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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file threadSimpleManager.h
* @author drose
* @date 2007-06-18
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "selectThreadImpl.h"
#include "pdeque.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "trueClock.h"
#include "configVariableDouble.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <pthread.h> // for pthread_t, below
#ifdef WIN32
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#include <windows.h> // for DWORD, below
class Thread;
class ThreadSimpleImpl;
class BlockerSimple;
struct ThreadContext;
* This is the global object that selects the currently-active thread of the
* various ThreadSimpleImpl objects running, when the currently-active thread
* yields.
* This class only exists when we are using the ThreadSimple implementation,
* which is to say, we are not using "real" threads.
* Generally, you shouldn't be calling these methods directly. Call the
* interfaces on Thread instead.
class EXPCL_PANDA_PIPELINE ThreadSimpleManager {
void enqueue_ready(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, bool volunteer);
void enqueue_sleep(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, double seconds);
void enqueue_block(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, BlockerSimple *blocker);
bool unblock_one(BlockerSimple *blocker);
bool unblock_all(BlockerSimple *blocker);
void enqueue_finished(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread);
void preempt(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread);
void next_context();
void prepare_for_exit();
INLINE ThreadSimpleImpl *get_current_thread();
void set_current_thread(ThreadSimpleImpl *current_thread);
INLINE bool is_same_system_thread() const;
void remove_thread(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread);
static void system_sleep(double seconds);
static void system_yield();
double get_current_time() const;
INLINE static ThreadSimpleManager *get_global_ptr();
void write_status(std::ostream &out) const;
static void init_pointers();
typedef pdeque<ThreadSimpleImpl *> FifoThreads;
typedef pvector<ThreadSimpleImpl *> Sleeping;
static void st_choose_next_context(struct ThreadContext *from_context, void *data);
void choose_next_context(struct ThreadContext *from_context);
void do_timeslice_accounting(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, double now);
void wake_sleepers(Sleeping &sleepers, double now);
void wake_all_sleepers(Sleeping &sleepers);
void report_deadlock();
double determine_timeslice(ThreadSimpleImpl *chosen_thread);
void kill_non_joinable(FifoThreads &threads);
void kill_non_joinable(Sleeping &threads);
// STL function object to sort the priority queue of sleeping threads.
class CompareStartTime {
INLINE bool operator ()(ThreadSimpleImpl *a, ThreadSimpleImpl *b) const;
// Defined within the class to avoid static-init ordering problems.
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_epoch_timeslice;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_volunteer_delay;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_yield_sleep;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_window;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_low_weight;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_normal_weight;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_high_weight;
ConfigVariableDouble _simple_thread_urgent_weight;
ThreadSimpleImpl *volatile _current_thread;
// The list of ready threads: threads that are ready to execute right now.
FifoThreads _ready;
// The list of threads that are ready, but will not be executed until next
// epoch (for instance, because they exceeded their timeslice budget this
// epoch).
FifoThreads _next_ready;
// The list of threads that are blocked on some ConditionVar or Mutex.
typedef pmap<BlockerSimple *, FifoThreads> Blocked;
Blocked _blocked;
// Priority queue (partially-ordered heap) of sleeping threads, based on
// wakeup time.
Sleeping _sleeping;
// Priority queue (partially-ordered heap) of volunteer threads, based on
// wakeup time. This are threads that have voluntarily yielded a timeslice.
// They are treated the same as sleeping threads, unless all threads are
// sleeping.
Sleeping _volunteers;
// Threads which have finished execution and are awaiting cleanup.
FifoThreads _finished;
ThreadSimpleImpl *_waiting_for_exit;
TrueClock *_clock;
double _tick_scale;
class TickRecord {
unsigned int _tick_count;
ThreadSimpleImpl *_thread;
typedef pdeque<TickRecord> TickRecords;
TickRecords _tick_records;
unsigned int _total_ticks;
static bool _pointers_initialized;
static ThreadSimpleManager *_global_ptr;
// We include this down here to avoid the circularity problem.
/* okcircular */
#include "threadSimpleImpl.h"
#include "threadSimpleManager.I"