/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file odeUtil.h * @author joswilso * @date 2006-12-27 */ #ifndef ODEUTIL_H #define ODEUTIL_H #include "pandabase.h" #include "typedObject.h" #include "luse.h" #include "ode_includes.h" #include "odeJointCollection.h" #include "odeCollisionEntry.h" class OdeBody; class OdeJoint; class OdeGeom; /** * */ class EXPCL_PANDAODE OdeUtil { PUBLISHED: static OdeJoint get_connecting_joint(const OdeBody &body1, const OdeBody &body2); static OdeJointCollection get_connecting_joint_list(const OdeBody &body1, const OdeBody &body2); static int are_connected(const OdeBody &body1, const OdeBody &body2); static int are_connected_excluding(const OdeBody &body1, const OdeBody &body2, const int joint_type); static PT(OdeCollisionEntry) collide(const OdeGeom &geom1, const OdeGeom &geom2, const short int max_contacts = 150); EXTENSION(static int collide2(const OdeGeom &geom1, const OdeGeom &geom2, PyObject* arg, PyObject* callback)); static OdeGeom space_to_geom(const OdeSpace &space); static dReal OC_infinity; // RAU we can't access OC_infinity as constants are not exposed in python static dReal get_infinity() {return OC_infinity;}; static int rand_get_seed() {return dRandGetSeed();}; static void rand_set_seed(int s) {dRandSetSeed(s);}; }; #endif