#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 The Moneyrocket Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test for deterministic coverage across unit test runs. export LC_ALL=C # Use GCOV_EXECUTABLE="gcov" if compiling with gcc. # Use GCOV_EXECUTABLE="llvm-cov gcov" if compiling with clang. GCOV_EXECUTABLE="gcov" # Disable tests known to cause non-deterministic behaviour and document the source or point of non-determinism. NON_DETERMINISTIC_TESTS=( "blockfilter_index_tests/blockfilter_index_initial_sync" # src/checkqueue.h: In CCheckQueue::Loop(): while (queue.empty()) { ... } "coinselector_tests/knapsack_solver_test" # coinselector_tests.cpp: if (equal_sets(setCoinsRet, setCoinsRet2)) "fs_tests/fsbridge_fstream" # deterministic test failure? "miner_tests/CreateNewBlock_validity" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "scheduler_tests/manythreads" # scheduler.cpp: CScheduler::serviceQueue() "scheduler_tests/singlethreadedscheduler_ordered" # scheduler.cpp: CScheduler::serviceQueue() "txvalidationcache_tests/checkinputs_test" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "txvalidationcache_tests/tx_mempool_block_doublespend" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "txindex_tests/txindex_initial_sync" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "txvalidation_tests/tx_mempool_reject_coinbase" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "validation_block_tests/processnewblock_signals_ordering" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/coin_mark_dirty_immature_credit" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/dummy_input_size_test" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/importmulti_rescan" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/importwallet_rescan" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/ListCoins" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/scan_for_wallet_transactions" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) "wallet_tests/wallet_disableprivkeys" # validation.cpp: if (GetMainSignals().CallbacksPending() > 10) ) TEST_MONEYROCKET_BINARY="src/test/test_moneyrocket" print_usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [custom test filter (default: all but known non-deterministic tests)] [number of test runs (default: 2)]" } N_TEST_RUNS=2 BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS="" if [[ $# != 0 ]]; then if [[ $1 == "--help" ]]; then print_usage exit fi PARSED_ARGUMENTS=0 if [[ $1 =~ [a-z] ]]; then BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS=$1 PARSED_ARGUMENTS=$((PARSED_ARGUMENTS + 1)) shift fi if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then N_TEST_RUNS=$1 PARSED_ARGUMENTS=$((PARSED_ARGUMENTS + 1)) shift fi if [[ ${PARSED_ARGUMENTS} == 0 || $# -gt 2 || ${N_TEST_RUNS} -lt 2 ]]; then print_usage exit fi fi if [[ ${BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS} == "" ]]; then BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS="$(IFS=":"; echo "!${NON_DETERMINISTIC_TESTS[*]}" | sed 's/:/:!/g')" else echo "Using Boost test filter: ${BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS}" echo fi if ! command -v gcov > /dev/null; then echo "Error: gcov not installed. Exiting." exit 1 fi if ! command -v gcovr > /dev/null; then echo "Error: gcovr not installed. Exiting." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -e ${TEST_MONEYROCKET_BINARY} ]]; then echo "Error: Executable ${TEST_MONEYROCKET_BINARY} not found. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and compile." exit 1 fi get_file_suffix_count() { find src/ -type f -name "*.$1" | wc -l } if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcno) == 0 ]]; then echo "Error: Could not find any *.gcno files. The *.gcno files are generated by the compiler. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and re-compile." exit 1 fi get_covr_filename() { echo "gcovr.run-$1.txt" } TEST_RUN_ID=0 while [[ ${TEST_RUN_ID} -lt ${N_TEST_RUNS} ]]; do TEST_RUN_ID=$((TEST_RUN_ID + 1)) echo "[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")] Measuring coverage, run #${TEST_RUN_ID} of ${N_TEST_RUNS}" find src/ -type f -name "*.gcda" -exec rm {} \; if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcda) != 0 ]]; then echo "Error: Stale *.gcda files found. Exiting." exit 1 fi TEST_OUTPUT_TEMPFILE=$(mktemp) if ! BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS="${BOOST_TEST_RUN_FILTERS}" ${TEST_MONEYROCKET_BINARY} > "${TEST_OUTPUT_TEMPFILE}" 2>&1; then cat "${TEST_OUTPUT_TEMPFILE}" rm "${TEST_OUTPUT_TEMPFILE}" exit 1 fi rm "${TEST_OUTPUT_TEMPFILE}" if [[ $(get_file_suffix_count gcda) == 0 ]]; then echo "Error: Running the test suite did not create any *.gcda files. The gcda files are generated when the instrumented test programs are executed. Run \"./configure --enable-lcov\" and re-compile." exit 1 fi GCOVR_TEMPFILE=$(mktemp) if ! gcovr --gcov-executable "${GCOV_EXECUTABLE}" -r src/ > "${GCOVR_TEMPFILE}"; then echo "Error: gcovr failed. Output written to ${GCOVR_TEMPFILE}. Exiting." exit 1 fi GCOVR_FILENAME=$(get_covr_filename ${TEST_RUN_ID}) mv "${GCOVR_TEMPFILE}" "${GCOVR_FILENAME}" if grep -E "^TOTAL *0 *0 " "${GCOVR_FILENAME}"; then echo "Error: Spurious gcovr output. Make sure the correct GCOV_EXECUTABLE variable is set in $0 (\"gcov\" for gcc, \"llvm-cov gcov\" for clang)." exit 1 fi if [[ ${TEST_RUN_ID} != 1 ]]; then COVERAGE_DIFF=$(diff -u "$(get_covr_filename 1)" "${GCOVR_FILENAME}") if [[ ${COVERAGE_DIFF} != "" ]]; then echo echo "The line coverage is non-deterministic between runs. Exiting." echo echo "The test suite must be deterministic in the sense that the set of lines executed at least" echo "once must be identical between runs. This is a necessary condition for meaningful" echo "coverage measuring." echo echo "${COVERAGE_DIFF}" exit 1 fi rm "${GCOVR_FILENAME}" fi done echo echo "Coverage test passed: Deterministic coverage across ${N_TEST_RUNS} runs." exit