83 lines
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83 lines
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import FishBase
import FishGlobals
class FishTank:
def __init__(self):
self.fishList = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.fishList)
def getFish(self):
return self.fishList
def makeFromNetLists(self, genusList, speciesList, weightList):
self.fishList = []
for genus, species, weight in zip(genusList, speciesList, weightList):
self.fishList.append(FishBase.FishBase(genus, species, weight))
def getNetLists(self):
genusList = []
speciesList = []
weightList = []
for fish in self.fishList:
return [genusList, speciesList, weightList]
def hasFish(self, genus, species):
for fish in self.fishList:
if fish.getGenus() == genus and fish.getSpecies() == species:
return 1
return 0
def hasBiggerFish(self, genus, species, weight):
for fish in self.fishList:
if fish.getGenus() == genus and fish.getSpecies() == species and fish.getWeight() >= weight:
return 1
return 0
def addFish(self, fish):
return 1
def removeFishAtIndex(self, index):
if index >= len(self.fishList):
return 0
del self.fishList[i]
return 1
def generateRandomTank(self):
import random
numFish = random.randint(1, 20)
self.fishList = []
for i in xrange(numFish):
genus, species = FishGlobals.getRandomFish()
weight = FishGlobals.getRandomWeight(genus, species)
fish = FishBase.FishBase(genus, species, weight)
def getTotalValue(self):
value = 0
for fish in self.fishList:
value += fish.getValue()
return value
def __str__(self):
numFish = len(self.fishList)
value = 0
txt = 'Fish Tank (%s fish):' % numFish
for fish in self.fishList:
txt += '\n' + str(fish)
value += fish.getValue()
txt += '\nTotal value: %s' % value
return txt