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* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file pnmImageHeader.I
* @author drose
* @date 2000-06-15
INLINE PNMImageHeader::
PNMImageHeader() {
_x_size = 0;
_y_size = 0;
_num_channels = 0;
_maxval = 255;
_color_space = CS_unspecified;
_type = nullptr;
INLINE PNMImageHeader::
PNMImageHeader(const PNMImageHeader ©) :
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::
operator = (const PNMImageHeader ©) {
_x_size = copy._x_size;
_y_size = copy._y_size;
_num_channels = copy._num_channels;
_maxval = copy._maxval;
_color_space = copy._color_space;
_comment = copy._comment;
_type = copy._type;
INLINE PNMImageHeader::
~PNMImageHeader() {
* Returns the image type of the image, as an enumerated value. This is
* really just the number of channels cast to the enumerated type.
INLINE PNMImageHeader::ColorType PNMImageHeader::
get_color_type() const {
nassertr(_num_channels >= 1 && _num_channels <= 4, CT_invalid);
return (ColorType)_num_channels;
* Returns the number of channels in the image.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::
get_num_channels() const {
nassertr(_num_channels >= 1 && _num_channels <= 4, 0);
return _num_channels;
* This static variant of is_grayscale() returns true if the indicated image
* type represents a grayscale image, false otherwise.
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::
is_grayscale(PNMImageHeader::ColorType color_type) {
return (color_type == CT_grayscale || color_type == CT_two_channel);
* Returns false if the image is a full-color image, and has red, green, and
* blue components; true if it is a grayscale image and has only a gray
* component. (The gray color is actually stored in the blue channel, and the
* red and green channels are ignored.)
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::
is_grayscale() const {
return is_grayscale(get_color_type());
* This static variant of has_alpha() returns true if the indicated image type
* includes an alpha channel, false otherwise.
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::
has_alpha(PNMImageHeader::ColorType color_type) {
return (color_type == CT_two_channel || color_type == CT_four_channel);
* Returns true if the image includes an alpha channel, false otherwise.
* Unlike is_grayscale(), if this returns false it is an error to call any of
* the functions accessing the alpha channel.
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::
has_alpha() const {
return has_alpha(get_color_type());
* Returns the maximum channel value allowable for any pixel in this image;
* for instance, 255 for a typical 8-bit-per-channel image. A pixel with this
* value is full on.
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::
get_maxval() const {
return _maxval;
* Returns the color space that the image is encoded in, or CS_unspecified if
* unknown.
INLINE ColorSpace PNMImageHeader::
get_color_space() const {
return _color_space;
* Returns the number of pixels in the X direction. This is one more than the
* largest allowable X coordinate.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::
get_x_size() const {
return _x_size;
* Returns the number of pixels in the Y direction. This is one more than the
* largest allowable Y coordinate.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::
get_y_size() const {
return _y_size;
* Returns the number of pixels in each direction. This is one more than the
* largest allowable coordinates.
INLINE LVecBase2i PNMImageHeader::
get_size() const {
return LVecBase2i(_x_size, _y_size);
* Gets the user comment from the file.
INLINE std::string PNMImageHeader::
get_comment() const {
return _comment;
* Writes a user comment string to the image (header).
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::
set_comment(const std::string& comment) {
_comment = comment;
* Returns true if the PNMImageHeader knows what type it is, false otherwise.
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::
has_type() const {
return _type != nullptr;
* If the file type is known (e.g. has_type() returns true), returns its
* PNMFileType pointer; otherwise, returns NULL.
INLINE PNMFileType *PNMImageHeader::
get_type() const {
return _type;
* Sets the file type of this PNMImage. This will be the default type used
* when an image is read, if the type cannot be determined by magic number or
* inferred by extension, or the type used when the image is written, if the
* type cannot be inferred from the filename extension.
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::
set_type(PNMFileType *type) {
_type = type;
* Records the indicated color in the histogram.
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::
record_color(PNMImageHeader::HistMap &hist,
const PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec &color) {
// First, try to add the color with a count of 0, in case it does not
// already exist in the table.
HistMap::iterator hi = hist.insert(HistMap::value_type(color, 0)).first;
// Now that either succeeded or failed, but either way hi is now the
// iterator to the count value in the table associated with the given color.
// Increment that count.
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(xelval gray_value) :
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(xelval gray_value, xelval alpha) :
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(xelval red, xelval green, xelval blue) :
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(xelval red, xelval green, xelval blue, xelval alpha) :
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(const xel &rgb) :
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
PixelSpec(const xel &rgb, xelval alpha) :
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
operator < (const PixelSpec &other) const {
return compare_to(other) < 0;
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
operator == (const PixelSpec &other) const {
return compare_to(other) == 0;
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
operator != (const PixelSpec &other) const {
return compare_to(other) != 0;
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
compare_to(const PixelSpec &other) const {
if (_red != other._red) {
return _red < other._red ? -1 : 1;
if (_green != other._green) {
return _green < other._green ? -1 : 1;
if (_blue != other._blue) {
return _blue < other._blue ? -1 : 1;
if (_alpha != other._alpha) {
return _alpha < other._alpha ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
get_red() const {
return _red;
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
get_green() const {
return _green;
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
get_blue() const {
return _blue;
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
get_alpha() const {
return _alpha;
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
set_red(xelval red) {
_red = red;
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
set_green(xelval green) {
_green = green;
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
set_blue(xelval blue) {
_blue = blue;
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
set_alpha(xelval alpha) {
_alpha = alpha;
* Indexes numerically into the components, in the order R, G, B, A. This
* also makes the PixelSpec work like a tuple in Python.
INLINE xelval PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
operator [](int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < size(), 0);
return (&_red)[n];
* Specifies the number of components in the PixelSpec; this is always 4,
* regardless of the type of image it was taken from.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec::
size() {
return 4;
// Interrogate seems to have some problem with the syntax of this method.
// Whatever, we don't need it.
INLINE PNMImageHeader::PixelSpecCount::
PixelSpecCount(const PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec &pixel, int count) :
#endif // CPPPARSER
* Used to sort the pixels in order from most common to least common.
INLINE bool PNMImageHeader::PixelSpecCount::
operator < (const PNMImageHeader::PixelSpecCount &other) const {
return _count > other._count;
INLINE PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
Histogram() {
* Returns the number of unique pixel colors in the histogram.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
get_num_pixels() const {
return _pixels.size();
* Returns the nth unique pixel color in the histogram. These are ordered by
* default from most common to least common.
INLINE const PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec &PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
get_pixel(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_pixels.size(), _pixels[0]._pixel);
return _pixels[n]._pixel;
* Returns the number of occurrences in the image of the nth unique pixel
* color in the histogram.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
get_count(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_pixels.size(), 0);
return _pixels[n]._count;
* Returns the number of occurrences in the image of the indicated pixel
* color.
INLINE int PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
get_count(const PNMImageHeader::PixelSpec &pixel) const {
HistMap::const_iterator hi;
hi = _hist_map.find(pixel);
if (hi == _hist_map.end()) {
return 0;
return (*hi).second;
* Swaps the data in the Histogram with the indicated data. This is normally
* used to load the Histogram data initially in PNMImage::make_histogram().
INLINE void PNMImageHeader::Histogram::
swap(PixelCount &pixels, HistMap &hist_map) {