/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file eggMesherFanMaker.I * @author drose * @date 2005-03-22 */ /** * Provides a unique ordering between different fan makers based on the * leading edge. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: operator < (const EggMesherFanMaker &other) const { nassertr(!_edges.empty() && !other._edges.empty(), false); return _edges.front() < other._edges.front(); } /** * Provides a unique ordering between different fan makers based on the * leading edge. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: operator != (const EggMesherFanMaker &other) const { return !operator == (other); } /** * Provides a unique ordering between different fan makers based on the * leading edge. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: operator == (const EggMesherFanMaker &other) const { return _edges.front() == other._edges.front(); } /** * Returns true if the fan maker has no edges, false otherwise. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: is_empty() const { return (_edges.empty()); } /** * Returns true if the fan maker has enough edges to define at least one fan, * false otherwise. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: is_valid() const { return (_edges.size() > 2); } /** * Returns true if the strip and the other strip are coplanar. */ INLINE bool EggMesherFanMaker:: is_coplanar_with(const EggMesherFanMaker &other) const { return _planar && other._planar && _strips.front()->is_coplanar_with(*other._strips.front(), egg_coplanar_threshold); } INLINE std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &out, const EggMesherFanMaker &fm) { fm.output(out); return out; }