import Tkinter import Pmw class ScrolledCanvas(Pmw.MegaWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Define the megawidget options. INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('borderframe', 0, INITOPT), ('canvasmargin', 0, INITOPT), ('hscrollmode', 'dynamic', self._hscrollMode), ('labelmargin', 0, INITOPT), ('labelpos', None, INITOPT), ('scrollmargin', 2, INITOPT), ('usehullsize', 0, INITOPT), ('vscrollmode', 'dynamic', self._vscrollMode), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialise the base class (after defining the options). Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components. self.origInterior = Pmw.MegaWidget.interior(self) if self['usehullsize']: self.origInterior.grid_propagate(0) if self['borderframe']: # Create a frame widget to act as the border of the canvas. self._borderframe = self.createcomponent('borderframe', (), None, Tkinter.Frame, (self.origInterior,), relief = 'sunken', borderwidth = 2, ) self._borderframe.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news') # Create the canvas widget. self._canvas = self.createcomponent('canvas', (), None, Tkinter.Canvas, (self._borderframe,), highlightthickness = 0, borderwidth = 0, ) self._canvas.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1) else: # Create the canvas widget. self._canvas = self.createcomponent('canvas', (), None, Tkinter.Canvas, (self.origInterior,), relief = 'sunken', borderwidth = 2, ) self._canvas.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky = 'news') self.origInterior.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0) self.origInterior.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight = 1, minsize = 0) # Create the horizontal scrollbar self._horizScrollbar = self.createcomponent('horizscrollbar', (), 'Scrollbar', Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,), orient='horizontal', command=self._canvas.xview ) # Create the vertical scrollbar self._vertScrollbar = self.createcomponent('vertscrollbar', (), 'Scrollbar', Tkinter.Scrollbar, (self.origInterior,), orient='vertical', command=self._canvas.yview ) self.createlabel(self.origInterior, childCols = 3, childRows = 3) # Initialise instance variables. self._horizScrollbarOn = 0 self._vertScrollbarOn = 0 self.scrollTimer = None self._scrollRecurse = 0 self._horizScrollbarNeeded = 0 self._vertScrollbarNeeded = 0 self.setregionTimer = None # Check keywords and initialise options. self.initialiseoptions() def destroy(self): if self.scrollTimer is not None: self.after_cancel(self.scrollTimer) self.scrollTimer = None if self.setregionTimer is not None: self.after_cancel(self.setregionTimer) self.setregionTimer = None Pmw.MegaWidget.destroy(self) # ====================================================================== # Public methods. def interior(self): return self._canvas def resizescrollregion(self): if self.setregionTimer is None: self.setregionTimer = self.after_idle(self._setRegion) # ====================================================================== # Configuration methods. def _hscrollMode(self): # The horizontal scroll mode has been configured. mode = self['hscrollmode'] if mode == 'static': if not self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() elif mode == 'dynamic': if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() elif mode == 'none': if self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() else: message = 'bad hscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode raise ValueError, message self._configureScrollCommands() def _vscrollMode(self): # The vertical scroll mode has been configured. mode = self['vscrollmode'] if mode == 'static': if not self._vertScrollbarOn: self._toggleVertScrollbar() elif mode == 'dynamic': if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn: self._toggleVertScrollbar() elif mode == 'none': if self._vertScrollbarOn: self._toggleVertScrollbar() else: message = 'bad vscrollmode option "%s": should be static, dynamic, or none' % mode raise ValueError, message self._configureScrollCommands() # ====================================================================== # Private methods. def _configureScrollCommands(self): # If both scrollmodes are not dynamic we can save a lot of # time by not having to create an idle job to handle the # scroll commands. # Clean up previous scroll commands to prevent memory leak. tclCommandName = str(self._canvas.cget('xscrollcommand')) if tclCommandName != '': self._canvas.deletecommand(tclCommandName) tclCommandName = str(self._canvas.cget('yscrollcommand')) if tclCommandName != '': self._canvas.deletecommand(tclCommandName) if self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': self._canvas.configure( xscrollcommand=self._scrollBothLater, yscrollcommand=self._scrollBothLater ) else: self._canvas.configure( xscrollcommand=self._scrollXNow, yscrollcommand=self._scrollYNow ) def _scrollXNow(self, first, last): self._horizScrollbar.set(first, last) self._horizScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1')) if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() def _scrollYNow(self, first, last): self._vertScrollbar.set(first, last) self._vertScrollbarNeeded = ((first, last) != ('0', '1')) if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn: self._toggleVertScrollbar() def _scrollBothLater(self, first, last): # Called by the canvas to set the horizontal or vertical # scrollbar when it has scrolled or changed scrollregion. if self.scrollTimer is None: self.scrollTimer = self.after_idle(self._scrollBothNow) def _scrollBothNow(self): # This performs the function of _scrollXNow and _scrollYNow. # If one is changed, the other should be updated to match. self.scrollTimer = None # Call update_idletasks to make sure that the containing frame # has been resized before we attempt to set the scrollbars. # Otherwise the scrollbars may be mapped/unmapped continuously. self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse + 1 self.update_idletasks() self._scrollRecurse = self._scrollRecurse - 1 if self._scrollRecurse != 0: return xview = self._canvas.xview() yview = self._canvas.yview() self._horizScrollbar.set(xview[0], xview[1]) self._vertScrollbar.set(yview[0], yview[1]) self._horizScrollbarNeeded = (xview != (0.0, 1.0)) self._vertScrollbarNeeded = (yview != (0.0, 1.0)) # If both horizontal and vertical scrollmodes are dynamic and # currently only one scrollbar is mapped and both should be # toggled, then unmap the mapped scrollbar. This prevents a # continuous mapping and unmapping of the scrollbars. if (self['hscrollmode'] == self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic' and self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn and self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn and self._vertScrollbarOn != self._horizScrollbarOn): if self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() else: self._toggleVertScrollbar() return if self['hscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': if self._horizScrollbarNeeded != self._horizScrollbarOn: self._toggleHorizScrollbar() if self['vscrollmode'] == 'dynamic': if self._vertScrollbarNeeded != self._vertScrollbarOn: self._toggleVertScrollbar() def _toggleHorizScrollbar(self): self._horizScrollbarOn = not self._horizScrollbarOn interior = self.origInterior if self._horizScrollbarOn: self._horizScrollbar.grid(row = 4, column = 2, sticky = 'news') interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin']) else: self._horizScrollbar.grid_forget() interior.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize = 0) def _toggleVertScrollbar(self): self._vertScrollbarOn = not self._vertScrollbarOn interior = self.origInterior if self._vertScrollbarOn: self._vertScrollbar.grid(row = 2, column = 4, sticky = 'news') interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = self['scrollmargin']) else: self._vertScrollbar.grid_forget() interior.grid_columnconfigure(3, minsize = 0) def _setRegion(self): self.setregionTimer = None region = self._canvas.bbox('all') if region is not None: canvasmargin = self['canvasmargin'] region = (region[0] - canvasmargin, region[1] - canvasmargin, region[2] + canvasmargin, region[3] + canvasmargin) self._canvas.configure(scrollregion = region) # Need to explicitly forward this to override the stupid # (grid_)bbox method inherited from Tkinter.Frame.Grid. def bbox(self, *args): return apply(self._canvas.bbox, args) Pmw.forwardmethods(ScrolledCanvas, Tkinter.Canvas, '_canvas')