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2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file simpleHashMap.I
* @author drose
* @date 2007-07-19
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
constexpr SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
SimpleHashMap(const Compare &comp) :
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
SimpleHashMap(const SimpleHashMap &copy) :
_comp(copy._comp) {
// We allocate enough bytes for _table_size elements of TableEntry, plus
// _table_size * 4 more ints at the end (for the index array).
size_t alloc_size = _table_size * (sizeof(TableEntry) + sizeof(int) * sparsity);
_deleted_chain = memory_hook->get_deleted_chain(alloc_size);
_table = (TableEntry *)_deleted_chain->allocate(alloc_size, TypeHandle::none());
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
new(&_table[i]) TableEntry(copy._table[i]);
// Copy the index array.
memcpy(get_index_array(), copy.get_index_array(), _table_size * sizeof(int) * sparsity);
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
SimpleHashMap(SimpleHashMap &&from) noexcept :
from._table = nullptr;
from._deleted_chain = nullptr;
from._table_size = 0;
from._num_entries = 0;
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
~SimpleHashMap() {
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare> &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
operator = (const SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare> &copy) {
if (this != &copy) {
_table_size = copy._table_size;
_num_entries = copy._num_entries;
_comp = copy._comp;
// We allocate enough bytes for _table_size elements of TableEntry, plus
// _table_size * 4 more ints at the end (for the index array).
size_t alloc_size = _table_size * (sizeof(TableEntry) + sizeof(int) * sparsity);
_deleted_chain = memory_hook->get_deleted_chain(alloc_size);
_table = (TableEntry *)_deleted_chain->allocate(alloc_size, TypeHandle::none());
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
new(&_table[i]) TableEntry(copy._table[i]);
// Copy the index array.
memcpy(get_index_array(), copy.get_index_array(), _table_size * sizeof(int) * sparsity);
return *this;
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare> &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
operator = (SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare> &&from) noexcept {
if (this != &from) {
_table = from._table;
_deleted_chain = from._deleted_chain;
_table_size = from._table_size;
_num_entries = from._num_entries;
_comp = std::move(from._comp);
from._table = nullptr;
from._deleted_chain = nullptr;
from._table_size = 0;
from._num_entries = 0;
* Quickly exchanges the contents of this map and the other map.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
swap(SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare> &other) {
TableEntry *t0 = _table;
_table = other._table;
other._table = t0;
DeletedBufferChain *t1 = _deleted_chain;
_deleted_chain = other._deleted_chain;
other._deleted_chain = t1;
size_t t2 = _table_size;
_table_size = other._table_size;
other._table_size = t2;
size_t t3 = _num_entries;
_num_entries = other._num_entries;
other._num_entries = t3;
* Searches for the indicated key in the table. Returns its index number if
* it is found, or -1 if it is not present in the table.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
int SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
find(const Key &key) const {
if (_table_size == 0) {
// Special case: the table is empty.
return -1;
int slot = find_slot(key);
if (slot >= 0) {
return get_index_array()[slot];
} else {
// The key is not in the table.
return -1;
* Records the indicated key/data pair in the map. If the key was already
* present, silently replaces it. Returns the index at which it was stored.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
int SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
store(const Key &key, const Value &data) {
if (_table_size == 0) {
// Special case: the first key in an empty table.
nassertr(_num_entries == 0, -1);
int pos = store_new_element(get_hash(key), key, data);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), pos);
return pos;
const int *index_array = get_index_array();
size_t hash = get_hash(key);
int index = index_array[hash];
if (index < 0) {
// This element is not already in the map; add it.
if (consider_expand_table()) {
return store(key, data);
index = store_new_element(hash, key, data);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), index);
return index;
if (is_element(index, key)) {
// This element is already in the map; replace the data at that key.
set_data(index, data);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), index);
return index;
// There was some other key at the hashed slot. That's a hash conflict.
// Record this entry at a later position.
size_t slot = next_hash(hash);
while (slot != hash) {
index = index_array[slot];
if (index < 0) {
if (consider_expand_table()) {
return store(key, data);
index = store_new_element(slot, key, data);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), index);
return index;
if (is_element(index, key)) {
set_data(index, data);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), index);
return index;
slot = next_hash(slot);
// Shouldn't get here unless _num_entries == _table_size, which shouldn't be
// possible due to consider_expand_table().
nassertr(false, -1);
return -1; // To satisfy compiler
* Removes the indicated key and its associated data from the table. Returns
* true if the key was removed, false if it was not present.
* Iterator safety: To perform removal during iteration, revisit the element
* at the current index if removal succeeds, keeping in mind that the number
* of elements has now shrunk by one.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
remove(const Key &key) {
if (_num_entries == 0) {
// Special case: the table is empty.
return false;
int *index_array = get_index_array();
size_t slot = (size_t)find_slot(key);
if (slot == (size_t)-1) {
// It wasn't in the hash map.
return false;
// Now remove this element.
size_t last = _num_entries - 1;
size_t index = (size_t)index_array[slot];
if (index < _num_entries) {
// Find the last element in the index array.
int other_slot = find_slot(_table[last]._key);
nassertr(other_slot != -1, false);
nassertr(index_array[(size_t)other_slot] == (int)last, false);
// Swap it with the last one, so that we don't get any gaps in the table
// of entries.
_table[index] = std::move(_table[last]);
index_array[(size_t)other_slot] = index;
_num_entries = last;
// It's important that we do this after the second find_slot, above, since
// it might otherwise fail due to the unexpected gap, since some indices may
// not be at their ideal positions right now.
index_array[slot] = -1;
//if (consider_shrink_table()) {
// // No need to worry about that gap; resize_table() will rebuild the index.
// return true;
// Now we have put a hole in the index array. If there was a hash conflict
// in the slot after this one, we have to move it down to close the hole.
slot = next_hash(slot);
while (has_slot(slot)) {
size_t index = (size_t)index_array[slot];
size_t wants_slot = get_hash(_table[index]._key);
if (wants_slot != slot) {
// This one was a hash conflict; try to put it where it belongs. We
// can't just put it in n, since maybe it belongs somewhere after n.
while (wants_slot != slot && has_slot(wants_slot)) {
wants_slot = next_hash(wants_slot);
if (wants_slot != slot) {
// We just have to flip the slots in the index array; we can keep the
// elements in the table where they are.
index_array[wants_slot] = index;
index_array[slot] = -1;
// Continue until we encounter the next unused slot. Until we do, we
// can't be sure we've found all of the potential hash conflicts.
slot = next_hash(slot);
#ifdef _DEBUG
nassertr(validate(), true);
return true;
* Completely empties the table.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
clear() {
if (_table_size != 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
_deleted_chain->deallocate(_table, TypeHandle::none());
_table = nullptr;
_deleted_chain = nullptr;
_table_size = 0;
_num_entries = 0;
* Returns a modifiable reference to the data associated with the indicated
* key, or creates a new data entry and returns its reference.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE Value &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
operator [] (const Key &key) {
int index = find(key);
if (index == -1) {
index = store(key, Value());
return modify_data(index);
* Returns the total number of entries in the table. Same as get_num_entries.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
constexpr size_t SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
size() const {
return _num_entries;
* Returns the key in the nth entry of the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE const Key &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
get_key(size_t n) const {
nassertr(n < _num_entries, _table[n]._key);
return _table[n]._key;
* Returns the data in the nth entry of the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE const Value &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
get_data(size_t n) const {
nassertr(n < _num_entries, _table[n].get_data());
return _table[n].get_data();
* Returns a modifiable reference to the data in the nth entry of the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE Value &SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
modify_data(size_t n) {
nassertr(n < _num_entries, _table[n].modify_data());
return _table[n].modify_data();
* Changes the data for the nth entry of the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
set_data(size_t n, const Value &data) {
nassertv(n < _num_entries);
* Changes the data for the nth entry of the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
set_data(size_t n, Value &&data) {
nassertv(n < _num_entries);
* Removes the nth entry from the table.
* @param n should be in the range 0 <= n < size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
remove_element(size_t n) {
nassertv(n < _num_entries);
* Returns the number of active entries in the table. Same as size().
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE size_t SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
get_num_entries() const {
return _num_entries;
* Returns true if the table is empty; i.e. get_num_entries() == 0.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
is_empty() const {
return (_num_entries == 0);
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
output(std::ostream &out) const {
out << "SimpleHashMap (" << _num_entries << " entries): [";
const int *index_array = get_index_array();
size_t num_slots = _table_size * sparsity;
for (size_t slot = 0; slot < num_slots; ++slot) {
if (!has_slot(slot)) {
out << " *";
} else {
size_t index = (size_t)index_array[slot];
out << " " << index;
size_t ideal_slot = get_hash(_table[index]._key);
if (ideal_slot != slot) {
// This was misplaced as the result of a hash conflict. Report how
// far off it is.
out << "(" << ((_table_size + slot - ideal_slot) & (num_slots - 1)) << ")";
out << " ]";
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
write(std::ostream &out) const {
out << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
out << " " << _table[i]._key << " (hash " << get_hash(_table[i]._key) << ")\n";
* Returns true if the internal table appears to be consistent, false if there
* are some internal errors.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
validate() const {
size_t count = 0;
const int *index_array = get_index_array();
size_t num_slots = _table_size * sparsity;
for (size_t slot = 0; slot < num_slots; ++slot) {
if (has_slot(slot)) {
size_t index = (size_t)index_array[slot];
if (index >= _num_entries) {
<< "SimpleHashMap " << this << " is invalid: slot " << slot
<< " contains index " << index << " which is past the end of the"
" table\n";
return false;
nassertd(index < _num_entries) continue;
size_t ideal_slot = get_hash(_table[index]._key);
size_t wants_slot = ideal_slot;
while (wants_slot != slot && has_slot(wants_slot)) {
wants_slot = next_hash(wants_slot);
if (wants_slot != slot) {
<< "SimpleHashMap " << this << " is invalid: key "
<< _table[index]._key << " should be in slot " << wants_slot
<< " instead of " << slot << " (ideal is " << ideal_slot << ")\n";
return false;
if (count != _num_entries) {
<< "SimpleHashMap " << this << " is invalid: reports " << _num_entries
<< " entries, actually has " << count << "\n";
return false;
return true;
* Computes an appropriate index number to store the given pointer.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE size_t SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
get_hash(const Key &key) const {
// We want a hash constant 0 < k < 1. This one is suggested by Knuth:
static const double hash_constant = (sqrt(5.0) - 1.0) / 2.0;
double f = ((double)_comp(key) * hash_constant);
f -= floor(f);
return (size_t)floor(f * _table_size);
return ((_comp(key) * (size_t)9973) >> 8) & ((_table_size * sparsity) - 1);
* Given a hash value, increments it, looping around the hash space.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE size_t SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
next_hash(size_t hash) const {
return (hash + 1) & ((_table_size * sparsity) - 1);
* Finds the slot in which the given key should fit.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE int SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
find_slot(const Key &key) const {
const int *index_array = get_index_array();
size_t hash = get_hash(key);
int index = index_array[hash];
if (index < 0) {
return -1;
if (is_element((size_t)index, key)) {
return hash;
// There was some other key at the hashed slot. That's a hash conflict.
// Maybe our entry was recorded at a later slot position; scan the
// subsequent positions until we find the entry or an unused slot,
// indicating the end of the scan.
size_t slot = next_hash(hash);
while (slot != hash && has_slot(slot)) {
if (is_element((size_t)index_array[slot], key)) {
return (int)slot;
slot = next_hash(slot);
return -1;
* Returns true if the given slot refers to an element.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
has_slot(size_t slot) const {
return get_index_array()[slot] >= 0;
* Returns true if element n matches key.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
is_element(size_t n, const Key &key) const {
nassertr(n < _num_entries, false);
return _comp.is_equal(_table[n]._key, key);
* Constructs a new TableEntry with the given slot, storing the indicated key
* and value.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE size_t SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
store_new_element(size_t slot, const Key &key, const Value &data) {
size_t index = _num_entries++;
new(&_table[index]) TableEntry(key, data);
nassertr(get_index_array()[slot] == -1, index)
get_index_array()[slot] = index;
return index;
* Returns the beginning of the array of _table_size ints that are the indices
* pointing to the location within the table where the elements are stored.
* within the table.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE int *SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
get_index_array() const {
return (int *)(_table + _table_size);
* Allocates a brand new table.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
new_table() {
nassertv(_table_size == 0 && _num_entries == 0);
// Pick a good initial table size. For now, we make it really small. Maybe
// that's the right answer.
_table_size = 2;
// We allocate enough bytes for _table_size elements of TableEntry, plus
// _table_size * 4 more ints at the end (for the index array).
size_t alloc_size = _table_size * (sizeof(TableEntry) + sizeof(int) * sparsity);
_deleted_chain = memory_hook->get_deleted_chain(alloc_size);
_table = (TableEntry *)_deleted_chain->allocate(alloc_size, TypeHandle::none());
memset(get_index_array(), -1, _table_size * sizeof(int) * sparsity);
* Expands the table if it will need it (assuming one more element is about to
* be added). Returns true if expanded, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
consider_expand_table() {
if (_num_entries < _table_size) {
return false;
} else {
resize_table(_table_size << 1);
return true;
* Shrinks the table if the allocated storage is significantly larger than the
* number of elements in it. Returns true if shrunk, false otherwise.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
INLINE bool SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
consider_shrink_table() {
// If the number of elements gets less than an eighth of the table size, we
// know it's probably time to shrink it down.
if (_table_size <= 16 || _num_entries >= (_table_size >> 3)) {
return false;
} else {
size_t new_size = _table_size;
do {
new_size >>= 1;
} while (new_size >= 16 && _num_entries < (new_size >> 2));
return true;
* Resizes the existing table.
template<class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void SimpleHashMap<Key, Value, Compare>::
resize_table(size_t new_size) {
nassertv(_table_size != 0);
nassertv(new_size >= _num_entries);
DeletedBufferChain *old_chain = _deleted_chain;
TableEntry *old_table = _table;
_table_size = new_size;
// We allocate enough bytes for _table_size elements of TableEntry, plus
// _table_size * sparsity more ints at the end (for the sparse index array).
size_t alloc_size = _table_size * sizeof(TableEntry) + _table_size * sparsity * sizeof(int);
_deleted_chain = memory_hook->get_deleted_chain(alloc_size);
_table = (TableEntry *)_deleted_chain->allocate(alloc_size, TypeHandle::none());
int *index_array = get_index_array();
memset(index_array, -1, _table_size * sizeof(int) * sparsity);
// Now copy the entries from the old table into the new table. We don't
// have to reorder these, fortunately. Hopefully, a smart compiler will
// optimize this to a memcpy.
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
new(&_table[i]) TableEntry(std::move(old_table[i]));
// We don't need this old thing anymore.
old_chain->deallocate(old_table, TypeHandle::none());
// Reindex the table.
for (size_t i = 0; i < _num_entries; ++i) {
size_t slot = get_hash(_table[i]._key);
while (has_slot(slot)) {
// Hash conflict; look for a better spot. This has to succeed.
slot = next_hash(slot);
index_array[slot] = (int)i;