/** * PANDA 3D SOFTWARE * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD * license. You should have received a copy of this license along * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." * * @file textureAttrib.h * @author drose * @date 2002-02-21 */ #ifndef TEXTUREATTRIB_H #define TEXTUREATTRIB_H #include "pandabase.h" #include "renderAttrib.h" #include "texture.h" #include "textureStage.h" #include "updateSeq.h" #include "ordered_vector.h" #include "vector_int.h" #include "epvector.h" /** * Indicates the set of TextureStages and their associated Textures that * should be applied to (or removed from) a node. */ class EXPCL_PANDA_PGRAPH TextureAttrib : public RenderAttrib { protected: INLINE TextureAttrib(); INLINE TextureAttrib(const TextureAttrib ©); PUBLISHED: // These methods are used to create a simple, single-textured layer. For // multitexture, use the multitexture interfaces, further below. static CPT(RenderAttrib) make(Texture *tex); static CPT(RenderAttrib) make_off(); static CPT(RenderAttrib) make_default(); INLINE bool is_off() const; INLINE Texture *get_texture() const; // The following methods define the new multitexture mode for TextureAttrib. // Each TextureAttrib can add or remove individual texture stages from the // complete set of textures that are to be applied; this is similar to the // mechanism of LightAttrib. static CPT(RenderAttrib) make(); static CPT(RenderAttrib) make_all_off(); INLINE int get_num_on_stages() const; INLINE TextureStage *get_on_stage(int n) const; MAKE_SEQ(get_on_stages, get_num_on_stages, get_on_stage); INLINE int get_num_on_ff_stages() const; INLINE TextureStage *get_on_ff_stage(int n) const; MAKE_SEQ(get_on_ff_stages, get_num_on_ff_stages, get_on_ff_stage); INLINE int get_ff_tc_index(int n) const; INLINE bool has_on_stage(TextureStage *stage) const; INLINE Texture *get_on_texture(TextureStage *stage) const; INLINE const SamplerState &get_on_sampler(TextureStage *stage) const; INLINE int get_on_stage_override(TextureStage *stage) const; int find_on_stage(const TextureStage *stage) const; MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(on_stages, get_num_on_stages, get_on_stage); MAKE_MAP_PROPERTY(textures, has_on_stage, get_on_texture); MAKE_MAP_KEYS_SEQ(textures, get_num_on_stages, get_on_stage); MAKE_MAP_PROPERTY(samplers, has_on_stage, get_on_sampler); MAKE_MAP_KEYS_SEQ(samplers, get_num_on_stages, get_on_stage); INLINE int get_num_off_stages() const; INLINE TextureStage *get_off_stage(int n) const; MAKE_SEQ(get_off_stages, get_num_off_stages, get_off_stage); INLINE bool has_off_stage(TextureStage *stage) const; INLINE bool has_all_off() const; MAKE_SEQ_PROPERTY(off_stages, get_num_off_stages, get_off_stage); INLINE bool is_identity() const; CPT(RenderAttrib) add_on_stage(TextureStage *stage, Texture *tex, int override = 0) const; CPT(RenderAttrib) add_on_stage(TextureStage *stage, Texture *tex, const SamplerState &sampler, int override = 0) const; CPT(RenderAttrib) remove_on_stage(TextureStage *stage) const; CPT(RenderAttrib) add_off_stage(TextureStage *stage, int override = 0) const; CPT(RenderAttrib) remove_off_stage(TextureStage *stage) const; CPT(RenderAttrib) unify_texture_stages(TextureStage *stage) const; public: CPT(TextureAttrib) filter_to_max(int max_texture_stages) const; virtual bool lower_attrib_can_override() const; virtual void output(std::ostream &out) const; virtual bool has_cull_callback() const; virtual bool cull_callback(CullTraverser *trav, const CullTraverserData &data) const; protected: virtual int compare_to_impl(const RenderAttrib *other) const; virtual size_t get_hash_impl() const; virtual CPT(RenderAttrib) compose_impl(const RenderAttrib *other) const; virtual CPT(RenderAttrib) invert_compose_impl(const RenderAttrib *other) const; private: INLINE void check_sorted() const; void sort_on_stages(); private: class StageNode { public: INLINE StageNode(const TextureStage *stage, unsigned int implicit_sort = 0, int override = 0); SamplerState _sampler; PT(TextureStage) _stage; PT(Texture) _texture; bool _has_sampler; int _ff_tc_index; unsigned int _implicit_sort; int _override; }; class CompareTextureStagePriorities { public: INLINE bool operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode *a, const TextureAttrib::StageNode *b) const; }; class CompareTextureStageSort { public: INLINE bool operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode *a, const TextureAttrib::StageNode *b) const; }; class CompareTextureStagePointer { public: INLINE bool operator () (const TextureAttrib::StageNode &a, const TextureAttrib::StageNode &b) const; }; typedef ov_set > Stages; Stages _on_stages; // set of all "on" stages, indexed by pointer. typedef pvector RenderStages; RenderStages _render_stages; // all "on" stages, sorted in render order. RenderStages _render_ff_stages; // fixed-function stages only, in render order. unsigned int _next_implicit_sort; Stages _off_stages; bool _off_all_stages; typedef pmap< int, CPT(TextureAttrib) > Filtered; Filtered _filtered; UpdateSeq _sort_seq; UpdateSeq _filtered_seq; static CPT(RenderAttrib) _empty_attrib; static CPT(RenderAttrib) _all_off_attrib; PUBLISHED: static int get_class_slot() { return _attrib_slot; } virtual int get_slot() const { return get_class_slot(); } MAKE_PROPERTY(class_slot, get_class_slot); public: static void register_with_read_factory(); virtual void write_datagram(BamWriter *manager, Datagram &dg); virtual int complete_pointers(TypedWritable **plist, BamReader *manager); protected: static TypedWritable *make_from_bam(const FactoryParams ¶ms); void fillin(DatagramIterator &scan, BamReader *manager); public: static TypeHandle get_class_type() { return _type_handle; } static void init_type() { RenderAttrib::init_type(); register_type(_type_handle, "TextureAttrib", RenderAttrib::get_class_type()); _attrib_slot = register_slot(_type_handle, 30, new TextureAttrib); } virtual TypeHandle get_type() const { return get_class_type(); } virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();} private: static TypeHandle _type_handle; static int _attrib_slot; }; #include "textureAttrib.I" #endif