import types import Tkinter import Pmw class OptionMenu(Pmw.MegaWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Define the megawidget options. INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('command', None, None), ('items', (), INITOPT), ('initialitem', None, INITOPT), ('labelmargin', 0, INITOPT), ('labelpos', None, INITOPT), ('sticky', 'ew', INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialise the base class (after defining the options). Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components. interior = self.interior() self._menubutton = self.createcomponent('menubutton', (), None, Tkinter.Menubutton, (interior,), borderwidth = 2, indicatoron = 1, relief = 'raised', anchor = 'c', highlightthickness = 2, direction = 'flush', takefocus = 1, ) self._menubutton.grid(column = 2, row = 2, sticky = self['sticky']) self._menu = self.createcomponent('menu', (), None, Tkinter.Menu, (self._menubutton,), tearoff=0 ) self._menubutton.configure(menu = self._menu) interior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1) interior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1) # Create the label. self.createlabel(interior) # Add the items specified by the initialisation option. self._itemList = [] self.setitems(self['items'], self['initialitem']) # Check keywords and initialise options. self.initialiseoptions() def setitems(self, items, index = None): # Clean up old items and callback commands. for oldIndex in range(len(self._itemList)): tclCommandName = str(self._menu.entrycget(oldIndex, 'command')) if tclCommandName != '': self._menu.deletecommand(tclCommandName) self._menu.delete(0, 'end') self._itemList = list(items) # Set the items in the menu component. for item in items: self._menu.add_command(label = item, command = lambda self = self, item = item: self._invoke(item)) # Set the currently selected value. if index is None: var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable')) if var != '': # None means do not change text variable. return if len(items) == 0: text = '' elif str(self._menubutton.cget('text')) in items: # Do not change selection if it is still valid return else: text = items[0] else: index = self.index(index) text = self._itemList[index] self.setvalue(text) def getcurselection(self): var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable')) if var == '': return str(self._menubutton.cget('text')) else: return def getvalue(self): return self.getcurselection() def setvalue(self, text): var = str(self._menubutton.cget('textvariable')) if var == '': self._menubutton.configure(text = text) else:, text) def index(self, index): listLength = len(self._itemList) if type(index) == types.IntType: if index < listLength: return index else: raise ValueError, 'index "%s" is out of range' % index elif index is Pmw.END: if listLength > 0: return listLength - 1 else: raise ValueError, 'OptionMenu has no items' else: if index is Pmw.SELECT: if listLength > 0: index = self.getcurselection() else: raise ValueError, 'OptionMenu has no items' if index in self._itemList: return self._itemList.index(index) raise ValueError, \ 'bad index "%s": must be a ' \ 'name, a number, Pmw.END or Pmw.SELECT' % (index,) def invoke(self, index = Pmw.SELECT): index = self.index(index) text = self._itemList[index] return self._invoke(text) def _invoke(self, text): self.setvalue(text) command = self['command'] if callable(command): return command(text)