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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file fmodAudioManager.h
* @author cort
* @date 2003-01-22
* @author ben
* @date 2003-10-22
* Prior system by: cary
* @author Stan Rosenbaum "Staque" - Spring 2006
* Hello, all future Panda audio code people! This is my errata
* documentation to help any future programmer maintain FMOD and PANDA.
* This documentation more then that is needed, but I wanted to go all
* out, with the documentation. Because I was a totally newbie at
* programming [especially with C/C++] this semester I want to make
* sure future code maintainers have that insight I did not when
* starting on the PANDA project here at the ETC/CMU.
* As of Spring 2006, Panda's FMOD audio support has been pretty much
* completely rewritten. This has been done so PANDA can use FMOD-EX
* [or AKA FMOD 4] and some of its new features.
* First, the FMOD-EX API itself has been completely rewritten compared
* to previous versions. FMOD now handles any type of audio files, wave
* audio [WAV, AIF, MP3, OGG, etc...] or musical file [MID, TRACKERS]
* as the same type of an object. The API has also been structured more
* like a sound studio, with 'sounds' and 'channels'. This will be
* covered more in the FmodAudioSound.h/.cxx sources.
* Second, FMOD now offers virtually unlimited sounds to be played at
* once via their virtual channels system. Actually the theoretical
* limit is around 4000, but that is still a lot. What you need to know
* about this, is that even thought you might only hear 32 sound being
* played at once, FMOD will keep playing any additional sounds, and
* swap those on virtual channels in and out with those on real
* channels depending on priority, or distance [if you are dealing with
* 3D audio].
* Third, FMOD's DSP support has been added. So you can now add GLOBAL
* or SOUND specific DSP effects. Right not you can only use FMOD's
* built in DSP effects. But adding support for FMOD's support of VST
* effects shouldn't be that hard.
* As for the FmodManager itself, it is pretty straight forward, I
* hope. As a manager class, it will create the FMOD system with the
* "_system" variable which is an instance of FMOD::SYSTEM. (Actually,
* we create only one global _system variable now, and share it with
* all outstanding FmodManager objects--this appears to be the way FMOD
* wants to work.) The FmodManager class is also the one responsible
* for creation of Sounds, DSP, and maintaining the GLOBAL DSP chains
* [The GLOBAL DSP chain is the DSP Chain which affects ALL the
* sounds].
* Any way that is it for an intro, lets move on to looking at the rest
* of the code.
// First the includes.
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pset.h"
#include "audioManager.h"
// The includes needed for FMOD
#include <fmod.hpp>
#include <fmod_errors.h>
class FmodAudioSound;
extern void fmod_audio_errcheck(const char *context, FMOD_RESULT n);
class EXPCL_FMOD_AUDIO FmodAudioManager : public AudioManager {
friend class FmodAudioSound;
virtual ~FmodAudioManager();
virtual bool is_valid();
virtual PT(AudioSound) get_sound(const Filename &, bool positional = false, int mode=SM_heuristic);
virtual PT(AudioSound) get_sound(MovieAudio *, bool positional = false, int mode=SM_heuristic);
virtual int get_speaker_setup();
virtual void set_speaker_setup(SpeakerModeCategory cat);
virtual void set_volume(PN_stdfloat);
virtual PN_stdfloat get_volume() const;
virtual void set_wavwriter(bool);
virtual void set_active(bool);
virtual bool get_active() const;
virtual void stop_all_sounds();
virtual void update();
// This controls the "set of ears" that listens to 3D spacialized sound px,
// py, pz are position coordinates. Can be 0.0f to ignore. vx, vy, vz are
// a velocity vector in UNITS PER SECOND (default: meters). fx, fy and fz
// are the respective components of a unit forward-vector ux, uy and uz are
// the respective components of a unit up-vector These changes will NOT be
// invoked until audio_3d_update() is called.
virtual void audio_3d_set_listener_attributes(PN_stdfloat px, PN_stdfloat py, PN_stdfloat pz,
PN_stdfloat vx, PN_stdfloat xy, PN_stdfloat xz,
PN_stdfloat fx, PN_stdfloat fy, PN_stdfloat fz,
PN_stdfloat ux, PN_stdfloat uy, PN_stdfloat uz);
virtual void audio_3d_get_listener_attributes(PN_stdfloat *px, PN_stdfloat *py, PN_stdfloat *pz,
PN_stdfloat *vx, PN_stdfloat *vy, PN_stdfloat *vz,
PN_stdfloat *fx, PN_stdfloat *fy, PN_stdfloat *fz,
PN_stdfloat *ux, PN_stdfloat *uy, PN_stdfloat *uz);
// Control the "relative scale that sets the distance factor" units for 3D
// spacialized audio. This is a float in units-per-meter. Default value is
// 1.0, which means that Panda units are understood as meters; for e.g.
// feet, set 3.28. This factor is applied only to Fmod and OpenAL at the
// moment.
virtual void audio_3d_set_distance_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_distance_factor() const;
// Control the presence of the Doppler effect. Default is 1.0 Exaggerated
// Doppler, use >1.0 Diminshed Doppler, use <1.0
virtual void audio_3d_set_doppler_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_doppler_factor() const;
// Exaggerate or diminish the effect of distance on sound. Default is 1.0
// Faster drop off, use >1.0 Slower drop off, use <1.0
virtual void audio_3d_set_drop_off_factor(PN_stdfloat factor);
virtual PN_stdfloat audio_3d_get_drop_off_factor() const;
// needed by Miles. THESE are stubs in FMOD-EX version
virtual void set_concurrent_sound_limit(unsigned int limit = 0);
virtual unsigned int get_concurrent_sound_limit() const;
virtual void reduce_sounds_playing_to(unsigned int count);
virtual void uncache_sound(const Filename &);
virtual void clear_cache();
virtual void set_cache_limit(unsigned int count);
virtual unsigned int get_cache_limit() const;
FMOD::DSP *make_dsp(const FilterProperties::FilterConfig &conf);
void update_dsp_chain(FMOD::DSP *head, FilterProperties *config);
virtual bool configure_filters(FilterProperties *config);
// This global lock protects all access to FMod library interfaces.
static ReMutex _lock;
static FMOD::System *_system;
static pset<FmodAudioManager *> _all_managers;
static bool _system_is_valid;
static PN_stdfloat _distance_factor;
static PN_stdfloat _doppler_factor;
static PN_stdfloat _drop_off_factor;
FMOD::ChannelGroup *_channelgroup;
FMOD_VECTOR _position;
FMOD_VECTOR _velocity;
FMOD_VECTOR _forward;
// DLS info for MIDI files
std::string _dlsname;
bool _is_valid;
bool _active;
// The set of all sounds. Needed only to implement stop_all_sounds.
typedef pset<FmodAudioSound *> SoundSet;
SoundSet _all_sounds;
FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE _saved_outputtype;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "FmodAudioManager", AudioManager::get_class_type());
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {
return get_class_type();
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
EXPCL_FMOD_AUDIO AudioManager *Create_FmodAudioManager();
#endif /* __FMOD_AUDIO_MANAGER_H__ */