from panda3d.core import * from toontown.toonbase.ToontownBattleGlobals import * from direct.task.Timer import * import math from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from toontown.toon import NPCToons from toontown.toonbase import TTLocalizer TOON_ID_COL = 0 TOON_TRACK_COL = 1 TOON_LVL_COL = 2 TOON_TGT_COL = 3 TOON_HP_COL = 4 TOON_ACCBONUS_COL = 5 TOON_HPBONUS_COL = 6 TOON_KBBONUS_COL = 7 SUIT_DIED_COL = 8 SUIT_REVIVE_COL = 9 SUIT_ID_COL = 0 SUIT_ATK_COL = 1 SUIT_TGT_COL = 2 SUIT_HP_COL = 3 TOON_DIED_COL = 4 SUIT_BEFORE_TOONS_COL = 5 SUIT_TAUNT_COL = 6 NO_ID = -1 NO_ATTACK = -1 UN_ATTACK = -2 PASS_ATTACK = -3 NO_TRAP = -1 LURE_SUCCEEDED = -1 PASS = 98 SOS = 99 NPCSOS = 97 PETSOS = 96 FIRE = 100 HEAL = HEAL_TRACK TRAP = TRAP_TRACK LURE = LURE_TRACK SOUND = SOUND_TRACK THROW = THROW_TRACK SQUIRT = SQUIRT_TRACK DROP = DROP_TRACK TOON_ATTACK_TIME = 12.0 SUIT_ATTACK_TIME = 12.0 TOON_TRAP_DELAY = 0.8 TOON_SOUND_DELAY = 1.0 TOON_THROW_DELAY = 0.5 TOON_THROW_SUIT_DELAY = 1.0 TOON_SQUIRT_DELAY = 0.5 TOON_SQUIRT_SUIT_DELAY = 1.0 TOON_DROP_DELAY = 0.8 TOON_DROP_SUIT_DELAY = 1.0 TOON_RUN_T = 3.3 TIMEOUT_PER_USER = 5 TOON_FIRE_DELAY = 0.5 TOON_FIRE_SUIT_DELAY = 1.0 REWARD_TIMEOUT = 120 FLOOR_REWARD_TIMEOUT = 4 BUILDING_REWARD_TIMEOUT = 300 try: CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT = base.config.GetFloat('battle-input-timeout', TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout) except: CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT = simbase.config.GetFloat('battle-input-timeout', TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout) def levelAffectsGroup(track, level): return attackAffectsGroup(track, level) def attackAffectsGroup(track, level, type = None): if track == NPCSOS or type == NPCSOS or track == PETSOS or type == PETSOS: return 1 elif track >= 0 and track <= DROP_TRACK: return AvPropTargetCat[AvPropTarget[track]][level] else: return 0 def getToonAttack(id, track = NO_ATTACK, level = -1, target = -1): return [id, track, level, target, [], 0, 0, [], 0, 0] def getDefaultSuitAttacks(): suitAttacks = [[NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0], [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0], [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0], [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0]] return suitAttacks def getDefaultSuitAttack(): return [NO_ID, NO_ATTACK, -1, [], 0, 0, 0] def findToonAttack(toons, attacks, track): foundAttacks = [] for t in toons: if t in attacks: attack = attacks[t] local_track = attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] if track != NPCSOS and attack[TOON_TRACK_COL] == NPCSOS: local_track = NPCToons.getNPCTrack(attack[TOON_TGT_COL]) if local_track == track: if local_track == FIRE: canFire = 1 for attackCheck in foundAttacks: if attackCheck[TOON_TGT_COL] == attack[TOON_TGT_COL]: canFire = 0 if canFire: foundAttacks.append(attack) else: foundAttacks.append(attack) def compFunc(a, b): if a[TOON_LVL_COL] > b[TOON_LVL_COL]: return 1 elif a[TOON_LVL_COL] < b[TOON_LVL_COL]: return -1 return 0 foundAttacks.sort(compFunc) return foundAttacks SERVER_BUFFER_TIME = 2.0 SERVER_INPUT_TIMEOUT = CLIENT_INPUT_TIMEOUT + SERVER_BUFFER_TIME MAX_JOIN_T = TTLocalizer.BBbattleInputTimeout FACEOFF_TAUNT_T = 3.5 FACEOFF_LOOK_AT_PROP_T = 6 ELEVATOR_T = 4.0 BATTLE_SMALL_VALUE = 1e-07 MAX_EXPECTED_DISTANCE_FROM_BATTLE = 50.0 class BattleBase: notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('BattleBase') suitPoints = (((Point3(0, 5, 0), 179),), ((Point3(2, 5.3, 0), 170), (Point3(-2, 5.3, 0), 180)), ((Point3(4, 5.2, 0), 170), (Point3(0, 6, 0), 179), (Point3(-4, 5.2, 0), 190)), ((Point3(6, 4.4, 0), 160), (Point3(2, 6.3, 0), 170), (Point3(-2, 6.3, 0), 190), (Point3(-6, 4.4, 0), 200))) suitPendingPoints = ((Point3(-4, 8.2, 0), 190), (Point3(0, 9, 0), 179), (Point3(4, 8.2, 0), 170), (Point3(8, 3.2, 0), 160)) toonPoints = (((Point3(0, -6, 0), 0),), ((Point3(1.5, -6.5, 0), 5), (Point3(-1.5, -6.5, 0), -5)), ((Point3(3, -6.75, 0), 5), (Point3(0, -7, 0), 0), (Point3(-3, -6.75, 0), -5)), ((Point3(4.5, -7, 0), 10), (Point3(1.5, -7.5, 0), 5), (Point3(-1.5, -7.5, 0), -5), (Point3(-4.5, -7, 0), -10))) toonPendingPoints = ((Point3(-3, -8, 0), -5), (Point3(0, -9, 0), 0), (Point3(3, -8, 0), 5), (Point3(5.5, -5.5, 0), 20)) posA = Point3(0, 10, 0) posB = Point3(-7.071, 7.071, 0) posC = Point3(-10, 0, 0) posD = Point3(-7.071, -7.071, 0) posE = Point3(0, -10, 0) posF = Point3(7.071, -7.071, 0) posG = Point3(10, 0, 0) posH = Point3(7.071, 7.071, 0) allPoints = (posA, posB, posC, posD, posE, posF, posG, posH) toonCwise = [posA, posB, posC, posD, posE] toonCCwise = [posH, posG, posF, posE] suitCwise = [posE, posF, posG, posH, posA] suitCCwise = [posD, posC, posB, posA] suitSpeed = 4.8 toonSpeed = 8.0 def __init__(self): self.pos = Point3(0, 0, 0) self.initialSuitPos = Point3(0, 1, 0) self.timer = Timer() self.resetLists() def resetLists(self): self.suits = [] self.pendingSuits = [] self.joiningSuits = [] self.activeSuits = [] self.luredSuits = [] self.suitGone = 0 self.toons = [] self.joiningToons = [] self.pendingToons = [] self.activeToons = [] self.runningToons = [] self.toonGone = 0 self.helpfulToons = [] def calcFaceoffTime(self, centerpos, suitpos): facing = Vec3(centerpos - suitpos) facing.normalize() suitdest = Point3(centerpos - Point3(facing * 6.0)) dist = Vec3(suitdest - suitpos).length() return dist / BattleBase.suitSpeed def calcSuitMoveTime(self, pos0, pos1): dist = Vec3(pos0 - pos1).length() return dist / BattleBase.suitSpeed def calcToonMoveTime(self, pos0, pos1): dist = Vec3(pos0 - pos1).length() return dist / BattleBase.toonSpeed def buildJoinPointList(self, avPos, destPos, toon = 0): minDist = 999999.0 nearestP = None for p in BattleBase.allPoints: dist = Vec3(avPos - p).length() if dist < minDist: nearestP = p minDist = dist self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - avp: %s nearp: %s' % (avPos, nearestP)) dist = Vec3(avPos - destPos).length() if dist < minDist: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - destPos is nearest') return [] if toon == 1: if nearestP == BattleBase.posE: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - posE') plist = [BattleBase.posE] elif BattleBase.toonCwise.count(nearestP) == 1: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - clockwise') index = BattleBase.toonCwise.index(nearestP) plist = BattleBase.toonCwise[index + 1:] else: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - counter-clockwise') index = BattleBase.toonCCwise.index(nearestP) plist = BattleBase.toonCCwise[index + 1:] elif nearestP == BattleBase.posA: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - posA') plist = [BattleBase.posA] elif BattleBase.suitCwise.count(nearestP) == 1: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - clockwise') index = BattleBase.suitCwise.index(nearestP) plist = BattleBase.suitCwise[index + 1:] else: self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - counter-clockwise') index = BattleBase.suitCCwise.index(nearestP) plist = BattleBase.suitCCwise[index + 1:] self.notify.debug('buildJoinPointList() - plist: %s' % plist) return plist def addHelpfulToon(self, toonId): if toonId not in self.helpfulToons: self.helpfulToons.append(toonId)