0 value ciface-ph dev /openprom/ new-device " client-services" device-name active-package to ciface-ph \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ private stuff \ ------------------------------------------------------------- private variable callback-function : ?phandle ( phandle -- phandle ) dup 0= if ." NULL phandle" -1 throw then ; : ?ihandle ( ihandle -- ihandle ) dup 0= if ." NULL ihandle" -2 throw then ; \ copy and null terminate return string : ci-strcpy ( buf buflen str len -- len ) >r -rot dup ( str buf buflen buflen R: len ) r@ min swap ( str buf n buflen R: len ) over > if ( str buf n ) 2dup + 0 swap c! then move r> ; 0 value memory-ih 0 value mmu-ih :noname ( -- ) " /chosen" find-device " mmu" active-package get-package-property 0= if decode-int nip nip to mmu-ih then " memory" active-package get-package-property 0= if decode-int nip nip to memory-ih then device-end ; SYSTEM-initializer : safetype ." <" dup cstrlen dup 20 < if type else 2drop ." BAD" then ." >" ; : phandle-exists? ( phandle -- found? ) false swap 0 begin iterate-tree ?dup while ( found? find-ph current-ph ) over over = if rot drop true -rot then repeat drop ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ public interface \ ------------------------------------------------------------- external \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Client interface \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ returns -1 if missing : test ( name -- 0|-1 ) dup cstrlen ciface-ph find-method if drop 0 else -1 then ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Device tree \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : peer peer ; : child child ; : parent parent ; : getproplen ( name phandle -- len|-1 ) over cstrlen swap ?phandle get-package-property if -1 else nip then ; : getprop ( buflen buf name phandle -- size|-1 ) \ detect phandle == -1 dup -1 = if 2drop 2drop -1 exit then \ return -1 if phandle is 0 (MacOS actually does this) ?dup 0= if drop 2drop -1 exit then over cstrlen swap ?phandle get-package-property if 2drop -1 exit then ( buflen buf prop proplen ) >r swap rot r> ( prop buf buflen proplen ) dup >r min move r> ; \ 1 OK, 0 no more prop, -1 prev invalid : nextprop ( buf prev phandle -- 1|0|-1 ) >r dup 0= if 0 else dup cstrlen then ( buf prev prev_len ) \ verify that prev exists (overkill...) dup if 2dup r@ get-package-property if r> 2drop drop 0 swap c! -1 exit else 2drop then then ( buf prev prev_len ) r> next-property if ( buf name name_len ) dup 1+ -rot ci-strcpy drop 1 else ( buf ) 0 swap c! 0 then ; : setprop ( len buf name phandle -- size ) 3 pick >r >r >r swap encode-bytes \ ( prop-addr prop-len R: phandle name ) r> dup cstrlen r> (property) r> ; : finddevice ( dev_spec -- phandle|-1 ) dup cstrlen \ ." FIND-DEVICE " 2dup type find-dev 0= if -1 then \ ." -- " dup . cr ; : instance-to-package ( ihandle -- phandle ) ?ihandle instance-to-package ; : package-to-path ( buflen buf phandle -- length ) \ XXX improve error checking dup 0= if 3drop -1 exit then >r swap r> get-package-path ( buf buflen str len ) ci-strcpy ; : canon ( buflen buf dev_specifier -- len ) dup cstrlen find-dev if ( buflen buf phandle ) package-to-path else 2drop -1 then ; : instance-to-path ( buflen buf ihandle -- length ) \ XXX improve error checking dup 0= if 3drop -1 exit then >r swap r> get-instance-path \ ." INSTANCE: " 2dup type cr dup . ( buf buflen str len ) ci-strcpy ; : instance-to-interposed-path ( buflen buf ihandle -- length ) \ XXX improve error checking dup 0= if 3drop -1 exit then >r swap r> get-instance-interposed-path ( buf buflen str len ) ci-strcpy ; : call-method ( ihandle method -- xxxx catch-result ) dup 0= if ." call of null method" -1 exit then dup >r dup cstrlen \ ." call-method " 2dup type cr rot ?ihandle ['] $call-method catch dup if \ not necessary an error but very useful for debugging... ." call-method " r@ dup cstrlen type ." : exception " dup . cr then r> drop ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Device I/O \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : open ( dev_spec -- ihandle|0 ) dup cstrlen open-dev ; : close ( ihandle -- ) close-dev ; : read ( len addr ihandle -- actual ) >r swap r> dup ihandle>phandle " read" rot find-method if swap call-package else 3drop -1 then ; : write ( len addr ihandle -- actual ) >r swap r> dup ihandle>phandle " write" rot find-method if swap call-package else 3drop -1 then ; : seek ( pos_lo pos_hi ihandle -- status ) dup ihandle>phandle " seek" rot find-method if swap call-package else 3drop -1 then ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Memory \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : claim ( align size virt -- baseaddr|-1 ) -rot swap ciface-ph " cif-claim" rot find-method if execute else 3drop -1 then ; : release ( size virt -- ) swap ciface-ph " cif-release" rot find-method if execute else 2drop -1 then ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Control transfer \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : boot ( bootspec -- ) ." BOOT" ; : enter ( -- ) ." ENTER" ; \ exit ( -- ) is defined later (clashes with builtin exit) : chain ( virt size entry args len -- ) ." CHAIN" ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ User interface \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : interpret ( xxx cmdstring -- ??? catch-reult ) dup cstrlen \ ." INTERPRETE: --- " 2dup type ['] evaluate catch dup if \ this is not necessary an error... ." interpret: exception " dup . ." caught" cr \ Force back to interpret state on error, otherwise the next call to \ interpret gets confused if the error occurred in compile mode 0 state ! then \ ." --- " cr ; : set-callback ( newfunc -- oldfunc ) callback-function @ swap callback-function ! ; \ : set-symbol-lookup ( sym-to-value -- value-to-sym ) ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ Time \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : milliseconds ( -- ms ) get-msecs ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ arch? \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : start-cpu ( xxx xxx xxx --- ) ." Start CPU unimplemented" cr 3drop ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ special \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : exit ( -- ) ." EXIT" \ Execute (exit) hook if one exists s" (exit)" $find if execute else 2drop then outer-interpreter ; : test-method ( cstring-method phandle -- missing? ) swap dup cstrlen rot \ Check for incorrect phandle dup phandle-exists? false = if -1 throw then find-method 0= if -1 else drop 0 then ; [IFDEF] CONFIG_SPARC64 : SUNW,power-off ( -- ) power-off ; [THEN] finish-device device-end \ ------------------------------------------------------------- \ entry point \ ------------------------------------------------------------- : client-iface ( [args] name len -- [args] -1 | [rets] 0 ) ciface-ph find-method 0= if -1 exit then catch ?dup if cr ." Unexpected client interface exception: " . -2 cr exit then 0 ; : client-call-iface ( [args] name len -- [args] -1 | [rets] 0 ) ciface-ph find-method 0= if -1 exit then execute 0 ;