// Filename: dSearchPath.h // Created by: drose (01Jul00) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PANDA 3D SOFTWARE // Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. // // All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD // license. You should have received a copy of this license along // with this source code in a file named "LICENSE." // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef PANDASEARCHPATH_H #define PANDASEARCHPATH_H #include "ppremake.h" #include "filename.h" #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class : DSearchPath // Description : This class stores a list of directories that can be // searched, in order, to locate a particular file. It // is normally constructed by passing it a traditional // searchpath-style string, e.g. a list of directory // names delimited by spaces or colons, but it can also // be built up explicitly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class EXPCL_DTOOL DSearchPath { public: class EXPCL_DTOOL Results { PUBLISHED: Results(); Results(const Results ©); void operator = (const Results ©); ~Results(); void clear(); int get_num_files() const; const Filename &get_file(int n) const; public: void add_file(const Filename &file); private: typedef vector Files; Files _files; }; PUBLISHED: DSearchPath(); DSearchPath(const string &path, const string &delimiters = ": \n\t"); DSearchPath(const DSearchPath ©); void operator = (const DSearchPath ©); ~DSearchPath(); void clear(); void append_directory(const Filename &directory); void prepend_directory(const Filename &directory); void append_path(const string &path, const string &delimiters = ": \n\t"); void append_path(const DSearchPath &path); void prepend_path(const DSearchPath &path); bool is_empty() const; int get_num_directories() const; const Filename &get_directory(int n) const; Filename find_file(const Filename &filename) const; int find_all_files(const Filename &filename, Results &results) const; INLINE static Filename search_path(const Filename &filename, const string &path, const string &delimiters = ": \n\t"); void output(ostream &out, const string &separator = ":") const; void write(ostream &out, int indent_level = 0) const; private: typedef vector Directories; Directories _directories; }; INLINE ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const DSearchPath &sp) { sp.output(out); return out; } #include "dSearchPath.I" #endif