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Raw Normal View History

2024-01-16 17:20:27 +00:00
* Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
* All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
* license. You should have received a copy of this license along
* with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
* @file textureAttrib.I
* @author drose
* @date 2002-02-21
* Use TextureAttrib::make() to construct a new TextureAttrib object.
INLINE TextureAttrib::
TextureAttrib() {
_next_implicit_sort = 0;
_off_all_stages = false;
_sort_seq = UpdateSeq::old();
_filtered_seq = UpdateSeq::old();
* Use TextureAttrib::make() to construct a new TextureAttrib object. The
* copy constructor is only defined to facilitate methods like add_on_stage().
INLINE TextureAttrib::
TextureAttrib(const TextureAttrib &copy) :
* Returns true if the TextureAttrib is an 'off' TextureAttrib, indicating
* that it should disable texturing.
* If multitexture is in effect, a TextureAttrib may not be strictly "on" or
* "off"; therefore, to get a more precise answer to this question, you should
* consider using has_all_off() or get_num_off_stages() or has_off_stage()
* instead.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::
is_off() const {
return (_on_stages.empty());
* If the TextureAttrib is not an 'off' TextureAttrib, returns the base-level
* texture that is associated. Otherwise, return NULL.
INLINE Texture *TextureAttrib::
get_texture() const {
if (_on_stages.empty()) {
return nullptr;
return get_on_texture(filter_to_max(1)->get_on_stage(0));
* Returns the number of stages that are turned on by the attribute.
INLINE int TextureAttrib::
get_num_on_stages() const {
return _render_stages.size();
* Returns the nth stage turned on by the attribute, sorted in render order.
INLINE TextureStage *TextureAttrib::
get_on_stage(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_render_stages.size(), nullptr);
return _render_stages[n]->_stage;
* Returns the number of on-stages that are relevant to the classic fixed
* function pipeline. This excludes texture stages such as normal maps.
INLINE int TextureAttrib::
get_num_on_ff_stages() const {
return _render_ff_stages.size();
* Returns the nth stage turned on by the attribute, sorted in render order,
* including only those relevant to the classic fixed function pipeline. This
* excludes texture stages such as normal maps.
INLINE TextureStage *TextureAttrib::
get_on_ff_stage(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_render_ff_stages.size(), nullptr);
return _render_ff_stages[n]->_stage;
* For each TextureStage listed in get_on_ff_stage(), this returns a unique
* index number for the texture coordinate name used by that TextureStage. It
* is guaranteed to remain the same index number for each texcoord name (for a
* given set of TextureStages), even if the texture render order changes.
INLINE int TextureAttrib::
get_ff_tc_index(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_render_ff_stages.size(), -1);
return _render_ff_stages[n]->_ff_tc_index;
* Returns true if the indicated stage is turned on by the attrib, false
* otherwise.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::
has_on_stage(TextureStage *stage) const {
return _on_stages.find(StageNode(stage)) != _on_stages.end();
* Returns the texture associated with the indicated stage, or NULL if no
* texture is associated.
INLINE Texture *TextureAttrib::
get_on_texture(TextureStage *stage) const {
Stages::const_iterator si;
si = _on_stages.find(StageNode(stage));
if (si != _on_stages.end()) {
return (*si)._texture;
return nullptr;
* Returns the sampler associated with the indicated stage, or the one
* associated with its texture if no custom stage has been specified. It is
* an error to call this if the stage does not exist.
INLINE const SamplerState &TextureAttrib::
get_on_sampler(TextureStage *stage) const {
Stages::const_iterator si;
si = _on_stages.find(StageNode(stage));
nassertr_always(si != _on_stages.end(), SamplerState::get_default());
return si->_has_sampler ? si->_sampler
: si->_texture->get_default_sampler();
* Returns the override value associated with the indicated stage.
INLINE int TextureAttrib::
get_on_stage_override(TextureStage *stage) const {
Stages::const_iterator si;
si = _on_stages.find(StageNode(stage));
if (si != _on_stages.end()) {
return (*si)._override;
nassert_raise("Specified TextureStage not included in attrib");
return 0;
* Returns the number of stages that are turned off by the attribute.
INLINE int TextureAttrib::
get_num_off_stages() const {
return _off_stages.size();
* Returns the nth stage turned off by the attribute, sorted in arbitrary
* (pointer) order.
INLINE TextureStage *TextureAttrib::
get_off_stage(int n) const {
nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_off_stages.size(), nullptr);
return _off_stages[n]._stage;
* Returns true if the indicated stage is turned off by the attrib, false
* otherwise.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::
has_off_stage(TextureStage *stage) const {
return _off_stages.find(StageNode(stage)) != _off_stages.end() ||
(_off_all_stages && !has_on_stage(stage));
* Returns true if this attrib turns off all stages (although it may also turn
* some on).
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::
has_all_off() const {
return _off_all_stages;
* Returns true if this is an identity attrib: it does not change the set of
* stages in use.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::
is_identity() const {
return _on_stages.empty() && _off_stages.empty() && !_off_all_stages;
* Confirms whether the _on_stages list is still sorted. It will become
* unsorted if someone calls TextureStage::set_sort().
* If the list requires sorting, transparently sorts it before returning.
INLINE void TextureAttrib::
check_sorted() const {
if (_sort_seq != TextureStage::get_sort_seq()) {
((TextureAttrib *)this)->sort_on_stages();
INLINE TextureAttrib::StageNode::
StageNode(const TextureStage *stage, unsigned int implicit_sort, int override) :
// Yeah, we cast away the constness here. Just too much trouble to deal
// with it properly.
_stage((TextureStage *)stage),
* This STL function object is used to sort a list of texture stages in
* reverse order by priority, and within priority, within order by sort.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::CompareTextureStagePriorities::
operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode *a,
const TextureAttrib::StageNode *b) const {
if (a->_stage->get_priority() != b->_stage->get_priority()) {
return a->_stage->get_priority() > b->_stage->get_priority();
if (a->_stage->get_sort() != b->_stage->get_sort()) {
return a->_stage->get_sort() < b->_stage->get_sort();
return a->_implicit_sort < b->_implicit_sort;
* This STL function object is used to sort a list of texture stages in order
* by sort.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::CompareTextureStageSort::
operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode *a,
const TextureAttrib::StageNode *b) const {
if (a->_stage->get_sort() != b->_stage->get_sort()) {
return a->_stage->get_sort() < b->_stage->get_sort();
return a->_implicit_sort < b->_implicit_sort;
* This STL function object is used to sort a list of texture stages in order
* by pointer.
INLINE bool TextureAttrib::CompareTextureStagePointer::
operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode &a,
const TextureAttrib::StageNode &b) const {
return a._stage < b._stage;