/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file conditionVarPosixImpl.I * @author drose * @date 2006-02-10 */ /** * */ INLINE ConditionVarPosixImpl:: ConditionVarPosixImpl(MutexPosixImpl &mutex) : _mutex(mutex) { TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarPosixImpl::ConditionVarPosixImpl()", " ", TAU_USER); int result = pthread_cond_init(&_cvar, nullptr); nassertv(result == 0); } /** * */ INLINE ConditionVarPosixImpl:: ~ConditionVarPosixImpl() { TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarPosixImpl::~ConditionVarPosixImpl()", " ", TAU_USER); int result = pthread_cond_destroy(&_cvar); nassertv(result == 0); } /** * */ INLINE void ConditionVarPosixImpl:: wait() { TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarPosixImpl::wait()", " ", TAU_USER); int result = pthread_cond_wait(&_cvar, &_mutex._lock); #ifndef NDEBUG if (result != 0) { pipeline_cat.error() << "Unexpected error " << result << " from pthread_cond_wait()\n"; } #endif } /** * */ INLINE void ConditionVarPosixImpl:: notify() { TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarPosixImpl::notify()", " ", TAU_USER); int result = pthread_cond_signal(&_cvar); nassertv(result == 0); } /** * */ INLINE void ConditionVarPosixImpl:: notify_all() { TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarPosixImpl::notify()", " ", TAU_USER); int result = pthread_cond_broadcast(&_cvar); nassertv(result == 0); }