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12 libp3rplight 4 _K37 16 panda3d._rplight
112 10 GPUCommand 0 4 218 22 GPUCommand::GPUCommand 0 2 1 2 346
* @brief Constructs a new GPUCommand with the given command type.
* @details This will construct a new GPUCommand of the given command type.
* The command type should be of GPUCommand::CommandType, and determines
* what data the GPUCommand contains, and how it will be handled.
* @param command_type The type of the GPUCommand
GPUCommand::GPUCommand(GPUCommand::CommandType command_type);
inline GPUCommand::GPUCommand(GPUCommand const &) = default;
113 8 push_int 0 4 218 20 GPUCommand::push_int 0 1 3 308
* @brief Appends an integer to the GPUCommand.
* @details This adds an integer to the back of the GPUCommand. Depending on the
* setting in convert_int_to_float, this will either just convert the int to a
* float by casting it, or just do a bitwise copy.
* @param v The integer to append.
inline void GPUCommand::push_int(int v);
114 10 push_float 0 4 218 22 GPUCommand::push_float 0 1 4 415
* @brief Appends a float to the GPUCommand.
* @details This adds an integer to the back of the GPUCommand. Its used by all
* other push_xxx methods, and simply stores the value, then increments the write
* pointer. When the amount of floats exceeds the capacity of the GPUCommand,
* an error will be printed, and the method returns without doing anything else.
* @param v The float to append.
inline void GPUCommand::push_float(float v);
115 9 push_vec3 0 4 218 21 GPUCommand::push_vec3 0 2 5 6 668
* @brief Appends a 3-component floating point vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 3-component floating point vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_float() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
* @brief Appends a 3-component integer vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 3-component integer vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_int() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
inline void GPUCommand::push_vec3(LVecBase3 const &v);
inline void GPUCommand::push_vec3(LVecBase3i const &v);
116 9 push_vec4 0 4 218 21 GPUCommand::push_vec4 0 2 7 8 671
* @brief Appends a 4-component floating point vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 4-component floating point vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_float() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
* @brief Appends a 4-component integer vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 4-component integer vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_int() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, w, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 4 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
inline void GPUCommand::push_vec4(LVecBase4 const &v);
inline void GPUCommand::push_vec4(LVecBase4i const &v);
117 9 push_mat3 0 4 218 21 GPUCommand::push_mat3 0 1 9 276
* @brief Appends a floating point 3x3 matrix to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a floating point 3x3 matrix to the GPUCommand, by
* pushing all components in row-order to the command. This occupies a space of
* 9 floats.
* @param v Matrix to append
inline void GPUCommand::push_mat3(LMatrix3 const &v);
118 9 push_mat4 0 4 218 21 GPUCommand::push_mat4 0 1 10 277
* @brief Appends a floating point 4x4 matrix to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a floating point 4x4 matrix to the GPUCommand, by
* pushing all components in row-order to the command. This occupies a space of
* 16 floats.
* @param v Matrix to append
inline void GPUCommand::push_mat4(LMatrix4 const &v);
119 24 get_uses_integer_packing 0 4 218 36 GPUCommand::get_uses_integer_packing 0 1 11 434
* @brief Returns whether integers are packed as floats.
* @details This returns how integer are packed into the data stream. If the
* returned value is true, then integers are packed using their binary
* representation converted to floating point format. If the returned value
* is false, then integers are packed by simply casting them to float,
* e.g. val = (float)i;
* @return The integer representation flag
static inline bool GPUCommand::get_uses_integer_packing(void);
120 8 write_to 0 4 218 20 GPUCommand::write_to 0 1 12 694
* @brief Writes the GPU command to a given target.
* @details This method writes all the data of the GPU command to a given target.
* The target should be a pointer to memory being big enough to hold the
* data. Presumably #dest will be a handle to texture memory.
* The command_index controls the offset where the data will be written
* to.
* @param dest Handle to the memory to write the command to
* @param command_index Offset to write the command to. The command will write
* its data to command_index * GPU_COMMAND_ENTRIES. When writing
* the GPUCommand in a GPUCommandList, the command_index will
* most likely be the index of the command in the list.
void GPUCommand::write_to(PTA_uchar const &dest, std::size_t command_index);
121 5 write 0 4 218 17 GPUCommand::write 0 1 13 373
* @brief Prints out the GPUCommand to the console
* @details This method prints the type, size, and data of the GPUCommand to the
* console. This helps for debugging the contents of the GPUCommand. Keep
* in mind that integers might be shown in their binary float representation,
* depending on the setting in the GPUCommand::convert_int_to_float method.
void GPUCommand::write(std::ostream &out) const;
122 11 ~GPUCommand 0 4 218 23 GPUCommand::~GPUCommand 0 0 0
123 14 GPUCommandList 0 4 220 30 GPUCommandList::GPUCommandList 0 2 14 15 151
* @brief Constructs a new GPUCommandList
* @details This constructs a new GPUCommandList. By default, there are no commands
* in the list.
inline GPUCommandList::GPUCommandList(GPUCommandList const &) = default;
124 11 add_command 0 4 220 27 GPUCommandList::add_command 0 1 16 174
* @brief Pushes a GPUCommand to the command list.
* @details This adds a new GPUCommand to the list of commands to be processed.
* @param cmd The command to add
void GPUCommandList::add_command(GPUCommand const &cmd);
125 16 get_num_commands 0 4 220 32 GPUCommandList::get_num_commands 0 1 17 220
* @brief Returns the number of commands in this list.
* @details This returns the amount of commands which are currently stored in this
* list, and are waiting to get processed.
* @return Amount of commands
std::size_t GPUCommandList::get_num_commands(void);
126 17 write_commands_to 0 4 220 33 GPUCommandList::write_commands_to 0 1 18 586
* @brief Writes the first n-commands to a destination.
* @details This takes the first #limit commands, and writes them to the
* destination using GPUCommand::write_to. See GPUCommand::write_to for
* further information about #dest. The limit controls after how much
* commands the processing will be stopped. All commands which got processed
* will get removed from the list.
* @param dest Destination to write to, see GPUCommand::write_to
* @param limit Maximum amount of commands to process
* @return Amount of commands processed, between 0 and #limit.
std::size_t GPUCommandList::write_commands_to(PTA_uchar const &dest, std::size_t limit = 32);
127 15 ~GPUCommandList 0 4 220 31 GPUCommandList::~GPUCommandList 0 0 0
128 10 IESDataset 0 4 223 22 IESDataset::IESDataset 0 2 19 20 112
* @brief Constructs a new empty dataset.
* @details This constructs a new IESDataset with no data set.
inline IESDataset::IESDataset(IESDataset const &) = default;
129 19 set_vertical_angles 0 4 223 31 IESDataset::set_vertical_angles 0 1 21 184
* @brief Sets the vertical angles of the dataset.
* @details This sets the list of vertical angles of the dataset.
* @param vertical_angles Vector of all vertical angles.
void IESDataset::set_vertical_angles(PTA_float const &vertical_angles);
130 21 set_horizontal_angles 0 4 223 33 IESDataset::set_horizontal_angles 0 1 22 192
* @brief Sets the horizontal angles of the dataset.
* @details This sets the list of horizontal angles of the dataset.
* @param horizontal_angles Vector of all horizontal angles.
void IESDataset::set_horizontal_angles(PTA_float const &horizontal_angles);
131 18 set_candela_values 0 4 223 30 IESDataset::set_candela_values 0 1 23 336
* @brief Sets the candela values.
* @details This sets the candela values of the dataset. They should be an
* interleaved 2D array with the dimensions vertical_angles x horizontal_angles.
* They also should be normalized by dividing by the maximum entry.
* @param candela_values Interleaved 2D-vector of candela values.
void IESDataset::set_candela_values(PTA_float const &candela_values);
132 29 generate_dataset_texture_into 0 4 223 41 IESDataset::generate_dataset_texture_into 0 1 24 362
* @brief Generates the IES LUT
* @details This generates the LUT into a given dataset texture. The x-axis
* referes to the vertical_angle, whereas the y-axis refers to the
* horizontal angle.
* @param dest_tex Texture to write the LUT into
* @param z Layer to write the LUT into, in case the texture is a 3D Texture or
* 2D Texture Array.
void IESDataset::generate_dataset_texture_into(Texture *dest_tex, std::size_t z) const;
133 11 ~IESDataset 0 4 223 23 IESDataset::~IESDataset 0 0 0
134 18 invalidate_shadows 0 4 224 27 RPLight::invalidate_shadows 0 1 25 486
* @brief Invalidates the shadows
* @details This invalidates all shadows of the light, causing them to get
* regenerated. This might be the case when the lights position or similar
* changed. This will cause all shadow sources to be updated, emitting a
* shadow update. Be careful when calling this method if you don't want all
* sources to get updated. If you only have to invalidate a single shadow source,
* use get_shadow_source(n)->set_needs_update(true).
inline void RPLight::invalidate_shadows(void);
135 7 set_pos 0 4 224 16 RPLight::set_pos 0 2 26 27 467
* @brief Sets the position of the light
* @details This sets the position of the light in world space. It will cause
* the light to get invalidated, and resubmitted to the GPU.
* @param pos Position in world space
* @brief Sets the position of the light
* @details @copydetails RPLight::set_pos(const LVecBase3 &pos)
* @param x X-component of the position
* @param y Y-component of the position
* @param z Z-component of the position
inline void RPLight::set_pos(LVecBase3 const &pos);
inline void RPLight::set_pos(float x, float y, float z);
136 7 get_pos 0 4 224 16 RPLight::get_pos 0 1 28 214
* @brief Returns the position of the light
* @details This returns the position of the light previously set with
* RPLight::set_pos(). The returned position is in world space.
* @return Light-position
inline LVecBase3 const &RPLight::get_pos(void) const;
137 9 set_color 0 4 224 18 RPLight::set_color 0 2 29 30 693
* @brief Sets the lights color
* @details This sets the lights color. The color should not include the brightness
* of the light, you should control that with the energy. The color specifies
* the lights "tint" and will get multiplied with its specular and diffuse
* contribution.
* The color will be normalized by dividing by the colors luminance. Setting
* higher values than 1.0 will have no effect.
* @param color Light color
* @brief Sets the lights color
* @details @copydetails RPLight::set_color(const LVecBase3 &color)
* @param r Red-component of the color
* @param g Green-component of the color
* @param b Blue-component of the color
inline void RPLight::set_color(LVecBase3 const &color);
inline void RPLight::set_color(float r, float g, float b);
138 9 get_color 0 4 224 18 RPLight::get_color 0 1 31 324
* @brief Returns the lights color
* @details This returns the light color, previously set with RPLight::set_color.
* This does not include the energy of the light. It might differ from what
* was set with set_color, because the color is normalized by dividing it
* by its luminance.
* @return Light-color
inline LVecBase3 const &RPLight::get_color(void) const;
139 26 set_color_from_temperature 0 4 224 35 RPLight::set_color_from_temperature 0 1 32 304
* @brief Sets the lights color from a given color temperature
* @details This sets the lights color, given a temperature. This is more
* physically based than setting a user defined color. The color will be
* computed from the given temperature.
* @param temperature Light temperature
void RPLight::set_color_from_temperature(float temperature);
140 10 set_energy 0 4 224 19 RPLight::set_energy 0 1 33 238
* @brief Sets the energy of the light
* @details This sets the energy of the light, which can be seen as the brightness
* of the light. It will get multiplied with the normalized color.
* @param energy energy of the light
inline void RPLight::set_energy(float energy);
141 10 get_energy 0 4 224 19 RPLight::get_energy 0 1 34 179
* @brief Returns the energy of the light
* @details This returns the energy of the light, previously set with
* RPLight::set_energy.
* @return energy of the light
inline float RPLight::get_energy(void) const;
142 14 get_light_type 0 4 224 23 RPLight::get_light_type 0 1 35 243
* @brief Returns the type of the light
* @details This returns the internal type of the light, which was specified
* in the lights constructor. This can be used to distinguish between light
* types.
* @return Type of the light
inline RPLight::LightType RPLight::get_light_type(void) const;
143 17 set_casts_shadows 0 4 224 26 RPLight::set_casts_shadows 0 1 36 426
* @brief Controls whether the light casts shadows
* @details This sets whether the light casts shadows. You can not change this
* while the light is attached. When flag is set to true, the light will be
* setup to cast shadows, spawning shadow sources based on the lights type.
* If the flag is set to false, the light will be inddicated to cast no shadows.
* @param flag Whether the light casts shadows
inline void RPLight::set_casts_shadows(bool flag = true);
144 17 get_casts_shadows 0 4 224 26 RPLight::get_casts_shadows 0 1 37 261
* @brief Returns whether the light casts shadows
* @details This returns whether the light casts shadows, the returned value
* is the one previously set with RPLight::set_casts_shadows.
* @return true if the light casts shadows, false otherwise
inline bool RPLight::get_casts_shadows(void) const;
145 25 set_shadow_map_resolution 0 4 224 34 RPLight::set_shadow_map_resolution 0 1 38 574
* @brief Sets the lights shadow map resolution
* @details This sets the lights shadow map resolution. This has no effect
* when the light is not told to cast shadows (Use RPLight::set_casts_shadows).
* When calling this on a light with multiple shadow sources (e.g. PointLight),
* this controls the resolution of each source. If the light has 6 shadow sources,
* and you use a resolution of 512x512, the lights shadow map will occur a
* space of 6 * 512x512 maps in the shadow atlas.
* @param resolution Resolution of the shadow map in pixels
inline void RPLight::set_shadow_map_resolution(std::size_t resolution);
146 25 get_shadow_map_resolution 0 4 224 34 RPLight::get_shadow_map_resolution 0 1 39 343
* @brief Returns the shadow map resolution
* @details This returns the shadow map resolution of each source of the light.
* If the light is not setup to cast shadows, this value is meaningless.
* The returned value is the one previously set with RPLight::set_shadow_map_resolution.
* @return Shadow map resolution in pixels
inline std::size_t RPLight::get_shadow_map_resolution(void) const;
147 15 set_ies_profile 0 4 224 24 RPLight::set_ies_profile 0 1 40 492
* @brief Sets the ies profile
* @details This sets the ies profile of the light. The parameter should be a
* handle previously returned by RenderPipeline.load_ies_profile. Using a
* value of -1 indicates no ies profile.
* Notice that for ies profiles which cover a whole range, you should use
* PointLights, whereas for ies profiles which only cover the lower hemisphere
* you should use SpotLights for the best performance.
* @param profile IES Profile handle
inline void RPLight::set_ies_profile(int profile);
148 15 get_ies_profile 0 4 224 24 RPLight::get_ies_profile 0 1 41 229
* @brief Returns the lights ies profile
* @details This returns the ies profile of a light, previously set with
* RPLight::set_ies_profile. In case no ies profile was set, returns -1.
* @return IES Profile handle
inline int RPLight::get_ies_profile(void) const;
149 15 has_ies_profile 0 4 224 24 RPLight::has_ies_profile 0 1 42 272
* @brief Returns whether the light has an ies profile assigned
* @details This returns whether the light has an ies profile assigned,
* previously done with RPLight::set_ies_profile.
* @return true if the light has an ies profile assigned, false otherwise
inline bool RPLight::has_ies_profile(void) const;
150 17 clear_ies_profile 0 4 224 26 RPLight::clear_ies_profile 0 1 43 184
* @brief Clears the ies profile
* @details This clears the ies profile of the light, telling it to no longer
* use an ies profile, and instead use the default attenuation.
inline void RPLight::clear_ies_profile(void);
151 14 set_near_plane 0 4 224 23 RPLight::set_near_plane 0 1 44 554
* @brief Sets the near plane of the light
* @details This sets the near plane of all shadow sources of the light. It has
* no effects if the light does not cast shadows. This prevents artifacts from
* objects near to the light. It behaves like Lens::set_near_plane.
* It can also help increasing shadow map precision, low near planes will
* cause the precision to suffer. Try setting the near plane as big as possible.
* If a negative or zero near plane is passed, an assertion is thrown.
* @param near_plane Near-plane
inline void RPLight::set_near_plane(float near_plane);
152 14 get_near_plane 0 4 224 23 RPLight::get_near_plane 0 1 45 244
* @brief Returns the near plane of the light
* @details This returns the lights near plane, previously set with
* RPLight::set_near_plane. If the light does not cast shadows, this value
* is meaningless.
* @return Near-plane
inline float RPLight::get_near_plane(void) const;
153 11 ShadowAtlas 0 4 233 24 ShadowAtlas::ShadowAtlas 0 2 46 47 880
* @brief Constructs a new shadow atlas.
* @details This constructs a new shadow atlas with the given size and tile size.
* The size determines the total size of the atlas in pixels. It should be a
* power-of-two to favour the GPU.
* The tile_size determines the smallest unit of tiles the atlas can store.
* If, for example, a tile_size of 32 is used, then every entry stored must
* have a resolution of 32 or greater, and the resolution must be a multiple
* of 32. This is to optimize the search in the atlas, so the atlas does not
* have to check every pixel, and instead can just check whole tiles.
* If you want to disable the use of tiles, set the tile_size to 1, which
* will make the shadow atlas use pixels instead of tiles.
* @param size Atlas-size in pixels
* @param tile_size tile-size in pixels, or 1 to use no tiles.
ShadowAtlas::ShadowAtlas(std::size_t size, std::size_t tile_size = 32);
inline ShadowAtlas::ShadowAtlas(ShadowAtlas const &) = default;
154 12 ~ShadowAtlas 0 4 233 25 ShadowAtlas::~ShadowAtlas 0 0 118
* @brief Destructs the shadow atlas.
* @details This destructs the shadow atlas, freeing all used resources.
155 18 get_num_used_tiles 0 4 233 31 ShadowAtlas::get_num_used_tiles 0 1 48 140
* @brief Returns the amount of used tiles
* @details Returns the amount of used tiles in the atlas
* @return Amount of used tiles
inline int ShadowAtlas::get_num_used_tiles(void) const;
156 12 get_coverage 0 4 233 25 ShadowAtlas::get_coverage 0 1 49 315
* @brief Returns the amount of used tiles in percentage
* @details This returns in percentage from 0 to 1 how much space of the atlas
* is used right now. A value of 1 means the atlas is completely full, whereas
* a value of 0 means the atlas is completely free.
* @return Atlas usage in percentage
inline float ShadowAtlas::get_coverage(void) const;
157 15 TagStateManager 0 4 234 32 TagStateManager::TagStateManager 0 2 50 51 351
* @brief Constructs a new TagStateManager
* @details This constructs a new TagStateManager. The #main_cam_node should
* refer to the main scene camera, and will most likely be base.cam.
* It is necessary to pass the camera because the C++ code does not have
* access to the showbase.
* @param main_cam_node The main scene camera
TagStateManager::TagStateManager(NodePath main_cam_node);
inline TagStateManager::TagStateManager(TagStateManager const &) = default;
158 16 ~TagStateManager 0 4 234 33 TagStateManager::~TagStateManager 0 0 129
* @brief Destructs the TagStateManager
* @details This destructs the TagStateManager, and cleans up all resources used.
159 11 apply_state 0 4 234 28 TagStateManager::apply_state 0 1 52 1011
* @brief Applies a given state for a pass to a NodePath
* @details This applies a shader to the given NodePath which is used when the
* NodePath is rendered by any registered camera for that pass.
* It also disables color write depending on the pass.
* @param np The nodepath to apply the shader to
* @param shader A handle to the shader to apply
* @param name Name of the state, should be a unique identifier
* @param sort Determines the sort with which the shader will be applied.
* @brief Applies a given state to a NodePath
* @details This applies a shader to the given NodePath which is used when the
* NodePath is rendered by any registered camera of the container.
* @param container The container which is used to store the state
* @param np The nodepath to apply the shader to
* @param shader A handle to the shader to apply
* @param name Name of the state, should be a unique identifier
* @param sort Changes the sort with which the shader will be applied.
inline void TagStateManager::apply_state(std::string const &state, NodePath np, Shader *shader, std::string const &name, int sort);
160 14 cleanup_states 0 4 234 31 TagStateManager::cleanup_states 0 1 53 232
* @brief Cleans up all registered states.
* @details This cleans up all states which were registered to the TagStateManager.
* It also calls Camera::clear_tag_states() on the main_cam_node and all attached
* cameras.
void TagStateManager::cleanup_states(void);
161 15 register_camera 0 4 234 32 TagStateManager::register_camera 0 1 54 769
* @brief Registers a new camera which renders a certain pass
* @details This registers a new camera which will be used to render the given
* pass. The TagStateManager will keep track of the camera and
* applies all registered states onto the camera with Camera::set_tag_state.
* It also applies the appropriate camera mask to the camera,
* and sets an initial state to disable color write depending on the pass.
* @param source Camera which will be used to render shadows
* @brief Registers a new camera to a given container
* @details This registers a new camera to a container, and sets its initial
* state as well as the camera mask.
* @param container The container to add the camera to
* @param source The camera to add
inline void TagStateManager::register_camera(std::string const &state, Camera *source);
162 17 unregister_camera 0 4 234 34 TagStateManager::unregister_camera 0 1 55 527
* @brief Unregisters a camera from the list of shadow cameras
* @details This unregisters a camera from the list of shadows cameras. It also
* resets all tag states of the camera, and also its initial state.
* @param source Camera to unregister
* @brief Unregisters a camera from a container
* @details This unregisters a camera from the list of cameras of a given
* container. It also resets all tag states of the camera, and also its initial
* state.
* @param source Camera to unregister
inline void TagStateManager::unregister_camera(std::string const &state, Camera *source);
163 8 get_mask 0 4 234 25 TagStateManager::get_mask 0 1 56 280
* @brief Returns the render mask for the given state
* @details This returns the mask of a given render pass, which can be used
* to either show or hide objects from this pass.
* @param container_name Name of the render-pass
* @return Bit mask of the render pass
inline BitMask32 TagStateManager::get_mask(std::string const &container_name);
164 13 ShadowManager 0 4 235 28 ShadowManager::ShadowManager 0 2 57 58 348
* @brief Constructs a new shadow atlas
* @details This constructs a new shadow atlas. There are a set of properties
* which should be set before calling ShadowManager::init, see the set-Methods.
* After all properties are set, ShadowManager::init should get called.
* ShadowManager::update should get called on a per frame basis.
inline ShadowManager::ShadowManager(ShadowManager const &) = default;
165 15 set_max_updates 0 4 235 30 ShadowManager::set_max_updates 0 1 59 1064
* @brief Sets the maximum amount of updates per frame.
* @details This controls the maximum amount of updated ShadowSources per frame.
* The ShadowManager will take the first <max_updates> ShadowSources, and
* generate shadow maps for them every frame. If there are more ShadowSources
* waiting to get updated than available updates, the sources are sorted by
* priority, and the update of the less important sources is delayed to the
* next frame.
* If the update count is set too low, and there are a lot of ShadowSources
* waiting to get updated, artifacts will occur, and there might be ShadowSources
* which never get updated, due to low priority.
* If an update count of 0 is passed, no updates will happen. This also means
* that there are no shadows. This is not recommended.
* If an update count < 0 is passed, undefined behaviour occurs.
* This method has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an
* assertion will get triggered.
* @param max_updates Maximum amoumt of updates
inline void ShadowManager::set_max_updates(std::size_t max_updates);
166 9 set_scene 0 4 235 24 ShadowManager::set_scene 0 1 60 467
* @brief Sets the target scene
* @details This sets the target scene for rendering shadows. All shadow cameras
* will be parented to this scene to render shadows.
* Usually the scene will be ShowBase.render. If the scene is an empty or
* invalid NodePath, an assertion will be triggered.
* This method has to get called before calling ShadowManager::init, or an
* assertion will get triggered.
* @param scene_parent The target scene
inline void ShadowManager::set_scene(NodePath scene_parent);
167 21 set_tag_state_manager 0 4 235 36 ShadowManager::set_tag_state_manager 0 1 61 328
* @brief Sets the handle to the TagStageManager.
* @details This sets the handle to the TagStateManager used by the pipeline.
* Usually this is RenderPipeline.get_tag_mgr().
* This has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an assertion
* will get triggered.
* @param tag_mgr [description]
inline void ShadowManager::set_tag_state_manager(TagStateManager *tag_mgr);
168 25 set_atlas_graphics_output 0 4 235 40 ShadowManager::set_atlas_graphics_output 0 1 62 525
* @brief Sets the handle to the Shadow targets output
* @details This sets the handle to the GraphicsOutput of the shadow atlas.
* Usually this is RenderTarget.get_internal_buffer(), whereas the RenderTarget
* is the target of the ShadowStage.
* This is used for creating display regions and attaching cameras to them,
* for performing shadow updates.
* This has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an assertion
* will be triggered.
* @param graphics_output [description]
inline void ShadowManager::set_atlas_graphics_output(GraphicsOutput *graphics_output);
169 14 set_atlas_size 0 4 235 29 ShadowManager::set_atlas_size 0 1 63 477
* @brief Sets the shadow atlas size
* @details This sets the desired shadow atlas size. It should be big enough
* to store all important shadow sources, with some buffer, because the shadow
* maps usually won't be fitted perfectly, so gaps can occur.
* This has to get called before calling ShadowManager::init. When calling this
* method after initialization, an assertion will get triggered.
* @param atlas_size Size of the shadow atlas in pixels
inline void ShadowManager::set_atlas_size(std::size_t atlas_size);
170 14 get_atlas_size 0 4 235 29 ShadowManager::get_atlas_size 0 1 64 190
* @brief Returns the shadow atlas size.
* @details This returns the shadow atlas size previously set with
* ShadowManager::set_atlas_size.
* @return Shadow atlas size in pixels
inline std::size_t ShadowManager::get_atlas_size(void) const;
171 25 get_num_update_slots_left 0 4 235 40 ShadowManager::get_num_update_slots_left 0 1 65 274
* @brief Returns how many update slots are left.
* @details This returns how many update slots are left. You can assume the
* next n calls to add_update will succeed, whereas n is the value returned
* by this function.
* @return Number of update slots left.
inline std::size_t ShadowManager::get_num_update_slots_left(void) const;
172 9 get_atlas 0 4 235 24 ShadowManager::get_atlas 0 1 66 309
* @brief Returns a handle to the shadow atlas.
* @details This returns a handle to the internal shadow atlas instance. This
* is only valid after calling ShadowManager::init. Calling this earlier will
* trigger an assertion and undefined behaviour.
* @return The internal ShadowAtlas instance
inline ShadowAtlas *ShadowManager::get_atlas(void) const;
173 4 init 0 4 235 19 ShadowManager::init 0 1 67 396
* @brief Initializes the ShadowManager.
* @details This initializes the ShadowManager. All properties should have
* been set before calling this, otherwise assertions will get triggered.
* This setups everything required for rendering shadows, including the
* shadow atlas and the various shadow cameras. After calling this method,
* no properties can be changed anymore.
void ShadowManager::init(void);
174 6 update 0 4 235 21 ShadowManager::update 0 1 68 398
* @brief Updates the ShadowManager
* @details This updates the ShadowManager, processing all shadow sources which
* need to get updated.
* This first collects all sources which require an update, sorts them by priority,
* and then processes the first <max_updates> ShadowSources.
* This may not get called before ShadowManager::init, or an assertion will be
* thrown.
void ShadowManager::update(void);
175 20 InternalLightManager 0 4 237 42 InternalLightManager::InternalLightManager 0 2 69 70 242
* @brief Constructs the light manager
* @details This constructs the light manager, initializing the light and shadow
* storage. You should set a command list and shadow manager before calling
* InternalLightManager::update. s
inline InternalLightManager::InternalLightManager(InternalLightManager const &) = default;
176 9 add_light 0 4 237 31 InternalLightManager::add_light 0 1 71 817
* @brief Adds a new light.
* @details This adds a new light to the list of lights. This will throw an
* error and return if the light is already attached. You may only call
* this after the ShadowManager was already set.
* While the light is attached, the light manager keeps a reference to it, so
* the light does not get destructed.
* This also setups the shadows on the light, in case shadows are enabled.
* While a light is attached, you can not change whether it casts shadows or not.
* To do so, detach the light, change the setting, and re-add the light.
* In case no free light slot is available, an error will be printed and no
* action will be performed.
* If no shadow manager was set, an assertion will be triggered.
* @param light The light to add.
void InternalLightManager::add_light(PointerTo< RPLight > light);
177 12 remove_light 0 4 237 34 InternalLightManager::remove_light 0 1 72 763
* @brief Removes a light
* @details This detaches a light. This prevents it from being rendered, and also
* cleans up all resources used by that light. If no reference is kept on the
* python side, the light will also get destructed.
* If the light was not previously attached with InternalLightManager::add_light,
* an error will be triggered and nothing happens.
* In case the light was set to cast shadows, all shadow sources are cleaned
* up, and their regions in the shadow atlas are freed.
* All resources used by the light in the light and shadow storage are also
* cleaned up, by emitting cleanup GPUCommands.
* If no shadow manager was set, an assertion will be triggered.
* @param light [description]
void InternalLightManager::remove_light(PointerTo< RPLight > light);
178 6 update 0 4 237 28 InternalLightManager::update 0 1 73 336
* @brief Main update method
* @details This is the main update method of the InternalLightManager. It
* processes all lights and shadow sources, updates them, and notifies the
* GPU about it. This should be called on a per-frame basis.
* If the InternalLightManager was not initialized yet, an assertion is thrown.
void InternalLightManager::update(void);
179 14 set_camera_pos 0 4 237 36 InternalLightManager::set_camera_pos 0 1 74 200
* @brief Sets the camera position
* @details This sets the camera position, which will be used to determine which
* shadow sources have to get updated
* @param mat View projection mat
inline void InternalLightManager::set_camera_pos(LPoint3 const &pos);
180 26 set_shadow_update_distance 0 4 237 48 InternalLightManager::set_shadow_update_distance 0 1 75 309
* @brief Sets the maximum shadow update distance
* @details This controls the maximum distance until which shadows are updated.
* If a shadow source is past that distance, it is ignored and no longer recieves
* updates until it is in range again
* @param dist Distance in world space units
inline void InternalLightManager::set_shadow_update_distance(PN_stdfloat dist);
181 19 get_max_light_index 0 4 237 41 InternalLightManager::get_max_light_index 0 1 76 870
* @brief Returns the maximum light index
* @details This returns the maximum light index (also called slot). Any lights
* after that slot are guaranteed to be zero-lights. This is useful when
* iterating over the list of lights, because iteration can be stopped when
* the maximum light index is reached.
* The maximum light index points to the last slot which is used. If no lights
* are attached, -1 is returned. If one light is attached at slot 0, the index
* is 0, if two are attached at the slots 0 and 1, the index is 1, and so on.
* If, for example, two lights are attached at the slots 2 and 5, then the
* index will be 5. Keep in mind that the max-index is not an indicator for
* how many lights are attached. Also, zero lights still may occur when iterating
* over the light lists
* @return Maximum light index
inline int InternalLightManager::get_max_light_index(void) const;
182 14 get_num_lights 0 4 237 36 InternalLightManager::get_num_lights 0 1 77 325
* @brief Returns the amount of stored lights.
* @details This returns the amount of stored lights. This behaves unlike
* InternalLightManager::get_max_light_index, and instead returns the true
* amount of lights, which is completely unrelated to the amount of used slots.
* @return Amount of stored lights
inline std::size_t InternalLightManager::get_num_lights(void) const;
183 22 get_num_shadow_sources 0 4 237 44 InternalLightManager::get_num_shadow_sources 0 1 78 293
* @brief Returns the amount of shadow sources.
* @details This returns the total amount of stored shadow sources. This does
* not denote the amount of updated sources, but instead takes into account
* all sources, even those out of frustum.
* @return Amount of shadow sources.
inline std::size_t InternalLightManager::get_num_shadow_sources(void) const;
184 18 set_shadow_manager 0 4 237 40 InternalLightManager::set_shadow_manager 0 1 79 623
* @brief Sets the handle to the shadow manager
* @details This sets the handle to the global shadow manager. It is usually
* constructed on the python side, so we need to get a handle to it.
* The manager should be a handle to a ShadowManager instance, and will be
* stored somewhere on the python side most likely. The light manager does not
* keep a reference to it, so the python side should make sure to keep one.
* Be sure to call this before the InternalLightManager::update() method is
* called, otherwise an assertion will get triggered.
* @param mgr The ShadowManager instance
inline void InternalLightManager::set_shadow_manager(ShadowManager *mgr);
185 18 get_shadow_manager 0 4 237 40 InternalLightManager::get_shadow_manager 0 1 80 155
* @brief Returns the internal used ShadowManager
* @details This returns a handle to the internally used shadow manager
* @return Shadow manager
inline ShadowManager *InternalLightManager::get_shadow_manager(void) const;
186 16 set_command_list 0 4 237 38 InternalLightManager::set_command_list 0 1 81 671
* @brief Sets a handle to the command list
* @details This sets a handle to the global GPUCommandList. This is required to
* emit GPUCommands, which are used for attaching and detaching lights, as well
* as shadow source updates.
* The cmd_list should be a handle to a GPUCommandList handle, and will be
* stored somewhere on the python side most likely. The light manager does not
* keep a reference to it, so the python side should make sure to keep one.
* Be sure to call this before the InternalLightManager::update() method is
* called, otherwise an assertion will get triggered.
* @param cmd_list The GPUCommandList instance
inline void InternalLightManager::set_command_list(GPUCommandList *cmd_list);
187 21 ~InternalLightManager 0 4 237 43 InternalLightManager::~InternalLightManager 0 0 0
188 12 RPPointLight 0 4 239 26 RPPointLight::RPPointLight 0 1 82 255
* @brief Constructs a new point light
* @details This contructs a new point light with default settings. By default
* the light is set to be an infinitely small point light source. You can
* change this with RPPointLight::set_inner_radius.
189 10 set_radius 0 4 239 24 RPPointLight::set_radius 0 1 83 257
* @brief Sets the radius of the light
* @details This sets the radius of the light. It controls the lights
* influence. After a distance greater than this radius, the light influence
* is zero.
* @param radius Light radius in world space
inline void RPPointLight::set_radius(float radius);
190 10 get_radius 0 4 239 24 RPPointLight::get_radius 0 1 84 175
* @brief Returns the lights radius
* @details This returns the lights radius previously set with
* RPPointLight::set_radius
* @return Light radius in world space
inline float RPPointLight::get_radius(void) const;
191 16 set_inner_radius 0 4 239 30 RPPointLight::set_inner_radius 0 1 85 725
* @brief Sets the inner radius of the light
* @details This sets the inner radius of the light. Anything greater than
* zero causes the light to get an area light. This has influence on the
* specular highlights of the light aswell as the shadows.
* The inner radius controls the size of the lights sphere size in world
* space units. A radius of 0 means the light has no inner radius, and the
* light will be have like an infinite small point light source.
* A radius greater than zero will cause the light to behave like it would be
* an emissive sphere with the given inner radius emitting light. This is
* more physically correct.
* @param inner_radius Inner-radius in world space
inline void RPPointLight::set_inner_radius(float inner_radius);
192 16 get_inner_radius 0 4 239 30 RPPointLight::get_inner_radius 0 1 86 193
* @brief Returns the inner radius of the light
* @details This returns the inner radius of the light, previously set with
* RPPointLight::get_inner_radius.
* @return [description]
inline float RPPointLight::get_inner_radius(void) const;
193 13 ~RPPointLight 0 4 239 27 RPPointLight::~RPPointLight 0 0 0
194 13 PSSMCameraRig 0 4 240 28 PSSMCameraRig::PSSMCameraRig 0 2 87 88 320
* @brief Constructs a new PSSM camera rig
* @details This constructs a new camera rig, with a given amount of splits.
* The splits can not be changed later on. Splits are also called Cascades.
* An assertion will be triggered if the splits are below zero.
* @param num_splits Amount of PSSM splits
PSSMCameraRig::PSSMCameraRig(std::size_t num_splits);
inline PSSMCameraRig::PSSMCameraRig(PSSMCameraRig const &) = default;
195 14 ~PSSMCameraRig 0 4 240 29 PSSMCameraRig::~PSSMCameraRig 0 0 117
* @brief Destructs the camera rig
* @details This destructs the camera rig, cleaning up all used resources.
196 17 set_pssm_distance 0 4 240 32 PSSMCameraRig::set_pssm_distance 0 1 89 316
* @brief Sets the maximum pssm distance.
* @details This sets the maximum distance in world space until which shadows
* are rendered. After this distance, no shadows will be rendered.
* If the distance is below zero, an assertion is triggered.
* @param distance Maximum distance in world space
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_pssm_distance(float distance);
197 16 set_sun_distance 0 4 240 31 PSSMCameraRig::set_sun_distance 0 1 90 664
* @brief Sets the suns distance
* @details This sets the distance the cameras will have from the cameras frustum.
* This prevents far objects from having no shadows, which can occur when these
* objects are between the cameras frustum and the sun, but not inside of the
* cameras frustum. Setting the sun distance high enough will move the cameras
* away from the camera frustum, being able to cover those distant objects too.
* If the sun distance is set too high, artifacts will occur due to the reduced
* range of depth. If a value below zero is passed, an assertion will get
* triggered.
* @param distance The sun distance
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_sun_distance(float distance);
198 23 set_use_fixed_film_size 0 4 240 38 PSSMCameraRig::set_use_fixed_film_size 0 1 91 566
* @brief Sets whether to use a fixed film size
* @details This controls if a fixed film size should be used. This will cause
* the camera rig to cache the current film size, and only change it in case
* it gets too small. This provides less flickering when moving, because the
* film size will stay roughly constant. However, to prevent the cached film
* size getting too big, one should call PSSMCameraRig::reset_film_size
* once in a while, otherwise there might be a lot of wasted space.
* @param flag Whether to use a fixed film size
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_use_fixed_film_size(bool flag);
199 14 set_resolution 0 4 240 29 PSSMCameraRig::set_resolution 0 1 92 432
* @brief Sets the resolution of each split
* @details This sets the resolution of each split. Currently it is equal for
* each split. This is required when using PSSMCameraRig::set_use_stable_csm,
* to compute how bix a texel is.
* It has to match the y-resolution of the pssm shadow map. If an invalid
* resolution is triggered, an assertion is thrown.
* @param resolution The resolution of each split.
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_resolution(std::size_t resolution);
200 18 set_use_stable_csm 0 4 240 33 PSSMCameraRig::set_use_stable_csm 0 1 93 403
* @brief Sets whether to use stable CSM snapping.
* @details This option controls if stable CSM snapping should be used. When the
* option is enabled, all splits will snap to their texels, so that when moving,
* no flickering will occur. However, this only works when the splits do not
* change their film size, rotation and angle.
* @param flag Whether to use stable CSM snapping
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_use_stable_csm(bool flag);
201 22 set_logarithmic_factor 0 4 240 37 PSSMCameraRig::set_logarithmic_factor 0 1 94 775
* @brief Sets the logarithmic factor
* @details This sets the logarithmic factor, which is the core of the algorithm.
* PSSM splits the camera frustum based on a linear and a logarithmic factor.
* While a linear factor provides a good distribution, it often is not applicable
* for wider distances. A logarithmic distribution provides a better distribution
* at distance, but suffers from splitting in the near areas.
* The logarithmic factor mixes the logarithmic and linear split distribution,
* to get the best of both. A greater factor will make the distribution more
* logarithmic, while a smaller factor will make it more linear.
* If the factor is below zero, an ssertion is triggered.
* @param factor The logarithmic factor
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_logarithmic_factor(float factor);
202 15 set_border_bias 0 4 240 30 PSSMCameraRig::set_border_bias 0 1 95 482
* @brief Sets the border bias for each split
* @details This sets the border bias for every split. This increases each
* splits frustum by multiplying it by (1 + bias), and helps reducing artifacts
* at the borders of the splits. Artifacts can occur when the bias is too low,
* because then the filtering will go over the bounds of the split, producing
* invalid results.
* If the bias is below zero, an assertion is thrown.
* @param bias Border bias
inline void PSSMCameraRig::set_border_bias(float bias);
203 6 update 0 4 240 21 PSSMCameraRig::update 0 1 96 493
* @brief Updates the PSSM camera rig
* @details This updates the rig with an updated camera position, and a given
* light vector. This should be called on a per-frame basis. It will reposition
* all camera sources to fit the frustum based on the pssm distribution.
* The light vector should be the vector from the light source, not the
* vector to the light source.
* @param cam_node Target camera node
* @param light_vector The vector from the light to any point
void PSSMCameraRig::update(NodePath cam_node, LVecBase3 const &light_vector);
204 21 reset_film_size_cache 0 4 240 36 PSSMCameraRig::reset_film_size_cache 0 1 97 719
* @brief Resets the film size cache
* @details In case PSSMCameraRig::set_use_fixed_film_size is used, this resets
* the film size cache. This might lead to a small "jump" in the shadows,
* because the film size changes, however it leads to a better shadow distribution.
* This is the case because when using a fixed film size, the cache will get
* bigger and bigger, whenever the camera moves to a grazing angle. However,
* when moving back to a normal angle, the film size cache still stores this
* big angle, and thus the splits will have a much bigger film size than actualy
* required. To prevent this, call this method once in a while, so an optimal
* distribution is ensured.
inline void PSSMCameraRig::reset_film_size_cache(void);
205 10 get_camera 0 4 240 25 PSSMCameraRig::get_camera 0 1 98 593
* @brief Returns the n-th camera
* @details This returns the n-th camera of the camera rig, which can be used
* for various stuff like showing its frustum, passing it as a shader input,
* and so on.
* The first camera is the camera which is the camera of the first split,
* which is the split closest to the camera. All cameras follow in descending
* order until to the last camera, which is the split furthest away from the
* camera.
* If an invalid index is passed, an assertion is thrown.
* @param index Index of the camera.
* @return [description]
inline NodePath PSSMCameraRig::get_camera(std::size_t index);
206 11 reparent_to 0 4 240 26 PSSMCameraRig::reparent_to 0 1 99 342
* @brief Reparents the camera rig
* @details This reparents all cameras to the given parent. Usually the parent
* will be ShowBase.render. The parent should be the same node where the
* main camera is located in, too.
* If an empty parrent is passed, an assertion will get triggered.
* @param parent Parent node path
void PSSMCameraRig::reparent_to(NodePath parent);
207 13 get_mvp_array 0 4 240 28 PSSMCameraRig::get_mvp_array 0 1 100 315
* @brief Returns a handle to the MVP array
* @details This returns a handle to the array of view-projection matrices
* of the different splits. This can be used for computing shadows. The array
* is a PTALMatrix4 and thus can be directly bound to a shader.
* @return view-projection matrix array
inline PTA_LMatrix4 const &PSSMCameraRig::get_mvp_array(void);
208 17 get_nearfar_array 0 4 240 32 PSSMCameraRig::get_nearfar_array 0 1 101 508
* @brief Returns a handle to the near and far planes array
* @details This returns a handle to the near and far plane array. Each split
* has an entry in the array, whereas the x component of the vecto denotes the
* near plane, and the y component denotes the far plane of the split.
* This is required because the near and far planes of the splits change
* constantly. To access them in a shader, the shader needs access to the
* array.
* @return Array of near and far planes
inline PTA_LVecBase2 const &PSSMCameraRig::get_nearfar_array(void);
209 11 RPSpotLight 0 4 241 24 RPSpotLight::RPSpotLight 0 1 102 206
* @brief Creates a new spot light
* @details This creates a new spot light with default properties set. You should
* set at least a direction, fov, radius and position to make the light useful.
210 10 set_radius 0 4 241 23 RPSpotLight::set_radius 0 1 103 0
inline void RPSpotLight::set_radius(float radius);
211 10 get_radius 0 4 241 23 RPSpotLight::get_radius 0 1 104 0
inline float RPSpotLight::get_radius(void) const;
212 7 set_fov 0 4 241 20 RPSpotLight::set_fov 0 1 105 0
inline void RPSpotLight::set_fov(float fov);
213 7 get_fov 0 4 241 20 RPSpotLight::get_fov 0 1 106 0
inline float RPSpotLight::get_fov(void) const;
214 13 set_direction 0 4 241 26 RPSpotLight::set_direction 0 2 107 108 0
inline void RPSpotLight::set_direction(LVecBase3 direction);
inline void RPSpotLight::set_direction(float dx, float dy, float dz);
215 13 get_direction 0 4 241 26 RPSpotLight::get_direction 0 1 109 0
inline LVecBase3 const &RPSpotLight::get_direction(void) const;
216 7 look_at 0 4 241 20 RPSpotLight::look_at 0 2 110 111 0
inline void RPSpotLight::look_at(LVecBase3 point);
inline void RPSpotLight::look_at(float x, float y, float z);
217 12 ~RPSpotLight 0 4 241 25 RPSpotLight::~RPSpotLight 0 0 0
1 0 0 7 3 244 122 0 0 1 6 param0 0 242
2 0 0 7 3 244 122 0 346 /**
* @brief Constructs a new GPUCommand with the given command type.
* @details This will construct a new GPUCommand of the given command type.
* The command type should be of GPUCommand::CommandType, and determines
* what data the GPUCommand contains, and how it will be handled.
* @param command_type The type of the GPUCommand
*/ 1 12 command_type 1 219
3 0 0 4 4 245 0 0 308 /**
* @brief Appends an integer to the GPUCommand.
* @details This adds an integer to the back of the GPUCommand. Depending on the
* setting in convert_int_to_float, this will either just convert the int to a
* float by casting it, or just do a bitwise copy.
* @param v The integer to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 232
4 0 0 4 5 245 0 0 415 /**
* @brief Appends a float to the GPUCommand.
* @details This adds an integer to the back of the GPUCommand. Its used by all
* other push_xxx methods, and simply stores the value, then increments the write
* pointer. When the amount of floats exceeds the capacity of the GPUCommand,
* an error will be printed, and the method returns without doing anything else.
* @param v The float to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 230
5 0 0 4 6 245 0 0 341 /**
* @brief Appends a 3-component floating point vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 3-component floating point vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_float() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 246
6 0 0 4 6 245 0 0 325 /**
* @brief Appends a 3-component integer vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 3-component integer vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_int() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 247
7 0 0 4 7 245 0 0 341 /**
* @brief Appends a 4-component floating point vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 4-component floating point vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_float() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 3 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 250
8 0 0 4 7 245 0 0 328 /**
* @brief Appends a 4-component integer vector to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a 4-component integer vector to the command.
* It basically just calls push_int() for every component, in the order
* x, y, z, w, which causes the vector to occupy the space of 4 floats.
* @param v Int-Vector to append.
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 254
9 0 0 4 8 245 0 0 276 /**
* @brief Appends a floating point 3x3 matrix to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a floating point 3x3 matrix to the GPUCommand, by
* pushing all components in row-order to the command. This occupies a space of
* 9 floats.
* @param v Matrix to append
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 257
10 0 0 4 9 245 0 0 277 /**
* @brief Appends a floating point 4x4 matrix to the GPUCommand.
* @details This appends a floating point 4x4 matrix to the GPUCommand, by
* pushing all components in row-order to the command. This occupies a space of
* 16 floats.
* @param v Matrix to append
*/ 2 4 this 3 244 1 v 1 261
11 0 0 6 10 231 0 0 434 /**
* @brief Returns whether integers are packed as floats.
* @details This returns how integer are packed into the data stream. If the
* returned value is true, then integers are packed using their binary
* representation converted to floating point format. If the returned value
* is false, then integers are packed by simply casting them to float,
* e.g. val = (float)i;
* @return The integer representation flag
*/ 0
12 0 0 4 11 245 0 0 694 /**
* @brief Writes the GPU command to a given target.
* @details This method writes all the data of the GPU command to a given target.
* The target should be a pointer to memory being big enough to hold the
* data. Presumably #dest will be a handle to texture memory.
* The command_index controls the offset where the data will be written
* to.
* @param dest Handle to the memory to write the command to
* @param command_index Offset to write the command to. The command will write
* its data to command_index * GPU_COMMAND_ENTRIES. When writing
* the GPUCommand in a GPUCommandList, the command_index will
* most likely be the index of the command in the list.
*/ 3 4 this 3 244 4 dest 1 265 13 command_index 1 221
13 0 0 4 12 245 0 0 373 /**
* @brief Prints out the GPUCommand to the console
* @details This method prints the type, size, and data of the GPUCommand to the
* console. This helps for debugging the contents of the GPUCommand. Keep
* in mind that integers might be shown in their binary float representation,
* depending on the setting in the GPUCommand::convert_int_to_float method.
*/ 2 4 this 3 242 3 out 1 269
14 0 0 7 15 271 127 0 151 /**
* @brief Constructs a new GPUCommandList
* @details This constructs a new GPUCommandList. By default, there are no commands
* in the list.
*/ 0
15 0 0 7 15 271 127 0 0 1 6 param0 0 272
16 0 0 4 16 245 0 0 174 /**
* @brief Pushes a GPUCommand to the command list.
* @details This adds a new GPUCommand to the list of commands to be processed.
* @param cmd The command to add
*/ 2 4 this 3 271 3 cmd 1 242
17 0 0 6 17 221 0 0 220 /**
* @brief Returns the number of commands in this list.
* @details This returns the amount of commands which are currently stored in this
* list, and are waiting to get processed.
* @return Amount of commands
*/ 1 4 this 3 271
18 0 0 6 18 221 0 0 586 /**
* @brief Writes the first n-commands to a destination.
* @details This takes the first #limit commands, and writes them to the
* destination using GPUCommand::write_to. See GPUCommand::write_to for
* further information about #dest. The limit controls after how much
* commands the processing will be stopped. All commands which got processed
* will get removed from the list.
* @param dest Destination to write to, see GPUCommand::write_to
* @param limit Maximum amount of commands to process
* @return Amount of commands processed, between 0 and #limit.
*/ 3 4 this 3 271 4 dest 1 265 5 limit 1 221
19 0 0 7 24 274 133 0 112 /**
* @brief Constructs a new empty dataset.
* @details This constructs a new IESDataset with no data set.
*/ 0
20 0 0 7 24 274 133 0 0 1 6 param0 0 275
21 0 0 4 25 245 0 0 184 /**
* @brief Sets the vertical angles of the dataset.
* @details This sets the list of vertical angles of the dataset.
* @param vertical_angles Vector of all vertical angles.
*/ 2 4 this 3 274 15 vertical_angles 1 277
22 0 0 4 26 245 0 0 192 /**
* @brief Sets the horizontal angles of the dataset.
* @details This sets the list of horizontal angles of the dataset.
* @param horizontal_angles Vector of all horizontal angles.
*/ 2 4 this 3 274 17 horizontal_angles 1 277
23 0 0 4 27 245 0 0 336 /**
* @brief Sets the candela values.
* @details This sets the candela values of the dataset. They should be an
* interleaved 2D array with the dimensions vertical_angles x horizontal_angles.
* They also should be normalized by dividing by the maximum entry.
* @param candela_values Interleaved 2D-vector of candela values.
*/ 2 4 this 3 274 14 candela_values 1 277
24 0 0 4 28 245 0 0 362 /**
* @brief Generates the IES LUT
* @details This generates the LUT into a given dataset texture. The x-axis
* referes to the vertical_angle, whereas the y-axis refers to the
* horizontal angle.
* @param dest_tex Texture to write the LUT into
* @param z Layer to write the LUT into, in case the texture is a 3D Texture or
* 2D Texture Array.
*/ 3 4 this 3 275 8 dest_tex 1 281 1 z 1 221
25 0 0 4 33 245 0 0 486 /**
* @brief Invalidates the shadows
* @details This invalidates all shadows of the light, causing them to get
* regenerated. This might be the case when the lights position or similar
* changed. This will cause all shadow sources to be updated, emitting a
* shadow update. Be careful when calling this method if you don't want all
* sources to get updated. If you only have to invalidate a single shadow source,
* use get_shadow_source(n)->set_needs_update(true).
*/ 1 4 this 3 283
26 0 0 4 34 245 0 0 230 /**
* @brief Sets the position of the light
* @details This sets the position of the light in world space. It will cause
* the light to get invalidated, and resubmitted to the GPU.
* @param pos Position in world space
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 3 pos 1 246
27 0 0 4 34 245 0 0 235 /**
* @brief Sets the position of the light
* @details @copydetails RPLight::set_pos(const LVecBase3 &pos)
* @param x X-component of the position
* @param y Y-component of the position
* @param z Z-component of the position
*/ 4 4 this 3 283 1 x 1 230 1 y 1 230 1 z 1 230
28 0 0 6 35 246 0 0 214 /**
* @brief Returns the position of the light
* @details This returns the position of the light previously set with
* RPLight::set_pos(). The returned position is in world space.
* @return Light-position
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
29 0 0 4 40 245 0 0 461 /**
* @brief Sets the lights color
* @details This sets the lights color. The color should not include the brightness
* of the light, you should control that with the energy. The color specifies
* the lights "tint" and will get multiplied with its specular and diffuse
* contribution.
* The color will be normalized by dividing by the colors luminance. Setting
* higher values than 1.0 will have no effect.
* @param color Light color
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 5 color 1 246
30 0 0 4 40 245 0 0 230 /**
* @brief Sets the lights color
* @details @copydetails RPLight::set_color(const LVecBase3 &color)
* @param r Red-component of the color
* @param g Green-component of the color
* @param b Blue-component of the color
*/ 4 4 this 3 283 1 r 1 230 1 g 1 230 1 b 1 230
31 0 0 6 41 246 0 0 324 /**
* @brief Returns the lights color
* @details This returns the light color, previously set with RPLight::set_color.
* This does not include the energy of the light. It might differ from what
* was set with set_color, because the color is normalized by dividing it
* by its luminance.
* @return Light-color
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
32 0 0 4 43 245 0 0 304 /**
* @brief Sets the lights color from a given color temperature
* @details This sets the lights color, given a temperature. This is more
* physically based than setting a user defined color. The color will be
* computed from the given temperature.
* @param temperature Light temperature
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 11 temperature 1 230
33 0 0 4 44 245 0 0 238 /**
* @brief Sets the energy of the light
* @details This sets the energy of the light, which can be seen as the brightness
* of the light. It will get multiplied with the normalized color.
* @param energy energy of the light
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 6 energy 1 230
34 0 0 6 45 230 0 0 179 /**
* @brief Returns the energy of the light
* @details This returns the energy of the light, previously set with
* RPLight::set_energy.
* @return energy of the light
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
35 0 0 6 48 226 0 0 243 /**
* @brief Returns the type of the light
* @details This returns the internal type of the light, which was specified
* in the lights constructor. This can be used to distinguish between light
* types.
* @return Type of the light
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
36 0 0 4 50 245 0 0 426 /**
* @brief Controls whether the light casts shadows
* @details This sets whether the light casts shadows. You can not change this
* while the light is attached. When flag is set to true, the light will be
* setup to cast shadows, spawning shadow sources based on the lights type.
* If the flag is set to false, the light will be inddicated to cast no shadows.
* @param flag Whether the light casts shadows
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 4 flag 1 231
37 0 0 6 51 231 0 0 261 /**
* @brief Returns whether the light casts shadows
* @details This returns whether the light casts shadows, the returned value
* is the one previously set with RPLight::set_casts_shadows.
* @return true if the light casts shadows, false otherwise
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
38 0 0 4 54 245 0 0 574 /**
* @brief Sets the lights shadow map resolution
* @details This sets the lights shadow map resolution. This has no effect
* when the light is not told to cast shadows (Use RPLight::set_casts_shadows).
* When calling this on a light with multiple shadow sources (e.g. PointLight),
* this controls the resolution of each source. If the light has 6 shadow sources,
* and you use a resolution of 512x512, the lights shadow map will occur a
* space of 6 * 512x512 maps in the shadow atlas.
* @param resolution Resolution of the shadow map in pixels
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 10 resolution 1 221
39 0 0 6 55 221 0 0 343 /**
* @brief Returns the shadow map resolution
* @details This returns the shadow map resolution of each source of the light.
* If the light is not setup to cast shadows, this value is meaningless.
* The returned value is the one previously set with RPLight::set_shadow_map_resolution.
* @return Shadow map resolution in pixels
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
40 0 0 4 57 245 0 0 492 /**
* @brief Sets the ies profile
* @details This sets the ies profile of the light. The parameter should be a
* handle previously returned by RenderPipeline.load_ies_profile. Using a
* value of -1 indicates no ies profile.
* Notice that for ies profiles which cover a whole range, you should use
* PointLights, whereas for ies profiles which only cover the lower hemisphere
* you should use SpotLights for the best performance.
* @param profile IES Profile handle
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 7 profile 1 232
41 0 0 6 58 232 0 0 229 /**
* @brief Returns the lights ies profile
* @details This returns the ies profile of a light, previously set with
* RPLight::set_ies_profile. In case no ies profile was set, returns -1.
* @return IES Profile handle
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
42 0 0 6 59 231 0 0 272 /**
* @brief Returns whether the light has an ies profile assigned
* @details This returns whether the light has an ies profile assigned,
* previously done with RPLight::set_ies_profile.
* @return true if the light has an ies profile assigned, false otherwise
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
43 0 0 4 60 245 0 0 184 /**
* @brief Clears the ies profile
* @details This clears the ies profile of the light, telling it to no longer
* use an ies profile, and instead use the default attenuation.
*/ 1 4 this 3 283
44 0 0 4 63 245 0 0 554 /**
* @brief Sets the near plane of the light
* @details This sets the near plane of all shadow sources of the light. It has
* no effects if the light does not cast shadows. This prevents artifacts from
* objects near to the light. It behaves like Lens::set_near_plane.
* It can also help increasing shadow map precision, low near planes will
* cause the precision to suffer. Try setting the near plane as big as possible.
* If a negative or zero near plane is passed, an assertion is thrown.
* @param near_plane Near-plane
*/ 2 4 this 3 283 10 near_plane 1 230
45 0 0 6 64 230 0 0 244 /**
* @brief Returns the near plane of the light
* @details This returns the lights near plane, previously set with
* RPLight::set_near_plane. If the light does not cast shadows, this value
* is meaningless.
* @return Near-plane
*/ 1 4 this 3 284
46 0 0 7 67 236 154 0 0 1 6 param0 0 286
47 0 0 7 67 236 154 0 880 /**
* @brief Constructs a new shadow atlas.
* @details This constructs a new shadow atlas with the given size and tile size.
* The size determines the total size of the atlas in pixels. It should be a
* power-of-two to favour the GPU.
* The tile_size determines the smallest unit of tiles the atlas can store.
* If, for example, a tile_size of 32 is used, then every entry stored must
* have a resolution of 32 or greater, and the resolution must be a multiple
* of 32. This is to optimize the search in the atlas, so the atlas does not
* have to check every pixel, and instead can just check whole tiles.
* If you want to disable the use of tiles, set the tile_size to 1, which
* will make the shadow atlas use pixels instead of tiles.
* @param size Atlas-size in pixels
* @param tile_size tile-size in pixels, or 1 to use no tiles.
*/ 2 4 size 1 221 9 tile_size 1 221
48 0 0 6 69 232 0 0 140 /**
* @brief Returns the amount of used tiles
* @details Returns the amount of used tiles in the atlas
* @return Amount of used tiles
*/ 1 4 this 3 286
49 0 0 6 70 230 0 0 315 /**
* @brief Returns the amount of used tiles in percentage
* @details This returns in percentage from 0 to 1 how much space of the atlas
* is used right now. A value of 1 means the atlas is completely full, whereas
* a value of 0 means the atlas is completely free.
* @return Atlas usage in percentage
*/ 1 4 this 3 286
50 0 0 7 74 290 158 0 351 /**
* @brief Constructs a new TagStateManager
* @details This constructs a new TagStateManager. The #main_cam_node should
* refer to the main scene camera, and will most likely be base.cam.
* It is necessary to pass the camera because the C++ code does not have
* access to the showbase.
* @param main_cam_node The main scene camera
*/ 1 13 main_cam_node 1 288
51 0 0 7 74 290 158 0 0 1 6 param0 0 291
52 0 0 4 76 245 0 0 505 /**
* @brief Applies a given state for a pass to a NodePath
* @details This applies a shader to the given NodePath which is used when the
* NodePath is rendered by any registered camera for that pass.
* It also disables color write depending on the pass.
* @param np The nodepath to apply the shader to
* @param shader A handle to the shader to apply
* @param name Name of the state, should be a unique identifier
* @param sort Determines the sort with which the shader will be applied.
*/ 6 4 this 3 290 5 state 1 293 2 np 1 288 6 shader 1 294 4 name 1 293 4 sort 1 232
53 0 0 4 77 245 0 0 232 /**
* @brief Cleans up all registered states.
* @details This cleans up all states which were registered to the TagStateManager.
* It also calls Camera::clear_tag_states() on the main_cam_node and all attached
* cameras.
*/ 1 4 this 3 290
54 0 0 4 78 245 0 0 497 /**
* @brief Registers a new camera which renders a certain pass
* @details This registers a new camera which will be used to render the given
* pass. The TagStateManager will keep track of the camera and
* applies all registered states onto the camera with Camera::set_tag_state.
* It also applies the appropriate camera mask to the camera,
* and sets an initial state to disable color write depending on the pass.
* @param source Camera which will be used to render shadows
*/ 3 4 this 3 290 5 state 1 293 6 source 1 296
55 0 0 4 79 245 0 0 261 /**
* @brief Unregisters a camera from the list of shadow cameras
* @details This unregisters a camera from the list of shadows cameras. It also
* resets all tag states of the camera, and also its initial state.
* @param source Camera to unregister
*/ 3 4 this 3 290 5 state 1 293 6 source 1 296
56 0 0 7 80 300 0 0 280 /**
* @brief Returns the render mask for the given state
* @details This returns the mask of a given render pass, which can be used
* to either show or hide objects from this pass.
* @param container_name Name of the render-pass
* @return Bit mask of the render pass
*/ 2 4 this 3 290 14 container_name 1 293
57 0 0 7 82 238 0 0 348 /**
* @brief Constructs a new shadow atlas
* @details This constructs a new shadow atlas. There are a set of properties
* which should be set before calling ShadowManager::init, see the set-Methods.
* After all properties are set, ShadowManager::init should get called.
* ShadowManager::update should get called on a per frame basis.
*/ 0
58 0 0 7 82 238 0 0 0 1 6 param0 0 301
59 0 0 4 83 245 0 0 1064 /**
* @brief Sets the maximum amount of updates per frame.
* @details This controls the maximum amount of updated ShadowSources per frame.
* The ShadowManager will take the first <max_updates> ShadowSources, and
* generate shadow maps for them every frame. If there are more ShadowSources
* waiting to get updated than available updates, the sources are sorted by
* priority, and the update of the less important sources is delayed to the
* next frame.
* If the update count is set too low, and there are a lot of ShadowSources
* waiting to get updated, artifacts will occur, and there might be ShadowSources
* which never get updated, due to low priority.
* If an update count of 0 is passed, no updates will happen. This also means
* that there are no shadows. This is not recommended.
* If an update count < 0 is passed, undefined behaviour occurs.
* This method has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an
* assertion will get triggered.
* @param max_updates Maximum amoumt of updates
*/ 2 4 this 3 238 11 max_updates 1 221
60 0 0 4 84 245 0 0 467 /**
* @brief Sets the target scene
* @details This sets the target scene for rendering shadows. All shadow cameras
* will be parented to this scene to render shadows.
* Usually the scene will be ShowBase.render. If the scene is an empty or
* invalid NodePath, an assertion will be triggered.
* This method has to get called before calling ShadowManager::init, or an
* assertion will get triggered.
* @param scene_parent The target scene
*/ 2 4 this 3 238 12 scene_parent 1 288
61 0 0 4 85 245 0 0 328 /**
* @brief Sets the handle to the TagStageManager.
* @details This sets the handle to the TagStateManager used by the pipeline.
* Usually this is RenderPipeline.get_tag_mgr().
* This has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an assertion
* will get triggered.
* @param tag_mgr [description]
*/ 2 4 this 3 238 7 tag_mgr 1 290
62 0 0 4 86 245 0 0 525 /**
* @brief Sets the handle to the Shadow targets output
* @details This sets the handle to the GraphicsOutput of the shadow atlas.
* Usually this is RenderTarget.get_internal_buffer(), whereas the RenderTarget
* is the target of the ShadowStage.
* This is used for creating display regions and attaching cameras to them,
* for performing shadow updates.
* This has to get called before ShadowManager::init, otherwise an assertion
* will be triggered.
* @param graphics_output [description]
*/ 2 4 this 3 238 15 graphics_output 1 303
63 0 0 4 87 245 0 0 477 /**
* @brief Sets the shadow atlas size
* @details This sets the desired shadow atlas size. It should be big enough
* to store all important shadow sources, with some buffer, because the shadow
* maps usually won't be fitted perfectly, so gaps can occur.
* This has to get called before calling ShadowManager::init. When calling this
* method after initialization, an assertion will get triggered.
* @param atlas_size Size of the shadow atlas in pixels
*/ 2 4 this 3 238 10 atlas_size 1 221
64 0 0 6 88 221 0 0 190 /**
* @brief Returns the shadow atlas size.
* @details This returns the shadow atlas size previously set with
* ShadowManager::set_atlas_size.
* @return Shadow atlas size in pixels
*/ 1 4 this 3 301
65 0 0 6 90 221 0 0 274 /**
* @brief Returns how many update slots are left.
* @details This returns how many update slots are left. You can assume the
* next n calls to add_update will succeed, whereas n is the value returned
* by this function.
* @return Number of update slots left.
*/ 1 4 this 3 301
66 0 0 6 92 236 0 0 309 /**
* @brief Returns a handle to the shadow atlas.
* @details This returns a handle to the internal shadow atlas instance. This
* is only valid after calling ShadowManager::init. Calling this earlier will
* trigger an assertion and undefined behaviour.
* @return The internal ShadowAtlas instance
*/ 1 4 this 3 301
67 0 0 4 95 245 0 0 396 /**
* @brief Initializes the ShadowManager.
* @details This initializes the ShadowManager. All properties should have
* been set before calling this, otherwise assertions will get triggered.
* This setups everything required for rendering shadows, including the
* shadow atlas and the various shadow cameras. After calling this method,
* no properties can be changed anymore.
*/ 1 4 this 3 238
68 0 0 4 96 245 0 0 398 /**
* @brief Updates the ShadowManager
* @details This updates the ShadowManager, processing all shadow sources which
* need to get updated.
* This first collects all sources which require an update, sorts them by priority,
* and then processes the first <max_updates> ShadowSources.
* This may not get called before ShadowManager::init, or an assertion will be
* thrown.
*/ 1 4 this 3 238
69 0 0 7 98 305 187 0 242 /**
* @brief Constructs the light manager
* @details This constructs the light manager, initializing the light and shadow
* storage. You should set a command list and shadow manager before calling
* InternalLightManager::update. s
*/ 0
70 0 0 7 98 305 187 0 0 1 6 param0 0 306
71 0 0 4 99 245 0 0 817 /**
* @brief Adds a new light.
* @details This adds a new light to the list of lights. This will throw an
* error and return if the light is already attached. You may only call
* this after the ShadowManager was already set.
* While the light is attached, the light manager keeps a reference to it, so
* the light does not get destructed.
* This also setups the shadows on the light, in case shadows are enabled.
* While a light is attached, you can not change whether it casts shadows or not.
* To do so, detach the light, change the setting, and re-add the light.
* In case no free light slot is available, an error will be printed and no
* action will be performed.
* If no shadow manager was set, an assertion will be triggered.
* @param light The light to add.
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 5 light 1 283
72 0 0 4 100 245 0 0 763 /**
* @brief Removes a light
* @details This detaches a light. This prevents it from being rendered, and also
* cleans up all resources used by that light. If no reference is kept on the
* python side, the light will also get destructed.
* If the light was not previously attached with InternalLightManager::add_light,
* an error will be triggered and nothing happens.
* In case the light was set to cast shadows, all shadow sources are cleaned
* up, and their regions in the shadow atlas are freed.
* All resources used by the light in the light and shadow storage are also
* cleaned up, by emitting cleanup GPUCommands.
* If no shadow manager was set, an assertion will be triggered.
* @param light [description]
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 5 light 1 283
73 0 0 4 101 245 0 0 336 /**
* @brief Main update method
* @details This is the main update method of the InternalLightManager. It
* processes all lights and shadow sources, updates them, and notifies the
* GPU about it. This should be called on a per-frame basis.
* If the InternalLightManager was not initialized yet, an assertion is thrown.
*/ 1 4 this 3 305
74 0 0 4 102 245 0 0 200 /**
* @brief Sets the camera position
* @details This sets the camera position, which will be used to determine which
* shadow sources have to get updated
* @param mat View projection mat
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 3 pos 1 308
75 0 0 4 103 245 0 0 309 /**
* @brief Sets the maximum shadow update distance
* @details This controls the maximum distance until which shadows are updated.
* If a shadow source is past that distance, it is ignored and no longer recieves
* updates until it is in range again
* @param dist Distance in world space units
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 4 dist 1 312
76 0 0 6 104 232 0 0 870 /**
* @brief Returns the maximum light index
* @details This returns the maximum light index (also called slot). Any lights
* after that slot are guaranteed to be zero-lights. This is useful when
* iterating over the list of lights, because iteration can be stopped when
* the maximum light index is reached.
* The maximum light index points to the last slot which is used. If no lights
* are attached, -1 is returned. If one light is attached at slot 0, the index
* is 0, if two are attached at the slots 0 and 1, the index is 1, and so on.
* If, for example, two lights are attached at the slots 2 and 5, then the
* index will be 5. Keep in mind that the max-index is not an indicator for
* how many lights are attached. Also, zero lights still may occur when iterating
* over the light lists
* @return Maximum light index
*/ 1 4 this 3 306
77 0 0 6 106 221 0 0 325 /**
* @brief Returns the amount of stored lights.
* @details This returns the amount of stored lights. This behaves unlike
* InternalLightManager::get_max_light_index, and instead returns the true
* amount of lights, which is completely unrelated to the amount of used slots.
* @return Amount of stored lights
*/ 1 4 this 3 306
78 0 0 6 108 221 0 0 293 /**
* @brief Returns the amount of shadow sources.
* @details This returns the total amount of stored shadow sources. This does
* not denote the amount of updated sources, but instead takes into account
* all sources, even those out of frustum.
* @return Amount of shadow sources.
*/ 1 4 this 3 306
79 0 0 4 110 245 0 0 623 /**
* @brief Sets the handle to the shadow manager
* @details This sets the handle to the global shadow manager. It is usually
* constructed on the python side, so we need to get a handle to it.
* The manager should be a handle to a ShadowManager instance, and will be
* stored somewhere on the python side most likely. The light manager does not
* keep a reference to it, so the python side should make sure to keep one.
* Be sure to call this before the InternalLightManager::update() method is
* called, otherwise an assertion will get triggered.
* @param mgr The ShadowManager instance
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 3 mgr 1 238
80 0 0 7 111 238 0 0 155 /**
* @brief Returns the internal used ShadowManager
* @details This returns a handle to the internally used shadow manager
* @return Shadow manager
*/ 1 4 this 3 306
81 0 0 4 114 245 0 0 671 /**
* @brief Sets a handle to the command list
* @details This sets a handle to the global GPUCommandList. This is required to
* emit GPUCommands, which are used for attaching and detaching lights, as well
* as shadow source updates.
* The cmd_list should be a handle to a GPUCommandList handle, and will be
* stored somewhere on the python side most likely. The light manager does not
* keep a reference to it, so the python side should make sure to keep one.
* Be sure to call this before the InternalLightManager::update() method is
* called, otherwise an assertion will get triggered.
* @param cmd_list The GPUCommandList instance
*/ 2 4 this 3 305 8 cmd_list 1 271
82 0 0 7 117 313 193 0 255 /**
* @brief Constructs a new point light
* @details This contructs a new point light with default settings. By default
* the light is set to be an infinitely small point light source. You can
* change this with RPPointLight::set_inner_radius.
*/ 0
83 0 0 4 118 245 0 0 257 /**
* @brief Sets the radius of the light
* @details This sets the radius of the light. It controls the lights
* influence. After a distance greater than this radius, the light influence
* is zero.
* @param radius Light radius in world space
*/ 2 4 this 3 313 6 radius 1 230
84 0 0 6 119 230 0 0 175 /**
* @brief Returns the lights radius
* @details This returns the lights radius previously set with
* RPPointLight::set_radius
* @return Light radius in world space
*/ 1 4 this 3 314
85 0 0 4 121 245 0 0 725 /**
* @brief Sets the inner radius of the light
* @details This sets the inner radius of the light. Anything greater than
* zero causes the light to get an area light. This has influence on the
* specular highlights of the light aswell as the shadows.
* The inner radius controls the size of the lights sphere size in world
* space units. A radius of 0 means the light has no inner radius, and the
* light will be have like an infinite small point light source.
* A radius greater than zero will cause the light to behave like it would be
* an emissive sphere with the given inner radius emitting light. This is
* more physically correct.
* @param inner_radius Inner-radius in world space
*/ 2 4 this 3 313 12 inner_radius 1 230
86 0 0 6 122 230 0 0 193 /**
* @brief Returns the inner radius of the light
* @details This returns the inner radius of the light, previously set with
* RPPointLight::get_inner_radius.
* @return [description]
*/ 1 4 this 3 314
87 0 0 7 126 318 195 0 0 1 6 param0 0 316
88 0 0 7 126 318 195 0 320 /**
* @brief Constructs a new PSSM camera rig
* @details This constructs a new camera rig, with a given amount of splits.
* The splits can not be changed later on. Splits are also called Cascades.
* An assertion will be triggered if the splits are below zero.
* @param num_splits Amount of PSSM splits
*/ 1 10 num_splits 1 221
89 0 0 4 128 245 0 0 316 /**
* @brief Sets the maximum pssm distance.
* @details This sets the maximum distance in world space until which shadows
* are rendered. After this distance, no shadows will be rendered.
* If the distance is below zero, an assertion is triggered.
* @param distance Maximum distance in world space
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 8 distance 1 230
90 0 0 4 129 245 0 0 664 /**
* @brief Sets the suns distance
* @details This sets the distance the cameras will have from the cameras frustum.
* This prevents far objects from having no shadows, which can occur when these
* objects are between the cameras frustum and the sun, but not inside of the
* cameras frustum. Setting the sun distance high enough will move the cameras
* away from the camera frustum, being able to cover those distant objects too.
* If the sun distance is set too high, artifacts will occur due to the reduced
* range of depth. If a value below zero is passed, an assertion will get
* triggered.
* @param distance The sun distance
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 8 distance 1 230
91 0 0 4 130 245 0 0 566 /**
* @brief Sets whether to use a fixed film size
* @details This controls if a fixed film size should be used. This will cause
* the camera rig to cache the current film size, and only change it in case
* it gets too small. This provides less flickering when moving, because the
* film size will stay roughly constant. However, to prevent the cached film
* size getting too big, one should call PSSMCameraRig::reset_film_size
* once in a while, otherwise there might be a lot of wasted space.
* @param flag Whether to use a fixed film size
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 4 flag 1 231
92 0 0 4 131 245 0 0 432 /**
* @brief Sets the resolution of each split
* @details This sets the resolution of each split. Currently it is equal for
* each split. This is required when using PSSMCameraRig::set_use_stable_csm,
* to compute how bix a texel is.
* It has to match the y-resolution of the pssm shadow map. If an invalid
* resolution is triggered, an assertion is thrown.
* @param resolution The resolution of each split.
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 10 resolution 1 221
93 0 0 4 132 245 0 0 403 /**
* @brief Sets whether to use stable CSM snapping.
* @details This option controls if stable CSM snapping should be used. When the
* option is enabled, all splits will snap to their texels, so that when moving,
* no flickering will occur. However, this only works when the splits do not
* change their film size, rotation and angle.
* @param flag Whether to use stable CSM snapping
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 4 flag 1 231
94 0 0 4 133 245 0 0 775 /**
* @brief Sets the logarithmic factor
* @details This sets the logarithmic factor, which is the core of the algorithm.
* PSSM splits the camera frustum based on a linear and a logarithmic factor.
* While a linear factor provides a good distribution, it often is not applicable
* for wider distances. A logarithmic distribution provides a better distribution
* at distance, but suffers from splitting in the near areas.
* The logarithmic factor mixes the logarithmic and linear split distribution,
* to get the best of both. A greater factor will make the distribution more
* logarithmic, while a smaller factor will make it more linear.
* If the factor is below zero, an ssertion is triggered.
* @param factor The logarithmic factor
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 6 factor 1 230
95 0 0 4 134 245 0 0 482 /**
* @brief Sets the border bias for each split
* @details This sets the border bias for every split. This increases each
* splits frustum by multiplying it by (1 + bias), and helps reducing artifacts
* at the borders of the splits. Artifacts can occur when the bias is too low,
* because then the filtering will go over the bounds of the split, producing
* invalid results.
* If the bias is below zero, an assertion is thrown.
* @param bias Border bias
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 4 bias 1 230
96 0 0 4 135 245 0 0 493 /**
* @brief Updates the PSSM camera rig
* @details This updates the rig with an updated camera position, and a given
* light vector. This should be called on a per-frame basis. It will reposition
* all camera sources to fit the frustum based on the pssm distribution.
* The light vector should be the vector from the light source, not the
* vector to the light source.
* @param cam_node Target camera node
* @param light_vector The vector from the light to any point
*/ 3 4 this 3 318 8 cam_node 1 288 12 light_vector 1 246
97 0 0 4 136 245 0 0 719 /**
* @brief Resets the film size cache
* @details In case PSSMCameraRig::set_use_fixed_film_size is used, this resets
* the film size cache. This might lead to a small "jump" in the shadows,
* because the film size changes, however it leads to a better shadow distribution.
* This is the case because when using a fixed film size, the cache will get
* bigger and bigger, whenever the camera moves to a grazing angle. However,
* when moving back to a normal angle, the film size cache still stores this
* big angle, and thus the splits will have a much bigger film size than actualy
* required. To prevent this, call this method once in a while, so an optimal
* distribution is ensured.
*/ 1 4 this 3 318
98 0 0 7 137 288 0 0 593 /**
* @brief Returns the n-th camera
* @details This returns the n-th camera of the camera rig, which can be used
* for various stuff like showing its frustum, passing it as a shader input,
* and so on.
* The first camera is the camera which is the camera of the first split,
* which is the split closest to the camera. All cameras follow in descending
* order until to the last camera, which is the split furthest away from the
* camera.
* If an invalid index is passed, an assertion is thrown.
* @param index Index of the camera.
* @return [description]
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 5 index 1 221
99 0 0 4 138 245 0 0 342 /**
* @brief Reparents the camera rig
* @details This reparents all cameras to the given parent. Usually the parent
* will be ShowBase.render. The parent should be the same node where the
* main camera is located in, too.
* If an empty parrent is passed, an assertion will get triggered.
* @param parent Parent node path
*/ 2 4 this 3 318 6 parent 1 288
100 0 0 6 139 319 0 0 315 /**
* @brief Returns a handle to the MVP array
* @details This returns a handle to the array of view-projection matrices
* of the different splits. This can be used for computing shadows. The array
* is a PTALMatrix4 and thus can be directly bound to a shader.
* @return view-projection matrix array
*/ 1 4 this 3 318
101 0 0 6 140 324 0 0 508 /**
* @brief Returns a handle to the near and far planes array
* @details This returns a handle to the near and far plane array. Each split
* has an entry in the array, whereas the x component of the vecto denotes the
* near plane, and the y component denotes the far plane of the split.
* This is required because the near and far planes of the splits change
* constantly. To access them in a shader, the shader needs access to the
* array.
* @return Array of near and far planes
*/ 1 4 this 3 318
102 0 0 7 142 329 217 0 206 /**
* @brief Creates a new spot light
* @details This creates a new spot light with default properties set. You should
* set at least a direction, fov, radius and position to make the light useful.
*/ 0
103 0 0 4 143 245 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 329 6 radius 1 230
104 0 0 6 144 230 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 330
105 0 0 4 146 245 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 329 3 fov 1 230
106 0 0 6 147 230 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 330
107 0 0 4 149 245 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 329 9 direction 1 332
108 0 0 4 149 245 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 329 2 dx 1 230 2 dy 1 230 2 dz 1 230
109 0 0 6 150 246 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 330
110 0 0 4 151 245 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 329 5 point 1 332
111 0 0 4 151 245 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 329 1 x 1 230 1 y 1 230 1 z 1 230
218 10 GPUCommand 0 141313 10 GPUCommand 10 GPUCommand 0 0 0 1 112 122 0 9 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 0 0 0 0 1 219 303
* @brief Class for storing data to be transferred to the GPU.
* @details This class can be seen like a packet, to be transferred to the GPU.
* It has a command type, which tells the GPU what to do once it recieved this
* "packet". It stores a limited amount of floating point components.
219 11 CommandType 0 794624 23 GPUCommand::CommandType 23 GPUCommand::CommandType 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 11 CMD_invalid 23 GPUCommand::CMD_invalid 0
0 15 CMD_store_light 27 GPUCommand::CMD_store_light 0
1 16 CMD_remove_light 28 GPUCommand::CMD_remove_light 0
2 16 CMD_store_source 28 GPUCommand::CMD_store_source 0
3 18 CMD_remove_sources 30 GPUCommand::CMD_remove_sources 0
4 0 197
* The different types of GPUCommands. Each type has a special case in
* the command queue processor. When adding new types, those need to
* be handled in the command target, too.
220 14 GPUCommandList 0 141313 14 GPUCommandList 14 GPUCommandList 0 0 0 1 123 127 1 333 3 124 125 126 0 0 0 0 0 203
* @brief Class to store a list of commands.
* @details This is a class to store a list of GPUCommands. It provides
* functionality to only provide the a given amount of commands at one time.
221 6 size_t 0 2105344 11 std::size_t 11 std::size_t 0 0 222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
222 22 unsigned long long int 0 8230 22 unsigned long long int 22 unsigned long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
223 10 IESDataset 0 141313 10 IESDataset 10 IESDataset 0 0 0 1 128 133 0 4 129 130 131 132 0 0 0 0 0 347
* @brief This class generates a LUT from IES data.
* @details This class is used by the IESLoader to generate a LUT texture which
* is used in the shaders to perform IES lighting. It takes a set of vertical
* and horizontal angles, as well as a set of candela values, which then are
* lineary interpolated onto a 2D LUT Texture.
224 7 RPLight 0 75777 7 RPLight 7 RPLight 0 0 0 0 0 8 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 19 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 0 0 1 0 225 0 0 0 1 226 267
* @brief Base class for Lights
* @details This is the base class for all lights in the render pipeline. It
* stores common properties, and provides methods to modify these.
* It also defines some interface functions which subclasses have to implement.
225 14 ReferenceCount 0 2048 14 ReferenceCount 14 ReferenceCount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 203
* A base class for all things that want to be reference-counted.
* ReferenceCount works in conjunction with PointerTo to automatically delete
* objects when the last pointer to them goes away.
226 9 LightType 0 794624 18 RPLight::LightType 18 RPLight::LightType 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 LT_empty 17 RPLight::LT_empty 0
0 14 LT_point_light 23 RPLight::LT_point_light 0
1 13 LT_spot_light 22 RPLight::LT_spot_light 0
2 0 40
* Different types of light.
227 15 LVecBase3 const 0 8832 15 LVecBase3 const 15 LVecBase3 const 0 0 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
228 9 LVecBase3 0 2105344 9 LVecBase3 9 LVecBase3 0 0 229 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
229 10 LVecBase3f 0 2048 10 LVecBase3f 10 LVecBase3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
230 5 float 0 8194 5 float 5 float 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
231 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
232 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
233 11 ShadowAtlas 0 26625 11 ShadowAtlas 11 ShadowAtlas 0 0 0 1 153 154 2 342 343 2 155 156 0 0 0 0 0 189
* @brief Class which manages distributing shadow maps in an atlas.
* @details This class manages the shadow atlas. It handles finding and reserving
* space for new shadow maps.
234 15 TagStateManager 0 26625 15 TagStateManager 15 TagStateManager 0 0 0 1 157 158 0 5 159 160 161 162 163 0 0 0 0 0 455
* @brief This class handles all different tag states
* @details The TagStateManager stores a list of RenderStates assigned to different
* steps in the pipeline. For example, there are a list of shadow states, which
* are applied whenever objects are rendered from a shadow camera.
* The Manager also stores a list of all cameras used in the different stages,
* to keep track of the states used and to be able to attach new states.
235 13 ShadowManager 0 75777 13 ShadowManager 13 ShadowManager 0 0 0 1 164 0 3 344 345 346 10 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 0 0 1 0 225 0 0 0 0 0
236 13 ShadowAtlas * 0 8576 13 ShadowAtlas * 13 ShadowAtlas * 0 0 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
237 20 InternalLightManager 0 141313 20 InternalLightManager 20 InternalLightManager 0 0 0 1 175 187 4 347 348 349 350 11 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 0 0 0 0 0 359
* @brief Internal class used for handling lights and shadows.
* @details This is the internal class used by the pipeline to handle all
* lights and shadows. It stores references to the lights, manages handling
* the light and shadow slots, and also communicates with the GPU with the
* GPUCommandQueue to store light and shadow source data.
238 15 ShadowManager * 0 8576 15 ShadowManager * 15 ShadowManager * 0 0 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
239 12 RPPointLight 0 141313 12 RPPointLight 12 RPPointLight 0 0 0 1 188 193 2 351 352 4 189 190 191 192 0 0 1 0 224 0 0 0 0 217
* @brief PointLight class
* @details This represents a point light, a light which has a position and
* radius. Checkout the RenderPipeline documentation for more information
* about this type of light.
240 13 PSSMCameraRig 0 26625 13 PSSMCameraRig 13 PSSMCameraRig 0 0 0 1 194 195 0 13 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 0 0 0 0 0 1005
* @brief Main class used for handling PSSM
* @details This is the main class for supporting PSSM, it is used by the PSSM
* plugin to compute the position of the splits.
* It supports handling a varying amount of cameras, and fitting those cameras
* into the main camera frustum, to render distant shadows. It also supports
* various optimizations for fitting the frustum, e.g. rotating the sources
* to get a better coverage.
* It also provides methods to get arrays of data about the used cameras
* view-projection matrices and their near and far plane, which is required for
* processing the data in the shadow sampling shader.
* In this class, there is often referred to "Splits" or also called "Cascades".
* These denote the different cameras which are used to split the frustum,
* and are a common term related to the PSSM algorithm.
* To understand the functionality of this class, a detailed knowledge of the
* PSSM algorithm is helpful.
241 11 RPSpotLight 0 141313 11 RPSpotLight 11 RPSpotLight 0 0 0 1 209 217 3 353 354 355 7 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 0 0 1 0 224 0 0 0 0 231
* @brief SpotLight class
* @details This represents a spot light, a light which has a position, radius,
* direction and FoV. Checkout the RenderPipeline documentation for more
* information about this type of light.
242 18 GPUCommand const * 0 8576 18 GPUCommand const * 18 GPUCommand const * 0 0 243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
243 16 GPUCommand const 0 8832 16 GPUCommand const 16 GPUCommand const 0 0 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
244 12 GPUCommand * 0 8576 12 GPUCommand * 12 GPUCommand * 0 0 218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
245 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
246 17 LVecBase3 const * 0 8576 17 LVecBase3 const * 17 LVecBase3 const * 0 0 227 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
247 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase3i const * 18 LVecBase3i const * 0 0 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
248 16 LVecBase3i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase3i const 16 LVecBase3i const 0 0 249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
249 10 LVecBase3i 0 2048 10 LVecBase3i 10 LVecBase3i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
250 17 LVecBase4 const * 0 8576 17 LVecBase4 const * 17 LVecBase4 const * 0 0 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
251 15 LVecBase4 const 0 8832 15 LVecBase4 const 15 LVecBase4 const 0 0 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
252 9 LVecBase4 0 2105344 9 LVecBase4 9 LVecBase4 0 0 253 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
253 10 LVecBase4f 0 2048 10 LVecBase4f 10 LVecBase4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
254 18 LVecBase4i const * 0 8576 18 LVecBase4i const * 18 LVecBase4i const * 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
255 16 LVecBase4i const 0 8832 16 LVecBase4i const 16 LVecBase4i const 0 0 256 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
256 10 LVecBase4i 0 2048 10 LVecBase4i 10 LVecBase4i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
* This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points.
257 16 LMatrix3 const * 0 8576 16 LMatrix3 const * 16 LMatrix3 const * 0 0 258 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
258 14 LMatrix3 const 0 8832 14 LMatrix3 const 14 LMatrix3 const 0 0 259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
259 8 LMatrix3 0 2105344 8 LMatrix3 8 LMatrix3 0 0 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
260 9 LMatrix3f 0 2048 9 LMatrix3f 9 LMatrix3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 231
* This is a 3-by-3 transform matrix. It typically will represent either a
* rotation-and-scale (no translation) matrix in 3-d, or a full affine matrix
* (rotation, scale, translation) in 2-d, e.g. for a texture matrix.
261 16 LMatrix4 const * 0 8576 16 LMatrix4 const * 16 LMatrix4 const * 0 0 262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
262 14 LMatrix4 const 0 8832 14 LMatrix4 const 14 LMatrix4 const 0 0 263 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
263 8 LMatrix4 0 2105344 8 LMatrix4 8 LMatrix4 0 0 264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
264 9 LMatrix4f 0 2048 9 LMatrix4f 9 LMatrix4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45
* This is a 4-by-4 transform matrix.
265 17 PTA_uchar const * 0 8576 17 PTA_uchar const * 17 PTA_uchar const * 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
266 15 PTA_uchar const 0 8832 15 PTA_uchar const 15 PTA_uchar const 0 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
267 9 PTA_uchar 0 2105344 9 PTA_uchar 9 PTA_uchar 0 0 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
268 31 PointerToArray< unsigned char > 0 2048 31 PointerToArray< unsigned char > 31 PointerToArray< unsigned char > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
269 9 ostream * 0 8576 14 std::ostream * 14 std::ostream * 0 0 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
270 7 ostream 0 2048 12 std::ostream 12 std::ostream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
271 16 GPUCommandList * 0 8576 16 GPUCommandList * 16 GPUCommandList * 0 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
272 22 GPUCommandList const * 0 8576 22 GPUCommandList const * 22 GPUCommandList const * 0 0 273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
273 20 GPUCommandList const 0 8832 20 GPUCommandList const 20 GPUCommandList const 0 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
274 12 IESDataset * 0 8576 12 IESDataset * 12 IESDataset * 0 0 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
275 18 IESDataset const * 0 8576 18 IESDataset const * 18 IESDataset const * 0 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
276 16 IESDataset const 0 8832 16 IESDataset const 16 IESDataset const 0 0 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
277 17 PTA_float const * 0 8576 17 PTA_float const * 17 PTA_float const * 0 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
278 15 PTA_float const 0 8832 15 PTA_float const 15 PTA_float const 0 0 279 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
279 9 PTA_float 0 2105344 9 PTA_float 9 PTA_float 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
280 23 PointerToArray< float > 0 2048 23 PointerToArray< float > 23 PointerToArray< float > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
281 9 Texture * 0 8576 9 Texture * 9 Texture * 0 0 282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
282 7 Texture 0 2048 7 Texture 7 Texture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688
* Represents a texture object, which is typically a single 2-d image but may
* also represent a 1-d or 3-d texture image, or the six 2-d faces of a cube
* map texture.
* A texture's image data might be stored in system RAM (see get_ram_image())
* or its image may be represented in texture memory on one or more
* GraphicsStateGuardians (see prepare()), or both. The typical usage pattern
* is that a texture is loaded from an image file on disk, which copies its
* image data into system RAM; then the first time the texture is rendered its
* image data is copied to texture memory (actually, to the graphics API), and
* the system RAM image is automatically freed.
283 9 RPLight * 0 8576 9 RPLight * 9 RPLight * 0 0 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
284 15 RPLight const * 0 8576 15 RPLight const * 15 RPLight const * 0 0 285 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
285 13 RPLight const 0 8832 13 RPLight const 13 RPLight const 0 0 224 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
286 19 ShadowAtlas const * 0 8576 19 ShadowAtlas const * 19 ShadowAtlas const * 0 0 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
287 17 ShadowAtlas const 0 8832 17 ShadowAtlas const 17 ShadowAtlas const 0 0 233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
288 10 NodePath * 0 8576 10 NodePath * 10 NodePath * 0 0 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
289 8 NodePath 0 2048 8 NodePath 8 NodePath 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 762
* NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also
* provides a higher-level interface for manipulating the scene graph.
* A NodePath is a list of connected nodes from the root of the graph to any
* sub-node. Each NodePath therefore uniquely describes one instance of a
* node.
* NodePaths themselves are lightweight objects that may easily be copied and
* passed by value. Their data is stored as a series of NodePathComponents
* that are stored on the nodes. Holding a NodePath will keep a reference
* count to all the nodes in the path. However, if any node in the path is
* removed or reparented (perhaps through a different NodePath), the NodePath
* will automatically be updated to reflect the changes.
290 17 TagStateManager * 0 8576 17 TagStateManager * 17 TagStateManager * 0 0 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
291 23 TagStateManager const * 0 8576 23 TagStateManager const * 23 TagStateManager const * 0 0 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
292 21 TagStateManager const 0 8832 21 TagStateManager const 21 TagStateManager const 0 0 234 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
293 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
294 8 Shader * 0 8576 8 Shader * 8 Shader * 0 0 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
295 6 Shader 0 2048 6 Shader 6 Shader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
296 8 Camera * 0 8576 8 Camera * 8 Camera * 0 0 297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
297 6 Camera 0 2048 6 Camera 6 Camera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121
* A node that can be positioned around in the scene graph to represent a
* point of view for rendering a scene.
298 9 BitMask32 0 2105344 9 BitMask32 9 BitMask32 0 0 299 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
299 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 2048 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
300 11 BitMask32 * 0 8576 11 BitMask32 * 11 BitMask32 * 0 0 298 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
301 21 ShadowManager const * 0 8576 21 ShadowManager const * 21 ShadowManager const * 0 0 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
302 19 ShadowManager const 0 8832 19 ShadowManager const 19 ShadowManager const 0 0 235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
303 16 GraphicsOutput * 0 8576 16 GraphicsOutput * 16 GraphicsOutput * 0 0 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
304 14 GraphicsOutput 0 2048 14 GraphicsOutput 14 GraphicsOutput 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 727
* This is a base class for the various different classes that represent the
* result of a frame of rendering. The most common kind of GraphicsOutput is
* a GraphicsWindow, which is a real-time window on the desktop, but another
* example is GraphicsBuffer, which is an offscreen buffer.
* The actual rendering, and anything associated with the graphics context
* itself, is managed by the associated GraphicsStateGuardian (which might
* output to multiple GraphicsOutput objects).
* GraphicsOutputs are not actually writable to bam files, of course, but they
* may be passed as event parameters, so they inherit from
* TypedWritableReferenceCount instead of TypedReferenceCount for that
* convenience.
305 22 InternalLightManager * 0 8576 22 InternalLightManager * 22 InternalLightManager * 0 0 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
306 28 InternalLightManager const * 0 8576 28 InternalLightManager const * 28 InternalLightManager const * 0 0 307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
307 26 InternalLightManager const 0 8832 26 InternalLightManager const 26 InternalLightManager const 0 0 237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
308 15 LPoint3 const * 0 8576 15 LPoint3 const * 15 LPoint3 const * 0 0 309 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
309 13 LPoint3 const 0 8832 13 LPoint3 const 13 LPoint3 const 0 0 310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
310 7 LPoint3 0 2105344 7 LPoint3 7 LPoint3 0 0 311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
311 8 LPoint3f 0 2048 8 LPoint3f 8 LPoint3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337
* This is a three-component point in space (as opposed to a three-component
* vector, which represents a direction and a distance). Some of the methods
* are slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in particular,
* subtraction of two points yields a vector, while addition of a vector and a
* point yields a point.
312 11 PN_stdfloat 0 2105344 11 PN_stdfloat 11 PN_stdfloat 0 0 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
313 14 RPPointLight * 0 8576 14 RPPointLight * 14 RPPointLight * 0 0 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
314 20 RPPointLight const * 0 8576 20 RPPointLight const * 20 RPPointLight const * 0 0 315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
315 18 RPPointLight const 0 8832 18 RPPointLight const 18 RPPointLight const 0 0 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
316 21 PSSMCameraRig const * 0 8576 21 PSSMCameraRig const * 21 PSSMCameraRig const * 0 0 317 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
317 19 PSSMCameraRig const 0 8832 19 PSSMCameraRig const 19 PSSMCameraRig const 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
318 15 PSSMCameraRig * 0 8576 15 PSSMCameraRig * 15 PSSMCameraRig * 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
319 20 PTA_LMatrix4 const * 0 8576 20 PTA_LMatrix4 const * 20 PTA_LMatrix4 const * 0 0 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
320 18 PTA_LMatrix4 const 0 8832 18 PTA_LMatrix4 const 18 PTA_LMatrix4 const 0 0 321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
321 12 PTA_LMatrix4 0 2105344 12 PTA_LMatrix4 12 PTA_LMatrix4 0 0 322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
322 13 PTA_LMatrix4f 0 2105344 13 PTA_LMatrix4f 13 PTA_LMatrix4f 0 0 323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
323 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 2048 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 36 PointerToArray< UnalignedLMatrix4f > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
324 21 PTA_LVecBase2 const * 0 8576 21 PTA_LVecBase2 const * 21 PTA_LVecBase2 const * 0 0 325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
325 19 PTA_LVecBase2 const 0 8832 19 PTA_LVecBase2 const 19 PTA_LVecBase2 const 0 0 326 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
326 13 PTA_LVecBase2 0 2105344 13 PTA_LVecBase2 13 PTA_LVecBase2 0 0 327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
327 14 PTA_LVecBase2f 0 2105344 14 PTA_LVecBase2f 14 PTA_LVecBase2f 0 0 328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
328 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 0 2048 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 28 PointerToArray< LVecBase2f > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
329 13 RPSpotLight * 0 8576 13 RPSpotLight * 13 RPSpotLight * 0 0 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
330 19 RPSpotLight const * 0 8576 19 RPSpotLight const * 19 RPSpotLight const * 0 0 331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
331 17 RPSpotLight const 0 8832 17 RPSpotLight const 17 RPSpotLight const 0 0 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
332 11 LVecBase3 * 0 8576 11 LVecBase3 * 11 LVecBase3 * 0 0 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
333 12 num_commands 0 2 221 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 GPUCommandList::num_commands 0
334 3 pos 0 6 227 136 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 RPLight::pos 0
335 5 color 0 6 227 138 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 RPLight::color 0
336 6 energy 0 6 230 141 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 RPLight::energy 0
337 10 light_type 0 2 226 142 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 RPLight::light_type 0
338 13 casts_shadows 0 6 231 144 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 RPLight::casts_shadows 0
339 21 shadow_map_resolution 0 6 221 146 145 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 RPLight::shadow_map_resolution 0
340 11 ies_profile 0 30 232 148 147 149 150 0 0 0 0 20 RPLight::ies_profile 0
341 10 near_plane 0 6 230 152 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 RPLight::near_plane 0
342 14 num_used_tiles 0 2 232 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 ShadowAtlas::num_used_tiles 0
343 8 coverage 0 2 230 156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 ShadowAtlas::coverage 0
344 10 atlas_size 0 6 221 170 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 ShadowManager::atlas_size 0
345 21 num_update_slots_left 0 2 221 171 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 ShadowManager::num_update_slots_left 0
346 5 atlas 0 2 236 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 ShadowManager::atlas 0
347 15 max_light_index 0 2 232 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 InternalLightManager::max_light_index 0
348 10 num_lights 0 2 221 182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 InternalLightManager::num_lights 0
349 18 num_shadow_sources 0 2 221 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 InternalLightManager::num_shadow_sources 0
350 14 shadow_manager 0 6 238 185 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 InternalLightManager::shadow_manager 0
351 6 radius 0 6 230 190 189 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 RPPointLight::radius 0
352 12 inner_radius 0 6 230 192 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 RPPointLight::inner_radius 0
353 6 radius 0 6 230 211 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 RPSpotLight::radius 0
354 3 fov 0 6 230 213 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 RPSpotLight::fov 0
355 9 direction 0 6 227 215 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 RPSpotLight::direction 0