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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file graphicsStateGuardianBase.h
* @author drose
* @date 1999-10-06
#include "pandabase.h"
#include "typedWritableReferenceCount.h"
#include "nodeCachedReferenceCount.h"
#include "luse.h"
#include "lightMutex.h"
// A handful of forward references.
class Thread;
class RenderBuffer;
class GraphicsWindow;
class NodePath;
class GraphicsOutputBase;
class VertexBufferContext;
class IndexBufferContext;
class BufferContext;
class GeomContext;
class GeomNode;
class Geom;
class GeomPipelineReader;
class GeomVertexData;
class GeomVertexDataPipelineReader;
class GeomVertexArrayData;
class GeomPrimitive;
class GeomPrimitivePipelineReader;
class GeomTriangles;
class GeomTristrips;
class GeomTrifans;
class GeomLines;
class GeomLinestrips;
class GeomPoints;
class GeomMunger;
class SceneSetup;
class PreparedGraphicsObjects;
class GraphicsOutput;
class Texture;
class TextureContext;
class SamplerContext;
class SamplerState;
class Shader;
class ShaderContext;
class ShaderBuffer;
class RenderState;
class TransformState;
class Material;
class ColorScaleAttrib;
class TexMatrixAttrib;
class ColorAttrib;
class TextureAttrib;
class LightAttrib;
class MaterialAttrib;
class RenderModeAttrib;
class AntialiasAttrib;
class RescaleNormalAttrib;
class ColorBlendAttrib;
class ColorWriteAttrib;
class AlphaTestAttrib;
class DepthTestAttrib;
class DepthWriteAttrib;
class TexGenAttrib;
class ShaderAttrib;
class CullFaceAttrib;
class ClipPlaneAttrib;
class ShadeModelAttrib;
class TransparencyAttrib;
class FogAttrib;
class DepthOffsetAttrib;
class PointLight;
class DirectionalLight;
class Spotlight;
class AmbientLight;
class LightLensNode;
class DisplayRegion;
class Lens;
* This is a base class for the GraphicsStateGuardian class, which is itself a
* base class for the various GSG's for different platforms. This class
* contains all the function prototypes to support the double-dispatch of GSG
* to geoms, transitions, etc. It lives in a separate class in its own
* package so we can avoid circular build dependency problems.
* GraphicsStateGuardians are not actually writable to bam files, of course,
* but they may be passed as event parameters, so they inherit from
* TypedWritableReferenceCount instead of TypedReferenceCount for that
* convenience.
class EXPCL_PANDA_GSGBASE GraphicsStateGuardianBase : public TypedWritableReferenceCount {
virtual bool get_incomplete_render() const=0;
virtual bool get_effective_incomplete_render() const=0;
virtual bool prefers_triangle_strips() const=0;
virtual int get_max_vertices_per_array() const=0;
virtual int get_max_vertices_per_primitive() const=0;
virtual int get_max_texture_dimension() const=0;
virtual bool get_supports_compressed_texture_format(int compression_mode) const=0;
virtual bool get_supports_multisample() const=0;
virtual int get_supported_geom_rendering() const=0;
virtual bool get_supports_shadow_filter() const=0;
virtual bool get_supports_texture_srgb() const=0;
virtual bool get_supports_hlsl() const=0;
// These are some general interface functions; they're defined here mainly
// to make it easy to call these from code in some directory that display
// depends on.
virtual SceneSetup *get_scene() const=0;
virtual void clear_before_callback()=0;
virtual void clear_state_and_transform()=0;
virtual void remove_window(GraphicsOutputBase *window)=0;
// We hide this from interrogate, so that it will be properly exported from
// the GraphicsStateGuardian class, later.
virtual PreparedGraphicsObjects *get_prepared_objects()=0;
virtual TextureContext *prepare_texture(Texture *tex, int view)=0;
virtual bool update_texture(TextureContext *tc, bool force)=0;
virtual void release_texture(TextureContext *tc)=0;
virtual bool extract_texture_data(Texture *tex)=0;
virtual SamplerContext *prepare_sampler(const SamplerState &sampler)=0;
virtual void release_sampler(SamplerContext *sc)=0;
virtual GeomContext *prepare_geom(Geom *geom)=0;
virtual void release_geom(GeomContext *gc)=0;
virtual ShaderContext *prepare_shader(Shader *shader)=0;
virtual void release_shader(ShaderContext *sc)=0;
virtual VertexBufferContext *prepare_vertex_buffer(GeomVertexArrayData *data)=0;
virtual void release_vertex_buffer(VertexBufferContext *vbc)=0;
virtual IndexBufferContext *prepare_index_buffer(GeomPrimitive *data)=0;
virtual void release_index_buffer(IndexBufferContext *ibc)=0;
virtual BufferContext *prepare_shader_buffer(ShaderBuffer *data)=0;
virtual void release_shader_buffer(BufferContext *ibc)=0;
virtual void dispatch_compute(int size_x, int size_y, int size_z)=0;
virtual PT(GeomMunger) get_geom_munger(const RenderState *state,
Thread *current_thread)=0;
virtual void set_state_and_transform(const RenderState *state,
const TransformState *transform)=0;
// This function may only be called during a render traversal; it will
// compute the distance to the indicated point, assumed to be in eye
// coordinates, from the camera plane. This is a virtual function because
// different GSG's may define the eye coordinate space differently.
virtual PN_stdfloat compute_distance_to(const LPoint3 &point) const=0;
// These are used to implement decals. If depth_offset_decals() returns
// true, none of the remaining functions will be called, since depth offsets
// can be used to implement decals fully (and usually faster).
virtual bool depth_offset_decals()=0;
virtual CPT(RenderState) begin_decal_base_first()=0;
virtual CPT(RenderState) begin_decal_nested()=0;
virtual CPT(RenderState) begin_decal_base_second()=0;
virtual void finish_decal()=0;
// Defined here are some internal interface functions for the
// GraphicsStateGuardian. These are here to support double-dispatching from
// Geoms and NodeTransitions, and are intended to be invoked only directly
// by the appropriate Geom and NodeTransition types. They're public only
// because it would be too inconvenient to declare each of those types to be
// friends of this class.
virtual bool begin_draw_primitives(const GeomPipelineReader *geom_reader,
const GeomVertexDataPipelineReader *data_reader,
bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_triangles(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_triangles_adj(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_tristrips(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_tristrips_adj(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_trifans(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_patches(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_lines(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_lines_adj(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_linestrips(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_linestrips_adj(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual bool draw_points(const GeomPrimitivePipelineReader *reader, bool force)=0;
virtual void end_draw_primitives()=0;
virtual bool framebuffer_copy_to_texture
(Texture *tex, int view, int z, const DisplayRegion *dr, const RenderBuffer &rb)=0;
virtual bool framebuffer_copy_to_ram
(Texture *tex, int view, int z, const DisplayRegion *dr, const RenderBuffer &rb)=0;
virtual CoordinateSystem get_internal_coordinate_system() const=0;
virtual void bind_light(PointLight *light_obj, const NodePath &light,
int light_id) { }
virtual void bind_light(DirectionalLight *light_obj, const NodePath &light,
int light_id) { }
virtual void bind_light(Spotlight *light_obj, const NodePath &light,
int light_id) { }
virtual void ensure_generated_shader(const RenderState *state)=0;
static void mark_rehash_generated_shaders() {
#ifdef HAVE_CG
virtual void push_group_marker(const std::string &marker) {}
virtual void pop_group_marker() {}
static GraphicsStateGuardianBase *get_default_gsg();
static void set_default_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *default_gsg);
static size_t get_num_gsgs();
static GraphicsStateGuardianBase *get_gsg(size_t n);
MAKE_SEQ(get_gsgs, get_num_gsgs, get_gsg);
static void add_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
static void remove_gsg(GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg);
size_t _id;
struct GSGList {
LightMutex _lock;
typedef pvector<GraphicsStateGuardianBase *> GSGs;
GSGs _gsgs;
GraphicsStateGuardianBase *_default_gsg;
static AtomicAdjust::Pointer _gsg_list;
static UpdateSeq _generated_shader_seq;
static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
return _type_handle;
static void init_type() {
register_type(_type_handle, "GraphicsStateGuardianBase",
virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
return get_class_type();
virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();}
static TypeHandle _type_handle;