/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file lrotation_src.I * @author frang, charles * @date 2000-06-23 */ /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)() { } /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(const FLOATNAME(LQuaternion) &c) : FLOATNAME(LQuaternion)(c) { } /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(const FLOATNAME(LVecBase4) ©) : FLOATNAME(LQuaternion)(copy) { } /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(FLOATTYPE r, FLOATTYPE i, FLOATTYPE j, FLOATTYPE k) : FLOATNAME(LQuaternion)(r, i, j, k) { } /** * lmatrix3 */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(const FLOATNAME(LMatrix3) &m) { set_from_matrix(m); } /** * lmatrix4 */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(const FLOATNAME(LMatrix4) &m) { set_from_matrix(m); } /** * axis + angle (in degrees) */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(const FLOATNAME(LVector3) &axis, FLOATTYPE angle) { FLOATTYPE radians = deg_2_rad(angle); FLOATTYPE theta_over_2 = radians * FLOATCONST(0.5); FLOATTYPE sin_to2 = csin(theta_over_2); set_r(ccos(theta_over_2)); set_i(axis[0] * sin_to2); set_j(axis[1] * sin_to2); set_k(axis[2] * sin_to2); } /** * Sets the rotation from the given Euler angles. */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation):: FLOATNAME(LRotation)(FLOATTYPE h, FLOATTYPE p, FLOATTYPE r) { set_hpr(FLOATNAME(LVecBase3)(h, p, r)); } /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation) FLOATNAME(LRotation):: operator * (FLOATTYPE scalar) const { return FLOATNAME(LRotation)(FLOATNAME(LVecBase4)::operator * (scalar)); } /** * */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation) FLOATNAME(LRotation):: operator / (FLOATTYPE scalar) const { return FLOATNAME(LRotation)(FLOATNAME(LVecBase4)::operator / (scalar)); } /** * Rotation * Rotation = Rotation */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LRotation) FLOATNAME(LRotation):: operator * (const FLOATNAME(LRotation) &other) const { return multiply(other); } /** * Rotation * Orientation = Orientation This is another meaningless operation, * attempting to apply an orientation to a rotation. */ INLINE_LINMATH FLOATNAME(LQuaternion) FLOATNAME(LRotation):: operator * (const FLOATNAME(LQuaternion) &other) const { nassert_raise("LRotation * LQuaternion is undefined; use LRotation * LRotation or LQuaternion * LQuaternion"); return multiply(other); }