/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file analogNode.h * @author drose * @date 2002-03-12 */ #ifndef ANALOGNODE_H #define ANALOGNODE_H #include "pandabase.h" #include "clientBase.h" #include "clientAnalogDevice.h" #include "dataNode.h" #include "linmath_events.h" /** * This is the primary interface to analog controls like sliders and joysticks * associated with a ClientBase. This creates a node that connects to the * named analog device, if it exists, and provides hooks to the user to read * the state of any of the sequentially numbered controls associated with that * device. * * Each control can return a value ranging from -1 to 1, reflecting the * current position of the control within its total range of motion. * * The user may choose up to two analog controls to place on the data graph as * the two channels of an xy datagram, similarly to the way a mouse places its * position data. In this way, an AnalogNode may be used in place of a mouse. */ class EXPCL_PANDA_DEVICE AnalogNode : public DataNode { PUBLISHED: explicit AnalogNode(ClientBase *client, const std::string &device_name); explicit AnalogNode(InputDevice *device); virtual ~AnalogNode(); INLINE bool is_valid() const; INLINE int get_num_controls() const; INLINE double get_control_state(int index) const; INLINE bool is_control_known(int index) const; INLINE void set_output(int channel, int index, bool flip); INLINE void clear_output(int channel); INLINE int get_output(int channel) const; INLINE bool is_output_flipped(int channel) const; public: virtual void write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const; private: class OutputData { public: INLINE OutputData(); int _index; bool _flip; }; enum { max_outputs = 2 }; OutputData _outputs[max_outputs]; PT(InputDevice) _analog; protected: // Inherited from DataNode virtual void do_transmit_data(DataGraphTraverser *trav, const DataNodeTransmit &input, DataNodeTransmit &output); private: // outputs int _xy_output; PT(EventStoreVec2) _xy; public: static TypeHandle get_class_type() { return _type_handle; } static void init_type() { DataNode::init_type(); register_type(_type_handle, "AnalogNode", DataNode::get_class_type()); } virtual TypeHandle get_type() const { return get_class_type(); } virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();} private: static TypeHandle _type_handle; }; #include "analogNode.I" #endif