_word().
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
418 0 0 4 494 2036 0 0 92 /**
* Stores the indicated word into the indicated range of bits with this
* BitArray.
*/ 4 4 this 3 2101 5 value 1 2104 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
419 0 0 6 495 1904 0 0 82 /**
* Returns true if any bit in the indicated range is set, false otherwise.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
420 0 0 6 496 1904 0 0 84 /**
* Returns true if all bits in the indicated range are set, false otherwise.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
421 0 0 4 497 2036 0 0 47 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits on.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2101 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
422 0 0 4 498 2036 0 0 48 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits off.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2101 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
423 0 0 4 499 2036 0 0 64 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits to either on or off.
*/ 4 4 this 3 2101 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
424 0 0 6 500 1903 0 0 127 /**
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
425 0 0 6 501 1903 0 0 127 /**
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 0 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
426 0 0 6 502 1903 0 0 101 /**
* Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
427 0 0 6 503 1903 0 0 101 /**
* Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
428 0 0 6 504 1903 0 0 143 /**
* Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
429 0 0 6 505 1903 0 0 143 /**
* Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
430 0 0 6 506 1903 0 0 287 /**
* Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value
* is different that the value of low_bit. Returns low_bit again if all bits
* higher than low_bit have the same value.
* This can be used to quickly iterate through all of the bits in the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 7 low_bit 1 1903
431 0 0 6 507 2107 0 0 75 /**
* Returns the number of possibly-unique words stored in the array.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2102
432 0 0 7 508 2109 0 0 175 /**
* Returns the nth word in the array. It is valid for n to be greater than
* get_num_words(), but the return value beyond get_num_words() will always be
* the same.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 1 n 1 2107
433 0 0 4 509 2036 0 0 113 /**
* Replaces the nth word in the array. If n >= get_num_words(), this
* automatically extends the array.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2101 1 n 1 2107 5 value 1 2104
434 0 0 4 510 2036 0 0 90 /**
* Inverts all the bits in the BitArray. This is equivalent to array =
* ~array.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2101
435 0 0 6 511 1904 0 0 178 /**
* Returns true if this BitArray has any "one" bits in common with the other
* one, false otherwise.
* This is equivalent to (array & other) != 0, but may be faster.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
436 0 0 4 512 2036 0 0 49 /**
* Sets all the bits in the BitArray off.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2101
437 0 0 4 513 2036 0 0 193 /**
* Writes the BitArray out as a hex number. For a BitArray, this is always
* the same as output_hex(); it's too confusing for the output format to
* change back and forth at runtime.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 3 out 1 2046
438 0 0 4 514 2036 0 0 83 /**
* Writes the BitArray out as a binary number, with spaces every four bits.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
439 0 0 4 515 2036 0 0 93 /**
* Writes the BitArray out as a hexadecimal number, with spaces every four
* digits.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
440 0 0 4 516 2036 0 0 99 /**
* Writes the BitArray out as a binary or a hex number, according to the
* number of bits.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2102 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
441 0 0 6 517 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
442 0 0 6 518 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
443 0 0 6 519 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
444 0 0 6 520 1903 0 0 233 /**
* Returns a number less than zero if this BitArray sorts before the indicated
* other BitArray, greater than zero if it sorts after, or 0 if they are
* equivalent. This is based on the same ordering defined by operator <.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
445 0 0 7 521 2101 1394 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
446 0 0 7 522 2101 1394 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
447 0 0 7 523 2101 1394 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 other 1 2102
448 0 0 7 524 2101 1394 0 0 1 4 this 3 2102
449 0 0 7 525 2101 1394 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 shift 1 1903
450 0 0 7 526 2101 1394 0 0 2 4 this 3 2102 5 shift 1 1903
451 0 0 6 527 2101 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2101 5 other 1 2102
452 0 0 6 528 2101 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2101 5 other 1 2102
453 0 0 6 529 2101 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2101 5 other 1 2102
454 0 0 6 530 2101 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2101 5 shift 1 1903
455 0 0 6 531 2101 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2101 5 shift 1 1903
456 0 0 7 532 2048 0 0 0 0
457 0 0 7 535 2110 1414 0 259 // The default constructor must do nothing, because we can't guarantee
// ordering of static initializers. If the constructor tried to initialize
// its value, it might happen after the value had already been set
// previously by another static initializer! 0
458 0 0 7 535 2110 1414 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2111
459 0 0 7 535 2110 1414 0 154 /**
* Constructs a ButtonHandle with the corresponding index number, which may
* have been returned by an earlier call to ButtonHandle::get_index().
*/ 1 5 index 1 1903
460 0 0 7 535 2110 1414 0 341 /**
* Constructs a ButtonHandle with the corresponding name, which is looked up
* in the ButtonRegistry. This exists for the purpose of being able to
* automatically coerce a string into a ButtonHandle; for most purposes, you
* should use either the static KeyboardButton/MouseButton getters or
* ButtonRegistry::register_button().
*/ 1 4 name 1 2050
461 0 0 6 536 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
462 0 0 6 537 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
463 0 0 6 538 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
464 0 0 6 539 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
465 0 0 6 540 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
466 0 0 6 541 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
467 0 0 6 542 1903 0 0 209 /**
* Sorts ButtonHandles arbitrarily (according to <, >, etc.). Returns a
* number less than 0 if this type sorts before the other one, greater than
* zero if it sorts after, 0 if they are equivalent.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
468 0 0 6 543 2107 0 0 54 /**
* Returns a hash code suitable for phash_map.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
469 0 0 6 544 2050 0 0 42 /**
* Returns the name of the button.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
470 0 0 6 545 1904 0 0 121 /**
* Returns true if the button was created with an ASCII equivalent code (e.g.
* for a standard keyboard button).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
471 0 0 6 546 1950 0 0 109 /**
* Returns the character code associated with the button, or '\0' if no ASCII
* code was associated.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
472 0 0 7 547 2110 1414 0 373 /**
* Returns the alias (alternate name) associated with the button, if any, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if the button has no alias.
* Each button is allowed to have one alias, and multiple different buttons
* can refer to the same alias. The alias should be the more general name for
* the button, for instance, shift is an alias for lshift, but not vice-versa.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
473 0 0 6 548 1904 0 0 263 /**
* Returns true if this ButtonHandle is the same as the other one, or if the
* other one is an alias for this one. (Does not return true if this button
* is an alias for the other one, however.)
* This is a more general comparison than operator ==.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2111 5 other 1 2111
474 0 0 6 549 1903 0 0 363 /**
* Returns the integer index associated with this ButtonHandle. Each
* different ButtonHandle will have a different index. However, you probably
* shouldn't be using this method; you should just treat the ButtonHandles as
* opaque classes. This is provided for the convenience of non-C++ scripting
* languages to build a hashtable of ButtonHandles.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2111
475 0 0 4 550 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2111 3 out 1 2046
476 0 0 7 551 2110 1414 0 0 0
477 0 0 7 560 2048 0 0 0 0
478 0 0 6 552 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2111
479 0 0 7 568 2115 1421 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2113
480 0 0 7 563 2110 1414 0 150 /**
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated name. If there
* is no such ButtonHandle, registers a new one and returns it.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2115 4 name 1 2050
481 0 0 7 564 2110 1414 0 144 /**
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated name. If there
* is no such ButtonHandle, returns ButtonHandle::none().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2115 4 name 1 2050
482 0 0 7 565 2110 1414 0 169 /**
* Finds a ButtonHandle in the registry matching the indicated ASCII
* equivalent character. If there is no such ButtonHandle, returns
* ButtonHandle::none().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2113 16 ascii_equivalent 1 1950
483 0 0 4 566 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2113 3 out 1 2046
484 0 0 6 567 2115 0 0 67 /**
* Returns the pointer to the global ButtonRegistry object.
*/ 0
485 0 0 7 579 2116 1430 0 0 0
486 0 0 7 579 2116 1430 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2117
487 0 0 6 572 2107 0 0 76 /**
* Returns the number of buttons that this button mapping specifies.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2117
488 0 0 7 573 2110 1414 0 76 /**
* Returns the underlying raw button associated with the nth button.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 1 i 1 2107
489 0 0 7 574 2110 1414 0 166 /**
* Returns the button that the given button is mapped to, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if this map does not specify a mapped button for the
* given raw button.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 3 raw 1 2110
490 0 0 7 574 2110 1414 0 101 /**
* Returns the nth mapped button, meaning the button that the nth raw button
* is mapped to.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 1 i 1 2107
491 0 0 7 574 2110 1414 0 166 /**
* Returns the button that the given button is mapped to, or
* ButtonHandle::none() if this map does not specify a mapped button for the
* given raw button.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 8 raw_name 1 2050
492 0 0 6 575 2050 0 0 353 /**
* If the button map specifies a special name for the button (eg. if the
* operating system or keyboard device has a localized name describing the
* key), returns it, or the empty string otherwise.
* Note that this is not the same as get_mapped_button().get_name(), which
* returns the name of the Panda event associated with the button.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 3 raw 1 2110
493 0 0 6 575 2050 0 0 127 /**
* Returns the label associated with the nth mapped button, meaning the button
* that the nth raw button is mapped to.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 1 i 1 2107
494 0 0 6 575 2050 0 0 353 /**
* If the button map specifies a special name for the button (eg. if the
* operating system or keyboard device has a localized name describing the
* key), returns it, or the empty string otherwise.
* Note that this is not the same as get_mapped_button().get_name(), which
* returns the name of the Panda event associated with the button.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 8 raw_name 1 2050
495 0 0 4 576 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2117 3 out 1 2046
496 0 0 4 577 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 3 4 this 3 2117 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
497 0 0 7 578 2048 0 0 0 0
498 0 0 7 585 2121 1435 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2119
499 0 0 4 582 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2119 3 out 1 2046
500 0 0 7 583 2121 1435 0 0 1 8 function 1 1932
501 0 0 7 584 2048 0 0 0 0
502 0 0 6 588 1903 0 0 47 /**
* Returns the current reference count.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2122
503 0 0 4 589 2036 0 0 108 /**
* Explicitly increments the cache reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2122
504 0 0 6 590 1904 0 0 202 /**
* Explicitly decrements the cache reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
* The return value is true if the new reference count is nonzero, false if it
* is zero.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2122
505 0 0 6 591 1904 0 0 97 /**
* Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't
* completely bogus.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2122
506 0 0 7 593 2048 0 0 0 0
507 0 0 4 595 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2124 3 out 1 2046
508 0 0 4 596 2036 0 0 159 /**
* You should make this call during the callback if you want to continue the
* normal function that would have been done in the absence of a callback.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2126
509 0 0 7 597 2048 0 0 0 0
510 0 0 7 600 2127 1435 0 10 /**
*/ 1 8 function 1 1932
511 0 0 7 600 2127 1435 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2128
512 0 0 4 601 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2127 4 size 1 2107
513 0 0 4 604 2036 0 0 126 /**
* Replaces the function that is called for the callback. runs. The
* parameter should be a Python callable object.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2127 8 function 1 1932
514 0 0 6 605 1932 0 0 64 /**
* Returns the function that is called for the callback.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2127
515 0 0 7 607 2048 0 0 0 0
516 0 0 7 609 2130 1457 0 10 /**
*/ 0
517 0 0 7 609 2130 1457 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2131
518 0 0 6 610 1960 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2131
519 0 0 6 611 1960 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2131
520 0 0 7 621 2135 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 copy 1 2133
521 0 0 7 621 2135 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 mode 1 1963
522 0 0 4 622 2036 0 0 1841 /**
* Changes the mode of the clock. Normally, the clock is in mode M_normal.
* In this mode, each call to tick() will set the value returned by
* get_frame_time() to the current real time; thus, the clock simply reports
* time advancing.
* Other possible modes:
* M_non_real_time - the clock ignores real time completely; at each call to
* tick(), it pretends that exactly dt seconds have elapsed since the last
* call to tick(). You may set the value of dt with set_dt() or
* set_frame_rate().
* M_limited - the clock will run as fast as it can, as in M_normal, but will
* not run faster than the rate specified by set_frame_rate(). If the
* application would run faster than this rate, the clock will slow down the
* application.
* M_integer - the clock will run as fast as it can, but the rate will be
* constrained to be an integer multiple or divisor of the rate specified by
* set_frame_rate(). The clock will slow down the application a bit to
* guarantee this.
* M_integer_limited - a combination of M_limited and M_integer; the clock
* will not run faster than set_frame_rate(), and if it runs slower, it will
* run at a integer divisor of that rate.
* M_forced - the clock forces the application to run at the rate specified by
* set_frame_rate(). If the application would run faster than this rate, the
* clock will slow down the application; if the application would run slower
* than this rate, the clock slows down time so that the application believes
* it is running at the given rate.
* M_degrade - the clock runs at real time, but the application is slowed down
* by a set factor of its frame rate, specified by set_degrade_factor().
* M_slave - the clock does not advance, but relies on the user to call
* set_frame_time() and/or set_frame_count() each frame.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 4 mode 1 1963
523 0 0 6 623 1963 0 0 66 /**
* Returns the current mode of the clock. See set_mode().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
524 0 0 6 625 1902 0 0 350 /**
* Returns the time in seconds as of the last time tick() was called
* (typically, this will be as of the start of the current frame).
* This is generally the kind of time you want to ask for in most rendering
* and animation contexts, since it's important that all of the animation for
* a given frame remains in sync with each other.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
525 0 0 6 626 1902 0 0 434 /**
* Returns the actual number of seconds elapsed since the ClockObject was
* created, or since it was last reset. This is useful for doing real timing
* measurements, e.g. for performance statistics.
* This returns the most precise timer we have for short time intervals, but
* it may tend to drift over the long haul. If more accurate timekeeping is
* needed over a long period of time, use get_long_time() instead.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
526 0 0 6 627 1902 0 0 440 /**
* Returns the actual number of seconds elapsed since the ClockObject was
* created, or since it was last reset.
* This is similar to get_real_time(), except that it uses the most accurate
* counter we have over a long period of time, and so it is less likely to
* drift. However, it may not be very precise for measuring short intervals.
* On Windows, for instace, this is only accurate to within about 55
* milliseconds.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
527 0 0 4 628 2036 0 0 75 /**
* Simultaneously resets both the time and the frame count to zero.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2135
528 0 0 4 629 2036 0 0 316 /**
* Resets the clock to the indicated time. This changes only the real time of
* the clock as reported by get_real_time(), but does not immediately change
* the time reported by get_frame_time()--that will change after the next call
* to tick(). Also see reset(), set_frame_time(), and set_frame_count().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 4 time 1 1902
529 0 0 4 630 2036 0 0 215 /**
* Changes the time as reported for the current frame to the indicated time.
* Normally, the way to adjust the frame time is via tick(); this function is
* provided only for occasional special adjustments.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2135 4 time 1 1902 14 current_thread 1 2136
530 0 0 4 631 2036 0 0 132 /**
* Resets the number of frames counted to the indicated number. Also see
* reset(), set_real_time(), and set_frame_time().
*/ 3 4 this 3 2135 11 frame_count 1 1903 14 current_thread 1 2136
531 0 0 6 632 1903 0 0 195 /**
* Returns the number of times tick() has been called since the ClockObject
* was created, or since it was last reset. This is generally the number of
* frames that have been rendered.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
532 0 0 6 633 1902 0 0 245 /**
* Returns the average frame rate since the last reset. This is simply the
* total number of frames divided by the total elapsed time. This reports the
* virtual frame rate if the clock is in (or has been in) M_non_real_time
* mode.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
533 0 0 6 638 1902 0 0 130 /**
* Returns the elapsed time for the previous frame: the number of seconds
* elapsed between the last two calls to tick().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
534 0 0 4 639 2036 0 0 291 /**
* In non-real-time mode, sets the number of seconds that should appear to
* elapse between frames. In forced mode or limited mode, sets our target dt.
* In normal mode, this has no effect.
* Also see set_frame_rate(), which is a different way to specify the same
* quantity.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 2 dt 1 1902
535 0 0 4 640 2036 0 0 291 /**
* In non-real-time mode, sets the number of frames per second that we should
* appear to be running. In forced mode or limited mode, sets our target
* frame rate. In normal mode, this has no effect.
* Also see set_dt(), which is a different way to specify the same quantity.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 10 frame_rate 1 1902
536 0 0 6 642 1902 0 0 106 /**
* Returns the current maximum allowable time elapsed between any two frames.
* See set_max_dt().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
537 0 0 4 643 2036 0 0 511 /**
* Sets a limit on the value returned by get_dt(). If this value is less than
* zero, no limit is imposed; otherwise, this is the maximum value that will
* ever be returned by get_dt(), regardless of how much time has actually
* elapsed between frames.
* This limit is only imposed in real-time mode; in non-real-time mode, the dt
* is fixed anyway and max_dt is ignored.
* This is generally used to guarantee reasonable behavior even in the
* presence of a very slow or chuggy frame rame.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 6 max_dt 1 1902
538 0 0 6 645 1902 0 0 265 /**
* In degrade mode, returns the ratio by which the performance is degraded. A
* value of 2.0 causes the clock to be slowed down by a factor of two
* (reducing performance to 1/2 what would be otherwise).
* This has no effect if mode is not M_degrade.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
539 0 0 4 646 2036 0 0 262 /**
* In degrade mode, sets the ratio by which the performance is degraded. A
* value of 2.0 causes the clock to be slowed down by a factor of two
* (reducing performance to 1/2 what would be otherwise).
* This has no effect if mode is not M_degrade.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 14 degrade_factor 1 1902
540 0 0 4 648 2036 0 0 393 /**
* Specifies the interval of time (in seconds) over which
* get_average_frame_rate() averages the number of frames per second to
* compute the frame rate. Changing this does not necessarily immediately
* change the result of get_average_frame_rate(), until this interval of time
* has elapsed again.
* Setting this to zero disables the computation of get_average_frame_rate().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 4 time 1 1902
541 0 0 6 649 1902 0 0 162 /**
* Returns the interval of time (in seconds) over which
* get_average_frame_rate() averages the number of frames per second to
* compute the frame rate.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2133
542 0 0 6 651 1902 0 0 214 /**
* Returns the average frame rate in number of frames per second over the last
* get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds. This measures the virtual frame
* rate if the clock is in M_non_real_time mode.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
543 0 0 6 652 1902 0 0 105 /**
* Returns the maximum frame duration over the last
* get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
544 0 0 6 653 1902 0 0 539 /**
* Returns the standard deviation of the frame times of the frames rendered
* over the past get_average_frame_rate_interval() seconds. This number gives
* an estimate of the chugginess of the frame rate; if it is large, there is a
* large variation in the frame rate; if is small, all of the frames are
* consistent in length.
* A large value might also represent just a recent change in frame rate, for
* instance, because the camera has just rotated from looking at a simple
* scene to looking at a more complex scene.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2133 14 current_thread 1 2136
545 0 0 4 656 2036 0 0 285 /**
* Instructs the clock that a new frame has just begun. In normal, real-time
* mode, get_frame_time() will henceforth report the time as of this instant
* as the current start-of-frame time. In non-real-time mode,
* get_frame_time() will be incremented by the value of dt.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 14 current_thread 1 2136
546 0 0 4 657 2036 0 0 417 /**
* Resets the frame time to the current real time. This is similar to tick(),
* except that it does not advance the frame counter and does not affect dt.
* This is intended to be used in the middle of a particularly long frame to
* compensate for the time that has already elapsed.
* In non-real-time mode, this function has no effect (because in this mode
* all frames take the same length of time).
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 14 current_thread 1 2136
547 0 0 6 658 1904 0 0 322 /**
* Returns true if a clock error was detected since the last time
* check_errors() was called. A clock error means that something happened, an
* OS or BIOS bug, for instance, that makes the current value of the clock
* somewhat suspect, and an application may wish to resynchronize with any
* external clocks.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2135 14 current_thread 1 2136
548 0 0 7 659 2135 0 0 159 /**
* Returns a pointer to the global ClockObject. This is the ClockObject that
* most code should use for handling scene graph rendering and animation.
*/ 0
549 0 0 7 660 2048 0 0 0 0
550 0 0 4 668 2036 0 0 62 /**
* @see CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_ref()
*/ 1 4 this 3 2138
551 0 0 6 669 1904 0 0 64 /**
* @see CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_unref()
*/ 1 4 this 3 2138
552 0 0 7 670 2048 0 0 0 0
553 0 0 7 677 2140 1503 0 48 /**
* Initializes an empty datagram buffer.
*/ 0
554 0 0 7 677 2140 1503 0 54 /**
* Initializes the buffer with the given data.
*/ 1 4 data 1 1969
555 0 0 4 678 2036 0 0 38 /**
* Clears the internal buffer.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2140
556 0 0 6 673 1936 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2140
557 0 0 6 675 1929 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2140
558 0 0 7 687 2141 0 0 10 /**
*/ 0
559 0 0 6 688 1904 0 0 99 /**
* Opens the indicated filename for reading. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2141 4 file 1 2142
560 0 0 6 688 1904 0 0 99 /**
* Opens the indicated filename for reading. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2141 8 filename 1 2069
561 0 0 6 688 1904 0 0 230 /**
* Starts reading from the indicated stream. Returns true on success, false
* on failure. The DatagramInputFile does not take ownership of the stream;
* you are responsible for closing or deleting it when you are done.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2141 2 in 1 2145 8 filename 1 2069
562 0 0 6 689 2145 0 0 61 /**
* Returns the istream represented by the input file.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2141
563 0 0 4 690 2036 0 0 98 /**
* Closes the file. This is also implicitly done when the DatagramInputFile
* destructs.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2141
564 0 0 7 693 2147 0 0 10 /**
*/ 0
565 0 0 6 694 1904 0 0 102 /**
* Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true if successful,
* false on failure.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2147 4 file 1 2142
566 0 0 6 694 1904 0 0 99 /**
* Opens the indicated filename for writing. Returns true on success, false
* on failure.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2147 8 filename 1 2069
567 0 0 6 694 1904 0 0 229 /**
* Starts writing to the indicated stream. Returns true on success, false on
* failure. The DatagramOutputFile does not take ownership of the stream; you
* are responsible for closing or deleting it when you are done.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2147 3 out 1 2046 8 filename 1 2069
568 0 0 4 695 2036 0 0 99 /**
* Closes the file. This is also implicitly done when the DatagramOutputFile
* destructs.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2147
569 0 0 6 696 1904 0 0 256 /**
* Writes a sequence of bytes to the beginning of the datagram file. This may
* be called any number of times after the file has been opened and before the
* first datagram is written. It may not be called once the first datagram is
* written.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2147 6 header 1 2050
570 0 0 7 701 2148 1566 0 0 0
571 0 0 7 701 2148 1566 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2149
572 0 0 7 702 2148 1566 0 0 0
573 0 0 7 703 2148 1566 0 0 0
574 0 0 7 704 2148 1566 0 0 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
575 0 0 7 705 2148 1566 0 0 1 5 index 1 1903
576 0 0 7 706 2148 1566 0 0 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
577 0 0 6 707 1904 0 0 0 0
578 0 0 6 708 1903 0 0 0 0
579 0 0 6 709 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
580 0 0 6 710 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 index 1 1903
581 0 0 4 711 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 index 1 1903
582 0 0 4 712 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 index 1 1903
583 0 0 4 713 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2148 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
584 0 0 6 714 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
585 0 0 6 715 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
586 0 0 6 716 2100 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
587 0 0 4 717 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2148 5 value 1 2100 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
588 0 0 6 718 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
589 0 0 6 719 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
590 0 0 4 720 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2148 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
591 0 0 4 721 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2148 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
592 0 0 4 722 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2148 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
593 0 0 6 723 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
594 0 0 6 724 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
595 0 0 6 725 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
596 0 0 6 726 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
597 0 0 6 727 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
598 0 0 6 728 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
599 0 0 6 729 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 7 low_bit 1 1903
600 0 0 4 730 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2148
601 0 0 6 731 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
602 0 0 4 732 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2148
603 0 0 4 733 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 3 out 1 2046
604 0 0 4 734 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
605 0 0 4 735 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
606 0 0 4 736 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2149 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
607 0 0 6 737 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
608 0 0 6 738 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
609 0 0 6 739 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
610 0 0 6 740 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
611 0 0 7 741 2148 1566 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
612 0 0 7 742 2148 1566 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
613 0 0 7 743 2148 1566 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 other 1 2149
614 0 0 7 744 2148 1566 0 0 1 4 this 3 2149
615 0 0 7 745 2148 1566 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 shift 1 1903
616 0 0 7 746 2148 1566 0 0 2 4 this 3 2149 5 shift 1 1903
617 0 0 6 747 2148 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 other 1 2149
618 0 0 6 748 2148 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 other 1 2149
619 0 0 6 749 2148 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 other 1 2149
620 0 0 6 750 2148 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 shift 1 1903
621 0 0 6 751 2148 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2148 5 shift 1 1903
622 0 0 7 752 2048 0 0 0 0
623 0 0 7 756 2151 1619 0 0 0
624 0 0 7 756 2151 1619 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2152
625 0 0 7 757 2151 1619 0 0 0
626 0 0 7 758 2151 1619 0 0 0
627 0 0 7 759 2151 1619 0 0 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
628 0 0 7 760 2151 1619 0 0 1 5 index 1 1903
629 0 0 7 761 2151 1619 0 0 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
630 0 0 6 762 1904 0 0 0 0
631 0 0 6 763 1903 0 0 0 0
632 0 0 6 764 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
633 0 0 6 765 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 index 1 1903
634 0 0 4 766 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 index 1 1903
635 0 0 4 767 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 index 1 1903
636 0 0 4 768 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2151 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
637 0 0 6 769 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
638 0 0 6 770 1904 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
639 0 0 6 771 2100 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
640 0 0 4 772 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2151 5 value 1 2100 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
641 0 0 6 773 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
642 0 0 6 774 1904 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
643 0 0 4 775 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2151 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
644 0 0 4 776 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2151 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
645 0 0 4 777 2036 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 2151 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
646 0 0 6 778 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
647 0 0 6 779 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
648 0 0 6 780 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
649 0 0 6 781 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
650 0 0 6 782 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
651 0 0 6 783 1903 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
652 0 0 6 784 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 7 low_bit 1 1903
653 0 0 4 785 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2151
654 0 0 6 786 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
655 0 0 4 787 2036 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2151
656 0 0 4 788 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 3 out 1 2046
657 0 0 4 789 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
658 0 0 4 790 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 3 out 1 2046 12 spaces_every 1 1903
659 0 0 4 791 2036 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 2152 3 out 1 2046 12 indent_level 1 1903
660 0 0 6 792 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
661 0 0 6 793 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
662 0 0 6 794 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
663 0 0 6 795 1903 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
664 0 0 7 796 2151 1619 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
665 0 0 7 797 2151 1619 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
666 0 0 7 798 2151 1619 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 other 1 2152
667 0 0 7 799 2151 1619 0 0 1 4 this 3 2152
668 0 0 7 800 2151 1619 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 shift 1 1903
669 0 0 7 801 2151 1619 0 0 2 4 this 3 2152 5 shift 1 1903
670 0 0 6 802 2151 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 other 1 2152
671 0 0 6 803 2151 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 other 1 2152
672 0 0 6 804 2151 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 other 1 2152
673 0 0 6 805 2151 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 shift 1 1903
674 0 0 6 806 2151 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2151 5 shift 1 1903
675 0 0 7 807 2048 0 0 0 0
676 0 0 7 843 2154 1652 0 0 0
677 0 0 7 843 2154 1652 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2155
678 0 0 7 812 2110 1414 0 0 0
679 0 0 7 813 2110 1414 0 0 0
680 0 0 7 814 2110 1414 0 0 0
681 0 0 7 815 2110 1414 0 0 0
682 0 0 7 816 2110 1414 0 0 0
683 0 0 7 817 2110 1414 0 0 0
684 0 0 7 818 2110 1414 0 0 0
685 0 0 7 819 2110 1414 0 0 0
686 0 0 7 820 2110 1414 0 0 0
687 0 0 7 821 2110 1414 0 0 0
688 0 0 7 822 2110 1414 0 0 0
689 0 0 7 823 2110 1414 0 0 0
690 0 0 7 824 2110 1414 0 0 0
691 0 0 7 825 2110 1414 0 0 0
692 0 0 7 826 2110 1414 0 0 0
693 0 0 7 827 2110 1414 0 0 0
694 0 0 7 828 2110 1414 0 0 0
695 0 0 7 829 2110 1414 0 0 0
696 0 0 7 830 2110 1414 0 0 0
697 0 0 7 831 2110 1414 0 0 0
698 0 0 7 832 2110 1414 0 0 0
699 0 0 7 833 2110 1414 0 0 0
700 0 0 7 834 2110 1414 0 0 0
701 0 0 7 835 2110 1414 0 0 0
702 0 0 7 836 2110 1414 0 0 0
703 0 0 7 837 2110 1414 0 74 // Flight stick buttons, takes zero-based index. First is always trigger. 0
704 0 0 7 838 2110 1414 0 169 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered joystick
* button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is
* not.
*/ 1 13 button_number 1 1903
705 0 0 7 839 2110 1414 0 0 0
706 0 0 7 840 2110 1414 0 0 0
707 0 0 7 841 2110 1414 0 0 0
708 0 0 7 842 2110 1414 0 0 0
709 0 0 7 898 2157 1706 0 0 0
710 0 0 7 898 2157 1706 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2158
711 0 0 7 846 2110 1414 0 144 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular ASCII character, if
* there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is not.
*/ 1 16 ascii_equivalent 1 1950
712 0 0 7 847 2110 1414 0 0 0
713 0 0 7 848 2110 1414 0 0 0
714 0 0 7 849 2110 1414 0 0 0
715 0 0 7 850 2110 1414 0 0 0
716 0 0 7 851 2110 1414 0 0 0
717 0 0 7 852 2110 1414 0 0 0
718 0 0 7 853 2110 1414 0 0 0
719 0 0 7 854 2110 1414 0 0 0
720 0 0 7 855 2110 1414 0 0 0
721 0 0 7 856 2110 1414 0 0 0
722 0 0 7 857 2110 1414 0 0 0
723 0 0 7 858 2110 1414 0 0 0
724 0 0 7 859 2110 1414 0 0 0
725 0 0 7 860 2110 1414 0 0 0
726 0 0 7 861 2110 1414 0 0 0
727 0 0 7 862 2110 1414 0 0 0
728 0 0 7 863 2110 1414 0 0 0
729 0 0 7 864 2110 1414 0 59 // PC keyboards don't have these four buttons, but Macs do. 0
730 0 0 7 865 2110 1414 0 0 0
731 0 0 7 866 2110 1414 0 0 0
732 0 0 7 867 2110 1414 0 0 0
733 0 0 7 868 2110 1414 0 0 0
734 0 0 7 869 2110 1414 0 0 0
735 0 0 7 870 2110 1414 0 0 0
736 0 0 7 871 2110 1414 0 0 0
737 0 0 7 872 2110 1414 0 0 0
738 0 0 7 873 2110 1414 0 0 0
739 0 0 7 874 2110 1414 0 0 0
740 0 0 7 875 2110 1414 0 0 0
741 0 0 7 876 2110 1414 0 0 0
742 0 0 7 877 2110 1414 0 27 // delete is a C++ keyword. 0
743 0 0 7 878 2110 1414 0 27 // delete is a C++ keyword. 0
744 0 0 7 879 2110 1414 0 0 0
745 0 0 7 880 2110 1414 0 0 0
746 0 0 7 881 2110 1414 0 0 0
747 0 0 7 882 2110 1414 0 0 0
748 0 0 7 883 2110 1414 0 0 0
749 0 0 7 884 2110 1414 0 0 0
750 0 0 7 885 2110 1414 0 0 0
751 0 0 7 886 2110 1414 0 0 0
752 0 0 7 887 2110 1414 0 0 0
753 0 0 7 888 2110 1414 0 0 0
754 0 0 7 889 2110 1414 0 0 0
755 0 0 7 890 2110 1414 0 0 0
756 0 0 7 891 2110 1414 0 0 0
757 0 0 7 892 2110 1414 0 0 0
758 0 0 7 893 2110 1414 0 0 0
759 0 0 7 894 2110 1414 0 0 0
760 0 0 7 895 2110 1414 0 0 0
761 0 0 7 896 2110 1414 0 0 0
762 0 0 7 897 2110 1414 0 0 0
763 0 0 7 905 2160 1712 0 10 /**
*/ 0
764 0 0 7 905 2160 1712 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 copy 1 2161
765 0 0 6 907 2160 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2160 4 copy 1 2161
766 0 0 6 908 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
767 0 0 6 909 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
768 0 0 6 910 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
769 0 0 7 911 2160 1712 0 0 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
770 0 0 7 912 2160 1712 0 0 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
771 0 0 6 913 2160 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2160 5 other 1 2161
772 0 0 6 914 2160 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2160 5 other 1 2161
773 0 0 4 915 2036 0 0 374 /**
* Sets the list of buttons to watch to be the same as that of the other
* ModifierButtons object. This makes the lists pointer equivalent (until one
* or the other is later modified).
* This will preserve the state of any button that was on the original list
* and is also on the new lists. Any other buttons will get reset to the
* default state of "up".
*/ 2 4 this 3 2160 5 other 1 2161
774 0 0 6 916 1904 0 0 232 /**
* Returns true if the set of buttons indicated as down by this
* ModifierButtons object is the same set of buttons indicated as down by the
* other ModifierButtons object. The buttons indicated as up are not
* relevant.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 5 other 1 2161
775 0 0 6 917 1904 0 0 248 /**
* Adds the indicated button to the set of buttons that will be monitored for
* upness and downness. Returns true if the button was added, false if it was
* already being monitored or if too many buttons are currently being
* monitored.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2160 6 button 1 2110
776 0 0 6 918 1904 0 0 109 /**
* Returns true if the indicated button is in the set of buttons being
* monitored, false otherwise.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 6 button 1 2110
777 0 0 6 919 1904 0 0 313 /**
* Removes the indicated button from the set of buttons being monitored.
* Returns true if the button was removed, false if it was not being monitored
* in the first place.
* Unlike the other methods, you cannot remove a button by removing its alias;
* you have to remove exactly the button itself.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2160 6 button 1 2110
778 0 0 6 920 1903 0 0 143 /**
* Returns the number of buttons that the ModifierButtons object is monitoring
* (e.g. the number of buttons passed to add_button()).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2161
779 0 0 7 921 2110 1414 0 185 /**
* Returns the nth button that the ModifierButtons object is monitoring (the
* nth button passed to add_button()). This must be in the range 0 <= index <
* get_num_buttons().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 5 index 1 1903
780 0 0 6 925 1904 0 0 305 /**
* Records that a particular button has been pressed. If the given button is
* one of the buttons that is currently being monitored, this will update the
* internal state appropriately; otherwise, it will do nothing. Returns true
* if the button is one that was monitored, or false otherwise.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2160 6 button 1 2110
781 0 0 6 926 1904 0 0 306 /**
* Records that a particular button has been released. If the given button is
* one of the buttons that is currently being monitored, this will update the
* internal state appropriately; otherwise, it will do nothing. Returns true
* if the button is one that was monitored, or false otherwise.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2160 6 button 1 2110
782 0 0 4 927 2036 0 0 66 /**
* Marks all monitored buttons as being in the "up" state.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2160
783 0 0 6 928 1904 0 0 157 /**
* Returns true if the indicated button is known to be down, or false if it is
* known to be up or if it is not in the set of buttons being tracked.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 6 button 1 2110
784 0 0 6 928 1904 0 0 105 /**
* Returns true if the indicated button is known to be down, or false if it is
* known to be up.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 5 index 1 1903
785 0 0 6 929 1904 0 0 109 /**
* Returns true if any of the tracked button are known to be down, or false if
* all of them are up.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2161
786 0 0 6 930 2050 0 0 150 /**
* Returns a string which can be used to prefix any button name or event name
* with the unique set of modifier buttons currently being held.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2161
787 0 0 4 931 2036 0 0 69 /**
* Writes a one-line summary of the buttons known to be down.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 3 out 1 2046
788 0 0 4 932 2036 0 0 123 /**
* Writes a multi-line summary including all of the buttons being monitored
* and which ones are known to be down.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2161 3 out 1 2046
789 0 0 7 945 2163 1749 0 0 0
790 0 0 7 945 2163 1749 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2164
791 0 0 7 934 2110 1414 0 166 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered mouse
* button (zero-based), if there is one, or ButtonHandle::none() if there is
* not.
*/ 1 13 button_number 1 1903
792 0 0 7 935 2110 1414 0 75 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the first mouse button.
*/ 0
793 0 0 7 936 2110 1414 0 76 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the second mouse button.
*/ 0
794 0 0 7 937 2110 1414 0 75 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the third mouse button.
*/ 0
795 0 0 7 938 2110 1414 0 76 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fourth mouse button.
*/ 0
796 0 0 7 939 2110 1414 0 75 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the fifth mouse button.
*/ 0
797 0 0 7 940 2110 1414 0 98 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch
* upwards.
*/ 0
798 0 0 7 941 2110 1414 0 100 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch
* downwards.
*/ 0
799 0 0 7 942 2110 1414 0 148 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the left.
* Usually, you'll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.
*/ 0
800 0 0 7 943 2110 1414 0 149 /**
* Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse is scrolled to the right.
* Usually, you'll only find the horizontal scroll on laptops.
*/ 0
801 0 0 6 944 1904 0 0 117 /**
* Returns true if the indicated ButtonHandle is a mouse button, false if it
* is some other kind of button.
*/ 1 6 button 1 2110
802 0 0 7 961 2166 1757 0 0 0
803 0 0 7 961 2166 1757 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2167
804 0 0 6 949 1902 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2167
805 0 0 6 950 1902 0 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 this 3 2167
806 0 0 6 951 1904 0 0 157 /**
* If this returns false, the pointer is not currently present in the window
* and the values returned by get_x() and get_y() may not be meaningful.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2167
807 0 0 6 965 1903 0 0 47 /**
* Returns the current reference count.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2169
808 0 0 4 966 2036 0 0 349 /**
* Explicitly increments the reference count.
* This function is const, even though it changes the object, because
* generally fiddling with an object's reference count isn't considered part
* of fiddling with the object. An object might be const in other ways, but
* we still need to accurately count the number of references to it.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2169
809 0 0 6 967 1904 0 0 201 /**
* Explicitly decrements the node reference count and the normal reference
* count simultaneously.
* The return value is true if the new reference count is nonzero, false if it
* is zero.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2169
810 0 0 6 968 1904 0 0 97 /**
* Does some easy checks to make sure that the reference count isn't
* completely bogus.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2169
811 0 0 6 970 1903 0 0 293 /**
* Returns the union of the values defined in the Referenced enum that
* represents the various things that appear to be holding a pointer to this
* object.
* If R_node is included, at least one node is holding a pointer; if R_cache
* is included, at least one cache element is.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2169
812 0 0 7 971 2048 0 0 0 0
813 0 0 7 973 2171 1816 0 10 /**
*/ 0
814 0 0 7 973 2171 1816 0 10 /**
*/ 1 4 from 1 2102
815 0 0 7 973 2171 1816 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2105
816 0 0 7 974 2171 1816 0 72 /**
* Returns a SparseArray with an infinite array of bits, all on.
*/ 0
817 0 0 7 975 2171 1816 0 56 /**
* Returns a SparseArray whose bits are all off.
*/ 0
818 0 0 7 976 2171 1816 0 65 /**
* Returns a SparseArray whose lower on_bits bits are on.
*/ 1 7 on_bits 1 1903
819 0 0 7 977 2171 1816 0 64 /**
* Returns a SparseArray with only the indicated bit on.
*/ 1 5 index 1 1903
820 0 0 7 978 2171 1816 0 79 /**
* Returns a SparseArray whose size bits, beginning at low_bit, are on.
*/ 2 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
821 0 0 6 979 1904 0 0 393 /**
* Returns true if there is a maximum number of bits that may be stored in
* this structure, false otherwise. If this returns true, the number may be
* queried in get_max_num_bits().
* This method always returns false. The SparseArray has no maximum number of
* bits. This method is defined so generic programming algorithms can use
* BitMask or SparseArray interchangeably.
*/ 0
822 0 0 6 980 1903 0 0 428 /**
* If get_max_num_bits() returned true, this method may be called to return
* the maximum number of bits that may be stored in this structure. It is an
* error to call this if get_max_num_bits() return false.
* It is always an error to call this method. The SparseArray has no maximum
* number of bits. This method is defined so generic programming algorithms
* can use BitMask or SparseArray interchangeably.
*/ 0
823 0 0 6 981 1903 0 0 300 /**
* Returns the current number of possibly different bits in this array. There
* are actually an infinite number of bits, but every bit higher than this bit
* will have the same value, either 0 or 1 (see get_highest_bits()).
* This number may grow and/or shrink automatically as needed.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
824 0 0 6 982 1904 0 0 191 /**
* Returns true if the nth bit is set, false if it is cleared. It is valid
* for n to increase beyond get_num_bits(), but the return value
* get_num_bits() will always be the same.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 5 index 1 1903
825 0 0 4 983 2036 0 0 97 /**
* Sets the nth bit on. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2171 5 index 1 1903
826 0 0 4 984 2036 0 0 98 /**
* Sets the nth bit off. If n >= get_num_bits(), this automatically extends
* the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2171 5 index 1 1903
827 0 0 4 985 2036 0 0 84 /**
* Sets the nth bit either on or off, according to the indicated bool value.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2171 5 index 1 1903 5 value 1 1904
828 0 0 6 986 1904 0 0 118 /**
* Returns true if the infinite set of bits beyond get_num_bits() are all on,
* or false of they are all off.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
829 0 0 6 987 1904 0 0 71 /**
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is zero, false otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
830 0 0 6 988 1904 0 0 70 /**
* Returns true if the entire bitmask is one, false otherwise.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
831 0 0 6 989 1904 0 0 82 /**
* Returns true if any bit in the indicated range is set, false otherwise.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2105 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
832 0 0 6 990 1904 0 0 84 /**
* Returns true if all bits in the indicated range are set, false otherwise.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2105 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
833 0 0 4 991 2036 0 0 47 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits on.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2171 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
834 0 0 4 992 2036 0 0 48 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits off.
*/ 3 4 this 3 2171 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
835 0 0 4 993 2036 0 0 64 /**
* Sets the indicated range of bits to either on or off.
*/ 4 4 this 3 2171 5 value 1 1904 7 low_bit 1 1903 4 size 1 1903
836 0 0 6 994 1903 0 0 127 /**
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 1 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
837 0 0 6 995 1903 0 0 127 /**
* Returns the number of bits that are set to 0 in the array. Returns -1 if
* there are an infinite number of 0 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
838 0 0 6 996 1903 0 0 146 /**
* Returns the index of the lowest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
839 0 0 6 997 1903 0 0 146 /**
* Returns the index of the lowest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there are an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
840 0 0 6 998 1903 0 0 143 /**
* Returns the index of the highest 1 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 1 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
841 0 0 6 999 1903 0 0 143 /**
* Returns the index of the highest 0 bit in the array. Returns -1 if there
* are no 0 bits or if there an infinite number of 1 bits.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
842 0 0 6 1000 1903 0 0 287 /**
* Returns the index of the next bit in the array, above low_bit, whose value
* is different that the value of low_bit. Returns low_bit again if all bits
* higher than low_bit have the same value.
* This can be used to quickly iterate through all of the bits in the array.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 7 low_bit 1 1903
843 0 0 4 1001 2036 0 0 93 /**
* Inverts all the bits in the SparseArray. This is equivalent to array =
* ~array.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2171
844 0 0 6 1002 1904 0 0 181 /**
* Returns true if this SparseArray has any "one" bits in common with the
* other one, false otherwise.
* This is equivalent to (array & other) != 0, but may be faster.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
845 0 0 4 1003 2036 0 0 52 /**
* Sets all the bits in the SparseArray off.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2171
846 0 0 4 1004 2036 0 0 10 /**
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 3 out 1 2046
847 0 0 6 1005 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
848 0 0 6 1006 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
849 0 0 6 1007 1904 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
850 0 0 6 1008 1903 0 0 242 /**
* Returns a number less than zero if this SparseArray sorts before the
* indicated other SparseArray, greater than zero if it sorts after, or 0 if
* they are equivalent. This is based on the same ordering defined by
* operator <.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
851 0 0 7 1009 2171 1816 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
852 0 0 7 1010 2171 1816 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
853 0 0 7 1011 2171 1816 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 other 1 2105
854 0 0 7 1012 2171 1816 0 0 1 4 this 3 2105
855 0 0 7 1013 2171 1816 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 shift 1 1903
856 0 0 7 1014 2171 1816 0 0 2 4 this 3 2105 5 shift 1 1903
857 0 0 6 1015 2171 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2171 5 other 1 2105
858 0 0 6 1016 2171 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2171 5 other 1 2105
859 0 0 6 1017 2171 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2171 5 other 1 2105
860 0 0 6 1018 2171 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2171 5 shift 1 1903
861 0 0 6 1019 2171 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2171 5 shift 1 1903
862 0 0 6 1020 1904 0 0 330 /**
* If this is true, the SparseArray is actually defined as a list of subranges
* of integers that are *not* in the set. If this is false (the default),
* then the subranges define the integers that *are* in the set. This affects
* the interpretation of the values returned by iterating through
* get_num_subranges().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
863 0 0 6 1021 2107 0 0 237 /**
* Returns the number of separate subranges stored in the SparseArray. You
* can use this limit to iterate through the subranges, calling
* get_subrange_begin() and get_subrange_end() for each one.
* Also see is_inverse().
*/ 1 4 this 3 2105
864 0 0 6 1022 1903 0 0 94 /**
* Returns the first numeric element in the nth subrange.
* Also see is_inverse().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 1 n 1 2107
865 0 0 6 1023 1903 0 0 104 /**
* Returns the last numeric element, plus one, in the nth subrange.
* Also see is_inverse().
*/ 2 4 this 3 2105 1 n 1 2107
866 0 0 7 1024 2048 0 0 0 0
867 0 0 7 1027 2048 0 0 52 /**
* Returns the type of the underlying value.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2172
868 0 0 4 1028 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2172 3 out 1 2046
869 0 0 7 1029 2048 0 0 0 0
870 0 0 7 1031 2176 1042 0 10 /**
*/ 1 5 value 1 2174
871 0 0 7 1032 1991 0 0 55 /**
* Retrieves the value stored in the parameter.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2177
872 0 0 7 1035 2048 0 0 0 0
873 0 0 7 1037 2179 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2050
874 0 0 4 1038 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2179 5 value 1 2050
875 0 0 6 1039 2050 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2180
876 0 0 7 1043 2048 0 0 0 0
877 0 0 7 1046 2182 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2050
878 0 0 4 1047 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2182 5 value 1 2050
879 0 0 6 1048 2050 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2183
880 0 0 7 1050 2048 0 0 0 0
881 0 0 7 1053 2188 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2185
882 0 0 4 1054 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2188 5 value 1 2185
883 0 0 6 1055 2185 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2189
884 0 0 7 1057 2048 0 0 0 0
885 0 0 7 1060 2194 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2191
886 0 0 4 1061 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2194 5 value 1 2191
887 0 0 6 1062 2191 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2195
888 0 0 7 1064 2048 0 0 0 0
889 0 0 7 1067 2200 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2197
890 0 0 4 1068 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2200 5 value 1 2197
891 0 0 6 1069 2197 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2201
892 0 0 7 1071 2048 0 0 0 0
893 0 0 7 1074 2206 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2203
894 0 0 4 1075 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2206 5 value 1 2203
895 0 0 6 1076 2203 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2207
896 0 0 7 1078 2048 0 0 0 0
897 0 0 7 1081 2212 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2209
898 0 0 4 1082 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2212 5 value 1 2209
899 0 0 6 1083 2209 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2213
900 0 0 7 1085 2048 0 0 0 0
901 0 0 7 1088 2218 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2215
902 0 0 4 1089 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2218 5 value 1 2215
903 0 0 6 1090 2215 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2219
904 0 0 7 1092 2048 0 0 0 0
905 0 0 7 1095 2224 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2221
906 0 0 4 1096 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2224 5 value 1 2221
907 0 0 6 1097 2221 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2225
908 0 0 7 1099 2048 0 0 0 0
909 0 0 7 1102 2230 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2227
910 0 0 4 1103 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2230 5 value 1 2227
911 0 0 6 1104 2227 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2231
912 0 0 7 1106 2048 0 0 0 0
913 0 0 7 1109 2236 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2233
914 0 0 4 1110 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2236 5 value 1 2233
915 0 0 6 1111 2233 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2237
916 0 0 7 1113 2048 0 0 0 0
917 0 0 7 1116 2242 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2239
918 0 0 4 1117 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2242 5 value 1 2239
919 0 0 6 1118 2239 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2243
920 0 0 7 1120 2048 0 0 0 0
921 0 0 7 1123 2248 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2245
922 0 0 4 1124 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2248 5 value 1 2245
923 0 0 6 1125 2245 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2249
924 0 0 7 1127 2048 0 0 0 0
925 0 0 7 1130 2254 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2251
926 0 0 4 1131 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2254 5 value 1 2251
927 0 0 6 1132 2251 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2255
928 0 0 7 1134 2048 0 0 0 0
929 0 0 7 1137 2260 1042 0 0 1 5 value 1 2257
930 0 0 4 1138 2036 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 2260 5 value 1 2257
931 0 0 6 1139 2257 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 2261
932 0 0 7 1141 2048 0 0 0 0
933 0 0 7 1149 2048 0 0 0 0
934 0 0 7 1152 2265 1886 0 0 1 6 param0 0 2263
935 0 0 7 1152 2265 1886 0 56 /**
* Create a free id pool in the range [min:max].
*/ 2 3 min 1 2095 3 max 1 2095
936 0 0 6 1154 2095 0 0 134 /**
* Returns an id between _min and _max (that were passed to the constructor).
* IndexEnd is returned if no ids are available.
*/ 1 4 this 3 2265
937 0 0 4 1155 2036 0 0 518 /**
* This may be called to mark a particular id as having already been allocated
* (for instance, by a prior pass). The specified id is removed from the
* available pool.
* Because of the limitations of this algorithm, this is most efficient when
* it is called before the first call to allocate(), and when all the calls to
* initial_reserve_id() are made in descending order by id. However, this is
* a performance warning only; if performance is not an issue, any id may be
* reserved at any time.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2265 2 id 1 2095
938 0 0 6 1156 1904 0 0 119 /**
* Checks the allocated state of an index. Returns true for
* indices that are currently allocated and in use.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2265 5 index 1 2095
939 0 0 4 1157 2036 0 0 112 /**
* Free an allocated index (index must be between _min and _max that were
* passed to the constructor).
*/ 2 4 this 3 2265 5 index 1 2095
940 0 0 6 1158 2266 0 0 117 /**
* return the decimal fraction of the pool that is used. The range is 0 to
* 1.0 (e.g. 75% would be 0.75).
*/ 1 4 this 3 2263
941 0 0 4 1159 2036 0 0 42 /**
* ...intended for debugging only.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2263 3 out 1 2046
942 0 0 4 1160 2036 0 0 42 /**
* ...intended for debugging only.
*/ 2 4 this 3 2263 3 out 1 2046
943 0 0 6 663 1965 0 0 0 1 3 str 1 2050
944 0 0 6 664 2050 0 0 0 1 2 cs 1 1965
945 0 0 6 665 2268 0 0 0 0
946 0 0 6 666 2268 0 0 0 0
947 0 0 6 900 2270 0 0 602 /**
* A convenience function for loading explicit prc files from a disk file or
* from within a multifile (via the virtual file system). Save the return
* value and pass it to unload_prc_file() if you ever want to unload this file
* later.
* The filename is first searched along the default prc search path, and then
* also along the model path, for convenience.
* This function is defined in putil instead of in dtool with the read of the
* prc stuff, so that it can take advantage of the virtual file system (which
* is defined in express), and the model path (which is in putil).
*/ 1 8 filename 1 2069
948 0 0 6 901 2270 0 0 396 /**
* Another convenience function to load a prc file from an explicit string,
* which represents the contents of the prc file.
* The first parameter is an arbitrary name to assign to this in-memory prc
* file. Supply a filename if the data was read from a file, or use any other
* name that is meaningful to you. The name is only used when the set of
* loaded prc files is listed.
*/ 2 4 name 1 2050 4 data 1 2050
949 0 0 6 902 1904 0 0 0 1 4 page 1 2270
950 0 0 4 903 2036 0 0 0 1 4 hash 1 2272
951 0 0 6 1161 1932 0 0 203 /**
* This wrapper is defined as a global function to suit pickle's needs.
* This hooks into the native pickle and cPickle modules, but it cannot
* properly handle self-referential BAM objects.
*/ 2 10 this_class 1 1932 4 data 1 1969
952 0 0 6 1162 1932 0 0 398 /**
* This wrapper is defined as a global function to suit pickle's needs.
* This is similar to py_decode_TypedWritable_from_bam_stream, but it provides
* additional support for the missing persistent-state object needed to
* properly support self-referential BAM objects written to the pickle stream.
* This hooks into the pickle and cPickle modules implemented in
* direct/src/stdpy.
*/ 3 9 unpickler 1 1932 10 this_class 1 1932 4 data 1 1969
1896 29 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > 0 141313 29 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > 29 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > 0 0 0 1 956 968 0 11 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 0 0 1 0 1897 0 0 0 0 0
1897 28 PointerToArrayBase< ushort > 0 26625 28 PointerToArrayBase< ushort > 28 PointerToArrayBase< ushort > 0 0 0 0 955 0 0 0 0 1 0 1898 0 0 0 0 0
1898 49 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > 0 43009 49 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > 49 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 953 954 0 0 1 0 1899 0 0 0 0 0
1899 13 PointerToVoid 0 2048 13 PointerToVoid 13 PointerToVoid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 373
* This is the non-template part of the base class for PointerTo and
* ConstPointerTo. It is necessary so we can keep a pointer to a non-template
* class within the ReferenceCount object, to implement weak reference
* pointers--we need to have something to clean up when the ReferenceCount
* object destructs.
* This is the base class for PointerToBase<T>.
1900 24 PointerToArray< ushort > 0 141313 24 PointerToArray< ushort > 24 PointerToArray< ushort > 0 0 0 1 969 988 0 18 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 0 0 1 0 1897 0 0 0 0 0
1901 13 AnimInterface 0 26625 13 AnimInterface 13 AnimInterface 0 0 0 0 989 9 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 17 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 0 0 0 0 0 226
* This is the fundamental interface for things that have a play/loop/stop
* type interface for frame-based animation, such as animated characters.
* This is the base class for AnimControl and other, similar classes.
1902 6 double 0 8194 6 double 6 double 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1903 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1904 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1905 16 AutoTextureScale 0 532481 16 AutoTextureScale 16 AutoTextureScale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 ATS_none 8 ATS_none 0
0 8 ATS_down 8 ATS_down 0
1 6 ATS_up 6 ATS_up 0
2 7 ATS_pad 7 ATS_pad 0
3 15 ATS_unspecified 15 ATS_unspecified 0
4 0 0
1906 9 UpdateSeq 0 141313 9 UpdateSeq 9 UpdateSeq 0 0 0 1 1007 1027 1 2283 19 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 0 0 0 0 0 761
* This is a sequence number that increments monotonically. It can be used to
* track cache updates, or serve as a kind of timestamp for any changing
* properties.
* A special class is used instead of simply an int, so we can elegantly
* handle such things as wraparound and special cases. There are two special
* cases. Firstly, a sequence number is 'initial' when it is first created.
* This sequence is older than any other sequence number. Secondly, a
* sequence number may be explicitly set to 'old'. This is older than any
* other sequence number except 'initial'. Finally, we have the explicit
* number 'fresh', which is newer than any other sequence number. All other
* sequences are numeric and are monotonically increasing.
1907 7 Integer 0 2367488 21 AtomicAdjust::Integer 21 AtomicAdjust::Integer 1908 0 1909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1908 12 AtomicAdjust 0 1024 12 AtomicAdjust 12 AtomicAdjust 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1909 8 long int 0 8210 8 long int 8 long int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1910 13 TypedWritable 0 75777 13 TypedWritable 13 TypedWritable 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 0 0 1 0 1911 0 0 0 0 135
* Base class for objects that can be written to and read from Bam files.
* See also TypedObject for detailed instructions.
1911 11 TypedObject 0 2048 11 TypedObject 11 TypedObject 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2508
* This is an abstract class that all classes which use TypeHandle, and also
* provide virtual functions to support polymorphism, should inherit from.
* Each derived class should define get_type(), which should return the
* specific type of the derived class. Inheriting from this automatically
* provides support for is_of_type() and is_exact_type().
* All classes that inherit directly or indirectly from TypedObject should
* redefine get_type() and force_init_type(), as shown below. Some classes
* that do not inherit from TypedObject may still declare TypeHandles for
* themselves by defining methods called get_class_type() and init_type().
* Classes such as these may serve as base classes, but the dynamic type
* identification system will be limited. Classes that do not inherit from
* TypedObject need not define the virtual functions get_type() and
* force_init_type() (or any other virtual functions).
* There is a specific layout for defining the overrides from this class.
* Keeping the definitions formatted just like these examples will allow
* someone in the future to use a sed (or similar) script to make global
* changes, if necessary. Avoid rearranging the braces or the order of the
* functions unless you're ready to change them in every file all at once.
* What follows are some examples that can be used in new classes that you
* create.
* @par In the class definition (.h file):
* @code
* public:
* static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
* return _type_handle;
* }
* static void init_type() {
* <<<BaseClassOne>>>::init_type();
* <<<BaseClassTwo>>>::init_type();
* <<<BaseClassN>>>::init_type();
* register_type(_type_handle, "<<<ThisClassStringName>>>",
* <<<BaseClassOne>>>::get_class_type(),
* <<<BaseClassTwo>>>::get_class_type(),
* <<<BaseClassN>>>::get_class_type());
* }
* virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
* return get_class_type();
* }
* virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
* private:
* static TypeHandle _type_handle;
* @endcode
* @par In the class .cxx file:
* @code
* TypeHandle <<<ThisClassStringName>>>::_type_handle;
* @endcode
* @par In the class config_<<<PackageName>>>.cxx file:
* @code
* ConfigureFn(config_<<<PackageName>>>) {
* <<<ClassOne>>>::init_type();
* <<<ClassTwo>>>::init_type();
* <<<ClassN>>>::init_type();
* }
* @endcode
1912 27 TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 141313 27 TypedWritableReferenceCount 27 TypedWritableReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 1042 0 2 1040 1041 0 0 2 3 1910 1036 1037 3 1913 1038 1039 0 0 414
* A base class for things which need to inherit from both TypedWritable and
* from ReferenceCount. It's convenient to define this intermediate base
* class instead of multiply inheriting from the two classes each time they
* are needed, so that we can sensibly pass around pointers to things which
* are both TypedWritables and ReferenceCounters.
* See also TypedObject for detailed instructions.
1913 14 ReferenceCount 0 2048 14 ReferenceCount 14 ReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203
* A base class for all things that want to be reference-counted.
* ReferenceCount works in conjunction with PointerTo to automatically delete
* objects when the last pointer to them goes away.
1914 14 BamCacheRecord 0 26625 14 BamCacheRecord 14 BamCacheRecord 0 0 0 0 1047 5 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 19 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 0 0 2 3 1912 1043 1044 3 1915 1045 1046 0 0 231
* An instance of this class is written to the front of a Bam or Txo file to
* make the file a cached instance of some other loadable resource. This
* record contains information needed to test the validity of the cache.
1915 14 LinkedListNode 0 1050624 14 LinkedListNode 14 LinkedListNode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 468
* This just stores the pointers to implement a doubly-linked list of some
* kind of object. There are occasions when a hand-rolled linked list is more
* appropriate than an STL container.
* Typically, each node of the linked list, as well as the root of the list,
* will inherit from this class.
* Note that this class is not inherently thread-safe; derived classes are
* responsible for protecting any calls into it within mutexes, if necessary.
1916 14 Filename const 0 8832 14 Filename const 14 Filename const 0 0 1917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1917 8 Filename 0 2048 8 Filename 8 Filename 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 550
* The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file. Stores the full
* pathname, and includes functions for extracting out the directory prefix
* part and the file extension and stuff.
* A Filename is also aware of the mapping between the Unix-like filename
* convention we use internally, and the local OS's specific filename
* convention, and it knows how to perform basic OS-specific I/O, like testing
* for file existence and searching a searchpath, as well as the best way to
* open an fstream for reading or writing.
1918 6 time_t 0 2105344 6 time_t 6 time_t 0 0 1909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1919 15 TypedWritable * 0 8576 15 TypedWritable * 15 TypedWritable * 0 0 1910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1920 8 BamCache 0 26625 8 BamCache 8 BamCache 0 0 0 1 1067 1068 9 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 26 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 0 0 0 0 0 615
* This class maintains a cache of Bam and/or Txo objects generated from model
* files and texture images (as well as possibly other kinds of loadable
* objects that can be stored in bam file format).
* This class also maintains a persistent index that lists all of the cached
* objects (see BamCacheIndex). We go through some considerable effort to make
* sure this index gets saved correctly to disk, even in the presence of
* multiple different processes writing to the same index, and without relying
* too heavily on low-level os-provided file locks (which work poorly with C++
* iostreams).
1921 8 BamEnums 0 141313 8 BamEnums 8 BamEnums 0 0 0 1 1095 1096 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1922 1923 1924 104
* This class exists just to provide scoping for the enums shared by BamReader
* and BamWriter.
1922 9 BamEndian 0 794624 19 BamEnums::BamEndian 19 BamEnums::BamEndian 1921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 BE_bigendian 22 BamEnums::BE_bigendian 0
0 15 BE_littleendian 25 BamEnums::BE_littleendian 0
1 9 BE_native 19 BamEnums::BE_native 0
1 0 345
// This defines an enumerated type used to represent the endianness of
// certain numeric values stored in a Bam file. It really has only two
// possible values, either BE_bigendian or BE_littleendian; but through a
// preprocessor trick we also add BE_native, which is the same numerically
// as whichever value the hardware supports natively.
1923 13 BamObjectCode 0 794624 23 BamEnums::BamObjectCode 23 BamEnums::BamObjectCode 1921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 BOC_push 18 BamEnums::BOC_push 0
0 7 BOC_pop 17 BamEnums::BOC_pop 0
1 11 BOC_adjunct 21 BamEnums::BOC_adjunct 0
2 10 BOC_remove 20 BamEnums::BOC_remove 0
3 13 BOC_file_data 23 BamEnums::BOC_file_data 0
4 0 569
* This is the code written along with each object. It is used to control
* object scoping. A BOC_push includes an object definition, and will always
* be eventually paired with a BOC_pop (which does not). A BOC_adjunct
* includes an object definition but does not push the level; it is associated
* with the current level. BOC_remove lists object ID's that have been
* deallocated on the sender end. BOC_file_data may appear at any level and
* indicates the following datagram contains auxiliary file data that may be
* referenced by a later object.
1924 14 BamTextureMode 0 794624 24 BamEnums::BamTextureMode 24 BamEnums::BamTextureMode 1921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13 BTM_unchanged 23 BamEnums::BTM_unchanged 0
0 12 BTM_fullpath 22 BamEnums::BTM_fullpath 0
1 12 BTM_relative 22 BamEnums::BTM_relative 0
2 12 BTM_basename 22 BamEnums::BTM_basename 0
3 11 BTM_rawdata 21 BamEnums::BTM_rawdata 0
4 0 73
// This enum is used to control how textures are written to a bam stream.
1925 13 LoaderOptions 0 141313 13 LoaderOptions 13 LoaderOptions 0 0 0 1 1097 1107 4 2298 2299 2300 2301 9 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 0 0 0 0 2 1926 1927 65
* Specifies parameters that may be passed to the loader.
1926 11 LoaderFlags 0 794624 26 LoaderOptions::LoaderFlags 26 LoaderOptions::LoaderFlags 1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 LF_search 24 LoaderOptions::LF_search 0
1 16 LF_report_errors 31 LoaderOptions::LF_report_errors 0
2 19 LF_convert_skeleton 34 LoaderOptions::LF_convert_skeleton 0
4 19 LF_convert_channels 34 LoaderOptions::LF_convert_channels 0
8 15 LF_convert_anim 30 LoaderOptions::LF_convert_anim 22
// skeleton + channels
12 16 LF_no_disk_cache 31 LoaderOptions::LF_no_disk_cache 20
// disallow BamCache
16 15 LF_no_ram_cache 30 LoaderOptions::LF_no_ram_cache 21
// disallow ModelPool
32 11 LF_no_cache 26 LoaderOptions::LF_no_cache 19
// no_disk + no_ram
48 13 LF_cache_only 28 LoaderOptions::LF_cache_only 23
// fail if not in cache
64 17 LF_allow_instance 32 LoaderOptions::LF_allow_instance 35
// returned pointer might be shared
128 0 33
// Flags for loading model files.
1927 12 TextureFlags 0 794624 27 LoaderOptions::TextureFlags 27 LoaderOptions::TextureFlags 1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 TF_preload 25 LoaderOptions::TF_preload 30
// Texture will have RAM image
4 17 TF_preload_simple 32 LoaderOptions::TF_preload_simple 37
// Texture will have simple RAM image
8 11 TF_allow_1d 26 LoaderOptions::TF_allow_1d 40
// If texture is Nx1, make a 1-d texture
16 19 TF_generate_mipmaps 34 LoaderOptions::TF_generate_mipmaps 30
// Consider generating mipmaps
32 12 TF_multiview 27 LoaderOptions::TF_multiview 36
// Load a multiview texture in pages
64 10 TF_integer 25 LoaderOptions::TF_integer 35
// Load as an integer (RGB) texture
128 8 TF_float 23 LoaderOptions::TF_float 43
// Load as a floating-point (depth) texture
256 20 TF_allow_compression 35 LoaderOptions::TF_allow_compression 33
// Consider compressing RAM image
512 0 35
// Flags for loading texture files.
1928 9 BamReader 0 26625 9 BamReader 9 BamReader 0 0 0 1 1108 1109 6 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 20 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 0 0 1 0 1921 0 0 0 0 1311
* This is the fundamental interface for extracting binary objects from a Bam
* file, as generated by a BamWriter.
* A Bam file can be thought of as a linear collection of objects. Each
* object is an instance of a class that inherits, directly or indirectly,
* from TypedWritable. The objects may include pointers to other objects
* within the Bam file; the BamReader automatically manages these (with help
* from code within each class) and restores the pointers correctly.
* This is the abstract interface and does not specifically deal with disk
* files, but rather with a DatagramGenerator of some kind, which is simply a
* linear source of Datagrams. It is probably from a disk file, but it might
* conceivably be streamed directly from a network or some such nonsense.
* Bam files are most often used to store scene graphs or subgraphs, and by
* convention they are given filenames ending in the extension ".bam" when
* they are used for this purpose. However, a Bam file may store any
* arbitrary list of TypedWritable objects; in this more general usage, they
* are given filenames ending in ".boo" to differentiate them from the more
* common scene graph files.
* See also BamFile, which defines a higher-level interface to read and write
* Bam files on disk.
1929 19 DatagramGenerator * 0 8576 19 DatagramGenerator * 19 DatagramGenerator * 0 0 1930 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1930 17 DatagramGenerator 0 2048 17 DatagramGenerator 17 DatagramGenerator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125
* This class defines the abstract interace to any source of datagrams,
* whether it be from a file or from the net.
1931 19 LoaderOptions const 0 8832 19 LoaderOptions const 19 LoaderOptions const 0 0 1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1932 10 PyObject * 0 8576 10 PyObject * 10 PyObject * 0 0 1933 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1933 8 PyObject 0 2105344 8 PyObject 8 PyObject 0 0 1934 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1934 7 _object 0 1024 7 _object 7 _object 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1935 9 BamWriter 0 26625 9 BamWriter 9 BamWriter 0 0 0 1 1130 1131 6 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 16 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 0 0 1 0 1921 0 0 0 0 1376
* This is the fundamental interface for writing binary objects to a Bam file,
* to be extracted later by a BamReader.
* A Bam file can be thought of as a linear collection of objects. Each
* object is an instance of a class that inherits, directly or indirectly,
* from TypedWritable. The objects may include pointers to other objects; the
* BamWriter automatically manages these (with help from code within each
* class) and writes all referenced objects to the file in such a way that the
* pointers may be correctly restored later.
* This is the abstract interface and does not specifically deal with disk
* files, but rather with a DatagramSink of some kind, which simply accepts a
* linear stream of Datagrams. It is probably written to a disk file, but it
* might conceivably be streamed directly to a network or some such nonsense.
* Bam files are most often used to store scene graphs or subgraphs, and by
* convention they are given filenames ending in the extension ".bam" when
* they are used for this purpose. However, a Bam file may store any
* arbitrary list of TypedWritable objects; in this more general usage, they
* are given filenames ending in ".boo" to differentiate them from the more
* common scene graph files.
* See also BamFile, which defines a higher-level interface to read and write
* Bam files on disk.
1936 14 DatagramSink * 0 8576 14 DatagramSink * 14 DatagramSink * 0 0 1937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1937 12 DatagramSink 0 2048 12 DatagramSink 12 DatagramSink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135
* This class defines the abstract interface to sending datagrams to any
* target, whether it be into a file or across the net
1938 23 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > 0 141313 23 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > 23 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > 0 0 0 1 1148 1210 0 61 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 0 0 0 0 0 0
1939 9 BitMask16 0 2105345 9 BitMask16 9 BitMask16 0 0 1938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1940 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 141313 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 0 0 1 1211 1273 0 61 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 0 0 0 0 0 0
1941 9 BitMask32 0 2105345 9 BitMask32 9 BitMask32 0 0 1940 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1942 23 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > 0 141313 23 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > 23 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > 0 0 0 1 1274 1336 0 61 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 0 0 0 0 0 0
1943 9 BitMask64 0 2105345 9 BitMask64 9 BitMask64 0 0 1942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1944 13 BitMaskNative 0 1 13 BitMaskNative 13 BitMaskNative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1945 8 BitArray 0 141313 8 BitArray 8 BitArray 0 0 0 1 1337 1394 0 56 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 0 0 0 0 1 1946 210
* A dynamic array with an unlimited number of bits.
* This is similar to a BitMask, except it appears to contain an infinite
* number of bits. You can use it very much as you would use a BitMask.
1946 0 0 794624 10 BitArray:: 0 1945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 num_bits_per_word 27 BitArray::num_bits_per_word 0
64 0 0
1947 12 ButtonHandle 0 16918529 12 ButtonHandle 12 ButtonHandle 0 0 0 1 1395 1414 4 2314 2315 2316 2317 17 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1413 0 1 1412 0 0 0 162
* A ButtonHandle represents a single button from any device, including
* keyboard buttons and mouse buttons (but see KeyboardButton and
* MouseButton).
1948 6 string 0 2105344 11 std::string 11 std::string 0 0 1949 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1949 20 basic_string< char > 0 2048 25 std::basic_string< char > 25 std::basic_string< char > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1950 4 char 0 8194 4 char 4 char 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1951 14 ButtonRegistry 0 141313 14 ButtonRegistry 14 ButtonRegistry 0 0 0 1 1420 1421 0 5 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 0 0 0 0 0 188
* The ButtonRegistry class maintains all the assigned ButtonHandles in a
* given system. There should be only one ButtonRegistry class during the
* lifetime of the application.
1952 9 ButtonMap 0 141313 9 ButtonMap 9 ButtonMap 0 0 0 1 1429 1430 0 7 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 0 0 1 0 1953 0 0 0 0 328
* This class represents a map containing all of the buttons of a (keyboard)
* device, though it can also be used as a generic mapping between
* ButtonHandles. It maps an underlying 'raw' button to a 'virtual' button,
* which may optionally be associated with an appropriate platform-specific
* name for the button.
1953 19 TypedReferenceCount 0 2048 19 TypedReferenceCount 19 TypedReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410
* A base class for things which need to inherit from both TypedObject and
* from ReferenceCount. It's convenient to define this intermediate base
* class instead of multiply inheriting from the two classes each time they
* are needed, so that we can sensibly pass around pointers to things which
* are both TypedObjects and ReferenceCounters.
* See also TypedObject for detailed instructions.
1954 14 CallbackObject 0 141313 14 CallbackObject 14 CallbackObject 0 0 0 1 1434 1435 0 3 1431 1432 1433 0 0 1 0 1953 0 0 0 0 276
* This is a generic object that can be assigned to a callback at various
* points in the rendering process. This is actually a base class for a
* handful of specialized callback object types. You can also subclass it
* yourself to make your own callback handler.
1955 33 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount 0 43009 33 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount 33 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 1 2318 5 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 0 0 1 0 1912 0 0 0 0 722
* This is a special extension to ReferenceCount that includes dual reference
* counts: the standard reference count number, which includes all references
* to the object, and a separate number (the cache reference count) that
* counts the number of references to the object just within its cache alone.
* When get_ref_count() == get_cache_ref_count(), the object is not referenced
* outside the cache.
* The cache refs must be explicitly maintained; there is no PointerTo<> class
* to maintain the cache reference counts automatically. The cache reference
* count is automatically included in the overall reference count: calling
* cache_ref() and cache_unref() automatically calls ref() and unref().
1956 12 CallbackData 0 141313 12 CallbackData 12 CallbackData 0 0 0 0 1444 0 3 1441 1442 1443 0 0 1 0 1911 0 0 0 0 348
* This is a generic data block that is passed along to a CallbackObject when
* a callback is made. It contains data specific to the particular callback
* type in question.
* This is actually an abstract base class and contains no data.
* Specializations of this class will contain the actual data relevant to each
* callback type.
1957 20 PythonCallbackObject 0 75777 20 PythonCallbackObject 20 PythonCallbackObject 0 0 0 1 1445 1435 1 2319 6 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 0 0 1 0 1954 0 0 0 0 158
* This is a specialization on CallbackObject to allow a callback to directly
* call an arbitarary Python function. Powerful! But use with caution.
1958 7 TimeVal 0 141313 7 TimeVal 7 TimeVal 0 0 0 1 1452 1457 1 2320 2 1453 1454 0 0 0 0 0 0
1959 9 ulong [2] 0 4202496 9 ulong [2] 9 ulong [2] 0 0 1960 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1960 5 ulong 0 2105344 5 ulong 5 ulong 0 0 1961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1961 17 unsigned long int 0 8214 17 unsigned long int 17 unsigned long int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1962 11 ClockObject 0 75777 11 ClockObject 11 ClockObject 0 0 0 1 1458 0 11 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 28 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 0 0 1 0 1913 0 0 0 1 1963 1000
* A ClockObject keeps track of elapsed real time and discrete time. In
* normal mode, get_frame_time() returns the time as of the last time tick()
* was called. This is the "discrete" time, and is usually used to get the
* time as of, for instance, the beginning of the current frame.
* In other modes, as set by set_mode() or the clock-mode config variable,
* get_frame_time() may return other values to simulate different timing
* effects, for instance to perform non-real-time animation. See set_mode().
* In all modes, get_real_time() always returns the elapsed real time in
* seconds since the ClockObject was constructed, or since it was last reset.
* You can create your own ClockObject whenever you want to have your own
* local timer. There is also a default, global ClockObject intended to
* represent global time for the application; this is normally set up to tick
* every frame so that its get_frame_time() will return the time for the
* current frame.
1963 4 Mode 0 794624 17 ClockObject::Mode 17 ClockObject::Mode 1962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 M_normal 21 ClockObject::M_normal 0
0 15 M_non_real_time 28 ClockObject::M_non_real_time 0
1 8 M_forced 21 ClockObject::M_forced 0
2 9 M_degrade 22 ClockObject::M_degrade 0
3 7 M_slave 20 ClockObject::M_slave 0
4 9 M_limited 22 ClockObject::M_limited 0
5 9 M_integer 22 ClockObject::M_integer 0
6 17 M_integer_limited 30 ClockObject::M_integer_limited 0
7 0 0
1964 11 CollideMask 0 2105345 11 CollideMask 11 CollideMask 0 0 1941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1965 10 ColorSpace 0 532481 10 ColorSpace 10 ColorSpace 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 14 CS_unspecified 14 CS_unspecified 105
// This value is not a color space, but is used to indicate that a color
// space has not been specified.
0 9 CS_linear 9 CS_linear 389
// CS_linear is not a color space per se, but represents the working color
// space of graphics APIs, which is linearized. Since the conversion from
// sRGB to linear is defined, one could posit that it has the ITU-R BT.709
// primaries, but this isn't meaningful as modern graphics APIs do not
// perform color management. All colors in Panda3D are linear unless
// otherwise specified.
1 7 CS_sRGB 7 CS_sRGB 107
// This is the standard, gamma-2.2-corrected sRGB color space, as used by
// the majority of image formats.
2 8 CS_scRGB 8 CS_scRGB 110
// This is a 16-bit encoded linear color space capable of encoding color
// values in the -0.5...7.4999 range.
3 0 0
1966 17 CopyOnWriteObject 0 141313 17 CopyOnWriteObject 17 CopyOnWriteObject 0 0 0 0 1494 0 3 1491 1492 1493 0 0 1 0 1955 0 0 0 0 169
* This base class provides basic reference counting, but also can be used
* with a CopyOnWritePointer to provide get_read_pointer() and
* get_write_pointer().
1967 14 DatagramBuffer 0 141313 14 DatagramBuffer 14 DatagramBuffer 0 0 0 1 1499 1503 1 2332 1 1500 0 0 2 3 1937 1495 1496 3 1930 1497 1498 0 0 355
* This class can be used to write a series of datagrams into a memory buffer.
* It acts as both a datagram sink and generator; you can fill it up with
* datagrams and then read as many datagrams from it.
* This uses the same format as DatagramInputFile and DatagramOutputFile,
* meaning that Datagram sizes are always stored little-endian.
1968 18 vector_uchar const 0 8832 18 vector_uchar const 18 vector_uchar const 0 0 1969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1969 12 vector_uchar 0 2105344 12 vector_uchar 12 vector_uchar 0 0 1970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1970 24 pvector< unsigned char > 0 2048 24 pvector< unsigned char > 24 pvector< unsigned char > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1971 17 DatagramInputFile 0 75777 17 DatagramInputFile 17 DatagramInputFile 0 0 0 1 1504 0 0 4 1505 1506 1507 1508 0 0 1 0 1930 0 0 0 0 130
* This class can be used to read a binary file that consists of an arbitrary
* header followed by a number of datagrams.
1972 18 DatagramOutputFile 0 75777 18 DatagramOutputFile 18 DatagramOutputFile 0 0 0 1 1509 0 1 2333 3 1510 1511 1512 0 0 1 0 1937 0 0 0 0 131
* This class can be used to write a binary file that consists of an arbitrary
* header followed by a number of datagrams.
1973 7 ostream 0 2048 12 std::ostream 12 std::ostream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1974 30 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > 0 141313 30 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > 30 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > 0 0 0 1 1514 1566 0 51 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 0 0 0 0 0 0
1975 19 DoubleBitMaskNative 0 2105345 19 DoubleBitMaskNative 19 DoubleBitMaskNative 0 0 1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1976 36 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > 0 141313 36 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > 36 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > 0 0 0 1 1567 1619 0 51 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 0 0 0 0 0 0
1977 17 QuadBitMaskNative 0 2105345 17 QuadBitMaskNative 17 QuadBitMaskNative 0 0 1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1978 8 DrawMask 0 2105345 8 DrawMask 8 DrawMask 0 0 1941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1979 13 GamepadButton 0 141313 13 GamepadButton 13 GamepadButton 0 0 0 1 1651 1652 0 31 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 0 0 0 0 0 155
* This class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these
* handy functions that return buttons which map to gamepad buttons.
1980 14 KeyboardButton 0 141313 14 KeyboardButton 14 KeyboardButton 0 0 0 1 1705 1706 0 52 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 0 0 0 0 0 162
* This class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these
* handy functions that return buttons which map to standard keyboard keys.
1981 15 ModifierButtons 0 26625 15 ModifierButtons 15 ModifierButtons 0 0 0 1 1711 1712 1 2334 23 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1 2357 0 0 0 0 135
* This class monitors the state of a number of individual buttons and tracks
* whether each button is known to be down or up.
1982 11 MouseButton 0 141313 11 MouseButton 11 MouseButton 0 0 0 1 1748 1749 0 11 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 0 0 0 0 0 162
* This class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these
* handy functions that return buttons which map to standard mouse buttons.
1983 11 PointerType 0 8921089 11 PointerType 11 PointerType 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 7 unknown 7 unknown 0
0 5 mouse 5 mouse 0
1 6 finger 6 finger 0
2 6 stylus 6 stylus 0
3 6 eraser 6 eraser 0
4 0 48
* Contains the types of pointer device.
1984 11 PointerData 0 141313 11 PointerData 11 PointerData 0 0 0 1 1756 1757 6 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 3 1750 1751 1752 0 0 0 0 0 124
* Holds the data that might be generated by a 2-d pointer input device, such
* as the mouse in the GraphicsWindow.
1985 9 MouseData 0 2105345 9 MouseData 9 MouseData 0 0 1984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1986 24 NodeCachedReferenceCount 0 43009 24 NodeCachedReferenceCount 24 NodeCachedReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 0 0 1 0 1955 0 0 0 1 1987 1495
* This class further specializes CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount to also
* add a node_ref_count, for the purposes of counting the number of times the
* object is referenced by a "node", presumably a PandaNode.
* This essentially combines the functionality of NodeReferenceCount and
* CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount, so that a derivative of this object
* actually has three counters: the standard reference count, the "cache"
* reference count, and the "node" reference count. Rather than multiply
* inheriting from the two reference count classes, we inherit only from
* CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount and simply duplicate the functionality of
* NodeReferenceCount, to avoid all of the problems associated with multiple
* inheritance.
* The intended design is to use this as a base class for RenderState and
* TransformState, both of which are held by PandaNodes, and also have caches
* which are independently maintained. By keeping track of how many nodes
* hold a pointer to a particular object, we can classify each object into
* node-referenced, cache-referenced, or other, which is primarily useful for
* PStats reporting.
* As with CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount's cache_ref() and cache_unref(),
* the new methods node_ref() and node_unref() automatically increment and
* decrement the primary reference count as well. In this case, however,
* there does exist a NodePointerTo<> class to maintain the node_ref counters
* automatically.
1987 10 Referenced 0 794624 36 NodeCachedReferenceCount::Referenced 36 NodeCachedReferenceCount::Referenced 1986 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 R_node 32 NodeCachedReferenceCount::R_node 0
1 7 R_cache 33 NodeCachedReferenceCount::R_cache 0
2 0 0
1988 11 SparseArray 0 141313 11 SparseArray 11 SparseArray 0 0 0 1 1764 1816 0 51 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 0 0 0 0 0 736
* This class records a set of integers, where each integer is either present
* or not present in the set.
* It is similar in principle and in interface to a BitArray (which can be
* thought of as a set of integers, one integer corresponding to each
* different bit position), but the SparseArray is implemented as a list of
* min/max subrange lists, rather than as a bitmask.
* This makes it particularly efficient for storing sets which consist of
* large sections of consecutively included or consecutively excluded
* elements, with arbitrarily large integers, but particularly inefficient for
* doing boolean operations such as & or |.
* Also, unlike BitArray, the SparseArray can store negative integers.
1989 14 ParamValueBase 0 75777 14 ParamValueBase 14 ParamValueBase 0 0 0 0 1042 0 3 1817 1818 1819 0 0 1 0 1912 0 0 0 0 141
* A non-template base class of ParamValue (below), which serves mainly to
* define the placeholder for the virtual output function.
1990 18 ParamTypedRefCount 0 75777 18 ParamTypedRefCount 18 ParamTypedRefCount 0 0 0 1 1820 1042 1 2341 2 1821 1822 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 143
* A class object for storing specifically objects of type
* TypedReferenceCount, which is different than TypedWritableReferenceCount.
1991 21 TypedReferenceCount * 0 8576 21 TypedReferenceCount * 21 TypedReferenceCount * 0 0 1953 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1992 20 ParamValue< string > 0 75777 25 ParamValue< std::string > 25 ParamValue< std::string > 0 0 0 1 1823 1042 1 2342 3 1824 1825 1826 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
1993 10 Type const 0 8832 10 Type const 10 Type const 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1994 11 ParamString 0 2105345 11 ParamString 11 ParamString 0 0 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1995 21 ParamValue< wstring > 0 75777 26 ParamValue< std::wstring > 26 ParamValue< std::wstring > 0 0 0 1 1827 1042 1 2343 3 1828 1829 1830 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
1996 12 ParamWstring 0 2105345 12 ParamWstring 12 ParamWstring 0 0 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1997 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > 0 0 0 1 1831 1042 1 2344 3 1832 1833 1834 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
1998 14 ParamVecBase2d 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase2d 14 ParamVecBase2d 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1999 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > 0 0 0 1 1835 1042 1 2345 3 1836 1837 1838 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2000 14 ParamVecBase2f 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase2f 14 ParamVecBase2f 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2001 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > 0 0 0 1 1839 1042 1 2346 3 1840 1841 1842 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2002 14 ParamVecBase2i 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase2i 14 ParamVecBase2i 0 0 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2003 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > 0 0 0 1 1843 1042 1 2347 3 1844 1845 1846 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2004 14 ParamVecBase3d 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase3d 14 ParamVecBase3d 0 0 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > 0 0 0 1 1847 1042 1 2348 3 1848 1849 1850 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2006 14 ParamVecBase3f 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase3f 14 ParamVecBase3f 0 0 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2007 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > 0 0 0 1 1851 1042 1 2349 3 1852 1853 1854 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2008 14 ParamVecBase3i 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase3i 14 ParamVecBase3i 0 0 2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2009 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > 0 0 0 1 1855 1042 1 2350 3 1856 1857 1858 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2010 14 ParamVecBase4d 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase4d 14 ParamVecBase4d 0 0 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > 0 0 0 1 1859 1042 1 2351 3 1860 1861 1862 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2012 14 ParamVecBase4f 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase4f 14 ParamVecBase4f 0 0 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > 0 75777 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > 24 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > 0 0 0 1 1863 1042 1 2352 3 1864 1865 1866 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2014 14 ParamVecBase4i 0 2105345 14 ParamVecBase4i 14 ParamVecBase4i 0 0 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2015 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > 0 75777 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > 0 0 0 1 1867 1042 1 2353 3 1868 1869 1870 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2016 13 ParamMatrix3d 0 2105345 13 ParamMatrix3d 13 ParamMatrix3d 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2017 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > 0 75777 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > 23 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > 0 0 0 1 1871 1042 1 2354 3 1872 1873 1874 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2018 13 ParamMatrix3f 0 2105345 13 ParamMatrix3f 13 ParamMatrix3f 0 0 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2019 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > 0 75777 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > 0 0 0 1 1875 1042 1 2355 3 1876 1877 1878 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2020 13 ParamMatrix4d 0 2105345 13 ParamMatrix4d 13 ParamMatrix4d 0 0 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2021 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > 0 75777 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > 23 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > 0 0 0 1 1879 1042 1 2356 3 1880 1881 1882 0 0 1 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0
2022 13 ParamMatrix4f 0 2105345 13 ParamMatrix4f 13 ParamMatrix4f 0 0 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023 13 ParamVecBase2 0 2105345 13 ParamVecBase2 13 ParamVecBase2 0 0 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2024 13 ParamVecBase3 0 2105345 13 ParamVecBase3 13 ParamVecBase3 0 0 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2025 13 ParamVecBase4 0 2105345 13 ParamVecBase4 13 ParamVecBase4 0 0 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2026 12 ParamMatrix3 0 2105345 12 ParamMatrix3 12 ParamMatrix3 0 0 2018 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2027 12 ParamMatrix4 0 2105345 12 ParamMatrix4 12 ParamMatrix4 0 0 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2028 20 WritableConfigurable 0 141313 20 WritableConfigurable 20 WritableConfigurable 0 0 0 0 1884 0 1 1883 0 0 1 0 1910 0 0 0 0 379
* Defined as a fix to allow creating Configurable and Writable objects.
* Otherwise the compiler gets confused since both TypedWritable and
* Configurable inherit from TypedObject.
* An object that has data or parameters that are set less frequently (at
* least occasionally) than every frame. We can cache the configuration info
* by by using the "dirty" flag.
2029 17 UniqueIdAllocator 0 26625 17 UniqueIdAllocator 17 UniqueIdAllocator 0 0 0 1 1885 1886 0 7 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 0 0 0 0 0 812
* Manage a set of ID values from min to max inclusive. The ID numbers that
* are freed will be allocated (reused) in the same order. I.e. the oldest
* ID numbers will be allocated.
* This implementation will use 4 bytes per id number, plus a few bytes of
* management data. e.g. 10,000 ID numbers will use 40KB.
* Also be advised that ID -1 and -2 are used internally by the allocator. If
* allocate returns IndexEnd (-1) then the allocator is out of free ID
* numbers.
* There are other implementations that can better leverage runs of used or
* unused IDs or use bit arrays for the IDs. But, it takes extra work to
* track the age of freed IDs, which is required for what we wanted. If you
* would like to kick around other implementation ideas, please contact
* Schuyler.
2030 10 PortalMask 0 2105345 10 PortalMask 10 PortalMask 0 0 1941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2031 37 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const * 0 8576 37 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const * 37 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const * 0 0 2032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2032 35 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const 0 8832 35 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const 35 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > const 0 0 1896 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2033 31 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > * 0 8576 31 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > * 31 ConstPointerToArray< ushort > * 0 0 1896 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2034 32 PointerToArray< ushort > const * 0 8576 32 PointerToArray< ushort > const * 32 PointerToArray< ushort > const * 0 0 2035 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2035 30 PointerToArray< ushort > const 0 8832 30 PointerToArray< ushort > const 30 PointerToArray< ushort > const 0 0 1900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2036 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2037 22 unsigned long long int 0 8230 22 unsigned long long int 22 unsigned long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2038 6 ushort 0 2105344 6 ushort 6 ushort 0 0 2039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2039 18 unsigned short int 0 8262 18 unsigned short int 18 unsigned short int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2040 11 Py_buffer * 0 8576 11 Py_buffer * 11 Py_buffer * 0 0 2041 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2041 9 Py_buffer 0 2105344 9 Py_buffer 9 Py_buffer 0 0 2042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2042 10 bufferinfo 0 1024 10 bufferinfo 10 bufferinfo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2043 51 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > * 0 8576 51 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > * 51 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > * 0 0 1898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2044 57 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const * 0 8576 57 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const * 57 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const * 0 0 2045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2045 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const 0 8832 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const 55 PointerToBase< ReferenceCountedVector< ushort > > const 0 0 1898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2046 9 ostream * 0 8576 14 std::ostream * 14 std::ostream * 0 0 1973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2047 26 PointerToArray< ushort > * 0 8576 26 PointerToArray< ushort > * 26 PointerToArray< ushort > * 0 0 1900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2048 12 TypeHandle * 0 8576 12 TypeHandle * 12 TypeHandle * 0 0 2049 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2049 10 TypeHandle 0 16779264 10 TypeHandle 10 TypeHandle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 732
* TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types. Any
* C++ classes that inherit from some base class, and must be differentiated
* at run time, should store a static TypeHandle object that can be queried
* through a static member function named get_class_type(). Most of the time,
* it is also desirable to inherit from TypedObject, which provides some
* virtual functions to return the TypeHandle for a particular instance.
* At its essence, a TypeHandle is simply a unique identifier that is assigned
* by the TypeRegistry. The TypeRegistry stores a tree of TypeHandles, so
* that ancestry of a particular type may be queried, and the type name may be
* retrieved for run-time display.
2050 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2051 15 AnimInterface * 0 8576 15 AnimInterface * 15 AnimInterface * 0 0 1901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2052 21 AnimInterface const * 0 8576 21 AnimInterface const * 21 AnimInterface const * 0 0 2053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2053 19 AnimInterface const 0 8832 19 AnimInterface const 19 AnimInterface const 0 0 1901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2054 11 UpdateSeq * 0 8576 11 UpdateSeq * 11 UpdateSeq * 0 0 1906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2055 17 UpdateSeq const * 0 8576 17 UpdateSeq const * 17 UpdateSeq const * 0 0 2056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2056 15 UpdateSeq const 0 8832 15 UpdateSeq const 15 UpdateSeq const 0 0 1906 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2057 18 DatagramIterator * 0 8576 18 DatagramIterator * 18 DatagramIterator * 0 0 2058 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2058 16 DatagramIterator 0 2048 16 DatagramIterator 16 DatagramIterator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2059 11 BamReader * 0 8576 11 BamReader * 11 BamReader * 0 0 1928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2060 21 TypedWritable const * 0 8576 21 TypedWritable const * 21 TypedWritable const * 0 0 2061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2061 19 TypedWritable const 0 8832 19 TypedWritable const 19 TypedWritable const 0 0 1910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2062 14 vector_uchar * 0 8576 14 vector_uchar * 14 vector_uchar * 0 0 1969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2063 11 BamWriter * 0 8576 11 BamWriter * 11 BamWriter * 0 0 1935 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2064 29 TypedWritableReferenceCount * 0 8576 29 TypedWritableReferenceCount * 29 TypedWritableReferenceCount * 0 0 1912 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2065 16 ReferenceCount * 0 8576 16 ReferenceCount * 16 ReferenceCount * 0 0 1913 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2066 22 BamCacheRecord const * 0 8576 22 BamCacheRecord const * 22 BamCacheRecord const * 0 0 2067 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2067 20 BamCacheRecord const 0 8832 20 BamCacheRecord const 20 BamCacheRecord const 0 0 1914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2068 16 BamCacheRecord * 0 8576 16 BamCacheRecord * 16 BamCacheRecord * 0 0 1914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2069 16 Filename const * 0 8576 16 Filename const * 16 Filename const * 0 0 1916 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2070 19 VirtualFile const * 0 8576 19 VirtualFile const * 19 VirtualFile const * 0 0 2071 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2071 17 VirtualFile const 0 8832 17 VirtualFile const 17 VirtualFile const 0 0 2072 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2072 11 VirtualFile 0 2048 11 VirtualFile 11 VirtualFile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91
* The abstract base class for a file or directory within the
* VirtualFileSystem.
2073 10 BamCache * 0 8576 10 BamCache * 10 BamCache * 0 0 1920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2074 16 BamCache const * 0 8576 16 BamCache const * 16 BamCache const * 0 0 2075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2075 14 BamCache const 0 8832 14 BamCache const 14 BamCache const 0 0 1920 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2076 10 Filename * 0 8576 10 Filename * 10 Filename * 0 0 1917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2077 10 BamEnums * 0 8576 10 BamEnums * 10 BamEnums * 0 0 1921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2078 16 BamEnums const * 0 8576 16 BamEnums const * 16 BamEnums const * 0 0 2079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2079 14 BamEnums const 0 8832 14 BamEnums const 14 BamEnums const 0 0 1921 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2080 21 LoaderOptions const * 0 8576 21 LoaderOptions const * 21 LoaderOptions const * 0 0 1931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2081 15 LoaderOptions * 0 8576 15 LoaderOptions * 15 LoaderOptions * 0 0 1925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2082 9 AuxData * 0 8576 20 BamReader::AuxData * 20 BamReader::AuxData * 0 0 2083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2083 7 AuxData 0 1312768 18 BamReader::AuxData 18 BamReader::AuxData 1928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 187
// Inherit from this class to piggyback additional temporary data on the
// bamReader (via set_aux_data() and get_aux_data()) for any particular
// objects during the bam reading process.
2084 17 BamReader const * 0 8576 17 BamReader const * 17 BamReader const * 0 0 2085 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2085 15 BamReader const 0 8832 15 BamReader const 15 BamReader const 0 0 1928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2086 17 BamWriter const * 0 8576 17 BamWriter const * 17 BamWriter const * 0 0 2087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2087 15 BamWriter const 0 8832 15 BamWriter const 15 BamWriter const 0 0 1935 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2088 25 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > * 0 8576 25 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > * 25 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > * 0 0 1938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2089 31 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const * 0 8576 31 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const * 31 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const * 0 0 2090 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2090 29 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const 0 8832 29 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const 29 BitMask< uint16_t, 16 > const 0 0 1938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2091 8 uint16_t 0 2105344 8 uint16_t 8 uint16_t 0 0 2039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2092 25 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > * 0 8576 25 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > * 25 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > * 0 0 1940 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2093 31 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const * 0 8576 31 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const * 31 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const * 0 0 2094 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2094 29 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const 0 8832 29 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const 29 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > const 0 0 1940 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2095 8 uint32_t 0 2105344 8 uint32_t 8 uint32_t 0 0 2096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2096 12 unsigned int 0 8198 12 unsigned int 12 unsigned int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2097 25 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > * 0 8576 25 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > * 25 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > * 0 0 1942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2098 31 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const * 0 8576 31 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const * 31 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const * 0 0 2099 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2099 29 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const 0 8832 29 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const 29 BitMask< uint64_t, 64 > const 0 0 1942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2100 8 uint64_t 0 2105344 8 uint64_t 8 uint64_t 0 0 2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2101 10 BitArray * 0 8576 10 BitArray * 10 BitArray * 0 0 1945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2102 16 BitArray const * 0 8576 16 BitArray const * 16 BitArray const * 0 0 2103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2103 14 BitArray const 0 8832 14 BitArray const 14 BitArray const 0 0 1945 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2104 8 WordType 0 2367488 18 BitArray::WordType 18 BitArray::WordType 1945 0 2100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2105 19 SparseArray const * 0 8576 19 SparseArray const * 19 SparseArray const * 0 0 2106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2106 17 SparseArray const 0 8832 17 SparseArray const 17 SparseArray const 0 0 1988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2107 6 size_t 0 2105344 11 std::size_t 11 std::size_t 0 0 2037 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2108 8 MaskType 0 2367488 18 BitArray::MaskType 18 BitArray::MaskType 1945 0 1944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2109 10 MaskType * 0 8576 20 BitArray::MaskType * 20 BitArray::MaskType * 0 0 2108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2110 14 ButtonHandle * 0 8576 14 ButtonHandle * 14 ButtonHandle * 0 0 1947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2111 20 ButtonHandle const * 0 8576 20 ButtonHandle const * 20 ButtonHandle const * 0 0 2112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2112 18 ButtonHandle const 0 8832 18 ButtonHandle const 18 ButtonHandle const 0 0 1947 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2113 22 ButtonRegistry const * 0 8576 22 ButtonRegistry const * 22 ButtonRegistry const * 0 0 2114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2114 20 ButtonRegistry const 0 8832 20 ButtonRegistry const 20 ButtonRegistry const 0 0 1951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2115 16 ButtonRegistry * 0 8576 16 ButtonRegistry * 16 ButtonRegistry * 0 0 1951 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2116 11 ButtonMap * 0 8576 11 ButtonMap * 11 ButtonMap * 0 0 1952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2117 17 ButtonMap const * 0 8576 17 ButtonMap const * 17 ButtonMap const * 0 0 2118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2118 15 ButtonMap const 0 8832 15 ButtonMap const 15 ButtonMap const 0 0 1952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2119 22 CallbackObject const * 0 8576 22 CallbackObject const * 22 CallbackObject const * 0 0 2120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2120 20 CallbackObject const 0 8832 20 CallbackObject const 20 CallbackObject const 0 0 1954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2121 16 CallbackObject * 0 8576 16 CallbackObject * 16 CallbackObject * 0 0 1954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2122 41 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const * 0 8576 41 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const * 41 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const * 0 0 2123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2123 39 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const 0 8832 39 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const 39 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount const 0 0 1955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2124 20 CallbackData const * 0 8576 20 CallbackData const * 20 CallbackData const * 0 0 2125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2125 18 CallbackData const 0 8832 18 CallbackData const 18 CallbackData const 0 0 1956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2126 14 CallbackData * 0 8576 14 CallbackData * 14 CallbackData * 0 0 1956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2127 22 PythonCallbackObject * 0 8576 22 PythonCallbackObject * 22 PythonCallbackObject * 0 0 1957 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2128 28 PythonCallbackObject const * 0 8576 28 PythonCallbackObject const * 28 PythonCallbackObject const * 0 0 2129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2129 26 PythonCallbackObject const 0 8832 26 PythonCallbackObject const 26 PythonCallbackObject const 0 0 1957 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2130 9 TimeVal * 0 8576 9 TimeVal * 9 TimeVal * 0 0 1958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2131 15 TimeVal const * 0 8576 15 TimeVal const * 15 TimeVal const * 0 0 2132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2132 13 TimeVal const 0 8832 13 TimeVal const 13 TimeVal const 0 0 1958 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2133 19 ClockObject const * 0 8576 19 ClockObject const * 19 ClockObject const * 0 0 2134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2134 17 ClockObject const 0 8832 17 ClockObject const 17 ClockObject const 0 0 1962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2135 13 ClockObject * 0 8576 13 ClockObject * 13 ClockObject * 0 0 1962 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2136 8 Thread * 0 8576 8 Thread * 8 Thread * 0 0 2137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2137 6 Thread 0 2048 6 Thread 6 Thread 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 396
* A thread; that is, a lightweight process. This is an abstract base class;
* to use it, you must subclass from it and redefine thread_main().
* The thread itself will keep a reference count on the Thread object while it
* is running; when the thread returns from its root function, the Thread
* object will automatically be destructed if no other pointers are
* referencing it.
2138 25 CopyOnWriteObject const * 0 8576 25 CopyOnWriteObject const * 25 CopyOnWriteObject const * 0 0 2139 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2139 23 CopyOnWriteObject const 0 8832 23 CopyOnWriteObject const 23 CopyOnWriteObject const 0 0 1966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2140 16 DatagramBuffer * 0 8576 16 DatagramBuffer * 16 DatagramBuffer * 0 0 1967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2141 19 DatagramInputFile * 0 8576 19 DatagramInputFile * 19 DatagramInputFile * 0 0 1971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2142 21 FileReference const * 0 8576 21 FileReference const * 21 FileReference const * 0 0 2143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2143 19 FileReference const 0 8832 19 FileReference const 19 FileReference const 0 0 2144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2144 13 FileReference 0 2048 13 FileReference 13 FileReference 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149
* Keeps a reference-counted pointer to a file on disk. As long as the
* FileReference is held, someone presumably has a use for this file.
2145 9 istream * 0 8576 14 std::istream * 14 std::istream * 0 0 2146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2146 7 istream 0 2048 12 std::istream 12 std::istream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2147 20 DatagramOutputFile * 0 8576 20 DatagramOutputFile * 20 DatagramOutputFile * 0 0 1972 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2148 32 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > * 0 8576 32 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > * 32 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > * 0 0 1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2149 38 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const * 0 8576 38 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const * 38 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const * 0 0 2150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2150 36 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const 0 8832 36 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const 36 DoubleBitMask< BitMaskNative > const 0 0 1974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2151 38 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > * 0 8576 38 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > * 38 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > * 0 0 1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2152 44 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const * 0 8576 44 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const * 44 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const * 0 0 2153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2153 42 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const 0 8832 42 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const 42 DoubleBitMask< DoubleBitMaskNative > const 0 0 1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2154 15 GamepadButton * 0 8576 15 GamepadButton * 15 GamepadButton * 0 0 1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2155 21 GamepadButton const * 0 8576 21 GamepadButton const * 21 GamepadButton const * 0 0 2156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2156 19 GamepadButton const 0 8832 19 GamepadButton const 19 GamepadButton const 0 0 1979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2157 16 KeyboardButton * 0 8576 16 KeyboardButton * 16 KeyboardButton * 0 0 1980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2158 22 KeyboardButton const * 0 8576 22 KeyboardButton const * 22 KeyboardButton const * 0 0 2159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2159 20 KeyboardButton const 0 8832 20 KeyboardButton const 20 KeyboardButton const 0 0 1980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2160 17 ModifierButtons * 0 8576 17 ModifierButtons * 17 ModifierButtons * 0 0 1981 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2161 23 ModifierButtons const * 0 8576 23 ModifierButtons const * 23 ModifierButtons const * 0 0 2162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2162 21 ModifierButtons const 0 8832 21 ModifierButtons const 21 ModifierButtons const 0 0 1981 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2163 13 MouseButton * 0 8576 13 MouseButton * 13 MouseButton * 0 0 1982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2164 19 MouseButton const * 0 8576 19 MouseButton const * 19 MouseButton const * 0 0 2165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2165 17 MouseButton const 0 8832 17 MouseButton const 17 MouseButton const 0 0 1982 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2166 13 PointerData * 0 8576 13 PointerData * 13 PointerData * 0 0 1984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2167 19 PointerData const * 0 8576 19 PointerData const * 19 PointerData const * 0 0 2168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2168 17 PointerData const 0 8832 17 PointerData const 17 PointerData const 0 0 1984 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2169 32 NodeCachedReferenceCount const * 0 8576 32 NodeCachedReferenceCount const * 32 NodeCachedReferenceCount const * 0 0 2170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2170 30 NodeCachedReferenceCount const 0 8832 30 NodeCachedReferenceCount const 30 NodeCachedReferenceCount const 0 0 1986 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2171 13 SparseArray * 0 8576 13 SparseArray * 13 SparseArray * 0 0 1988 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2172 22 ParamValueBase const * 0 8576 22 ParamValueBase const * 22 ParamValueBase const * 0 0 2173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2173 20 ParamValueBase const 0 8832 20 ParamValueBase const 20 ParamValueBase const 0 0 1989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2174 27 TypedReferenceCount const * 0 8576 27 TypedReferenceCount const * 27 TypedReferenceCount const * 0 0 2175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2175 25 TypedReferenceCount const 0 8832 25 TypedReferenceCount const 25 TypedReferenceCount const 0 0 1953 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2176 20 ParamTypedRefCount * 0 8576 20 ParamTypedRefCount * 20 ParamTypedRefCount * 0 0 1990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2177 26 ParamTypedRefCount const * 0 8576 26 ParamTypedRefCount const * 26 ParamTypedRefCount const * 0 0 2178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2178 24 ParamTypedRefCount const 0 8832 24 ParamTypedRefCount const 24 ParamTypedRefCount const 0 0 1990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2179 22 ParamValue< string > * 0 8576 27 ParamValue< std::string > * 27 ParamValue< std::string > * 0 0 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2180 28 ParamValue< string > const * 0 8576 33 ParamValue< std::string > const * 33 ParamValue< std::string > const * 0 0 2181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2181 26 ParamValue< string > const 0 8832 31 ParamValue< std::string > const 31 ParamValue< std::string > const 0 0 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2182 23 ParamValue< wstring > * 0 8576 28 ParamValue< std::wstring > * 28 ParamValue< std::wstring > * 0 0 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2183 29 ParamValue< wstring > const * 0 8576 34 ParamValue< std::wstring > const * 34 ParamValue< std::wstring > const * 0 0 2184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2184 27 ParamValue< wstring > const 0 8832 32 ParamValue< std::wstring > const 32 ParamValue< std::wstring > const 0 0 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2185 18 LVecBase2d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2d const * 18 LVecBase2d const * 0 0 2186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2186 16 LVecBase2d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2d const 16 LVecBase2d const 0 0 2187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2187 10 LVecBase2d 0 2048 10 LVecBase2d 10 LVecBase2d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75
* This is the base class for all two-component vectors and points.
2188 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > * 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2189 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const * 0 0 2190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2190 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2d > const 0 0 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2191 18 LVecBase2f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2f const * 18 LVecBase2f const * 0 0 2192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2192 16 LVecBase2f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2f const 16 LVecBase2f const 0 0 2193 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2193 10 LVecBase2f 0 2048 10 LVecBase2f 10 LVecBase2f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75
* This is the base class for all two-component vectors and points.
2194 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > * 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2195 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const * 0 0 2196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2196 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2f > const 0 0 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2197 18 LVecBase2i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase2i const * 18 LVecBase2i const * 0 0 2198 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2198 16 LVecBase2i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase2i const 16 LVecBase2i const 0 0 2199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2199 10 LVecBase2i 0 2048 10 LVecBase2i 10 LVecBase2i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75
* This is the base class for all two-component vectors and points.
2200 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > * 0 0 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2201 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const * 0 0 2202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2202 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase2i > const 0 0 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2203 18 LVecBase3d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3d const * 18 LVecBase3d const * 0 0 2204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2204 16 LVecBase3d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3d const 16 LVecBase3d const 0 0 2205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2205 10 LVecBase3d 0 2048 10 LVecBase3d 10 LVecBase3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2206 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > * 0 0 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2207 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const * 0 0 2208 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2208 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3d > const 0 0 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2209 18 LVecBase3f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3f const * 18 LVecBase3f const * 0 0 2210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2210 16 LVecBase3f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3f const 16 LVecBase3f const 0 0 2211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2211 10 LVecBase3f 0 2048 10 LVecBase3f 10 LVecBase3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2212 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > * 0 0 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2213 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const * 0 0 2214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2214 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3f > const 0 0 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2215 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3i const * 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 0 2216 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2216 16 LVecBase3i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3i const 16 LVecBase3i const 0 0 2217 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2217 10 LVecBase3i 0 2048 10 LVecBase3i 10 LVecBase3i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2218 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > * 0 0 2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2219 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const * 0 0 2220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2220 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase3i > const 0 0 2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2221 18 LVecBase4d const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4d const * 18 LVecBase4d const * 0 0 2222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2222 16 LVecBase4d const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4d const 16 LVecBase4d const 0 0 2223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2223 10 LVecBase4d 0 2048 10 LVecBase4d 10 LVecBase4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2224 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > * 0 0 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2225 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const * 0 0 2226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2226 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4d > const 0 0 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2227 18 LVecBase4f const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4f const * 18 LVecBase4f const * 0 0 2228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2228 16 LVecBase4f const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4f const 16 LVecBase4f const 0 0 2229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2229 10 LVecBase4f 0 2048 10 LVecBase4f 10 LVecBase4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2230 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > * 0 0 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2231 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const * 0 0 2232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2232 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4f > const 0 0 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2233 18 LVecBase4i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4i const * 18 LVecBase4i const * 0 0 2234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2234 16 LVecBase4i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4i const 16 LVecBase4i const 0 0 2235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2235 10 LVecBase4i 0 2048 10 LVecBase4i 10 LVecBase4i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
2236 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > * 0 8576 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > * 26 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > * 0 0 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2237 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const * 0 8576 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const * 32 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const * 0 0 2238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2238 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const 0 8832 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const 30 ParamValue< LVecBase4i > const 0 0 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2239 17 LMatrix3d const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix3d const * 17 LMatrix3d const * 0 0 2240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2240 15 LMatrix3d const 0 8832 15 LMatrix3d const 15 LMatrix3d const 0 0 2241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2241 9 LMatrix3d 0 2048 9 LMatrix3d 9 LMatrix3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231
* This is a 3-by-3 transform matrix. It typically will represent either a
* rotation-and-scale (no translation) matrix in 3-d, or a full affine matrix
* (rotation, scale, translation) in 2-d, e.g. for a texture matrix.
2242 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > * 0 8576 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > * 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > * 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2243 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const * 0 8576 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const * 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const * 0 0 2244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2244 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const 0 8832 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3d > const 0 0 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2245 17 LMatrix3f const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix3f const * 17 LMatrix3f const * 0 0 2246 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2246 15 LMatrix3f const 0 8832 15 LMatrix3f const 15 LMatrix3f const 0 0 2247 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2247 9 LMatrix3f 0 2048 9 LMatrix3f 9 LMatrix3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231
* This is a 3-by-3 transform matrix. It typically will represent either a
* rotation-and-scale (no translation) matrix in 3-d, or a full affine matrix
* (rotation, scale, translation) in 2-d, e.g. for a texture matrix.
2248 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > * 0 8576 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > * 25 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > * 0 0 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2249 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const * 0 8576 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const * 31 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const * 0 0 2250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2250 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const 0 8832 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const 29 ParamValue< LMatrix3f > const 0 0 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2251 17 LMatrix4d const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix4d const * 17 LMatrix4d const * 0 0 2252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2252 15 LMatrix4d const 0 8832 15 LMatrix4d const 15 LMatrix4d const 0 0 2253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2253 9 LMatrix4d 0 2048 9 LMatrix4d 9 LMatrix4d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
* This is a 4-by-4 transform matrix.
2254 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > * 0 8576 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > * 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > * 0 0 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2255 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const * 0 8576 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const * 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const * 0 0 2256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2256 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const 0 8832 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4d > const 0 0 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2257 17 LMatrix4f const * 0 8576 17 LMatrix4f const * 17 LMatrix4f const * 0 0 2258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2258 15 LMatrix4f const 0 8832 15 LMatrix4f const 15 LMatrix4f const 0 0 2259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2259 9 LMatrix4f 0 2048 9 LMatrix4f 9 LMatrix4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
* This is a 4-by-4 transform matrix.
2260 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > * 0 8576 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > * 25 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > * 0 0 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2261 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const * 0 8576 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const * 31 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const * 0 0 2262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2262 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const 0 8832 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const 29 ParamValue< LMatrix4f > const 0 0 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2263 25 UniqueIdAllocator const * 0 8576 25 UniqueIdAllocator const * 25 UniqueIdAllocator const * 0 0 2264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2264 23 UniqueIdAllocator const 0 8832 23 UniqueIdAllocator const 23 UniqueIdAllocator const 0 0 2029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2265 19 UniqueIdAllocator * 0 8576 19 UniqueIdAllocator * 19 UniqueIdAllocator * 0 0 2029 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2266 11 PN_stdfloat 0 2105344 11 PN_stdfloat 11 PN_stdfloat 0 0 2267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2267 5 float 0 8194 5 float 5 float 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2268 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 0 8576 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 26 ConfigVariableSearchPath * 0 0 2269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2269 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 0 2048 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 24 ConfigVariableSearchPath 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 731
* This is similar to a ConfigVariableList, but it returns its list as a
* DSearchPath, as a list of directories.
* You may locally append directories to the end of the search path with the
* methods here, or prepend them to the beginning. Use these methods to make
* adjustments to the path; do not attempt to directly modify the const
* DSearchPath object returned by get_value().
* Unlike other ConfigVariable types, local changes (made by calling
* append_directory() and prepend_directory()) are specific to this particular
* instance of the ConfigVariableSearchPath. A separate instance of the same
* variable, created by using the same name to the constructor, will not
* reflect the local changes.
2270 12 ConfigPage * 0 8576 12 ConfigPage * 12 ConfigPage * 0 0 2271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2271 10 ConfigPage 0 2048 10 ConfigPage 10 ConfigPage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 262
* A page of ConfigDeclarations that may be loaded or unloaded. Typically
* this represents a single .prc file that is read from disk at runtime, but
* it may also represent a list of declarations built up by application code
* and explicitly loaded.
2272 9 HashVal * 0 8576 9 HashVal * 9 HashVal * 0 0 2273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2273 7 HashVal 0 2048 7 HashVal 7 HashVal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2274 9 play_rate 0 6 1902 996 995 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 AnimInterface::play_rate 0
2275 10 frame_rate 0 2 1902 997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 AnimInterface::frame_rate 0
2276 10 num_frames 0 2 1903 998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 AnimInterface::num_frames 0
2277 5 frame 0 2 1903 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 AnimInterface::frame 0
2278 10 next_frame 0 2 1903 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 AnimInterface::next_frame 0
2279 4 frac 0 2 1902 1001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 AnimInterface::frac 0
2280 10 full_frame 0 2 1903 1002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 AnimInterface::full_frame 0
2281 11 full_fframe 0 2 1902 1003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 AnimInterface::full_fframe 0
2282 7 playing 0 2 1904 1004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 AnimInterface::playing 0
2283 3 seq 0 2 1907 1025 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 UpdateSeq::seq 0
2284 15 source_pathname 0 2 1916 1050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 BamCacheRecord::source_pathname 0
2285 14 cache_filename 0 2 1916 1051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 BamCacheRecord::cache_filename 0
2286 16 source_timestamp 0 2 1918 1052 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 BamCacheRecord::source_timestamp 0
2287 13 recorded_time 0 2 1918 1053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 BamCacheRecord::recorded_time 0
2288 4 data 0 30 1919 1061 1063 1059 1060 0 0 0 0 20 BamCacheRecord::data 0
2289 6 active 0 6 1904 1070 1069 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 BamCache::active 0
2290 12 cache_models 0 6 1904 1072 1071 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 BamCache::cache_models 0
2291 14 cache_textures 0 6 1904 1074 1073 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 BamCache::cache_textures 0
2292 25 cache_compressed_textures 0 6 1904 1076 1075 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 BamCache::cache_compressed_textures 0
2293 22 cache_compiled_shaders 0 6 1904 1078 1077 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 BamCache::cache_compiled_shaders 0
2294 4 root 0 6 1917 1080 1079 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 BamCache::root 0
2295 10 flush_time 0 6 1903 1082 1081 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 BamCache::flush_time 0
2296 16 cache_max_kbytes 0 6 1903 1084 1083 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 BamCache::cache_max_kbytes 0
2297 9 read_only 0 6 1904 1086 1085 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 BamCache::read_only 0
2298 5 flags 0 6 1903 1099 1098 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 LoaderOptions::flags 0
2299 13 texture_flags 0 6 1903 1101 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 LoaderOptions::texture_flags 0
2300 17 texture_num_views 0 6 1903 1103 1102 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 LoaderOptions::texture_num_views 0
2301 18 auto_texture_scale 0 6 1905 1105 1104 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 LoaderOptions::auto_texture_scale 0
2302 6 source 0 6 1929 1111 1110 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 BamReader::source 0
2303 8 filename 0 2 1916 1115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 BamReader::filename 0
2304 14 loader_options 0 6 1931 1116 1117 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 BamReader::loader_options 0
2305 12 file_version 0 2 1932 1128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 BamReader::file_version 0
2306 11 file_endian 0 2 1922 1124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 BamReader::file_endian 0
2307 20 file_stdfloat_double 0 2 1904 1125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 BamReader::file_stdfloat_double 0
2308 6 target 0 6 1936 1133 1132 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 BamWriter::target 0
2309 8 filename 0 2 1916 1135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 BamWriter::filename 0
2310 11 file_endian 0 2 1922 1142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 BamWriter::file_endian 0
2311 20 file_stdfloat_double 0 2 1904 1143 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 BamWriter::file_stdfloat_double 0
2312 17 file_texture_mode 0 2 1924 1144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 BamWriter::file_texture_mode 0
2313 9 root_node 0 6 1919 1146 1147 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 BamWriter::root_node 0
2314 5 index 0 2 1903 1409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 ButtonHandle::index 0
2315 4 name 0 2 1948 1404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 ButtonHandle::name 0
2316 16 ascii_equivalent 0 10 1950 1406 0 1405 0 0 0 0 0 30 ButtonHandle::ascii_equivalent 0
2317 5 alias 0 2 1947 1407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 ButtonHandle::alias 0
2318 15 cache_ref_count 0 2 1903 1436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 CachedTypedWritableReferenceCount::cache_ref_count 0
2319 8 function 0 6 1932 1450 1449 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 PythonCallbackObject::function 0
2320 2 tv 0 6 1959 1455 1456 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 TimeVal::tv 0
2321 4 mode 0 6 1963 1460 1459 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 ClockObject::mode 0
2322 10 frame_time 0 6 1902 1461 1466 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 ClockObject::frame_time 0
2323 9 real_time 0 6 1902 1462 1465 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 ClockObject::real_time 0
2324 9 long_time 0 2 1902 1463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 ClockObject::long_time 0
2325 11 frame_count 0 6 1903 1468 1467 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 ClockObject::frame_count 0
2326 2 dt 0 6 1902 1470 1471 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 ClockObject::dt 0
2327 6 max_dt 0 6 1902 1473 1474 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 ClockObject::max_dt 0
2328 14 degrade_factor 0 6 1902 1475 1476 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 ClockObject::degrade_factor 0
2329 27 average_frame_rate_interval 0 6 1902 1478 1477 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 ClockObject::average_frame_rate_interval 0
2330 18 average_frame_rate 0 2 1902 1479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ClockObject::average_frame_rate 0
2331 18 max_frame_duration 0 2 1902 1480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ClockObject::max_frame_duration 0
2332 4 data 0 6 1968 1501 1502 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 DatagramBuffer::data 0
2333 6 stream 0 2 1973 1513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 DatagramOutputFile::stream 0
2334 7 buttons 0 66 1947 1728 0 0 0 0 1726 0 0 24 ModifierButtons::buttons 0
2335 1 x 0 2 1902 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 PointerData::x 0
2336 1 y 0 2 1902 1751 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 PointerData::y 0
2337 4 type 0 2 1983 1753 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 PointerData::type 0
2338 2 id 0 2 1903 1754 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 PointerData::id 0
2339 9 in_window 0 2 1904 1752 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 PointerData::in_window 0
2340 8 pressure 0 2 1902 1755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 PointerData::pressure 0
2341 5 value 0 2 1991 1821 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 ParamTypedRefCount::value 0
2342 5 value 0 6 1993 1825 1824 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 ParamValue< string >::value 0
2343 5 value 0 6 1993 1829 1828 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 ParamValue< wstring >::value 0
2344 5 value 0 6 1993 1833 1832 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase2d >::value 0
2345 5 value 0 6 1993 1837 1836 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase2f >::value 0
2346 5 value 0 6 1993 1841 1840 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase2i >::value 0
2347 5 value 0 6 1993 1845 1844 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase3d >::value 0
2348 5 value 0 6 1993 1849 1848 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase3f >::value 0
2349 5 value 0 6 1993 1853 1852 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase3i >::value 0
2350 5 value 0 6 1993 1857 1856 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase4d >::value 0
2351 5 value 0 6 1993 1861 1860 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase4f >::value 0
2352 5 value 0 6 1993 1865 1864 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 ParamValue< LVecBase4i >::value 0
2353 5 value 0 6 1993 1869 1868 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ParamValue< LMatrix3d >::value 0
2354 5 value 0 6 1993 1873 1872 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ParamValue< LMatrix3f >::value 0
2355 5 value 0 6 1993 1877 1876 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ParamValue< LMatrix4d >::value 0
2356 5 value 0 6 1993 1881 1880 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ParamValue< LMatrix4f >::value 0
2357 11 get_buttons 0 1726 1727 28 ModifierButtons::get_buttons 0