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#from otp.ai.AIBaseGlobal import *
from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal
from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject
from .ConnectionRepository import *
from panda3d.core import ConfigVariableDouble, ConfigVariableInt, ConfigVariableBool
if __debug__:
_overrideTimeoutTimeForAllAsyncRequests = ConfigVariableDouble("async-request-timeout", -1.0)
_overrideNumRetriesForAllAsyncRequests = ConfigVariableInt("async-request-num-retries", -1)
_breakOnTimeout = ConfigVariableBool("async-request-break-on-timeout", False)
class AsyncRequest(DirectObject):
This class is used to make asynchronos reads and creates to a database.
You can create a list of self.neededObjects and then ask for each to be
read or created, or if you only have one object that you need you can
skip the self.neededObjects because calling askForObject or createObject
will set the self.neededObjects value for you.
Once all the objects have been read or created, the self.finish() method
will be called. You may override this function to run your code in a
derived class.
If you wish to queue up several items that you all need before the finish
method is called, you can put items in self.neededObjects and then call
askForObject or createObject afterwards. That way the _checkCompletion
will not call finish until after all the requests have been done.
If you need to chain serveral object reads or creates, just add more
entries to the self.neededObjects dictionary in the self.finish function
and return without calling AsyncRequest.finish(). Your finish method
will be called again when the new self.neededObjects is complete. You
may repeat this as necessary.
_asyncRequests = {}
notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('AsyncRequest')
def __init__(self, air, replyToChannelId = None,
air is the AI Respository.
replyToChannelId may be an avatarId, an accountId, or a channelId.
timeoutTime is how many seconds to wait before aborting the request.
numRetries is the number of times to retry the request before giving up.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
if __debug__:
if _overrideTimeoutTimeForAllAsyncRequests.getValue() >= 0.0:
timeoutTime = _overrideTimeoutTimeForAllAsyncRequests.getValue()
if _overrideNumRetriesForAllAsyncRequests.getValue() >= 0:
numRetries = _overrideNumRetriesForAllAsyncRequests.getValue()
AsyncRequest._asyncRequests[id(self)] = self
self.deletingMessage = "AsyncRequest-deleting-%s"%(id(self,))
self.air = air
self.replyToChannelId = replyToChannelId
self.timeoutTask = None
self.neededObjects = {}
self._timeoutTime = timeoutTime
self._initialNumRetries = numRetries
def delete(self):
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
del AsyncRequest._asyncRequests[id(self)]
messenger.send(self.deletingMessage, [])
del self.neededObjects
del self.air
del self.replyToChannelId
def askForObjectField(
self, dclassName, fieldName, doId, key = None, context = None):
Request an already created object, i.e. read from database.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
if key is None:
# default the dictionary key to the fieldName
key = fieldName
assert doId
if context is None:
context = self.air.allocateContext()
self.air.contextToClassName[context] = dclassName
self._checkCompletion, [key])
self.neededObjects[key] = None
self.air.queryObjectField(dclassName, fieldName, doId, context)
def askForObjectFields(
self, dclassName, fieldNames, doId, key = None, context = None):
Request an already created object, i.e. read from database.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
if key is None:
# default the dictionary key to the fieldName
key = fieldNames[0]
assert doId
if context is None:
context = self.air.allocateContext()
self.air.contextToClassName[context] = dclassName
self._checkCompletion, [key])
self.air.queryObjectFields(dclassName, fieldNames, doId, context)
def askForObjectFieldsByString(self, dbId, dclassName, objString, fieldNames, key=None, context=None):
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
assert dbId
if key is None:
# default the dictionary key to the fieldNames
key = fieldNames
if context is None:
self._checkCompletion, [key])
def askForObject(self, doId, context = None):
Request an already created object, i.e. read from database.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
assert doId
if context is None:
context = self.air.allocateContext()
self._checkCompletion, [None])
self.air.queryObjectAll(doId, context)
def createObject(self, name, className,
databaseId = None, values = None, context = None):
Create a new database object. You can get the doId from within
your self.finish() function.
This functions is different from createObjectId in that it does
generate the object when the response comes back. The object is
added to the doId2do and so forth and treated as a full regular
object (which it is). This is useful on the AI where we really
do want the object on the AI.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
assert name
assert className
self.neededObjects[name] = None
if context is None:
context = self.air.allocateContext()
self._doCreateObject, [name, className, values])
className, context, databaseId = databaseId, values = values)
def createObjectId(self, name, className, values = None, context = None):
Create a new database object. You can get the doId from within
your self.finish() function.
This functions is different from createObject in that it does not
generate the object when the response comes back. It only tells you
the doId. This is useful on the UD where we don't really want the
object on the UD, we just want the object created and the UD wants
to send messages to it using the ID.
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall()
assert name
assert className
self.neededObjects[name] = None
if context is None:
context = self.air.allocateContext()
self._checkCompletion, [name, None])
self.air.requestDatabaseGenerate(className, context, values = values)
def finish(self):
This is the function that gets called when all of the needed objects
are in (i.e. all the askForObject and createObject requests have
been satisfied).
If the other requests timeout, finish will not be called.
assert self.notify.debugCall()
def _doCreateObject(self, name, className, values, doId):
isInDoId2do = doId in self.air.doId2do
distObj = self.air.generateGlobalObject(doId, className, values)
if not isInDoId2do and game.name == 'uberDog':
# only remove doId if this is the uberdog?, in pirates this was
# causing traded inventory objects to be generated twice, once
# here and again later when it was noticed the doId was not in
# the doId2do list yet.
self.air.doId2do.pop(doId, None)
self._checkCompletion(name, None, distObj)
def _checkCompletion(self, name, context, distObj):
This checks whether we have all the needed objects and calls
finish() if we do.
if name is not None:
self.neededObjects[name] = distObj
self.neededObjects[distObj.doId] = distObj
for i in self.neededObjects.values():
if i is None:
def _resetTimeoutTask(self, createAnew = True):
if self.timeoutTask:
self.timeoutTask = None
if createAnew:
self.numRetries = self._initialNumRetries
self.timeoutTask = taskMgr.doMethodLater(
self._timeoutTime, self.timeout,
def timeout(self, task):
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debugCall(
"neededObjects: %s"%(self.neededObjects,))
if self.numRetries > 0:
assert AsyncRequest.notify.debug(
'Timed out. Trying %d more time(s) : %s' %
(self.numRetries + 1, repr(self.neededObjects)))
self.numRetries -= 1
return Task.again
if __debug__:
if _breakOnTimeout:
if hasattr(self, "avatarId"):
print("\n\nself.avatarId =", self.avatarId)
print("\nself.neededObjects =", self.neededObjects)
print("\ntimed out after %s seconds.\n\n"%(task.delayTime,))
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return Task.done
def cleanupAsyncRequests():
Only call this when the application is shuting down.
for asyncRequest in AsyncRequest._asyncRequests:
assert AsyncRequest._asyncRequests == {}