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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file audioManager.h
* @author skyler
* @date 2001-06-06
* Prior system by: cary
#include "config_audio.h"
#include "audioSound.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "filterProperties.h"
#include "movieAudio.h"
#include "atomicAdjust.h"
typedef AudioManager *Create_AudioManager_proc();
class EXPCL_PANDA_AUDIO AudioManager : public TypedReferenceCount {
enum SpeakerModeCategory {
// These enumerants line up one-to-one with the FMOD SPEAKERMODE
// enumerants.
enum SpeakerId {
enum StreamMode {
virtual int get_speaker_setup();
virtual void set_speaker_setup(SpeakerModeCategory cat);
virtual bool configure_filters(FilterProperties *config);
// Create an AudioManager for each category of sounds you have. E.g.
// MySoundEffects = create_AudioManager::AudioManager(); MyMusicManager =
// create_AudioManager::AudioManager(); ... my_sound =
// MySoundEffects.get_sound("neatSfx.mp3"); my_music =
// MyMusicManager.get_sound("introTheme.mid");
static PT(AudioManager) create_AudioManager();
virtual ~AudioManager();
virtual void shutdown();
// If you're interested in knowing whether this audio manager is valid,
// here's the call to do it. It is not necessary to check whether the audio
// manager is valid before making other calls. You are free to use an
// invalid sound manager, you may get silent sounds from it though. The
// sound manager and the sounds it creates should not crash the application
// even when the objects are not valid.
virtual bool is_valid() = 0;
// Get a sound:
virtual PT(AudioSound) get_sound(const Filename &file_name, bool positional = false, int mode=SM_heuristic) = 0;
virtual PT(AudioSound) get_sound(MovieAudio *source, bool positional = false, int mode=SM_heuristic) = 0;
PT(AudioSound) get_null_sound();
// Tell the AudioManager there is no need to keep this one cached. This
// doesn't break any connection between AudioSounds that have already given
// by get_sound() from this manager. It's only affecting whether the
// AudioManager keeps a copy of the sound in its poolcache.
virtual void uncache_sound(const Filename &file_name) = 0;
virtual void clear_cache() = 0;
virtual void set_cache_limit(unsigned int count) = 0;
virtual unsigned int get_cache_limit() const = 0;
// Control volume: FYI: If you start a sound with the volume off and turn
// the volume up later, you'll hear the sound playing at that late point. 0
// = minimum; 1.0 = maximum. inits to 1.0.
virtual void set_volume(PN_stdfloat volume) = 0;
virtual PN_stdfloat get_volume() const = 0;
* Turn the manager on or off. If you play a sound while the manager is
* inactive, it won't start. If you deactivate the manager while sounds are
* playing, they'll stop. If you activate the manager while looping sounds
* are playing (those that have a loop_count of zero), they will start playing
* from the beginning of their loop. inits to true.
virtual void set_active(bool flag) = 0;
virtual bool get_active() const = 0;
// This controls the number of sounds that you allow at once. This is more
// of a user choice -- it avoids talk over and the creation of a cacophony.
// It can also be used to help performance. 0 == unlimited. 1 == mutually
// exclusive (one sound at a time). Which is an example of: n == allow n
// sounds to be playing at the same time.
virtual void set_concurrent_sound_limit(unsigned int limit = 0) = 0;
virtual unsigned int get_concurrent_sound_limit() const = 0;
// This is likely to be a utility function for the concurrent_sound_limit
// options. It is exposed as an API, because it's reasonable that it may be
// useful to be here. It reduces the number of concurrently playing sounds
// to count by some implementation specific means. If the number of sounds
// currently playing is at or below count then there is no effect.
virtual void reduce_sounds_playing_to(unsigned int count) = 0;
// Stop playback on all sounds managed by this manager. This is effectively
// the same as reduce_sounds_playing_to(0), but this call may be for
// efficient on some implementations.
virtual void stop_all_sounds() = 0;
// This should be called every frame. Failure to call could cause problems.
virtual void update();
// This controls the "set of ears" that listens to 3D spacialized sound px,
// py, pz are position coordinates. vx, vy, vz are a velocity vector in
// UNITS PER SECOND (default: meters). fx, fy and fz are the respective
// components of a unit forward-vector ux, uy and uz are the respective
// components of a unit up-vector
virtual void audio_3d_set_listener_attributes(PN_stdfloat px, PN_stdfloat py, PN_stdfloat pz,
PN_stdfloat vx, PN_stdfloat vy, PN_stdfloat vz,
PN_stdfloat fx, PN_stdfloat fy, PN_stdfloat fz,
PN_stdfloat ux, PN_stdfloat uy, PN_stdfloat uz);
virtual void audio_3d_get_listener_attributes(PN_stdfloat *px, PN_stdfloat *py, PN_stdfloat *pz,
PN_stdfloat *vx, PN_stdfloat *vy, PN_stdfloat *vz,
PN_stdfloat *fx, PN_stdfloat *fy, PN_stdfloat *fz,
PN_stdfloat *ux, PN_stdfloat *uy, PN_stdfloat *uz);
// Control the "relative scale that sets the distance factor" units for 3D
// spacialized audio. This is a float in units-per-meter. Default value is
// 1.0, which means that Panda units are understood as meters; for e.g.
// feet, set 3.28. This factor is applied only to Fmod and OpenAL at the
// moment.
virtual void audio_3d_set_distance_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_distance_factor() const;
// Control the presence of the Doppler effect. Default is 1.0 Exaggerated
// Doppler, use >1.0 Diminshed Doppler, use <1.0
virtual void audio_3d_set_doppler_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_doppler_factor() const;
// Exaggerate or diminish the effect of distance on sound. Default is 1.0
// Valid range is 0 to 10 Faster drop off, use >1.0 Slower drop off, use
// <1.0
virtual void audio_3d_set_drop_off_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_drop_off_factor() const;
static Filename get_dls_pathname();
MAKE_PROPERTY(dls_pathname, get_dls_pathname);
virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const;
virtual void write(std::ostream &out) const;
// set_speaker_configuration is a Miles only method.
virtual void set_speaker_configuration(LVecBase3 *speaker1, LVecBase3 *speaker2=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker3=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker4=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker5=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker6=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker7=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker8=nullptr, LVecBase3 *speaker9=nullptr);
static void register_AudioManager_creator(Create_AudioManager_proc* proc);
friend class AudioSound;
// Avoid adding data members (instance variables) to this mostly abstract
// base class. This allows implementors of various sound systems the best
// flexibility.
static Create_AudioManager_proc* _create_AudioManager;
AtomicAdjust::Pointer _null_sound;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "AudioManager",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
inline std::ostream &
operator << (std::ostream &out, const AudioManager &mgr) {
return out;
#include "audioManager.I"
#endif /* AUDIOMANAGER_H */