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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file projectionScreen.h
* @author drose
* @date 2001-12-11
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "pandaNode.h"
#include "lensNode.h"
#include "geomNode.h"
#include "nodePath.h"
#include "internalName.h"
#include "pointerTo.h"
#include "pfmFile.h"
class Geom;
class WorkingNodePath;
* A ProjectionScreen implements a simple system for projective texturing.
* The ProjectionScreen node is the parent of a hierarchy of geometry that is
* considered a "screen"; the ProjectionScreen will automatically recompute
* all the UV's (for a particular texture stage) on its subordinate geometry
* according to the relative position and lens parameters of the indicated
* LensNode.
* All this does is recompute UV's; the caller is responsible for applying the
* appropriate texture(s) to the geometry.
* This does not take advantage of any hardware-assisted projective texturing;
* all of the UV's are computed in the CPU. (Use NodePath::project_texture()
* to enable hardware-assisted projective texturing.) However, the
* ProjectionScreen interface does support any kind of lens, linear or
* nonlinear, that might be defined using the Lens interface, including
* fisheye and cylindrical lenses.
class EXPCL_PANDAFX ProjectionScreen : public PandaNode {
explicit ProjectionScreen(const std::string &name = "");
virtual ~ProjectionScreen();
ProjectionScreen(const ProjectionScreen &copy);
virtual PandaNode *make_copy() const;
virtual bool cull_callback(CullTraverser *trav, CullTraverserData &data);
void set_projector(const NodePath &projector);
INLINE const NodePath &get_projector() const;
INLINE void clear_undist_lut();
INLINE void set_undist_lut(const PfmFile &undist_lut);
INLINE bool has_undist_lut() const;
INLINE const PfmFile &get_undist_lut() const;
PT(GeomNode) generate_screen(const NodePath &projector,
const std::string &screen_name,
int num_x_verts, int num_y_verts,
PN_stdfloat distance, PN_stdfloat fill_ratio);
void regenerate_screen(const NodePath &projector, const std::string &screen_name,
int num_x_verts, int num_y_verts, PN_stdfloat distance,
PN_stdfloat fill_ratio);
PT(PandaNode) make_flat_mesh(const NodePath &this_np, const NodePath &camera);
INLINE void set_texcoord_name(const std::string &texcoord_name);
INLINE std::string get_texcoord_name() const;
INLINE void set_invert_uvs(bool invert_uvs);
INLINE bool get_invert_uvs() const;
INLINE void set_texcoord_3d(bool texcoord_3d);
INLINE bool get_texcoord_3d() const;
INLINE void set_vignette_on(bool vignette_on);
INLINE bool get_vignette_on() const;
INLINE void set_vignette_color(const LColor &vignette_color);
INLINE const LColor &get_vignette_color() const;
INLINE void set_frame_color(const LColor &frame_color);
INLINE const LColor &get_frame_color() const;
INLINE void set_auto_recompute(bool auto_recompute);
INLINE bool get_auto_recompute() const;
void recompute();
INLINE const UpdateSeq &get_last_screen() const;
bool recompute_if_stale();
bool recompute_if_stale(const NodePath &this_np);
void do_recompute(const NodePath &this_np);
void recompute_node(const WorkingNodePath &np, LMatrix4 &rel_mat, bool &computed_rel_mat);
void recompute_child(const WorkingNodePath &np, LMatrix4 &rel_mat, bool &computed_rel_mat);
void recompute_geom_node(const WorkingNodePath &np, LMatrix4 &rel_mat, bool &computed_rel_mat);
void recompute_geom(Geom *geom, const LMatrix4 &rel_mat);
PandaNode *
make_mesh_node(PandaNode *result_parent, const WorkingNodePath &np,
const NodePath &camera,
LMatrix4 &rel_mat, bool &computed_rel_mat);
void make_mesh_children(PandaNode *new_node, const WorkingNodePath &np,
const NodePath &camera,
LMatrix4 &rel_mat, bool &computed_rel_mat);
PT(GeomNode) make_mesh_geom_node(const WorkingNodePath &np,
const NodePath &camera,
LMatrix4 &rel_mat,
bool &computed_rel_mat);
PT(Geom) make_mesh_geom(const Geom *geom, Lens *lens, LMatrix4 &rel_mat);
NodePath _projector;
PT(LensNode) _projector_node;
bool _has_undist_lut;
PfmFile _undist_lut;
PT(InternalName) _texcoord_name;
bool _invert_uvs;
bool _texcoord_3d;
bool _vignette_on;
LColor _vignette_color;
LColor _frame_color;
LMatrix4 _rel_top_mat;
bool _computed_rel_top_mat;
bool _stale;
UpdateSeq _projector_lens_change;
UpdateSeq _last_screen;
bool _auto_recompute;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "ProjectionScreen",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;
#include "projectionScreen.I"