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485 lines
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from direct.distributed import DoHierarchy
import re
class DoCollectionManager:
def __init__(self):
# Dict of {DistributedObject ids: DistributedObjects}
self.doId2do = {}
# (parentId, zoneId) to dict of doId->DistributedObjectAI
## self.zoneId2doIds={}
if self.hasOwnerView():
# Dict of {DistributedObject ids: DistributedObjects}
# for 'owner' views of objects
self.doId2ownerView = {}
# Dict of {
# parent DistributedObject id:
# { zoneIds: [child DistributedObject ids] }}
self._doHierarchy = DoHierarchy.DoHierarchy()
def getDo(self, doId):
return self.doId2do.get(doId)
def getGameDoId(self):
return self.GameGlobalsId
def callbackWithDo(self, doId, callback):
do = self.doId2do.get(doId)
if do is not None:
relatedObjectMgr(doId, allCallback=callback)
def getOwnerView(self, doId):
assert self.hasOwnerView()
return self.doId2ownerView.get(doId)
def callbackWithOwnerView(self, doId, callback):
assert self.hasOwnerView()
do = self.doId2ownerView.get(doId)
if do is not None:
pass #relatedObjectMgr(doId, allCallback=callback)
def getDoTable(self, ownerView):
if ownerView:
assert self.hasOwnerView()
return self.doId2ownerView
return self.doId2do
def doFind(self, str):
Returns list of distributed objects with matching str in value.
for value in self.doId2do.values():
if repr(value).find(str) >= 0:
return value
def doFindAll(self, str):
Returns list of distributed objects with matching str in value.
matches = []
for value in self.doId2do.values():
if repr(value).find(str) >= 0:
return matches
def doFindAllMatching(self, str):
Returns list of distributed objects with matching str in value.
matches = []
for value in self.doId2do.values():
if re.search(str,repr(value)):
return matches
def doFindAllOfType(self, query):
Useful method for searching through the Distributed Object collection
for objects of a particular type
matches = []
for value in self.doId2do.values():
if query in str(value.__class__):
return matches, len(matches)
def doFindAllInstances(self, cls):
matches = []
for value in self.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(value, cls):
return matches
def _getDistanceFromLA(self, do):
if hasattr(do, 'getPos'):
return do.getPos(localAvatar).length()
return None
def _compareDistance(self, do1, do2):
dist1 = self._getDistanceFromLA(do1)
dist2 = self._getDistanceFromLA(do2)
if dist1 is None and dist2 is None:
return 0
if dist1 is None:
return 1
if dist2 is None:
return -1
if (dist1 < dist2):
return -1
return 1
def dosByDistance(self):
objs = list(self.doId2do.values())
return objs
def doByDistance(self):
objs = self.dosByDistance()
for obj in objs:
print('%s\t%s\t%s' % (obj.doId, self._getDistanceFromLA(obj),
if __debug__:
def printObjects(self):
format="%10s %10s %10s %30s %20s"
title=format%("parentId", "zoneId", "doId", "dclass", "name")
for distObj in self.doId2do.values():
def _printObjects(self, table):
class2count = {}
for obj in self.getDoTable(ownerView=False).values():
className = obj.__class__.__name__
class2count.setdefault(className, 0)
class2count[className] += 1
count2classes = invertDictLossless(class2count)
counts = list(count2classes.keys())
for count in counts:
for name in count2classes[count]:
print('%s %s' % (count, name))
def _returnObjects(self, table):
class2count = {}
stringToReturn = ''
for obj in self.getDoTable(ownerView=False).values():
className = obj.__class__.__name__
class2count.setdefault(className, 0)
class2count[className] += 1
count2classes = invertDictLossless(class2count)
counts = list(count2classes.keys())
for count in counts:
for name in count2classes[count]:
# print '%s %s' % (count, name)
stringToReturn = '%s%s %s\n' % (stringToReturn, count, name)
# print ''
return stringToReturn
def webPrintObjectCount(self):
strToReturn = '==== OBJECT COUNT ====\n'
if self.hasOwnerView():
strToReturn = '%s == doId2do\n' % (strToReturn)
strToReturn = '%s%s' % (strToReturn, self._returnObjects(self.getDoTable(ownerView=False)))
if self.hasOwnerView():
strToReturn = '%s\n== doId2ownerView\n' % (strToReturn)
strToReturn = '%s%s' % (strToReturn, self._returnObjects(self.getDoTable(ownerView=False)))
return strToReturn
def printObjectCount(self):
# print object counts by distributed object type
print('==== OBJECT COUNT ====')
if self.hasOwnerView():
print('== doId2do')
if self.hasOwnerView():
print('== doId2ownerView')
def getDoList(self, parentId, zoneId=None, classType=None):
parentId is any distributed object id.
zoneId is a uint32, defaults to None (all zones). Try zone 2 if
you're not sure which zone to use (0 is a bad/null zone and
1 has had reserved use in the past as a no messages zone, while
2 has traditionally been a global, uber, misc stuff zone).
dclassType is a distributed class type filter, defaults
to None (no filter).
If dclassName is None then all objects in the zone are returned;
otherwise the list is filtered to only include objects of that type.
return [self.doId2do.get(i)
for i in self.getDoIdList(parentId, zoneId, classType)]
def getDoIdList(self, parentId, zoneId=None, classType=None):
return self._doHierarchy.getDoIds(self.getDo,
parentId, zoneId, classType)
def hasOwnerViewDoId(self, doId):
assert self.hasOwnerView()
return doId in self.doId2ownerView
def getOwnerViewDoList(self, classType):
assert self.hasOwnerView()
l = []
for obj in self.doId2ownerView.values():
if isinstance(obj, classType):
return l
def getOwnerViewDoIdList(self, classType):
assert self.hasOwnerView()
l = []
for doId, obj in self.doId2ownerView.items():
if isinstance(obj, classType):
return l
def countObjects(self, classType):
Counts the number of objects of the given type in the
repository (for testing purposes)
count = 0
for dobj in self.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(dobj, classType):
count += 1
return count
def getAllOfType(self, type):
# Returns a list of all DistributedObjects in the repository
# of a particular type.
result = []
for obj in self.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(obj, type):
return result
def findAnyOfType(self, type):
# Searches the repository for any object of the given type.
for obj in self.doId2do.values():
if isinstance(obj, type):
return obj
return None
def deleteDistributedObjects(self):
# Get rid of all the distributed objects
for doId in self.doId2do.keys():
# Look up the object
do = self.doId2do[doId]
# Get rid of everything that manages distributed objects
# the zoneId2doIds table should be empty now
if not self._doHierarchy.isEmpty():
'_doHierarchy table not empty: %s' % self._doHierarchy)
def handleObjectLocation(self, di):
doId = di.getUint32()
parentId = di.getUint32()
zoneId = di.getUint32()
obj = self.doId2do.get(doId)
if obj is not None:
"handleObjectLocation: doId: %s parentId: %s zoneId: %s"%
(doId, parentId, zoneId))
# Let the object finish the job
# calls storeObjectLocation()
obj.setLocation(parentId, zoneId)
"handleObjectLocation: Asked to update non-existent obj: %s" % (doId))
def handleSetLocation(self, di):
# This was initially added because creating a distributed quest
# object would cause a message like this to be generated.
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
parentId = di.getUint32()
zoneId = di.getUint32()
distObj = self.doId2do.get(self.getMsgChannel())
if distObj is not None:
distObj.setLocation(parentId, zoneId)
self.notify.warning('handleSetLocation: object %s not present' % self.getMsgChannel())
def storeObjectLocation(self, object, parentId, zoneId):
oldParentId = object.parentId
oldZoneId = object.zoneId
if (oldParentId != parentId):
# notify any existing parent that we're moving away
oldParentObj = self.doId2do.get(oldParentId)
if oldParentObj is not None:
oldParentObj.handleChildLeave(object, oldZoneId)
self.deleteObjectLocation(object, oldParentId, oldZoneId)
elif (oldZoneId != zoneId):
# Remove old location
oldParentObj = self.doId2do.get(oldParentId)
if oldParentObj is not None:
oldParentObj.handleChildLeaveZone(object, oldZoneId)
self.deleteObjectLocation(object, oldParentId, oldZoneId)
# object is already at that parent and zone
if ((parentId is None) or (zoneId is None) or
(parentId == zoneId == 0)):
# Do not store null values
object.parentId = None
object.zoneId = None
# Add to new location
self._doHierarchy.storeObjectLocation(object, parentId, zoneId)
# this check doesn't work because of global UD objects;
# should they have a location?
#assert len(self._doHierarchy) == len(self.doId2do)
# Set the new parent and zone on the object
object.parentId = parentId
object.zoneId = zoneId
if oldParentId != parentId:
# Give the parent a chance to run code when a new child
# sets location to it. For example, the parent may want to
# scene graph reparent the child to some subnode it owns.
parentObj = self.doId2do.get(parentId)
if parentObj is not None:
parentObj.handleChildArrive(object, zoneId)
elif parentId not in (None, 0, self.getGameDoId()):
self.notify.warning('storeObjectLocation(%s): parent %s not present' %
(object.doId, parentId))
elif oldZoneId != zoneId:
parentObj = self.doId2do.get(parentId)
if parentObj is not None:
parentObj.handleChildArriveZone(object, zoneId)
elif parentId not in (None, 0, self.getGameDoId()):
self.notify.warning('storeObjectLocation(%s): parent %s not present' %
(object.doId, parentId))
def deleteObjectLocation(self, object, parentId, zoneId):
# Do not worry about null values
if ((parentId is None) or (zoneId is None) or
(parentId == zoneId == 0)):
self._doHierarchy.deleteObjectLocation(object, parentId, zoneId)
def addDOToTables(self, do, location=None, ownerView=False):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
#assert not hasattr(do, "isQueryAllResponse") or not do.isQueryAllResponse
if not ownerView:
if location is None:
location = (do.parentId, do.zoneId)
doTable = self.getDoTable(ownerView)
# make sure the object is not already present
if do.doId in doTable:
if ownerView:
tableName = 'doId2ownerView'
tableName = 'doId2do'
self.notify.error('doId %s already in %s [%s stomping %s]' % (
do.doId, tableName, do.__class__.__name__,
if not ownerView:
if self.isValidLocationTuple(location):
self.storeObjectLocation(do, location[0], location[1])
##assert do.doId not in self.zoneId2doIds.get(location, {})
##self.zoneId2doIds.setdefault(location, {})
def isValidLocationTuple(self, location):
return (location is not None
and location != (0xffffffff, 0xffffffff)
and location != (0, 0))
if __debug__:
def isInDoTables(self, doId):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
return doId in self.doId2do
def removeDOFromTables(self, do):
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
#assert not hasattr(do, "isQueryAllResponse") or not do.isQueryAllResponse
#assert do.doId in self.doId2do
location = do.getLocation()
if location:
oldParentId, oldZoneId = location
oldParentObj = self.doId2do.get(oldParentId)
if oldParentObj:
oldParentObj.handleChildLeave(do, oldZoneId)
self.deleteObjectLocation(do, do.parentId, do.zoneId)
## location = do.getLocation()
## if location is not None:
## if location not in self.zoneId2doIds:
## self.notify.warning(
## 'dobj %s (%s) has invalid location: %s' %
## (do, do.doId, location))
## else:
## assert do.doId in self.zoneId2doIds[location]
## del self.zoneId2doIds[location][do.doId]
## if len(self.zoneId2doIds[location]) == 0:
## del self.zoneId2doIds[location]
if do.doId in self.doId2do:
del self.doId2do[do.doId]
## def changeDOZoneInTables(self, do, newParentId, newZoneId, oldParentId, oldZoneId):
## if 1:
## self.storeObjectLocation(do.doId, newParentId, newZoneId)
## else:
## #assert not hasattr(do, "isQueryAllResponse") or not do.isQueryAllResponse
## oldLocation = (oldParentId, oldZoneId)
## newLocation = (newParentId, newZoneId)
## # HACK: DistributedGuildMemberUD starts in -1, -1, which isnt ever put in the
## # zoneId2doIds table
## if self.isValidLocationTuple(oldLocation):
## assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
## assert oldLocation in self.zoneId2doIds
## assert do.doId in self.zoneId2doIds[oldLocation]
## assert do.doId not in self.zoneId2doIds.get(newLocation, {})
## # remove from old zone
## del(self.zoneId2doIds[oldLocation][do.doId])
## if len(self.zoneId2doIds[oldLocation]) == 0:
## del self.zoneId2doIds[oldLocation]
## if self.isValidLocationTuple(newLocation):
## # add to new zone
## self.zoneId2doIds.setdefault(newLocation, {})
## self.zoneId2doIds[newLocation][do.doId]=do
def getObjectsInZone(self, parentId, zoneId):
returns dict of doId:distObj for a zone.
returned dict is safely mutable.
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
doDict = {}
for doId in self.getDoIdList(parentId, zoneId):
doDict[doId] = self.getDo(doId)
return doDict
def getObjectsOfClassInZone(self, parentId, zoneId, objClass):
returns dict of doId:object for a zone, containing all objects
that inherit from 'class'. returned dict is safely mutable.
assert self.notify.debugStateCall(self)
doDict = {}
for doId in self.getDoIdList(parentId, zoneId, objClass):
doDict[doId] = self.getDo(doId)
return doDict