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# Based on iwidgets2.2.0/messagedialog.itk code.
import Tkinter
import Pmw
class MessageDialog(Pmw.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw):
# Define the megawidget options.
optiondefs = (
('borderx', 20, INITOPT),
('bordery', 20, INITOPT),
('iconmargin', 20, INITOPT),
('iconpos', None, INITOPT),
self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs)
# Initialise the base class (after defining the options).
Pmw.Dialog.__init__(self, parent)
# Create the components.
interior = self.interior()
self._message = self.createcomponent('message',
(), None,
Tkinter.Label, (interior,))
iconpos = self['iconpos']
iconmargin = self['iconmargin']
borderx = self['borderx']
bordery = self['bordery']
border_right = 2
border_bottom = 2
if iconpos is None:
self._message.grid(column = 1, row = 1)
self._icon = self.createcomponent('icon',
(), None,
Tkinter.Label, (interior,))
if iconpos not in 'nsew':
raise ValueError, \
'bad iconpos option "%s": should be n, s, e, or w' \
% iconpos
if iconpos in 'nw':
icon = 1
message = 3
icon = 3
message = 1
if iconpos in 'ns':
# vertical layout
self._icon.grid(column = 1, row = icon)
self._message.grid(column = 1, row = message)
interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, minsize = iconmargin)
border_bottom = 4
# horizontal layout
self._icon.grid(column = icon, row = 1)
self._message.grid(column = message, row = 1)
interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, minsize = iconmargin)
border_right = 4
interior.grid_columnconfigure(0, minsize = borderx)
interior.grid_rowconfigure(0, minsize = bordery)
interior.grid_columnconfigure(border_right, minsize = borderx)
interior.grid_rowconfigure(border_bottom, minsize = bordery)
# Check keywords and initialise options.