/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file bullet_utils.h * @author enn0x * @date 2010-01-23 */ #ifndef __BULLET_UTILS_H__ #define __BULLET_UTILS_H__ #include "pandabase.h" #include "bullet_includes.h" #include "luse.h" #include "pointerTo.h" #include "pandaNode.h" #include "nodePath.h" // Conversion from Panda3D to Bullet EXPCL_PANDABULLET btVector3 LVecBase3_to_btVector3(const LVecBase3 &v); EXPCL_PANDABULLET btMatrix3x3 LMatrix3_to_btMatrix3x3(const LMatrix3 &m); EXPCL_PANDABULLET btTransform LMatrix4_to_btTrans(const LMatrix4 &m); EXPCL_PANDABULLET btQuaternion LQuaternion_to_btQuat(const LQuaternion &q); // Conversion from Bullet to Panda3D EXPCL_PANDABULLET LVecBase3 btVector3_to_LVecBase3(const btVector3 &v); EXPCL_PANDABULLET LVector3 btVector3_to_LVector3(const btVector3 &v); EXPCL_PANDABULLET LPoint3 btVector3_to_LPoint3(const btVector3 &p); EXPCL_PANDABULLET LMatrix3 btMatrix3x3_to_LMatrix3(const btMatrix3x3 &m); EXPCL_PANDABULLET LMatrix4 btTrans_to_LMatrix4(const btTransform &tf); EXPCL_PANDABULLET LQuaternion btQuat_to_LQuaternion(const btQuaternion &q); EXPCL_PANDABULLET CPT(TransformState) btTrans_to_TransformState( const btTransform &tf, const LVecBase3 &scale=LVecBase3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); EXPCL_PANDABULLET btTransform TransformState_to_btTrans( CPT(TransformState) ts); EXPCL_PANDABULLET void get_node_transform(btTransform &trans, PandaNode *node); // UpAxis BEGIN_PUBLISH enum BulletUpAxis { X_up = 0, Y_up = 1, Z_up = 2, }; EXPCL_PANDABULLET BulletUpAxis get_default_up_axis(); EXPCL_PANDABULLET int get_bullet_version(); END_PUBLISH #include "bullet_utils.I" #endif // __BULLET_UTILS_H__