475 lines
17 KiB
475 lines
17 KiB
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file eggGroup.h
* @author drose
* @date 1999-01-16
#ifndef EGGGROUP_H
#define EGGGROUP_H
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "eggGroupNode.h"
#include "eggRenderMode.h"
#include "eggTransform.h"
#include "eggVertex.h"
#include "eggSwitchCondition.h"
#include "pt_EggVertex.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "collideMask.h"
#include "vector_string.h"
* The main glue of the egg hierarchy, this corresponds to the <Group>,
* <Instance>, and <Joint> type nodes.
class EXPCL_PANDA_EGG EggGroup : public EggGroupNode, public EggRenderMode, public EggTransform {
typedef pmap<PT_EggVertex, double> VertexRef;
typedef pmap<std::string, std::string> TagData;
// These bits are all stored somewhere in _flags.
enum GroupType {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.
GT_invalid = -1,
GT_group = 0x00000000,
GT_instance = 0x00000001,
GT_joint = 0x00000002,
enum DCSType {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags2, below.
DC_unspecified = 0x00000000,
DC_none = 0x00000010,
DC_local = 0x00000020,
DC_net = 0x00000030,
DC_no_touch = 0x00000040,
DC_default = 0x00000050,
enum BillboardType {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.
BT_none = 0x00000000,
BT_axis = 0x00000020,
BT_point_camera_relative = 0x00000040,
BT_point_world_relative = 0x00000080,
enum CollisionSolidType {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below, and they must
// fit within F_cs_type.
CST_none = 0x00000000,
CST_plane = 0x00010000,
CST_polygon = 0x00020000,
CST_polyset = 0x00030000,
CST_sphere = 0x00040000,
CST_tube = 0x00050000,
CST_inv_sphere = 0x00060000,
CST_box = 0x00070000,
CST_floor_mesh = 0x00080000,
enum CollideFlags {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below, and they must
// fit within F_collide_flags.
CF_none = 0x00000000,
CF_descend = 0x00100000,
CF_event = 0x00200000,
CF_keep = 0x00400000,
CF_solid = 0x00800000,
CF_center = 0x01000000,
CF_turnstile = 0x02000000,
CF_level = 0x04000000,
CF_intangible = 0x08000000,
enum DartType {
// The bits here must correspond to those in Flags, below.
DT_none = 0x00000000,
DT_structured = 0x10000000,
DT_sync = 0x20000000,
DT_nosync = 0x30000000,
DT_default = 0x40000000,
// These correspond to ColorBlendAttrib::Mode (but not numerically).
enum BlendMode {
// These correspond to ColorBlendAttrib::Operand (but not numerically).
enum BlendOperand {
explicit EggGroup(const std::string &name = "");
EggGroup(const EggGroup ©);
EggGroup &operator = (const EggGroup ©);
virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_billboard_flags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_collide_flags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_model_flags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_switch_flags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_object_types(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_decal_flags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_tags(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
void write_render_mode(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
virtual bool is_joint() const;
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_alpha_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_write_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_test_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_visibility_mode();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_depth_offset();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_draw_order();
virtual EggRenderMode *determine_bin();
virtual bool determine_indexed();
virtual bool determine_decal();
void set_group_type(GroupType type);
INLINE GroupType get_group_type() const;
INLINE bool is_instance_type() const;
INLINE void set_billboard_type(BillboardType type);
INLINE BillboardType get_billboard_type() const;
INLINE void set_billboard_center(const LPoint3d &billboard_center);
INLINE void clear_billboard_center();
INLINE bool has_billboard_center() const;
INLINE const LPoint3d &get_billboard_center() const;
INLINE void set_cs_type(CollisionSolidType type);
INLINE CollisionSolidType get_cs_type() const;
INLINE void set_collide_flags(int flags);
INLINE CollideFlags get_collide_flags() const;
INLINE void set_collision_name(const std::string &collision_name);
INLINE void clear_collision_name();
INLINE bool has_collision_name() const;
INLINE const std::string &get_collision_name() const;
INLINE void set_dcs_type(DCSType type);
INLINE DCSType get_dcs_type() const;
INLINE bool has_dcs_type() const;
INLINE void set_dart_type(DartType type);
INLINE DartType get_dart_type() const;
INLINE void set_switch_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_switch_flag() const;
INLINE void set_switch_fps(double fps);
INLINE double get_switch_fps() const;
INLINE void add_object_type(const std::string &object_type);
INLINE void clear_object_types();
INLINE int get_num_object_types() const;
INLINE std::string get_object_type(int index) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_object_types, get_num_object_types, get_object_type);
bool has_object_type(const std::string &object_type) const;
bool remove_object_type(const std::string &object_type);
INLINE void set_model_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_model_flag() const;
INLINE void set_texlist_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_texlist_flag() const;
INLINE void set_nofog_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_nofog_flag() const;
INLINE void set_decal_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_decal_flag() const;
INLINE void set_direct_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_direct_flag() const;
INLINE void set_portal_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_portal_flag() const;
INLINE void set_occluder_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_occluder_flag() const;
INLINE void set_polylight_flag(bool flag);
INLINE bool get_polylight_flag() const;
INLINE void set_indexed_flag(bool flag);
INLINE void clear_indexed_flag();
INLINE bool has_indexed_flag() const;
INLINE bool get_indexed_flag() const;
INLINE void set_collide_mask(CollideMask mask);
INLINE void clear_collide_mask();
INLINE bool has_collide_mask() const;
INLINE CollideMask get_collide_mask() const;
INLINE void set_from_collide_mask(CollideMask mask);
INLINE void clear_from_collide_mask();
INLINE bool has_from_collide_mask() const;
INLINE CollideMask get_from_collide_mask() const;
INLINE void set_into_collide_mask(CollideMask mask);
INLINE void clear_into_collide_mask();
INLINE bool has_into_collide_mask() const;
INLINE CollideMask get_into_collide_mask() const;
INLINE void set_blend_mode(BlendMode blend_mode);
INLINE BlendMode get_blend_mode() const;
INLINE void set_blend_operand_a(BlendOperand blend_operand_a);
INLINE BlendOperand get_blend_operand_a() const;
INLINE void set_blend_operand_b(BlendOperand blend_operand_b);
INLINE BlendOperand get_blend_operand_b() const;
INLINE void set_blend_color(const LColor &blend_color);
INLINE void clear_blend_color();
INLINE bool has_blend_color() const;
INLINE const LColor &get_blend_color() const;
INLINE void set_lod(const EggSwitchCondition &lod);
INLINE void clear_lod();
INLINE bool has_lod() const;
INLINE const EggSwitchCondition &get_lod() const;
INLINE void set_tag(const std::string &key, const std::string &value);
INLINE std::string get_tag(const std::string &key) const;
INLINE bool has_tag(const std::string &key) const;
INLINE void clear_tag(const std::string &key);
INLINE const EggTransform &get_default_pose() const;
INLINE EggTransform &modify_default_pose();
INLINE void set_default_pose(const EggTransform &transform);
INLINE void clear_default_pose();
INLINE void set_scroll_u(const double u_speed);
INLINE void set_scroll_v(const double v_speed);
INLINE void set_scroll_w(const double w_speed);
INLINE void set_scroll_r(const double r_speed);
INLINE double get_scroll_u() const;
INLINE double get_scroll_v() const;
INLINE double get_scroll_w() const;
INLINE double get_scroll_r() const;
INLINE bool has_scrolling_uvs();
MAKE_PROPERTY(group_type, get_group_type, set_group_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY(billboard_type, get_billboard_type, set_billboard_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(billboard_center, has_billboard_center, get_billboard_center,
set_billboard_center, clear_billboard_center);
MAKE_PROPERTY(cs_type, get_cs_type, set_cs_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY(collide_flags, get_collide_flags, set_collide_flags);
MAKE_PROPERTY(collision_name, get_collision_name, set_collision_name);
MAKE_PROPERTY(dcs_type, get_dcs_type, set_dcs_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY(dart_type, get_dart_type, set_dart_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY(switch_flag, get_switch_flag, set_switch_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(switch_fps, get_switch_fps, set_switch_fps);
MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(object_types, get_num_object_types, get_object_type);
MAKE_PROPERTY(model_flag, get_model_flag, set_model_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(texlist_flag, get_texlist_flag, set_texlist_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(nofog_flag, get_nofog_flag, set_nofog_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(decal_flag, get_decal_flag, set_decal_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(direct_flag, get_direct_flag, set_direct_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(portal_flag, get_portal_flag, set_portal_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY(occluder_flag, get_occluder_flag, set_occluder_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(indexed_flag, has_indexed_flag, get_indexed_flag,
set_indexed_flag, clear_indexed_flag);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(collide_mask, has_collide_mask, get_collide_mask,
set_collide_mask, clear_collide_mask);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(from_collide_mask, has_from_collide_mask, get_from_collide_mask,
set_from_collide_mask, clear_from_collide_mask);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(into_collide_mask, has_into_collide_mask, get_into_collide_mask,
set_into_collide_mask, clear_into_collide_mask);
MAKE_PROPERTY(blend_mode, get_blend_mode, set_blend_mode);
MAKE_PROPERTY(blend_operand_a, get_blend_operand_a, set_blend_operand_a);
MAKE_PROPERTY(blend_operand_b, get_blend_operand_b, set_blend_operand_b);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(blend_color, has_blend_color, get_blend_color,
set_blend_color, clear_blend_color);
MAKE_PROPERTY2(lod, has_lod, get_lod, set_lod, clear_lod);
MAKE_PROPERTY(default_pose, get_default_pose, set_default_pose);
MAKE_PROPERTY(scroll_u, get_scroll_u, set_scroll_u);
MAKE_PROPERTY(scroll_v, get_scroll_v, set_scroll_v);
MAKE_PROPERTY(scroll_w, get_scroll_w, set_scroll_w);
MAKE_PROPERTY(scroll_r, get_scroll_r, set_scroll_r);
INLINE TagData::const_iterator tag_begin() const;
INLINE TagData::const_iterator tag_end() const;
INLINE TagData::size_type tag_size() const;
void ref_vertex(EggVertex *vert, double membership = 1.0);
void unref_vertex(EggVertex *vert);
void unref_all_vertices();
double get_vertex_membership(const EggVertex *vert) const;
void set_vertex_membership(EggVertex *vert, double membership);
void steal_vrefs(EggGroup *other);
INLINE VertexRef::const_iterator vref_begin() const;
INLINE VertexRef::const_iterator vref_end() const;
INLINE VertexRef::size_type vref_size() const;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void test_vref_integrity() const;
void test_vref_integrity() const { }
#endif // _DEBUG
void add_group_ref(EggGroup *group);
int get_num_group_refs() const;
EggGroup *get_group_ref(int n) const;
MAKE_SEQ(get_group_refs, get_num_group_refs, get_group_ref);
void remove_group_ref(int n);
void clear_group_refs();
static GroupType string_group_type(const std::string &strval);
static DartType string_dart_type(const std::string &strval);
static DCSType string_dcs_type(const std::string &strval);
static BillboardType string_billboard_type(const std::string &strval);
static CollisionSolidType string_cs_type(const std::string &strval);
static CollideFlags string_collide_flags(const std::string &strval);
static BlendMode string_blend_mode(const std::string &strval);
static BlendOperand string_blend_operand(const std::string &strval);
virtual EggTransform *as_transform();
void write_vertex_ref(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const;
virtual bool egg_start_parse_body();
virtual void adjust_under();
virtual void r_transform(const LMatrix4d &mat, const LMatrix4d &inv,
CoordinateSystem to_cs);
virtual void r_flatten_transforms();
virtual void transform_changed();
enum Flags {
F_group_type = 0x00000003,
F_billboard_type = 0x000000e0,
F_switch_flag = 0x00000100,
F_model_flag = 0x00000400,
F_texlist_flag = 0x00000800,
F_nofog_flag = 0x00001000,
F_decal_flag = 0x00002000,
F_direct_flag = 0x00004000,
F_cs_type = 0x000f0000,
F_collide_flags = 0x0ff00000,
F_dart_type = 0xf0000000,
enum Flags2 {
F2_collide_mask = 0x00000001,
F2_from_collide_mask = 0x00000002,
F2_into_collide_mask = 0x00000004,
F2_billboard_center = 0x00000008,
F2_dcs_type = 0x00000070,
F2_portal_flag = 0x00000080,
F2_polylight_flag = 0x00000100,
F2_indexed_flag = 0x00000200,
F2_has_indexed_flag = 0x00000400,
F2_has_blend_color = 0x00000800,
F2_occluder_flag = 0x00001000,
int _flags;
int _flags2;
CollideMask _collide_mask, _from_collide_mask, _into_collide_mask;
BlendMode _blend_mode;
BlendOperand _blend_operand_a;
BlendOperand _blend_operand_b;
LColor _blend_color;
LPoint3d _billboard_center;
vector_string _object_types;
std::string _collision_name;
double _fps;
PT(EggSwitchCondition) _lod;
TagData _tag_data;
double _u_speed;
double _v_speed;
double _w_speed;
double _r_speed;
// This is the <DefaultPose> entry for a <Joint>. It is not the <Transform>
// entry (that is stored via inheritance, in the EggTransform class we
// inherit from).
EggTransform _default_pose;
VertexRef _vref;
typedef pvector< PT(EggGroup) > GroupRefs;
GroupRefs _group_refs;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "EggGroup",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::GroupType t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::DartType t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::DCSType t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::BillboardType t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::CollisionSolidType t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::CollideFlags t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::BlendMode t);
std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &out, EggGroup::BlendOperand t);
#include "eggGroup.I"