""" Class used to create and control joybox device """ from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from .DirectDeviceManager import * from direct.directtools.DirectUtil import * from direct.gui import OnscreenText from direct.task import Task import math """ TODO: Handle interaction between widget, followSelectedTask and updateTask """ # BUTTONS L_STICK = 0 L_UPPER = 1 L_LOWER = 2 R_STICK = 3 R_UPPER = 4 R_LOWER = 5 # ANALOGS NULL_AXIS = -1 L_LEFT_RIGHT = 0 L_FWD_BACK = 1 L_TWIST = 2 L_SLIDE = 3 R_LEFT_RIGHT = 4 R_FWD_BACK = 5 R_TWIST = 6 R_SLIDE = 7 JOYBOX_MIN = ANALOG_MIN + ANALOG_DEADBAND JOYBOX_MAX = ANALOG_MAX - ANALOG_DEADBAND JOYBOX_RANGE = JOYBOX_MAX - JOYBOX_MIN JOYBOX_TREAD_SEPERATION = 1.0 class DirectJoybox(DirectObject): joyboxCount = 0 xyzMultiplier = 1.0 hprMultiplier = 1.0 def __init__(self, device = 'CerealBox', nodePath = base.direct.camera, headingNP = base.direct.camera): # See if device manager has been initialized if base.direct.deviceManager == None: base.direct.deviceManager = DirectDeviceManager() # Set name DirectJoybox.joyboxCount += 1 self.name = 'Joybox-' + repr(DirectJoybox.joyboxCount) # Get buttons and analogs self.device = device self.analogs = base.direct.deviceManager.createAnalogs(self.device) self.buttons = base.direct.deviceManager.createButtons(self.device) self.aList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.bList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # For joybox fly mode # Default is joe mode self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, L_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, L_TWIST, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0] # Initialize time self.lastTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() # Record node path self.nodePath = nodePath self.headingNP = headingNP self.useHeadingNP = False self.rotateInPlace = False self.floatingNP = NodePath("floating") # Ref CS for orbit mode self.refCS = base.direct.cameraControl.coaMarker self.tempCS = base.direct.group.attachNewNode('JoyboxTempCS') # Text object to display current mode self.readout = OnscreenText.OnscreenText( pos = (-0.9, 0.95), font = base.direct.font, mayChange = 1) # List of functions to cycle through self.modeList = [self.joeMode, self.driveMode, self.orbitMode] # Pick initial mode self.updateFunc = self.joyboxFly self.modeName = 'Joe Mode' # Auxiliary data self.auxData = [] # Button registry self.addButtonEvents() # Spawn update task self.enable() def setHeadingNodePath(self,np): self.headingNP = np def enable(self): # Kill existing task self.disable() # Accept button events self.acceptSwitchModeEvent() self.acceptUprightCameraEvent() # Update task taskMgr.add(self.updateTask, self.name + '-updateTask') def disable(self): taskMgr.remove(self.name + '-updateTask') # Ignore button events self.ignoreSwitchModeEvent() self.ignoreUprightCameraEvent() def destroy(self): self.disable() self.tempCS.removeNode() def addButtonEvents(self): self.breg = ButtonRegistry.ptr() # MRM: Hard coded! for i in range(8): self.buttons.setButtonMap( i, self.breg.getButton(self.getEventName(i))) self.eventThrower = self.buttons.getNodePath().attachNewNode( ButtonThrower('JB Button Thrower')) def setNodePath(self, nodePath): self.nodePath = nodePath def getNodePath(self): return self.nodePath def setRefCS(self, refCS): self.refCS = refCS def getRefCS(self): return self.refCS def getEventName(self, index): return self.name + '-button-' + repr(index) def setXyzMultiplier(self, multiplier): DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier = multiplier def getXyzMultiplier(self): return DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier def setHprMultiplier(self, multiplier): DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier = multiplier def getHprMultiplier(self): return DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier def updateTask(self, state): # old optimization #self.updateValsUnrolled() self.updateVals() self.updateFunc() return Task.cont def updateVals(self): # Update delta time cTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.deltaTime = cTime - self.lastTime self.lastTime = cTime # Update analogs for i in range(len(self.analogs)): self.aList[i] = self.normalizeChannel(i) # Update buttons for i in range(len(self.buttons)): try: self.bList[i] = self.buttons[i] except IndexError: # That channel may not have been updated yet self.bList[i] = 0 def updateValsUnrolled(self): # Update delta time cTime = globalClock.getFrameTime() self.deltaTime = cTime - self.lastTime self.lastTime = cTime # Update analogs for chan in range(len(self.analogs)): val = self.analogs.getControlState(chan) # Zero out values in deadband if (val < 0): val = min(val + ANALOG_DEADBAND, 0.0) else: val = max(val - ANALOG_DEADBAND, 0.0) # Scale up rotating knob values if (chan == L_TWIST) or (chan == R_TWIST): val *= 3.0 # Now clamp value between minVal and maxVal val = CLAMP(val, JOYBOX_MIN, JOYBOX_MAX) self.aList[chan] = 2.0*((val - JOYBOX_MIN)/JOYBOX_RANGE) - 1 # Update buttons for i in range(len(self.buttons)): try: self.bList[i] = self.buttons.getButtonState(i) except IndexError: # That channel may not have been updated yet self.bList[i] = 0 def acceptSwitchModeEvent(self, button = R_UPPER): self.accept(self.getEventName(button), self.switchMode) def ignoreSwitchModeEvent(self, button = R_UPPER): self.ignore(self.getEventName(button)) def switchMode(self): try: # Get current mode self.modeFunc = self.modeList[0] # Rotate mode list self.modeList = self.modeList[1:] + self.modeList[:1] # Call new mode self.modeFunc() except IndexError: pass def showMode(self, modeText): def hideText(state, s = self): s.readout.setText('') return Task.done taskMgr.remove(self.name + '-showMode') # Update display self.readout.setText(modeText) t = taskMgr.doMethodLater(3.0, hideText, self.name + '-showMode') t.setUponDeath(hideText) def acceptUprightCameraEvent(self, button = L_UPPER): self.accept(self.getEventName(button), base.direct.cameraControl.orbitUprightCam) def ignoreUprightCameraEvent(self, button = L_UPPER): self.ignore(self.getEventName(button)) def setMode(self, func, name): self.disable() self.updateFunc = func self.modeName = name self.showMode(self.modeName) self.enable() def setUseHeadingNP(self,enabled): self.useHeadingNP = enabled def setRotateInPlace(self,enabled): self.rotateInPlace = enabled def joyboxFly(self): # Do nothing if no nodePath selected if self.nodePath == None: return hprScale = ((self.aList[L_SLIDE] + 1.0) * 50.0 * DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier) posScale = ((self.aList[R_SLIDE] + 1.0) * 50.0 * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) def getAxisVal(index, s = self): try: return s.aList[s.mapping[index]] except IndexError: # If it is a null axis return 0 return 0.0 x = getAxisVal(0) * self.modifier[0] y = getAxisVal(1) * self.modifier[1] z = getAxisVal(2) * self.modifier[2] pos = Vec3(x, y, z) * (posScale * self.deltaTime) h = getAxisVal(3) * self.modifier[3] p = getAxisVal(4) * self.modifier[4] r = getAxisVal(5) * self.modifier[5] hpr = Vec3(h, p, r) * (hprScale * self.deltaTime) # if we are using a heading nodepath, we want # to drive in the direction we are facing, # however, we don't want the z component to change if (self.useHeadingNP and self.headingNP != None): oldZ = pos.getZ() pos = self.nodePath.getRelativeVector(self.headingNP, pos) pos.setZ(oldZ) # if we are using a heading NP we might want to rotate # in place around that NP if (self.rotateInPlace): parent = self.nodePath.getParent() self.floatingNP.reparentTo(parent) self.floatingNP.setPos(self.headingNP,0,0,0) self.floatingNP.setHpr(0,0,0) self.nodePath.wrtReparentTo(self.floatingNP) self.floatingNP.setHpr(hpr) self.nodePath.wrtReparentTo(parent) hpr = Vec3(0,0,0) self.nodePath.setPosHpr(self.nodePath, pos, hpr) def joeMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, L_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, L_TWIST, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Joe Mode') def basicMode(self): self.mapping = [NULL_AXIS, R_FWD_BACK, NULL_AXIS, R_LEFT_RIGHT, NULL_AXIS, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [0,1,0,-1,0,0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly,'Basic Mode') def fpsMode(self): self.mapping = [L_LEFT_RIGHT,R_FWD_BACK,L_FWD_BACK, R_LEFT_RIGHT, NULL_AXIS, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1,1,1,-1,0,0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly,'FPS Mode') def tankMode(self): self.setMode(self.tankFly,'Tank Mode') def nullMode(self): self.setMode(self.nullFly,'Null Mode') def lucMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, L_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, L_TWIST, L_LEFT_RIGHT] self.modifier = [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Luc Mode') def driveMode(self): self.mapping = [L_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, R_LEFT_RIGHT, L_FWD_BACK, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Drive Mode') def lookAtMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_TWIST, R_FWD_BACK, L_LEFT_RIGHT, L_FWD_BACK, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Look At Mode') def lookAroundMode(self): self.mapping = [NULL_AXIS, NULL_AXIS, NULL_AXIS, R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Lookaround Mode') def demoMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, L_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, NULL_AXIS, NULL_AXIS] self.modifier = [1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Demo Mode') def hprXyzMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, L_TWIST, L_FWD_BACK, L_LEFT_RIGHT] self.modifier = [1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'HprXyz Mode') def mopathMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, R_TWIST, L_LEFT_RIGHT, L_FWD_BACK, L_LEFT_RIGHT] self.modifier = [1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Mopath Mode') def walkthruMode(self): self.mapping = [R_LEFT_RIGHT, R_FWD_BACK, L_TWIST, R_TWIST, L_FWD_BACK, L_LEFT_RIGHT] self.modifier = [1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1] self.setMode(self.joyboxFly, 'Walkthru Mode') def spaceMode(self): self.setMode(self.spaceFly, 'Space Mode') def nullFly(self): return def tankFly(self): leftTreadSpeed = (self.normalizeChannel(L_SLIDE,.1,100) * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) * self.aList[L_FWD_BACK] rightTreadSpeed = (self.normalizeChannel(R_SLIDE,.1,100) * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) * self.aList[R_FWD_BACK] forwardSpeed = (leftTreadSpeed + rightTreadSpeed)*.5 headingSpeed = math.atan2(leftTreadSpeed - rightTreadSpeed, JOYBOX_TREAD_SEPERATION) headingSpeed = 180/3.14159 * headingSpeed dh = -1.0*headingSpeed * self.deltaTime*.3 dy = forwardSpeed * self.deltaTime self.nodePath.setH(self.nodePath,dh) self.nodePath.setY(self.nodePath,dy) def spaceFly(self): # Do nothing if no nodePath selected if self.nodePath == None: return hprScale = (self.normalizeChannel(L_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier) posScale = (self.normalizeChannel(R_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) dr = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_TWIST] * self.deltaTime dp = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime dh = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_LEFT_RIGHT] * self.deltaTime self.nodePath.setHpr(self.nodePath, dh, dp, dr) dy = posScale * self.aList[L_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime self.nodePath.setY(self.nodePath, dy) def planetMode(self, auxData = []): self.auxData = auxData self.setMode(self.planetFly, 'Space Mode') def planetFly(self): # Do nothing if no nodePath selected if self.nodePath == None: return hprScale = (self.normalizeChannel(L_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier) posScale = (self.normalizeChannel(R_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) dr = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_TWIST] * self.deltaTime dp = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime dh = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[R_LEFT_RIGHT] * self.deltaTime self.nodePath.setHpr(self.nodePath, dh, dp, dr) dy = posScale * self.aList[L_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime dPos = VBase3(0, dy, 0) for planet, radius in self.auxData: # Are we within min radius? # How far above planet are we? np2planet = Vec3(self.nodePath.getPos(planet)) # Compute dist offsetDist = np2planet.length() # Above threshold, leave velocity vec as is if offsetDist > (1.2 * radius): pass else: # Getting close, slow things down # Compute normal vector through node Path oNorm = Vec3() oNorm.assign(np2planet) oNorm.normalize() # Xform fly vec to planet space dPlanet = self.nodePath.getMat(planet).xformVec(Vec3(0, dy, 0)) # Compute radial component of fly vec dotProd = oNorm.dot(dPlanet) if dotProd < 0: # Trying to fly below radius, compute radial component radialComponent = oNorm * dotProd # How far above? above = offsetDist - radius # Set sf accordingly sf = max(1.0 - (max(above, 0.0)/(0.2 * radius)), 0.0) # Subtract scaled radial component dPlanet -= radialComponent * (sf * sf) #dPlanet -= radialComponent # Convert back to node path space dPos.assign(planet.getMat(self.nodePath).xformVec(dPlanet)) # Set pos accordingly self.nodePath.setPos(self.nodePath, dPos) def orbitMode(self): self.setMode(self.orbitFly, 'Orbit Mode') def orbitFly(self): # Do nothing if no nodePath selected if self.nodePath == None: return hprScale = (self.normalizeChannel(L_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.hprMultiplier) posScale = (self.normalizeChannel(R_SLIDE, 0.1, 100) * DirectJoybox.xyzMultiplier) r = -0.01 * posScale * self.aList[R_TWIST] * self.deltaTime rx = hprScale * self.aList[R_LEFT_RIGHT] * self.deltaTime ry = -hprScale * self.aList[R_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime x = posScale * self.aList[L_LEFT_RIGHT] * self.deltaTime z = posScale * self.aList[L_FWD_BACK] * self.deltaTime h = -1 * hprScale * self.aList[L_TWIST] * self.deltaTime # Move dcs self.nodePath.setX(self.nodePath, x) self.nodePath.setZ(self.nodePath, z) self.nodePath.setH(self.nodePath, h) self.orbitNode(rx, ry, 0) pos = self.nodePath.getPos(self.refCS) if Vec3(pos).length() < 0.005: pos.set(0, -0.01, 0) # Now move on out pos.assign(pos * (1 + r)) self.nodePath.setPos(self.refCS, pos) def orbitNode(self, h, p, r): # Position the temp node path at the ref CS self.tempCS.setPos(self.refCS, 0, 0, 0) # Orient the temp node path to align with the orbiting node path self.tempCS.setHpr(self.nodePath, 0, 0, 0) # Record the position of the orbiter wrt the helper pos = self.nodePath.getPos(self.tempCS) # Turn the temp node path self.tempCS.setHpr(self.tempCS, h, p, r) # Position the orbiter "back" to its position wrt the helper self.nodePath.setPos(self.tempCS, pos) # Restore the original hpr of the orbiter self.nodePath.setHpr(self.tempCS, 0, 0, 0) # We need to override the DirectAnalog normalizeChannel to # correct the ranges of the two twist axes of the joybox. def normalizeChannel(self, chan, minVal = -1, maxVal = 1): try: if (chan == L_TWIST) or (chan == R_TWIST): # These channels have reduced range return self.analogs.normalize( self.analogs.getControlState(chan), minVal, maxVal, 3.0) else: return self.analogs.normalize( self.analogs.getControlState(chan), minVal, maxVal) except IndexError: return 0.0