\ tag: Display device management \ \ this code implements IEEE 1275-1994 ch. 5.3.6 \ \ Copyright (C) 2003 Stefan Reinauer \ \ See the file "COPYING" for further information about \ the copyright and warranty status of this work. \ hex \ \ Terminal emulator routines \ \ The following values are used and set by the terminal emulator \ defined and described in 0 value line# ( -- line# ) 0 value column# ( -- column# ) 0 value inverse? ( -- white-on-black? ) 0 value inverse-screen? ( -- black? ) 0 value #lines ( -- rows ) 0 value #columns ( -- columns ) \ The following values are used internally by both the 1-bit and the \ 8-bit frame-buffer support routines. 0 value frame-buffer-adr ( -- addr ) 0 value screen-height ( -- height ) 0 value screen-width ( -- width ) 0 value window-top ( -- border-height ) 0 value window-left ( -- border-width ) 0 value char-height ( -- height ) 0 value char-width ( -- width ) 0 value fontbytes ( -- bytes ) \ these values are used internally and do not represent any \ official open firmware words 0 value char-min 0 value char-num 0 value font 0 value foreground-color 0 value background-color create color-palette 100 cells allot 2 value font-spacing 0 value depth-bits 0 value line-bytes 0 value display-ih \ internal values 0 value openbios-video-height 0 value openbios-video-width \ The following wordset is called the "defer word interface" of the \ terminal-emulator support package. It gets overloaded by fb1-install \ or fb8-install (initiated by the framebuffer fcode driver) defer draw-character ( char -- ) defer reset-screen ( -- ) defer toggle-cursor ( -- ) defer erase-screen ( -- ) defer blink-screen ( -- ) defer invert-screen ( -- ) defer insert-characters ( n -- ) defer delete-characters ( n -- ) defer insert-lines ( n -- ) defer delete-lines ( n -- ) defer draw-logo ( line# addr width height -- ) defer fb-emit ( x -- ) : depth-bytes ( -- bytes ) depth-bits 1+ 8 / ; \ \ Frame-buffer support routines \ : default-font ( -- addr width height advance min-char #glyphs ) (romfont) (romfont-width) (romfont-height) (romfont-height) 0 100 ; : set-font ( addr width height advance min-char #glyphs -- ) to char-num to char-min to fontbytes font-spacing + to char-height to char-width to font ; : >font ( char -- addr ) char-min - char-num min fontbytes * font + ; \ \ Display device support \ \ \ Frame-buffer package interface \ : is-install ( xt -- ) external \ Create open and other methods for this display device. \ Methods to be created: open, write, draw-logo, restore s" open" header 1 , \ colon definition , ['] (lit) , -1 , ['] (semis) , reveal s" : write dup >r bounds do i c@ fb-emit loop r> ; " evaluate s" : draw-logo draw-logo ; " evaluate s" : restore reset-screen ; " evaluate ; : is-remove ( xt -- ) external \ Create close method for this display device. s" close" header 1 , \ colon definition , ['] (semis) , reveal ; : is-selftest ( xt -- ) external \ Create selftest method for this display device. s" selftest" header 1 , \ colon definition , ['] (semis) , reveal ; \ Generic one-bit frame-buffer support (optional) : fb1-nonimplemented ." Monochrome framebuffer support is not implemented." cr end0 ; : fb1-draw-character fb1-nonimplemented ; \ historical : fb1-reset-screen fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-toggle-cursor fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-erase-screen fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-blink-screen fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-invert-screen fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-insert-characters fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-delete-characters fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-insert-lines fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-delete-lines fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-slide-up fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-draw-logo fb1-nonimplemented ; : fb1-install fb1-nonimplemented ; \ Generic eight-bit frame-buffer support \ bind to low-level C function later defer fb8-blitmask defer fb8-fillrect defer fb8-invertrect : fb8-line2addr ( line -- addr ) window-top + screen-width * depth-bytes * frame-buffer-adr + window-left depth-bytes * + ; : fb8-curpos2addr ( col line -- addr ) char-height * fb8-line2addr swap char-width * depth-bytes * + ; : fb8-copy-lines ( count from to -- ) fb8-line2addr swap fb8-line2addr swap #columns char-width * depth-bytes * 3 pick * move drop ; : fb8-clear-lines ( count line -- ) background-color 0 2 pick window-top + #columns char-width * 5 pick fb8-fillrect 2drop ; : fb8-draw-character ( char -- ) \ erase the current character background-color column# char-width * window-left + line# char-height * window-top + char-width char-height fb8-fillrect \ draw the character: >font line# char-height * window-top + screen-width * depth-bytes * column# char-width * depth-bytes * window-left depth-bytes * + + frame-buffer-adr + swap char-width char-height font-spacing - \ normal or inverse? foreground-color background-color inverse? if swap then fb8-blitmask ; : fb8-reset-screen ( -- ) false to inverse? false to inverse-screen? 0 to foreground-color d# 15 to background-color \ override with OpenBIOS defaults 0 to background-color ff to foreground-color ; : fb8-toggle-cursor ( -- ) column# char-width * window-left + line# char-height * window-top + char-width char-height font-spacing - foreground-color background-color fb8-invertrect ; : fb8-erase-screen ( -- ) inverse-screen? if foreground-color else background-color then 0 0 screen-width screen-height fb8-fillrect ; : fb8-invert-screen ( -- ) 0 0 screen-width screen-height background-color foreground-color fb8-invertrect ; : fb8-blink-screen ( -- ) fb8-invert-screen 2000 ms fb8-invert-screen ; : fb8-insert-characters ( n -- ) \ numcopy = ( #columns - column# - n ) #columns over - column# - char-width * depth-bytes * ( n numbytescopy ) over column# + line# fb8-curpos2addr column# line# fb8-curpos2addr ( n numbytescopy destaddr srcaddr ) char-height 0 do 3dup swap rot move line-bytes + swap line-bytes + swap loop 3drop background-color column# char-width * window-left + line# char-height * window-top + 3 pick char-width * char-height fb8-fillrect drop ; : fb8-delete-characters ( n -- ) \ numcopy = ( #columns - column# - n ) #columns over - column# - char-width * depth-bytes * ( n numbytescopy ) over column# + line# fb8-curpos2addr column# line# fb8-curpos2addr swap ( n numbytescopy destaddr srcaddr ) char-height 0 do 3dup swap rot move line-bytes + swap line-bytes + swap loop 3drop background-color over #columns swap - char-width * window-left + line# char-height * window-top + 3 pick char-width * char-height fb8-fillrect drop ; : fb8-insert-lines ( n -- ) \ numcopy = ( #lines - n ) #lines over - char-height * over line# char-height * swap char-height * over + fb8-copy-lines char-height * line# char-height * fb8-clear-lines ; : fb8-delete-lines ( n -- ) \ numcopy = ( #lines - ( line# + n )) * char-height #lines over line# + - char-height * over line# + char-height * line# char-height * fb8-copy-lines #lines over - char-height * dup #lines char-height * swap - swap fb8-clear-lines drop ; : fb8-draw-logo ( line# addr width height -- ) 2swap swap char-height * window-top + screen-width * window-left + frame-buffer-adr + swap 2swap \ in-fb-start-adr logo-adr logo-width logo-height fb8-blitmask ( fbaddr mask-addr width height -- ) ; : fb8-install ( width height #columns #lines -- ) \ set state variables to #lines to #columns to screen-height to screen-width screen-width #columns char-width * - 2/ to window-left screen-height #lines char-height * - 2/ to window-top 0 to column# 0 to line# 0 to inverse? 0 to inverse-screen? my-self to display-ih \ set /chosen display property my-self active-package 0 to my-self " /chosen" (find-dev) 0<> if active-package! display-ih encode-int " display" property then active-package! to my-self \ set defer functions to 8bit versions ['] fb8-draw-character to draw-character ['] fb8-toggle-cursor to toggle-cursor ['] fb8-erase-screen to erase-screen ['] fb8-blink-screen to blink-screen ['] fb8-invert-screen to invert-screen ['] fb8-insert-characters to insert-characters ['] fb8-delete-characters to delete-characters ['] fb8-insert-lines to insert-lines ['] fb8-delete-lines to delete-lines ['] fb8-draw-logo to draw-logo ['] fb8-reset-screen to reset-screen \ recommended practice s" iso6429-1983-colors" get-my-property if 0 ff else 2drop d# 15 0 then to foreground-color to background-color \ setup palette 10101 ['] color-palette cell+ 100 0 do dup 2 pick i * swap ! cell+ loop 2drop \ special foreground and background colors ffffcc ['] color-palette cell+ 0 cells + ! 000000 ['] color-palette cell+ ff cells + ! \ load palette onto the hardware ['] color-palette cell+ 100 0 do dup @ ff0000 and d# 16 rshift 1 pick @ ff00 and d# 8 rshift 2 pick @ ff and i s" color!" $find if execute else 2drop then cell+ loop drop \ ... but let's override with some better defaults 0 to background-color ff to foreground-color fb8-erase-screen \ If we have a startup splash then display it [IFDEF] CONFIG_MOL mol-startup-splash 2000 ms fb8-erase-screen [THEN] ;