#!/usr/bin/env python """ Author: Josh Enes Last Updated: 2015-03-13 This is a demo of Panda's occluder-culling system. It demonstrates loading occluder from an EGG file and adding them to a CullTraverser. """ # Load PRC data from panda3d.core import loadPrcFileData loadPrcFileData('', 'window-title Occluder Demo') loadPrcFileData('', 'sync-video false') loadPrcFileData('', 'show-frame-rate-meter true') loadPrcFileData('', 'texture-minfilter linear-mipmap-linear') #loadPrcFileData('', 'fake-view-frustum-cull true') # show culled nodes in red # Import needed modules import random from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase from direct.gui.OnscreenText import OnscreenText from panda3d.core import PerspectiveLens, TextNode, \ TexGenAttrib, TextureStage, TransparencyAttrib, LPoint3, Texture def add_instructions(pos, msg): """Function to put instructions on the screen.""" return OnscreenText(text=msg, style=1, fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1), parent=base.a2dTopLeft, align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(0.08, -pos - 0.04), scale=.05) def add_title(text): """Function to put title on the screen.""" return OnscreenText(text=text, style=1, pos=(-0.1, 0.09), scale=.08, parent=base.a2dBottomRight, align=TextNode.ARight, fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), shadow=(0, 0, 0, 1)) class Game(ShowBase): """Sets up the game, camera, controls, and loads models.""" def __init__(self): ShowBase.__init__(self) self.xray_mode = False self.show_model_bounds = False # Display instructions add_title("Panda3D Tutorial: Occluder Culling") add_instructions(0.06, "[Esc]: Quit") add_instructions(0.12, "[W]: Move Forward") add_instructions(0.18, "[A]: Move Left") add_instructions(0.24, "[S]: Move Right") add_instructions(0.30, "[D]: Move Back") add_instructions(0.36, "Arrow Keys: Look Around") add_instructions(0.42, "[F]: Toggle Wireframe") add_instructions(0.48, "[X]: Toggle X-Ray Mode") add_instructions(0.54, "[B]: Toggle Bounding Volumes") # Setup controls self.keys = {} for key in ['arrow_left', 'arrow_right', 'arrow_up', 'arrow_down', 'a', 'd', 'w', 's']: self.keys[key] = 0 self.accept(key, self.push_key, [key, 1]) self.accept('shift-%s' % key, self.push_key, [key, 1]) self.accept('%s-up' % key, self.push_key, [key, 0]) self.accept('f', self.toggleWireframe) self.accept('x', self.toggle_xray_mode) self.accept('b', self.toggle_model_bounds) self.accept('escape', __import__('sys').exit, [0]) self.disableMouse() # Setup camera self.lens = PerspectiveLens() self.lens.setFov(60) self.lens.setNear(0.01) self.lens.setFar(1000.0) self.cam.node().setLens(self.lens) self.camera.setPos(-9, -0.5, 1) self.heading = -95.0 self.pitch = 0.0 # Load level geometry self.level_model = self.loader.loadModel('models/level') self.level_model.reparentTo(self.render) self.level_model.setTexGen(TextureStage.getDefault(), TexGenAttrib.MWorldPosition) self.level_model.setTexProjector(TextureStage.getDefault(), self.render, self.level_model) self.level_model.setTexScale(TextureStage.getDefault(), 4) tex = self.loader.load3DTexture('models/tex_#.png') self.level_model.setTexture(tex) # Load occluders occluder_model = self.loader.loadModel('models/occluders') occluder_nodepaths = occluder_model.findAllMatches('**/+OccluderNode') for occluder_nodepath in occluder_nodepaths: self.render.setOccluder(occluder_nodepath) occluder_nodepath.node().setDoubleSided(True) # Randomly spawn some models to test the occluders self.models = [] box_model = self.loader.loadModel('box') for dummy in range(0, 500): pos = LPoint3((random.random() - 0.5) * 9, (random.random() - 0.5) * 9, random.random() * 8) box = box_model.copy_to(self.render) box.setScale(random.random() * 0.2 + 0.1) box.setPos(pos) box.setHpr(random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360, random.random() * 360) box.reparentTo(self.render) self.models.append(box) self.taskMgr.add(self.update, 'main loop') def push_key(self, key, value): """Stores a value associated with a key.""" self.keys[key] = value def update(self, task): """Updates the camera based on the keyboard input.""" delta = globalClock.getDt() move_x = delta * 3 * -self.keys['a'] + delta * 3 * self.keys['d'] move_z = delta * 3 * self.keys['s'] + delta * 3 * -self.keys['w'] self.camera.setPos(self.camera, move_x, -move_z, 0) self.heading += (delta * 90 * self.keys['arrow_left'] + delta * 90 * -self.keys['arrow_right']) self.pitch += (delta * 90 * self.keys['arrow_up'] + delta * 90 * -self.keys['arrow_down']) self.camera.setHpr(self.heading, self.pitch, 0) return task.cont def toggle_xray_mode(self): """Toggle X-ray mode on and off. This is useful for seeing the effectiveness of the occluder culling.""" self.xray_mode = not self.xray_mode if self.xray_mode: self.level_model.setColorScale((1, 1, 1, 0.5)) self.level_model.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MDual) else: self.level_model.setColorScaleOff() self.level_model.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.MNone) def toggle_model_bounds(self): """Toggle bounding volumes on and off on the models.""" self.show_model_bounds = not self.show_model_bounds if self.show_model_bounds: for model in self.models: model.showBounds() else: for model in self.models: model.hideBounds() game = Game() game.run()