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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file httpClient.h
* @author drose
* @date 2002-09-24
#include "pandabase.h"
// This module requires OpenSSL to compile, even if you do not intend to use
// this to establish https connections; this is because it uses the OpenSSL
// library to portably handle all of the socket communications.
#include "urlSpec.h"
#include "httpAuthorization.h"
#include "httpEnum.h"
#include "httpCookie.h"
#include "globPattern.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pvector.h"
#include "pmap.h"
#include "pset.h"
#include "referenceCount.h"
typedef struct ssl_ctx_st SSL_CTX;
typedef struct x509_st X509;
typedef struct X509_name_st X509_NAME;
typedef struct evp_pkey_st EVP_PKEY;
class Filename;
class HTTPChannel;
* Handles contacting an HTTP server and retrieving a document. Each
* HTTPClient object represents a separate context, and stores its own list of
* cookies, passwords, and certificates; however, a given HTTPClient is
* capable of making multiple simultaneous requests to the same or different
* servers.
* It is up to the programmer whether one HTTPClient should be used to
* retrieve all documents, or a separate one should be created each time.
* There is a default, global HTTPClient available in
* HTTPClient::get_global_ptr().
class EXPCL_PANDA_DOWNLOADER HTTPClient : public ReferenceCount {
HTTPClient(const HTTPClient &copy);
void operator = (const HTTPClient &copy);
static void init_random_seed();
void set_proxy_spec(const std::string &proxy_spec);
std::string get_proxy_spec() const;
void set_direct_host_spec(const std::string &direct_host_spec);
std::string get_direct_host_spec() const;
INLINE void set_try_all_direct(bool try_all_direct);
INLINE bool get_try_all_direct() const;
void clear_proxy();
void add_proxy(const std::string &scheme, const URLSpec &proxy);
void clear_direct_host();
void add_direct_host(const std::string &hostname);
std::string get_proxies_for_url(const URLSpec &url) const;
void set_username(const std::string &server, const std::string &realm, const std::string &username);
std::string get_username(const std::string &server, const std::string &realm) const;
void set_cookie(const HTTPCookie &cookie);
bool clear_cookie(const HTTPCookie &cookie);
void clear_all_cookies();
bool has_cookie(const HTTPCookie &cookie) const;
HTTPCookie get_cookie(const HTTPCookie &cookie) const;
void copy_cookies_from(const HTTPClient &other);
void write_cookies(std::ostream &out) const;
void send_cookies(std::ostream &out, const URLSpec &url);
INLINE void set_client_certificate_filename(const Filename &filename);
INLINE void set_client_certificate_pem(const std::string &pem);
INLINE void set_client_certificate_passphrase(const std::string &passphrase);
bool load_client_certificate();
bool add_preapproved_server_certificate_filename(const URLSpec &url, const Filename &filename);
bool add_preapproved_server_certificate_pem(const URLSpec &url, const std::string &pem);
bool add_preapproved_server_certificate_name(const URLSpec &url, const std::string &name);
void clear_preapproved_server_certificates(const URLSpec &url);
void clear_all_preapproved_server_certificates();
INLINE void set_http_version(HTTPEnum::HTTPVersion version);
INLINE HTTPEnum::HTTPVersion get_http_version() const;
std::string get_http_version_string() const;
static HTTPEnum::HTTPVersion parse_http_version_string(const std::string &version);
bool load_certificates(const Filename &filename);
enum VerifySSL {
VS_no_verify, // Don't care who we talk to
VS_no_date_check, // Must identify certs, but old, expired certs are OK
VS_normal // Identify certs and also check expiration dates.
INLINE void set_verify_ssl(VerifySSL verify_ssl);
INLINE VerifySSL get_verify_ssl() const;
INLINE void set_cipher_list(const std::string &cipher_list);
INLINE const std::string &get_cipher_list() const;
PT(HTTPChannel) make_channel(bool persistent_connection);
BLOCKING PT(HTTPChannel) post_form(const URLSpec &url, const std::string &body);
BLOCKING PT(HTTPChannel) get_document(const URLSpec &url);
BLOCKING PT(HTTPChannel) get_header(const URLSpec &url);
INLINE static std::string base64_encode(const std::string &s);
INLINE static std::string base64_decode(const std::string &s);
static HTTPClient *get_global_ptr();
void get_proxies_for_url(const URLSpec &url, pvector<URLSpec> &proxies) const;
SSL_CTX *get_ssl_ctx();
void check_preapproved_server_certificate(const URLSpec &url, X509 *cert,
bool &cert_preapproved, bool &cert_name_preapproved) const;
bool get_proxies_for_scheme(const std::string &scheme,
pvector<URLSpec> &proxies) const;
void add_http_username(const std::string &http_username);
std::string select_username(const URLSpec &url, bool is_proxy,
const std::string &realm) const;
HTTPAuthorization *select_auth(const URLSpec &url, bool is_proxy,
const std::string &last_realm);
PT(HTTPAuthorization) generate_auth(const URLSpec &url, bool is_proxy,
const std::string &challenge);
void unload_client_certificate();
static X509_NAME *parse_x509_name(const std::string &source);
static bool x509_name_subset(X509_NAME *name_a, X509_NAME *name_b);
static void split_whitespace(std::string &a, std::string &b, const std::string &c);
typedef pvector<URLSpec> Proxies;
typedef pmap<std::string, Proxies> ProxiesByScheme;
ProxiesByScheme _proxies_by_scheme;
typedef pvector<GlobPattern> DirectHosts;
DirectHosts _direct_hosts;
bool _try_all_direct;
HTTPEnum::HTTPVersion _http_version;
VerifySSL _verify_ssl;
std::string _cipher_list;
typedef pmap<std::string, std::string> Usernames;
Usernames _usernames;
typedef pmap<std::string, PT(HTTPAuthorization)> Realms;
class Domain {
Realms _realms;
typedef pmap<std::string, Domain> Domains;
Domains _proxy_domains, _www_domains;
// Not a phash_set, since we want this to be maintained in order.
typedef pset<HTTPCookie> Cookies;
Cookies _cookies;
Filename _client_certificate_filename;
std::string _client_certificate_pem;
std::string _client_certificate_passphrase;
SSL_CTX *_ssl_ctx;
bool _client_certificate_loaded;
X509 *_client_certificate_pub;
EVP_PKEY *_client_certificate_priv;
typedef pvector<X509 *> ServerCerts;
typedef pvector<X509_NAME *> ServerCertNames;
class PreapprovedServerCert {
ServerCerts _certs;
ServerCertNames _cert_names;
typedef pmap<std::string, PreapprovedServerCert> PreapprovedServerCerts;
PreapprovedServerCerts _preapproved_server_certs;
static PT(HTTPClient) _global_ptr;
friend class HTTPChannel;
#include "httpClient.I"
#endif // HAVE_OPENSSL