/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file odeSpace_ext.I * @author rdb * @date 2013-12-11 */ /* okcircular */ #include "odeGeom_ext.h" /** * A more Pythonic way of calling getAABB() */ INLINE PyObject *Extension:: get_AA_bounds() const { LPoint3f *min_point = new LPoint3f; LPoint3f *max_point = new LPoint3f; _this->get_AABB(*min_point, *max_point); PyObject *min_inst = DTool_CreatePyInstance(min_point, true); PyObject *max_inst = DTool_CreatePyInstance(max_point, true); return Py_BuildValue("NN", min_inst, max_inst); } /** * Equivalent to get_geom(index).convert() */ INLINE PyObject *Extension:: get_converted_geom(int index) const { OdeGeom g = _this->get_geom(index); return invoke_extension(&g).convert(); } /** * Equivalent to get_space().convert() */ INLINE PyObject *Extension:: get_converted_space() const { OdeSpace s = _this->get_space(); return invoke_extension(&s).convert(); }