from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from direct.task.TaskManagerGlobal import taskMgr from direct.showbase.Job import Job from direct.showbase.PythonUtil import getBase class JobManager: """ Similar to the taskMgr but designed for tasks that are CPU-intensive and/or not time-critical. Jobs run in a fixed timeslice that the JobManager is allotted each frame. """ notify = directNotify.newCategory("JobManager") # there's one task for the JobManager, all jobs run in this task TaskName = 'jobManager' def __init__(self, timeslice=None): # how long do we run per frame self._timeslice = timeslice # store the jobs in these structures to allow fast lookup by various keys # priority -> jobId -> job self._pri2jobId2job = {} # priority -> chronological list of jobIds self._pri2jobIds = {} # jobId -> priority self._jobId2pri = {} # how many timeslices to give each job; this is used to efficiently implement # the relative job priorities self._jobId2timeslices = {} # how much time did the job use beyond the allotted timeslice, used to balance # out CPU usage self._jobId2overflowTime = {} self._useOverflowTime = None # this is a generator that we use to give high-priority jobs more timeslices, # it yields jobIds in a sequence that includes high-priority jobIds more often # than low-priority self._jobIdGenerator = None self._highestPriority = Job.Priorities.Normal def destroy(self): taskMgr.remove(JobManager.TaskName) del self._pri2jobId2job def add(self, job): pri = job.getPriority() jobId = job._getJobId() # store the job in the main table self._pri2jobId2job.setdefault(pri, {}) self._pri2jobId2job[pri][jobId] = job # and also store a direct mapping from the job's ID to its priority self._jobId2pri[jobId] = pri # add the jobId onto the end of the list of jobIds for this priority self._pri2jobIds.setdefault(pri, []) self._pri2jobIds[pri].append(jobId) # record the job's relative timeslice count self._jobId2timeslices[jobId] = pri # init the overflow time tracking self._jobId2overflowTime[jobId] = 0. # reset the jobId round-robin self._jobIdGenerator = None if len(self._jobId2pri) == 1: taskMgr.add(self._process, JobManager.TaskName) self._highestPriority = pri elif pri > self._highestPriority: self._highestPriority = pri self.notify.debug('added job: %s' % job.getJobName()) def remove(self, job): jobId = job._getJobId() # look up the job's priority pri = self._jobId2pri.pop(jobId) # TODO: this removal is a linear search self._pri2jobIds[pri].remove(jobId) # remove the job from the main table del self._pri2jobId2job[pri][jobId] # clean up the job's generator, if any job._cleanupGenerator() # remove the job's timeslice count self._jobId2timeslices.pop(jobId) # remove the overflow time self._jobId2overflowTime.pop(jobId) if len(self._pri2jobId2job[pri]) == 0: del self._pri2jobId2job[pri] if pri == self._highestPriority: if len(self._jobId2pri) > 0: # calculate a new highest priority # TODO: this is not very fast priorities = self._getSortedPriorities() self._highestPriority = priorities[-1] else: taskMgr.remove(JobManager.TaskName) self._highestPriority = 0 self.notify.debug('removed job: %s' % job.getJobName()) def finish(self, job): # run this job, right now, until it finishes assert self.notify.debugCall() jobId = job._getJobId() # look up the job's priority pri = self._jobId2pri[jobId] # grab the job job = self._pri2jobId2job[pri][jobId] gen = job._getGenerator() if __debug__: job._pstats.start() job.resume() while True: try: result = next(gen) except StopIteration: # Job didn't yield Job.Done, it ran off the end and returned # treat it as if it returned Job.Done self.notify.warning('job %s never yielded Job.Done' % job) result = Job.Done if result is Job.Done: job.suspend() self.remove(job) job._setFinished() messenger.send(job.getFinishedEvent()) # job is done. break if __debug__: job._pstats.stop() # how long should we run per frame? @staticmethod def getDefaultTimeslice(): # run for 1/2 millisecond per frame by default # config is in milliseconds, this func returns value in seconds return getBase().config.GetFloat('job-manager-timeslice-ms', .5) / 1000. def getTimeslice(self): if self._timeslice: return self._timeslice return self.getDefaultTimeslice() def setTimeslice(self, timeslice): self._timeslice = timeslice def _getSortedPriorities(self): # returns all job priorities in ascending order priorities = list(self._pri2jobId2job.keys()) priorities.sort() return priorities def _process(self, task=None): if self._useOverflowTime is None: self._useOverflowTime = config.GetBool('job-use-overflow-time', 1) if len(self._pri2jobId2job): #assert self.notify.debugCall() # figure out how long we can run endT = globalClock.getRealTime() + (self.getTimeslice() * .9) while True: if self._jobIdGenerator is None: # round-robin the jobs, giving high-priority jobs more timeslices self._jobIdGenerator = flywheel( list(self._jobId2timeslices.keys()), countFunc = lambda jobId: self._jobId2timeslices[jobId]) try: # grab the next jobId in the sequence jobId = next(self._jobIdGenerator) except StopIteration: self._jobIdGenerator = None continue # OK, we've selected a job to run pri = self._jobId2pri.get(jobId) if pri is None: # this job is no longer present continue # check if there's overflow time that we need to make up for if self._useOverflowTime: overflowTime = self._jobId2overflowTime[jobId] timeLeft = endT - globalClock.getRealTime() if overflowTime >= timeLeft: self._jobId2overflowTime[jobId] = max(0., overflowTime-timeLeft) # don't run any more jobs this frame, this makes up # for the extra overflow time that was used before break job = self._pri2jobId2job[pri][jobId] gen = job._getGenerator() if __debug__: job._pstats.start() job.resume() while globalClock.getRealTime() < endT: try: result = next(gen) except StopIteration: # Job didn't yield Job.Done, it ran off the end and returned # treat it as if it returned Job.Done self.notify.warning('job %s never yielded Job.Done' % job) result = Job.Done if result is Job.Sleep: job.suspend() if __debug__: job._pstats.stop() # grab the next job if there's time left break elif result is Job.Done: job.suspend() self.remove(job) job._setFinished() if __debug__: job._pstats.stop() messenger.send(job.getFinishedEvent()) # grab the next job if there's time left break else: # we've run out of time #assert self.notify.debug('timeslice end: %s, %s' % (endT, globalClock.getRealTime())) job.suspend() overflowTime = globalClock.getRealTime() - endT if overflowTime > self.getTimeslice(): self._jobId2overflowTime[jobId] += overflowTime if __debug__: job._pstats.stop() break if len(self._pri2jobId2job) == 0: # there's nothing left to do, all the jobs are done! break return task.cont def __repr__(self): s = '=======================================================' s += '\nJobManager: active jobs in descending order of priority' s += '\n=======================================================' pris = self._getSortedPriorities() if len(pris) == 0: s += '\n no jobs running' else: pris.reverse() for pri in pris: jobId2job = self._pri2jobId2job[pri] # run through the jobs at this priority in the order that they will run for jobId in self._pri2jobIds[pri]: job = jobId2job[jobId] s += '\n%5d: %s (jobId %s)' % (pri, job.getJobName(), jobId) s += '\n' return s