/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file spriteParticleRenderer.I * @author charles * @date 2000-07-13 */ /** * Sets the renderer up to render the entire texture image. The scale of each * particle is based on the size of the texture in each dimension, modified by * texels_per_unit. * * Used to set the size of the particles. Will clear all previously loaded * textures and animations. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_texture(Texture *tex, PN_stdfloat texels_per_unit) { if (tex != nullptr) { // Clear all texture information _anims.clear(); // Insert the single texture _anims.push_back(new SpriteAnim(tex,LTexCoord(0.0f, 0.0f),LTexCoord(1.0f, 1.0f))); // We scale the particle size by the size of the texture. set_size(tex->get_x_size() / texels_per_unit, tex->get_y_size() / texels_per_unit); get_last_anim()->set_source_info(tex->get_filename()); } init_geoms(); } /** * Adds texture to image pool, effectively creating a single frame animation * that can be selected at particle birth. This should only be called after a * previous call to set_texture(). */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: add_texture(Texture *tex, PN_stdfloat texels_per_unit, bool resize) { if (_anims.size() == 0) { set_texture(tex, texels_per_unit); } else { if(tex != nullptr) { if (tex != nullptr) { _anims.push_back(new SpriteAnim(tex,LTexCoord(0.0f, 0.0f),LTexCoord(1.0f, 1.0f))); } if(resize) { // We scale the particle size by the size of the texture. set_size(tex->get_x_size() / texels_per_unit, tex->get_y_size() / texels_per_unit); } get_last_anim()->set_source_info(tex->get_filename()); init_geoms(); } } } /** * Removes an animation texture set from the renderer. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: remove_animation(const int n) { nassertv(n < (int)_anims.size()); int i,j; for (i = 0; i < (int)_anims.size(); ++i) { for (j = 0; j < (int)_anim_size[i]; ++j) { _sprites[i][j]->clear_vertices(); } } _anims.erase(_anims.begin()+n); _animation_removed = true; init_geoms(); } /** * Sets the UV coordinate of the lower-left corner of all the sprites * generated by this renderer. Normally this is (0, 0), but it might be set * to something else to use only a portion of the texture. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_ll_uv(const LTexCoord &ll_uv) { set_ll_uv(ll_uv,0,0); } /** * Sets the UV coordinate of the lower-left corner of all the sprites * generated by this renderer. Normally this is (0, 0), but it might be set * to something else to use only a portion of the texture. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_ll_uv(const LTexCoord &ll_uv, const int anim, const int frame) { if(anim < (int)_anims.size() && frame < (int)_anims[anim]->get_num_frames()) { _anims[anim]->set_ll(frame,ll_uv); } } /** * Sets the UV coordinate of the upper-right corner of all the sprites * generated by this renderer. Normally this is (1, 1), but it might be set * to something else to use only a portion of the texture. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_ur_uv(const LTexCoord &ur_uv) { set_ur_uv(ur_uv,0,0); } /** * Sets the UV coordinate of the upper-right corner of all the sprites * generated by this renderer. Normally this is (1, 1), but it might be set * to something else to use only a portion of the texture. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_ur_uv(const LTexCoord &ur_uv, const int anim, const int frame) { if(anim < (int)_anims.size() && frame < (int)_anims[anim]->get_num_frames()) { _anims[anim]->set_ur(frame,ur_uv); } } /** * Sets the size of each particle in world units. */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_size(PN_stdfloat width, PN_stdfloat height) { _width = width; _height = height; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_color(const LColor &color) { _color = color; _color_interpolation_manager->set_default_color(_color); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_x_scale_flag(bool animate_x_ratio) { _animate_x_ratio = animate_x_ratio; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_y_scale_flag(bool animate_y_ratio) { _animate_y_ratio = animate_y_ratio; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_anim_angle_flag(bool animate_theta) { _animate_theta = animate_theta; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_initial_x_scale(PN_stdfloat initial_x_scale) { _initial_x_scale = initial_x_scale; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_final_x_scale(PN_stdfloat final_x_scale) { _final_x_scale = final_x_scale; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_initial_y_scale(PN_stdfloat initial_y_scale) { _initial_y_scale = initial_y_scale; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_final_y_scale(PN_stdfloat final_y_scale) { _final_y_scale = final_y_scale; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_nonanimated_theta(PN_stdfloat theta) { _theta = theta; init_geoms(); } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_alpha_blend_method(ParticleRendererBlendMethod bm) { _blend_method = bm; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_alpha_disable(bool ad) { _alpha_disable = ad; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_animate_frames_enable(bool an) { _animate_frames = an; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_animate_frames_rate(PN_stdfloat r) { nassertv( r >= 0.0); _animate_frames_rate = r; } /** */ INLINE void SpriteParticleRenderer:: set_animate_frames_index(int i) { nassertv(i < (int)_anims[0]->get_num_frames()); _animate_frames_index = i; } /** */ INLINE Texture *SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_texture() const { return get_texture(0,0); } /** */ INLINE Texture *SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_texture(const int anim, const int frame) const { if(_anims.size() == 0) { return nullptr; } nassertr(anim < (int)_anims.size() && anim >= 0, nullptr); nassertr(frame < (int)_anims[anim]->get_num_frames() && frame >= 0,_anims[anim]->get_frame(0)); return _anims[anim]->get_frame(frame); } INLINE int SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_num_anims() const { return _anims.size(); } INLINE SpriteAnim *SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_anim(const int n) const { nassertr(n < (int)_anims.size(), nullptr); return _anims[n]; } INLINE SpriteAnim *SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_last_anim() const { if (_anims.size()) { return *(_anims.end()-1); } else { return nullptr; } } /** * Returns the UV coordinate of the lower-left corner; see set_ll_uv(). */ INLINE LTexCoord SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_ll_uv() const { return get_ll_uv(0,0); } /** * Returns the UV coordinate of the lower-left corner; see set_ll_uv(). */ INLINE LTexCoord SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_ll_uv(const int anim, const int frame) const { int a = anim < (int)_anims.size()?anim:0; int f = frame < (int)_anims[a]->get_num_frames()?frame:0; return _anims[a]->get_ll(f); } /** * Returns the UV coordinate of the lower-left corner; see set_ur_uv(). */ INLINE LTexCoord SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_ur_uv() const { return get_ur_uv(0,0); } /** * Returns the UV coordinate of the upper-right corner; see set_ur_uv(). */ INLINE LTexCoord SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_ur_uv(const int anim, const int frame) const { int a = anim < (int)_anims.size()?anim:0; int f = frame < (int)_anims[a]->get_num_frames()?frame:0; return _anims[a]->get_ur(f); } /** * Returns the width of each particle in world units. */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_width() const { return _width; } /** * Returns the height of each particle in world units. */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_height() const { return _height; } /** */ INLINE LColor SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_color() const { return _color; } /** */ INLINE bool SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_x_scale_flag() const { return _animate_x_ratio; } /** */ INLINE bool SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_y_scale_flag() const { return _animate_y_ratio; } /** */ INLINE bool SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_anim_angle_flag() const { return _animate_theta; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_initial_x_scale() const { return _initial_x_scale; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_final_x_scale() const { return _final_x_scale; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_initial_y_scale() const { return _initial_y_scale; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_final_y_scale() const { return _final_y_scale; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_nonanimated_theta() const { return _theta; } /** */ INLINE BaseParticleRenderer::ParticleRendererBlendMethod SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_alpha_blend_method() const { return _blend_method; } /** */ INLINE bool SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_alpha_disable() const { return _alpha_disable; } /** */ INLINE bool SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_animate_frames_enable() const { return _animate_frames; } /** */ INLINE PN_stdfloat SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_animate_frames_rate() const { return _animate_frames_rate; } /** */ INLINE int SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_animate_frames_index() const { return _animate_frames_index; } /** */ INLINE ColorInterpolationManager* SpriteParticleRenderer:: get_color_interpolation_manager() const { return _color_interpolation_manager; }