""" Showutil Effects module: contains code for useful showcode effects. """ from panda3d.core import * from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * # bounce types SX_BOUNCE = 0 SY_BOUNCE = 1 SZ_BOUNCE = 2 TX_BOUNCE = 3 TY_BOUNCE = 4 TZ_BOUNCE = 5 H_BOUNCE = 6 P_BOUNCE = 7 R_BOUNCE = 8 # convenience funcs # def createScaleXBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, SX_BOUNCE) def createScaleYBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, SY_BOUNCE) def createScaleZBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValue, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValue, totalTime, amplitude, SZ_BOUNCE) def createXBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, TX_BOUNCE) def createYBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, TY_BOUNCE) def createZBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, TZ_BOUNCE) def createHBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, H_BOUNCE) def createPBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, P_BOUNCE) def createRBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude): return createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, R_BOUNCE) def createBounce(nodeObj, numBounces, startValues, totalTime, amplitude, bounceType=SZ_BOUNCE): """ createBounce: create and return a list of intervals to make a given nodePath bounce a given number of times over a give total time. """ if not nodeObj or numBounces < 1 or totalTime == 0: self.notify.warning( "createBounceIvals called with invalid parameter") return result = Sequence() # calculate how long, in seconds, each bounce should last bounceTime = totalTime/float(numBounces) currTime = bounceTime currAmplitude = amplitude # determine the how much of a change in value the first bounce # will produce based on the given start value and amplitude # if ((bounceType == SX_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == TX_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == H_BOUNCE)): index = 0 elif ((bounceType == SY_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == TY_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == P_BOUNCE)): index = 1 elif ((bounceType == SZ_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == TZ_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == R_BOUNCE)): index = 2 currBounceVal = startValues[index] # create a lerp interval for each bounce, making sure to # figure out the new value, which progressively gets closer # to our start value # for bounceNum in range(numBounces*2): # determine the direction that this value should go, # alternating for each lerp interval to simulate # a spring effect # if bounceNum % 2: # bounce down currBounceVal = startValues[index] blend = 'easeIn' else: # bounce up currBounceVal = startValues[index] + currAmplitude blend = 'easeOut' newVec3 = Vec3(startValues) newVec3.setCell(index, currBounceVal) print("### newVec3 = %s" % newVec3) # create the right type of lerp if ((bounceType == SX_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == SY_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == SZ_BOUNCE)): result.append(LerpScaleInterval( nodeObj, currTime, newVec3, blendType=blend)) elif ((bounceType == TX_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == TY_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == TZ_BOUNCE)): result.append(LerpPosInterval( nodeObj, currTime, newVec3, blendType=blend)) elif ((bounceType == H_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == P_BOUNCE) or (bounceType == R_BOUNCE)): result.append(LerpHprInterval( nodeObj, currTime, newVec3, blendType=blend)) # the value diff from the base gets smaller for each # consecutive bounce, and make sure to update for # possibly a new amount of time the next bounce will # take # currAmplitude *= 0.5 currTime = bounceTime return result