/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file multitexReducer.I * @author drose * @date 2004-11-30 */ /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * This version of this method does not accumulate state from the parents of * the indicated node; thus, only multitexture effects that have been applied * at node and below will be considered. */ INLINE void MultitexReducer:: scan(const NodePath &node) { scan(node.node(), RenderState::make_empty(), TransformState::make_identity()); } /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * The second parameter represents the NodePath from which to accumulate the * state that is considered for the multitexture. Pass an empty NodePath to * accumulate all the state from the root of the graph, or you may specify * some other node here in order to not consider nodes above that as * contributing to the state to be flattened. This is particularly useful if * you have some texture stage which is applied globally to a scene (for * instance, a caustics effect), which you don't want to be considered for * flattening by the MultitexReducer. */ INLINE void MultitexReducer:: scan(const NodePath &node, const NodePath &state_from) { scan(node.node(), node.get_parent().get_state(state_from), node.get_parent().get_transform(state_from)); } /** * */ INLINE bool MultitexReducer::StageInfo:: operator < (const MultitexReducer::StageInfo &other) const { if (_stage != other._stage) { return _stage < other._stage; } if (_tex != other._tex) { return _tex < other._tex; } if (_tex_mat != other._tex_mat) { return _tex_mat->compare_to(*other._tex_mat, true) < 0; } return false; } /** * */ INLINE MultitexReducer::GeomInfo:: GeomInfo(const RenderState *state, const RenderState *geom_net_state, GeomNode *geom_node, int index) : _state(state), _geom_net_state(geom_net_state), _geom_node(geom_node), _index(index) { } /** * */ INLINE MultitexReducer::GeomNodeInfo:: GeomNodeInfo(const RenderState *state, GeomNode *geom_node) : _state(state), _geom_node(geom_node) { }