"""Defines the DirectObject class, a convenient class to inherit from if the object needs to be able to respond to events.""" __all__ = ['DirectObject'] from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify from .MessengerGlobal import messenger class DirectObject: """ This is the class that all Direct/SAL classes should inherit from """ def __init__(self): pass #def __del__(self): # This next line is useful for debugging leaks #print "Destructing: ", self.__class__.__name__ # Wrapper functions to have a cleaner, more object oriented approach to # the messenger functionality. def accept(self, event, method, extraArgs=[]): return messenger.accept(event, self, method, extraArgs, 1) def acceptOnce(self, event, method, extraArgs=[]): return messenger.accept(event, self, method, extraArgs, 0) def ignore(self, event): return messenger.ignore(event, self) def ignoreAll(self): return messenger.ignoreAll(self) def isAccepting(self, event): return messenger.isAccepting(event, self) def getAllAccepting(self): return messenger.getAllAccepting(self) def isIgnoring(self, event): return messenger.isIgnoring(event, self) #This function must be used if you want a managed task def addTask(self, *args, **kwargs): if(not hasattr(self,"_taskList")): self._taskList = {} kwargs['owner']=self task = taskMgr.add(*args, **kwargs) return task def doMethodLater(self, *args, **kwargs): if(not hasattr(self,"_taskList")): self._taskList ={} kwargs['owner']=self task = taskMgr.doMethodLater(*args, **kwargs) return task def removeTask(self, taskOrName): if type(taskOrName) == type(''): # we must use a copy, since task.remove will modify self._taskList if hasattr(self, '_taskList'): taskListValues = list(self._taskList.values()) for task in taskListValues: if task.name == taskOrName: task.remove() else: taskOrName.remove() def removeAllTasks(self): if hasattr(self,'_taskList'): for task in list(self._taskList.values()): task.remove() def _addTask(self, task): self._taskList[task.id] = task def _clearTask(self, task): del self._taskList[task.id] def detectLeaks(self): if not __dev__: return # call this after the DirectObject instance has been destroyed # if it's leaking, will notify user # make sure we're not still listening for messenger events events = messenger.getAllAccepting(self) # make sure we're not leaking tasks # TODO: include tasks that were added directly to the taskMgr tasks = [] if hasattr(self, '_taskList'): tasks = [task.name for task in self._taskList.values()] if len(events) or len(tasks): estr = choice(len(events), 'listening to events: %s' % events, '') andStr = choice(len(events) and len(tasks), ' and ', '') tstr = choice(len(tasks), '%srunning tasks: %s' % (andStr, tasks), '') notify = directNotify.newCategory('LeakDetect') func = choice(getRepository()._crashOnProactiveLeakDetect, self.notify.error, self.notify.warning) func('destroyed %s instance is still %s%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, estr, tstr)) #snake_case alias: add_task = addTask do_method_later = doMethodLater detect_leaks = detectLeaks accept_once = acceptOnce ignore_all = ignoreAll get_all_accepting = getAllAccepting is_ignoring = isIgnoring remove_all_tasks = removeAllTasks remove_task = removeTask is_accepting = isAccepting