""" Slider Class: Velocity style controller for floating point values with a label, entry (validated), and min/max slider """ __all__ = ['Slider', 'SliderWidget', 'rgbPanel'] from direct.showbase.TkGlobal import * from .Valuator import Valuator, rgbPanel, VALUATOR_MINI, VALUATOR_FULL import Pmw class Slider(Valuator): """ Valuator widget which includes an min/max slider and an entry for setting floating point values in a range """ def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( ('min', 0.0, self.setMin), ('max', 100.0, self.setMax), ('style', VALUATOR_MINI, INITOPT), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) Valuator.__init__(self, parent) # Can not enter None for min or max, update propertyDict to reflect self.propertyDict['min']['fNone'] = 0 self.propertyDict['min']['help'] = 'Minimum allowable value.' self.propertyDict['max']['fNone'] = 0 self.propertyDict['max']['help'] = 'Maximum allowable value.' self.initialiseoptions(Slider) def createValuator(self): self._valuator = self.createcomponent( 'valuator', (('slider', 'valuator'),), None, SliderWidget, (self.interior(),), style = self['style'], command = self.setEntry, value = self['value']) #self._valuator._widget.bind('', self.mouseReset) # Add popup bindings to slider widget try: self._valuator._arrowBtn.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) except AttributeError: pass self._valuator._minLabel.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) self._valuator._maxLabel.bind( '', self._popupValuatorMenu) def packValuator(self): if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: if self._label: self._label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky = EW) self._entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1, sticky = EW) self._valuator.grid(row = 1, columnspan = 2, padx = 2, pady = 2, sticky = 'ew') self.interior().columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) else: if self._label: self._label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = EW) self._entry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky = EW) self._valuator.grid(row=0, column=2, padx = 2, pady = 2) self.interior().columnconfigure(0, weight = 1) def setMin(self): if self['min'] is not None: self._valuator['min'] = self['min'] def setMax(self): if self['max'] is not None: self._valuator['max'] = self['max'] # Based on Pmw ComboBox code. class SliderWidget(Pmw.MegaWidget): def __init__(self, parent = None, **kw): # Define the megawidget options. INITOPT = Pmw.INITOPT optiondefs = ( # Appearance ('style', VALUATOR_MINI, INITOPT), ('relief', RAISED, self.setRelief), ('borderwidth', 2, self.setBorderwidth), ('background', 'grey75', self.setBackground), ('fliparrow', 0, INITOPT), # Behavior # Bounds ('min', 0.0, self.setMin), ('max', 100.0, self.setMax), # Initial value of slider, use self.set to change value ('value', 0.0, INITOPT), ('numDigits', 2, self.setNumDigits), # Command to execute on slider updates ('command', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to command function ('commandData', [], None), # Callback's to execute during mouse interaction ('preCallback', None, None), ('postCallback', None, None), # Extra data to be passed to callback function, needs to be a list ('callbackData', [], None), ) self.defineoptions(kw, optiondefs) # Initialise the base class (after defining the options). Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Create the components. interior = self.interior() # Current value self.value = self['value'] self.formatString = '%2f' self.increment = 0.01 # Interaction flags self._isPosted = 0 self._fUnpost = 0 self._fUpdate = 0 self._firstPress = 1 self._fPressInsde = 0 # Slider dimensions width = 100 self.xPad = xPad = 10 sliderWidth = width + 2 * xPad height = 20 self.left = left = -(width/2.0) self.right = right = (width/2.0) top = -5 bottom = top + height def createSlider(parent): # Create the slider inside the dropdown window. # Min label self._minLabel = Label(parent, text = self['min'], width = 8, anchor = W) self._minLabel.pack(side = LEFT) # Slider widget if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: # Use a scale slider self._widgetVar = DoubleVar() self._widgetVar.set(self['value']) self._widget = self.createcomponent( 'slider', (), None, Scale, (interior,), variable = self._widgetVar, from_ = self['min'], to = self['max'], resolution = 0.0, width = 10, orient = 'horizontal', showvalue = 0, length = sliderWidth, relief = FLAT, bd = 2, highlightthickness = 0) else: # Use a canvas slider self._widget = self.createcomponent( 'slider', (), None, Canvas, (parent,), width = sliderWidth, height = height, bd = 2, highlightthickness = 0, scrollregion = (left - xPad, top, right + xPad, bottom)) # Interaction marker xShift = 1 # Shadow arrow self._marker = self._widget.create_polygon(-7 + xShift, 12, 7 + xShift, 12, xShift, 0, fill = 'black', tags = ('marker',)) # Arrow self._widget.create_polygon(-6.0, 10, 6.0, 10, 0, 0, fill = 'grey85', outline = 'black', tags = ('marker',)) # The indicator self._widget.create_line(left, 0, right, 0, width = 2, tags = ('line',)) self._widget.pack(side = LEFT, expand=1, fill=X) # Max label self._maxLabel = Label(parent, text = self['max'], width = 8, anchor = W) self._maxLabel.pack(side = LEFT) # Create slider if self['style'] == VALUATOR_MINI: # Create the arrow button to invoke slider self._arrowBtn = self.createcomponent( 'arrowbutton', (), None, Canvas, (interior,), borderwidth = 0, relief = FLAT, width = 14, height = 14, scrollregion = (-7, -7, 7, 7)) self._arrowBtn.pack(expand = 1, fill = BOTH) self._arrowBtn.create_polygon(-5, -5, 5, -5, 0, 5, fill = 'grey50', tags = 'arrow') self._arrowBtn.create_line(-5, 5, 5, 5, fill = 'grey50', tags = 'arrow') # Create the dropdown window. self._popup = self.createcomponent( 'popup', (), None, Toplevel, (interior,), relief = RAISED, borderwidth = 2) self._popup.withdraw() self._popup.overrideredirect(1) # Create popup slider createSlider(self._popup) # Bind events to the arrow button. self._arrowBtn.bind('<1>', self._postSlider) self._arrowBtn.bind('', self.highlightWidget) self._arrowBtn.bind('', self.restoreWidget) # Need to unpost the popup if the arrow Button is unmapped (eg: # its toplevel window is withdrawn) while the popup slider is # displayed. self._arrowBtn.bind('', self._unpostSlider) # Bind events to the dropdown window. self._popup.bind('', self._unpostSlider) self._popup.bind('', self._widgetBtnRelease) self._popup.bind('', self._widgetBtnPress) self._popup.bind('', self._widgetMove) self._widget.bind('', self._decrementValue) self._widget.bind('', self._incrementValue) self._widget.bind('', self._bigDecrementValue) self._widget.bind('', self._bigIncrementValue) self._widget.bind('', self._goToMin) self._widget.bind('', self._goToMax) else: createSlider(interior) self._widget['command'] = self._firstScaleCommand self._widget.bind('', self._scaleBtnRelease) self._widget.bind('', self._scaleBtnPress) # Check keywords and initialise options. self.initialiseoptions(SliderWidget) # Adjust relief if 'relief' not in kw: if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: self['relief'] = FLAT self.updateIndicator(self['value']) def destroy(self): if (self['style'] == VALUATOR_MINI) and self._isPosted: Pmw.popgrab(self._popup) Pmw.MegaWidget.destroy(self) #====================================================================== # Public methods def set(self, value, fCommand = 1): """ self.set(value, fCommand = 1) Set slider to new value, execute command if fCommand == 1 """ # Send command if any if fCommand and (self['command'] != None): self['command'](*[value] + self['commandData']) # Record value self.value = value def get(self): """ self.get() Get current slider value """ return self.value def updateIndicator(self, value): if self['style'] == VALUATOR_MINI: # Get current marker position percentX = (value - self['min'])/float(self['max'] - self['min']) newX = percentX * (self.right - self.left) + self.left markerX = self._getMarkerX() dx = newX - markerX self._widget.move('marker', dx, 0) else: # Update scale's variable, which update scale without # Calling scale's command self._widgetVar.set(value) #====================================================================== # Private methods for slider. def _postSlider(self, event = None): self._isPosted = 1 self._fUpdate = 0 # Make sure that the arrow is displayed sunken. self.interior()['relief'] = SUNKEN self.update_idletasks() # Position popup so that marker is immediately below center of # Arrow button # Find screen space position of bottom/center of arrow button x = (self._arrowBtn.winfo_rootx() + self._arrowBtn.winfo_width()/2.0 - self.interior()['bd']) # int(self.interior()['bd'])) y = self._arrowBtn.winfo_rooty() + self._arrowBtn.winfo_height() # Popup border width bd = self._popup['bd'] # bd = int(self._popup['bd']) # Get width of label minW = self._minLabel.winfo_width() # Width of canvas to adjust for cw = (self._getMarkerX() - self.left) + self.xPad popupOffset = bd + minW + cw ch = self._widget.winfo_height() sh = self.winfo_screenheight() # Compensate if too close to edge of screen if y + ch > sh and y > sh / 2: y = self._arrowBtn.winfo_rooty() - ch # Popup window Pmw.setgeometryanddeiconify(self._popup, '+%d+%d' % (x-popupOffset, y)) # Grab the popup, so that all events are delivered to it, and # set focus to the slider, to make keyboard navigation # easier. Pmw.pushgrab(self._popup, 1, self._unpostSlider) self._widget.focus_set() # Ignore the first release of the mouse button after posting the # dropdown slider, unless the mouse enters the dropdown slider. self._fUpdate = 0 self._fUnpost = 0 self._firstPress = 1 self._fPressInsde = 0 def _updateValue(self, event): mouseX = self._widget.canvasx( event.x_root - self._widget.winfo_rootx()) if mouseX < self.left: mouseX = self.left if mouseX > self.right: mouseX = self.right # Update value sf = (mouseX - self.left)/(self.right - self.left) newVal = sf * (self['max'] - self['min']) + self['min'] self.set(newVal) def _widgetBtnPress(self, event): # Check behavior for this button press widget = self._popup xPos = event.x_root - widget.winfo_rootx() yPos = event.y_root - widget.winfo_rooty() fInside = ((xPos > 0) and (xPos < widget.winfo_width()) and (yPos > 0) and (yPos < widget.winfo_height())) # Set flags based upon result if fInside: self._fPressInside = 1 self._fUpdate = 1 if self['preCallback']: self['preCallback'](*self['callbackData']) self._updateValue(event) else: self._fPressInside = 0 self._fUpdate = 0 def _widgetMove(self, event): if self._firstPress and not self._fUpdate: canvasY = self._widget.canvasy( event.y_root - self._widget.winfo_rooty()) if canvasY > 0: self._fUpdate = 1 if self['preCallback']: self['preCallback'](*self['callbackData']) self._unpostOnNextRelease() elif self._fUpdate: self._updateValue(event) def _scaleBtnPress(self, event): if self['preCallback']: self['preCallback'](*self['callbackData']) def _scaleBtnRelease(self, event): # Do post callback if any if self['postCallback']: self['postCallback'](*self['callbackData']) def _widgetBtnRelease(self, event): # Do post callback if any if self._fUpdate and self['postCallback']: self['postCallback'](*self['callbackData']) if (self._fUnpost or (not (self._firstPress or self._fPressInside))): self._unpostSlider() # Otherwise, continue self._fUpdate = 0 self._firstPress = 0 self._fPressInside = 0 def _unpostOnNextRelease(self, event = None): self._fUnpost = 1 def _unpostSlider(self, event=None): if not self._isPosted: # It is possible to get events on an unposted popup. For # example, by repeatedly pressing the space key to post # and unpost the popup. The event may be # delivered to the popup window even though # Pmw.popgrab() has set the focus away from the # popup window. (Bug in Tk?) return # Restore the focus before withdrawing the window, since # otherwise the window manager may take the focus away so we # can't redirect it. Also, return the grab to the next active # window in the stack, if any. Pmw.popgrab(self._popup) self._popup.withdraw() self._isPosted = 0 # Raise up arrow button self.interior()['relief'] = RAISED def _incrementValue(self, event): self.set(self.value + self.increment) def _bigIncrementValue(self, event): self.set(self.value + self.increment * 10.0) def _decrementValue(self, event): self.set(self.value - self.increment) def _bigDecrementValue(self, event): self.set(self.value - self.increment * 10.0) def _goToMin(self, event): self.set(self['min']) def _goToMax(self, event): self.set(self['max']) def _firstScaleCommand(self, val): """ Hack to avoid calling command on instantiation of Scale """ self._widget['command'] = self._scaleCommand def _scaleCommand(self, val): self.set(float(val)) # Methods to modify floater characteristics def setMin(self): self._minLabel['text'] = self.formatString % self['min'] if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: self._widget['from_'] = self['min'] self.updateIndicator(self.value) def setMax(self): self._maxLabel['text'] = self.formatString % self['max'] if self['style'] == VALUATOR_FULL: self._widget['to'] = self['max'] self.updateIndicator(self.value) def setNumDigits(self): self.formatString = '%0.' + ('%d' % self['numDigits']) + 'f' self._minLabel['text'] = self.formatString % self['min'] self._maxLabel['text'] = self.formatString % self['max'] self.updateIndicator(self.value) self.increment = pow(10, -self['numDigits']) def _getMarkerX(self): # Get marker triangle coordinates c = self._widget.coords(self._marker) # Marker postion defined as X position of third vertex return c[4] def setRelief(self): self.interior()['relief'] = self['relief'] def setBorderwidth(self): self.interior()['borderwidth'] = self['borderwidth'] def setBackground(self): self._widget['background'] = self['background'] def highlightWidget(self, event): self._arrowBtn.itemconfigure('arrow', fill = 'black') def restoreWidget(self, event): self._arrowBtn.itemconfigure('arrow', fill = 'grey50')