"""Undocumented Module""" __all__ = ['Valuator', 'ValuatorGroup', 'ValuatorGroupPanel'] from direct.showbase.DirectObject import * from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import * from . import WidgetPropertiesDialog import Pmw from direct.directtools.DirectUtil import getTkColorString from panda3d.core import Vec4 if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): from tkinter.colorchooser import askcolor else: from tkColorChooser import askcolor VALUATOR_MINI = 'mini' VALUATOR_FULL = 'full' class Valuator(Pmw.MegaWidget): sfBase = 3.0 sfDist = 7 deadband = 5 """ Base class for widgets used to interactively adjust numeric values """ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): #define the megawidget options INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('state', NORMAL, self.setState), # Widget appearance ('relief', GROOVE, None), ('borderwidth', 2, None), ('text', 'Valuator', self.setLabel), # Initial and reset values ('value', 0.0, INITOPT), ('resetValue', 0.0, None), # Behavior ('min', None, None), ('max', None, None), ('resolution', None, None), ('numDigits', 2, self.setEntryFormat), # Enable/disable popup menu ('fAdjustable', 1, None), # Actions ('command', None, None), ('commandData', [], None), ('fCommandOnInit', 0, INITOPT), # Callbacks to execute when updating widget's value ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to callback function, needs to be a list ('callbackData', [], None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the superclass Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Current adjusted (for min/max/resolution) value self.adjustedValue = self['value'] # Create the components interior = self.interior() interior.configure(relief = self['relief'], bd = self['borderwidth']) # The Valuator self.createValuator() # Set valuator callbacks for mouse start/stop self._valuator['preCallback'] = self._mouseDown self._valuator['postCallback'] = self._mouseUp # The Label if self['text'] is not None: self._label = self.createcomponent('label', (), None, Label, (interior,), text = self['text'], font = ('MS Sans Serif', 12), anchor = CENTER) else: self._label = None # The entry self._entryVal = StringVar() self._entry = self.createcomponent('entry', (), None, Entry, (interior,), justify = RIGHT, width = 12, textvariable = self._entryVal) self._entry.bind('', self.validateEntryInput) self._entryBackground = self._entry.cget('background') # Pack Valuator Widget self.packValuator() # Set reset value if none specified if 'resetValue' not in kw: self['resetValue'] = self['value'] if self['fAdjustable']: # The popup menu self._popupMenu = Menu(interior, tearoff = 0) self.addValuatorMenuEntries() self._popupMenu.add_command(label = 'Reset', command = self.reset) self._popupMenu.add_command(label = 'Set to Zero', command = self.zero) self._popupMenu.add_command( label = 'Properties...', command = self._popupPropertiesDialog) # Add key bindings if self._label: self._label.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) self._entry.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) self._valuator._widget.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) # A Dictionary of dictionaries for the popup property dialog self.propertyDict = { 'state': {'widget': self, 'type': 'string', 'help': 'Enter state: normal or disabled.' }, 'text': {'widget': self, 'type': 'string', 'help': 'Enter label text.' }, 'min': { 'widget': self, 'type': 'real', 'fNone': 1, 'help': 'Minimum allowable value. Enter None for no minimum.'}, 'max': { 'widget': self, 'type': 'real', 'fNone': 1, 'help': 'Maximum allowable value. Enter None for no maximum.'}, 'numDigits': {'widget': self, 'type': 'integer', 'help': 'Number of digits after decimal point.' }, 'resolution': {'widget': self, 'type': 'real', 'fNone': 1, 'help':'Widget resolution. Enter None for no resolution .' }, 'resetValue': { 'widget': self, 'type': 'real', 'help': 'Enter value to set widget to on reset.'} } # Property list defines the display order of the properties self.propertyList = [ 'state', 'text', 'min', 'max', 'numDigits', 'resolution', 'resetValue'] # Add any valuator specific properties self.addValuatorPropertiesToDialog() # Make sure input variables processed self.fInit = self['fCommandOnInit'] self.initialiseoptions(Valuator) def set(self, value, fCommand = 1): """ Update widget's value by setting valuator, which will in turn update the entry. fCommand flag (which is passed to the valuator as commandData, which is then passed in turn to self.setEntry) controls command execution. """ self._valuator['commandData'] = [fCommand] self._valuator.set(value) # Restore commandData to 1 so that interaction via valuator widget # will result in command being executed, otherwise a set with # commandData == 0 will stick and commands will not be executed self._valuator['commandData'] = [1] def get(self): """ Return current widget value """ return self.adjustedValue def setEntry(self, value, fCommand = 1): """ Update value displayed in entry, fCommand flag controls command execution """ # Clamp value if self['min'] is not None: if value < self['min']: value = self['min'] if self['max'] is not None: if value > self['max']: value = self['max'] # Round by resolution if self['resolution'] is not None: value = round(value / self['resolution']) * self['resolution'] # Format value and use it to set entry self._entryVal.set(self.entryFormat % value) # Update indicator (if any) to reflect new adjusted value self._valuator.updateIndicator(value) # Execute command if required if fCommand and self.fInit and (self['command'] is not None): self['command'](*[value] + self['commandData']) # Record adjusted value self.adjustedValue = value # Once initialization is finished, allow commands to execute self.fInit = 1 def setEntryFormat(self): """ Change the number of significant digits in entry """ # Create new format string self.entryFormat = "%." + "%df" % self['numDigits'] # Update entry to reflect new format self.setEntry(self.get()) # Pass info down to valuator to adjust valuator sensitivity self._valuator['numDigits'] = self['numDigits'] def validateEntryInput(self, event): """ Check validity of entry and if valid pass along to valuator """ input = self._entryVal.get() try: # Reset background self._entry.configure(background = self._entryBackground) # Get new value and check validity newValue = float(input) # If OK, execute preCallback if one defined self._preCallback() # Call set to update valuator self.set(newValue) # Execute callback self._postCallback() # Update valuator to reflect adjusted value # Don't execute command self._valuator.set(self.adjustedValue, 0) except ValueError: # Invalid entry, flash background self._entry.configure(background = 'Pink') # Callbacks executed on mouse down/up def _mouseDown(self): """ Function to execute at start of mouse interaction """ # Execute pre interaction callback self._preCallback() def _mouseUp(self): """ Function to execute at end of mouse interaction """ # Execute post interaction callback self._postCallback() # Update valuator to reflect adjusted value # Don't execute command self._valuator.set(self.adjustedValue, 0) # Callback functions def _preCallback(self): if self['preCallback']: self['preCallback'](*self['callbackData']) def _postCallback(self): # Exectute post callback if one defined if self['postCallback']: self['postCallback'](*self['callbackData']) def setState(self): """ Enable/disable widget """ if self['state'] == NORMAL: self._entry['state'] = NORMAL self._entry['background'] = self._entryBackground self._valuator._widget['state'] = NORMAL elif self['state'] == DISABLED: self._entry['background'] = 'grey75' self._entry['state'] = DISABLED self._valuator._widget['state'] = DISABLED def setLabel(self): """ Update label's text """ if self._label: self._label['text'] = self['text'] def zero(self): """ self.zero() Set valuator to zero """ self.set(0.0) def reset(self): """ self.reset() Reset valuator to reset value """ self.set(self['resetValue']) def mouseReset(self, event): """ Reset valuator to resetValue """ # If not over any canvas item #if not self._widget.find_withtag(CURRENT): self.reset() # Popup dialog to adjust widget properties def _popupValuatorMenu(self, event): self._popupMenu.post(event.widget.winfo_pointerx(), event.widget.winfo_pointery()) def _popupPropertiesDialog(self): WidgetPropertiesDialog.WidgetPropertiesDialog( self.propertyDict, propertyList = self.propertyList, title = 'Widget Properties', parent = self.interior()) def addPropertyToDialog(self, property, pDict): self.propertyDict[property] = pDict self.propertyList.append(property) # Virtual functions to be redefined by subclass def createValuator(self): """ Function used by subclass to create valuator geometry """ pass def packValuator(self): """ Function used by subclass to pack widget """ pass def addValuatorMenuEntries(self): """ Function used by subclass to add menu entries to popup menu """ pass def addValuatorPropertiesToDialog(self): """ Function used by subclass to add properties to property dialog """ pass FLOATER = 'floater' DIAL = 'dial' ANGLEDIAL = 'angledial' SLIDER = 'slider' class ValuatorGroup(Pmw.MegaWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Default group size DEFAULT_DIM = 1 # Default value depends on *actual* group size, test for user input DEFAULT_VALUE = [0.0] * kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM) DEFAULT_LABELS = ['v[%d]' % x for x in range(kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM))] #define the megawidget options INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('type', FLOATER, INITOPT), ('dim', DEFAULT_DIM, INITOPT), ('side', TOP, INITOPT), # A list of initial values, one for each valuator ('value', DEFAULT_VALUE, INITOPT), ('min', None, INITOPT), ('max', None, INITOPT), ('resolution', None, INITOPT), ('numDigits', 2, self._setNumDigits), # A tuple of labels, one for each valuator ('labels', DEFAULT_LABELS, self._updateLabels), # The command to be executed when one of the valuators is updated ('command', None, None), # Callbacks to execute when updating widget's value ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to callback function, needs to be a list ('callbackData', [], None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the toplevel widget Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components interior = self.interior() # Get a copy of the initial value (making sure its a list) self._value = list(self['value']) # Create the valuators self._valuatorList = [] for index in range(self['dim']): # Add a group alias so you can configure the valuators via: # fg.configure(Valuator_XXX = YYY) if self['type'] == DIAL: from . import Dial valuatorType = Dial.Dial elif self['type'] == ANGLEDIAL: from . import Dial valuatorType = Dial.AngleDial elif self['type'] == SLIDER: from . import Slider valuatorType = Slider.Slider else: from . import Floater valuatorType = Floater.Floater f = self.createcomponent( 'valuator%d' % index, (), 'valuator', valuatorType, (interior,), value = self._value[index], min = self['min'], max = self['max'], resolution = self['resolution'], text = self['labels'][index], command = lambda val, i = index: self._valuatorSetAt(i, val), preCallback = self._preCallback, postCallback = self._postCallback, callbackData = [self], ) f.pack(side = self['side'], expand = 1, fill = X) self._valuatorList.append(f) # Make sure valuators are initialized self.set(self['value'], fCommand = 0) # Make sure input variables processed self.initialiseoptions(ValuatorGroup) # This is the command is used to set the groups value def set(self, value, fCommand = 1): for i in range(self['dim']): self._value[i] = value[i] # Update valuator, but don't execute its command self._valuatorList[i].set(value[i], 0) if fCommand and (self['command'] is not None): self['command'](self._value) def setAt(self, index, value): # Update valuator and execute its command self._valuatorList[index].set(value) # This is the command used by the valuator def _valuatorSetAt(self, index, value): self._value[index] = value if self['command']: self['command'](self._value) def get(self): return self._value def getAt(self, index): return self._value[index] def _setNumDigits(self): self['valuator_numDigits'] = self['numDigits'] self.formatString = '%0.' + '%df' % self['numDigits'] def _updateLabels(self): if self['labels']: for index in range(self['dim']): self._valuatorList[index]['text'] = self['labels'][index] def _preCallback(self, valGroup): # Execute pre callback if self['preCallback']: self['preCallback'](*valGroup.get()) def _postCallback(self, valGroup): # Execute post callback if self['postCallback']: self['postCallback'](*valGroup.get()) def __len__(self): return self['dim'] def __repr__(self): str = '[' + self.formatString % self._value[0] for val in self._value[1:]: str += ', ' + self.formatString % val str += ']' return str class ValuatorGroupPanel(Pmw.MegaToplevel): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Default group size DEFAULT_DIM = 1 # Default value depends on *actual* group size, test for user input DEFAULT_VALUE = [0.0] * kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM) DEFAULT_LABELS = ['v[%d]' % x for x in range(kw.get('dim', DEFAULT_DIM))] #define the megawidget options INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('type', FLOATER, INITOPT), ('dim', DEFAULT_DIM, INITOPT), ('side', TOP, INITOPT), ('title', 'Valuator Group', None), # A list of initial values, one for each floater ('value', DEFAULT_VALUE, INITOPT), ('min', None, INITOPT), ('max', None, INITOPT), ('resolution', None, INITOPT), # A tuple of labels, one for each floater ('labels', DEFAULT_LABELS, self._updateLabels), ('numDigits', 2, self._setNumDigits), # The command to be executed when one of the floaters is updated ('command', None, self._setCommand), # Callbacks to execute when updating widget's value ('preCallback', None, self._setPreCallback), ('postCallback', None, self._setPostCallback), # Extra data to be passed to callback function, needs to be a list ('callbackData', [], self._setCallbackData), # Destroy or withdraw ('fDestroy', 0, INITOPT) ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialize the toplevel widget Pmw.MegaToplevel.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components interior = self.interior() # The Menu Bar self.balloon = Pmw.Balloon() menubar = self.createcomponent('menubar', (), None, Pmw.MenuBar, (interior,), balloon = self.balloon) menubar.pack(fill=X) # ValuatorGroup Menu menubar.addmenu('Valuator Group', 'Valuator Group Operations') menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', 'Reset the Valuator Group panel', label = 'Reset', command = lambda s = self: s.reset()) if self['fDestroy']: dismissCommand = self.destroy else: dismissCommand = self.withdraw menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', 'Dismiss Valuator Group panel', label = 'Dismiss', command = dismissCommand) menubar.addmenu('Help', 'Valuator Group Help Operations') self.toggleBalloonVar = IntVar() self.toggleBalloonVar.set(0) menubar.addmenuitem('Help', 'checkbutton', 'Toggle balloon help', label = 'Balloon Help', variable = self.toggleBalloonVar, command = self.toggleBalloon) # Create the valuator group self.valuatorGroup = self.createcomponent( 'valuatorGroup', (('valuator', 'valuatorGroup_valuator'),), None, ValuatorGroup, (interior,), type = self['type'], dim = self['dim'], value = self['value'], min = self['min'], max = self['max'], resolution = self['resolution'], labels = self['labels'], command = self['command']) self.valuatorGroup.pack(expand = 1, fill = X) # Make sure input variables processed self.initialiseoptions(ValuatorGroupPanel) def toggleBalloon(self): if self.toggleBalloonVar.get(): self.balloon.configure(state = 'balloon') else: self.balloon.configure(state = 'none') def _updateLabels(self): self.valuatorGroup['labels'] = self['labels'] def _setNumDigits(self): self.valuatorGroup['numDigits'] = self['numDigits'] def _setCommand(self): self.valuatorGroup['command'] = self['command'] def _setPreCallback(self): self.valuatorGroup['preCallback'] = self['preCallback'] def _setPostCallback(self): self.valuatorGroup['postCallback'] = self['postCallback'] def _setCallbackData(self): self.valuatorGroup['callbackData'] = self['callbackData'] def reset(self): self.set(self['value']) Pmw.forwardmethods(ValuatorGroupPanel, ValuatorGroup, 'valuatorGroup') def rgbPanel(nodePath, callback = None, style = 'mini'): def onRelease(r, g, b, a, nodePath = nodePath): messenger.send('RGBPanel_setColor', [nodePath, r, g, b, a]) def popupColorPicker(): # Can pass in current color with: color = (255, 0, 0) color = askcolor( parent = vgp.interior(), # Initialize it to current color initialcolor = tuple(vgp.get()[:3]))[0] if color: vgp.set((color[0], color[1], color[2], vgp.getAt(3))) def printToLog(): c=nodePath.getColor() print("Vec4(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f)"%(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3])) # Check init color if nodePath.hasColor(): initColor = nodePath.getColor() * 255.0 else: initColor = Vec4(255) # Create entry scale group vgp = ValuatorGroupPanel(title = 'RGBA Panel: ' + nodePath.getName(), dim = 4, labels = ['R','G','B','A'], value = [int(initColor[0]), int(initColor[1]), int(initColor[2]), int(initColor[3])], type = 'slider', valuator_style = style, valuator_min = 0, valuator_max = 255, valuator_resolution = 1, # Destroy not withdraw panel on dismiss fDestroy = 1) # Update menu button vgp.component('menubar').component('Valuator Group-button')['text'] = ( 'RGBA Panel') # Set callback vgp['postCallback'] = onRelease # Add a print button which will also serve as a color tile pButton = Button(vgp.interior(), text = 'Print to Log', bg = getTkColorString(initColor), command = printToLog) pButton.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) # Update menu menubar = vgp.component('menubar') menubar.deletemenuitems('Valuator Group', 1, 1) # Some helper functions # Clear color menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Clear Color', command=lambda: nodePath.clearColor()) # Set Clear Transparency menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Set Transparency', command=lambda: nodePath.setTransparency(1)) menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Clear Transparency', command=lambda: nodePath.clearTransparency()) # System color picker menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Popup Color Picker', command=popupColorPicker) menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Print to log', command=printToLog) menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', 'Dismiss Valuator Group panel', label='Dismiss', command=vgp.destroy) def setNodePathColor(color): nodePath.setColor(color[0]/255.0, color[1]/255.0, color[2]/255.0, color[3]/255.0) # Update color chip button pButton['bg'] = getTkColorString(color) # Execute callback to pass along color info if callback: callback(color) vgp['command'] = setNodePathColor return vgp def lightRGBPanel(light, style = 'mini'): # Color picker for lights def popupColorPicker(): # Can pass in current color with: color = (255, 0, 0) color = askcolor( parent = vgp.interior(), # Initialize it to current color initialcolor = tuple(vgp.get()[:3]))[0] if color: vgp.set((color[0], color[1], color[2], vgp.getAt(3))) def printToLog(): n = light.getName() c=light.getColor() print(n + (".setColor(Vec4(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f))" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3]))) # Check init color initColor = light.getColor() * 255.0 # Create entry scale group vgp = ValuatorGroupPanel(title = 'RGBA Panel: ' + light.getName(), dim = 4, labels = ['R','G','B','A'], value = [int(initColor[0]), int(initColor[1]), int(initColor[2]), int(initColor[3])], type = 'slider', valuator_style = style, valuator_min = 0, valuator_max = 255, valuator_resolution = 1, # Destroy not withdraw panel on dismiss fDestroy = 1) # Update menu button vgp.component('menubar').component('Valuator Group-button')['text'] = ( 'Light Control Panel') # Add a print button which will also serve as a color tile pButton = Button(vgp.interior(), text = 'Print to Log', bg = getTkColorString(initColor), command = printToLog) pButton.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) # Update menu menubar = vgp.component('menubar') # System color picker menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Popup Color Picker', command=popupColorPicker) menubar.addmenuitem( 'Valuator Group', 'command', label='Print to log', command=printToLog) def setLightColor(color): light.setColor(Vec4(color[0]/255.0, color[1]/255.0, color[2]/255.0, color[3]/255.0)) # Update color chip button pButton['bg'] = getTkColorString(color) vgp['command'] = setLightColor return vgp