from direct.wxwidgets.WxAppShell import * import os from . import ObjectGlobals as OG CLOSE_STDIN = "" class StartupError(Exception): pass class Process: def __init__(self, parent, cmd, end_callback): self.process = wx.Process(parent) self.process.Redirect() = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC|wx.EXEC_MAKE_GROUP_LEADER, self.process) self.b = [] if #what was up with wx.Process.Get*Stream names? self.process._stdin_ = self.process.GetOutputStream() self.process._stdout_ = self.process.GetInputStream() self.process._stderr_ = self.process.GetErrorStream() self.process.Bind(wx.EVT_END_PROCESS, end_callback) return raise StartupError def Poll(self, input=''): if (input or self.b) and self.process and self.process._stdin_: if self.b or len(input) > 512: if input: #if we don't chop up our input into resonably sized chunks, #some platforms (like Windows) will send some small number #of bytes per .write() call (sometimes 2 in the case of #Windows). self.b.extend([input[i:i+512] for i in range(0, len(input), 512)]) input = self.b.pop(0) self.process._stdin_.write(input) if hasattr(self.process._stdin_, "LastWrite"): y = self.process._stdin_.LastWrite() if y != len(input): self.b.insert(0, input[y:]) x = [] for s in (self.process._stderr_, self.process._stdout_): if s and s.CanRead(): x.append( else: x.append('') return x def CloseInp(self): if self.process and self.process._stdin_: self.process.CloseOutput() self.process._stdin_ = None def Kill(self, ks='SIGKILL'): errors = {wx.KILL_BAD_SIGNAL: "KILL_BAD_SIGNAL", wx.KILL_ACCESS_DENIED: "KILL_ACCESS_DENIED", wx.KILL_ERROR: "KILL_ERROR"} if self.process: if ks == CLOSE_STDIN: self.CloseInp() return 1, None elif wx.Process.Exists( signal = getattr(wx, ks) r = wx.Process.Kill(, signal, flags=wx.KILL_CHILDREN) else: r = 65535 self.CloseInp() return 1, None if r not in (wx.KILL_OK, wx.KILL_NO_PROCESS, 65535): return 0, (, signal, errors.get(r, "UNKNOWN_KILL_ERROR %s"%r)) else: return 1, None FROM_MAYA_TO_EGG = 0 FROM_BAM_TO_MAYA = 1 class MayaConverter(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, editor, mayaFile, callBack=None, obj=None, isAnim=False, convertMode=FROM_MAYA_TO_EGG): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="Maya Converter", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=(300, 200)) self.editor = editor self.obj = obj self.isAnim = isAnim self.callBack = callBack self.mayaFile = mayaFile self.mainPanel = wx.Panel(self, -1) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.mainPanel, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.output = wx.TextCtrl(self.mainPanel, -1, style = wx.TE_MULTILINE, pos = (0, 0), size = (100, 400)) sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer2.Add(self.output, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.mainPanel.SetSizer(sizer2) if convertMode == FROM_MAYA_TO_EGG: self.convertFromMaya() elif convertMode == FROM_BAM_TO_MAYA: self.convertToMaya() else: pass self.timer = wx.Timer(self, -1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.onPoll, self.timer) self.timer.Start(100) def convertFromMaya(self): if self.isAnim: if self.obj: command = 'maya2egg -uo ft -a chan %s -o %s.anim.egg'%(self.mayaFile, self.mayaFile) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0=None: self.onProcessEnded(p0)) else: command = 'maya2egg -uo ft -a model %s -o %s.model.egg'%(self.mayaFile, self.mayaFile) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0=None: self.onModelProcessEnded(p0)) else: command = 'maya2egg -uo ft %s -o %s.egg'%(self.mayaFile, self.mayaFile) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0=None: self.onProcessEnded(p0)) def convertToMaya(self): bamFileName = self.mayaFile + ".bam" eggFileName = self.mayaFile + ".egg" command = 'bam2egg %s -o %s'%(bamFileName, eggFileName) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0=None: self.onBam2EggEnded(p0)) def onEgg2MayaEnded(self, evt): self.process.CloseInp() for i in self.process.Poll(): self.output.AppendText(i) self.process = None def onBam2EggEnded(self, evt): self.process.CloseInp() for i in self.process.Poll(): self.output.AppendText(i) eggFileName = self.mayaFile + ".egg" command = 'egg2maya -ui ft -uo ft %s -o %s'%(eggFileName, self.mayaFile) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0=None: self.onEgg2MayaEnded(p0)) def onPoll(self, evt): if self.process: for i in self.process.Poll(): self.output.AppendText(i) def onModelProcessEnded(self, evt): self.process.CloseInp() for i in self.process.Poll(): self.output.AppendText(i) self.process = None command = 'maya2egg -uo ft -a chan %s -o %s.anim.egg'%(self.mayaFile, self.mayaFile) self.process = Process(self, command, lambda p0 = None: self.onProcessEnded(p0)) def onProcessEnded(self, evt): self.process.CloseInp() for i in self.process.Poll(): self.output.AppendText(i) self.output.AppendText('Converting %s is finished\n'%self.mayaFile) self.process = None name = os.path.basename(self.mayaFile) if self.isAnim: if self.obj: objDef = self.obj[OG.OBJ_DEF] objNP = self.obj[OG.OBJ_NP] animName = "%s.anim.egg"%self.mayaFile if animName not in objDef.anims: objDef.anims.append(animName) name = os.path.basename(animName) objNP.loadAnims({name:animName}) objNP.loop(name) self.obj[OG.OBJ_ANIM] = animName self.editor.ui.objectPropertyUI.updateProps(self.obj) return else: modelName = "%s.model.egg"%self.mayaFile animName = "%s.anim.egg"%self.mayaFile result = [name, modelName, animName] else: modelName = "%s.egg"%self.mayaFile result = [name, modelName] if self.callBack: self.callBack(result)