from direct.distributed import DistributedObjectAI from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from panda3d.core import * import DistributedPhysicsWorldAI from direct.fsm.FSM import FSM from import * from import GolfGlobals import random import math class GolfHoleBase: def __init__(self, canRender = 0): self.canRender = canRender self.recording = [] self.aVRecording = [] self.holePositions = [] self.grayCount = 0 self.skyContact = None self.lastSkyContactPoint = None self.doingRecording = 0 self.backAmount = 270 self.ballRocket = 0 self.inCount = 0 self.frame = 0 self.onSlick = 0 self.didHoleBreak = 0 return def loadLevel(self): tm = self.holeInfo['terrainModel'] self.terrainModel = loader.loadModel(tm) td = self.holeInfo['physicsData'] if self.canRender: self.terrainModel.reparentTo(render) if self.canRender: self.terrainModel.find('**/softSurface').setBin('ground', 0) terrainData = self.terrainModel.find('**/softSurface') grassData = terrainData.findAllMatches('**/grass*') self.terrainData = [] for index in xrange(grassData.getNumPaths()): someTerrainData = grassData[index] terrainDataOde = OdeTriMeshData(someTerrainData) self.meshDataList.append(terrainDataOde) terrainGeomOde = OdeTriMeshGeom(, terrainDataOde) self.geomDataList.append(terrainGeomOde) terrainGeomOde.setCollideBits(BitMask32(4026531840L)) terrainGeomOde.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(240)), GolfGlobals.GRASS_SURFACE), 2) slickData = terrainData.findAllMatches('**/slick*') self.terrainData = [] for index in xrange(slickData.getNumPaths()): someTerrainData = slickData[index] terrainDataOde = OdeTriMeshData(someTerrainData) self.meshDataList.append(terrainDataOde) terrainGeomOde = OdeTriMeshGeom(, terrainDataOde) self.geomDataList.append(terrainGeomOde) terrainGeomOde.setCollideBits(BitMask32(4026531840L)) terrainGeomOde.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(240)), GolfGlobals.SLICK_SURFACE), GolfGlobals.SLICK_COLLIDE_ID) cupData = terrainData.find('**/hole*') cupData = OdeTriMeshData(cupData) self.meshDataList.append(cupData) cupGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(, cupData) self.geomDataList.append(cupGeom) cupGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(4026531840L)) cupGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(240)), GolfGlobals.HOLE_SURFACE), GolfGlobals.HOLE_CUP_COLLIDE_ID) if self.canRender: self.golfBarrier = self.terrainModel.find('**/collision1') if not self.golfBarrier.isEmpty(): golfBarrierCollection = self.terrainModel.findAllMatches('**/collision?') for i in xrange(golfBarrierCollection.getNumPaths()): oneBarrier = golfBarrierCollection.getPath(i) if oneBarrier != self.golfBarrier: oneBarrier.wrtReparentTo(self.golfBarrier) self.golfBarrier.hide() else: self.notify.warning('Could not find collision1 node ---------') self.hardSurfaceNodePath = self.terrainModel.find('**/hardSurface') if self.canRender: self.terrainModel.find('**/hardSurface').setBin('ground', 0) self.loadBlockers() hardData = OdeTriMeshData(self.hardSurfaceNodePath) self.meshDataList.append(hardData) hardGeom = OdeTriMeshGeom(, hardData) self.geomDataList.append(hardGeom) hardGeom.setCollideBits(BitMask32(4026531840L)) hardGeom.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(240)), 3) hardSurface = self.notify.debug('hardSurface = %s' % hardSurface) if self.notify.getDebug(): self.notify.debug('self.hardGeom') hardGeom.write() self.notify.debug(' -') self.holeBottomNodePath = self.terrainModel.find('**/holebottom0') if self.holeBottomNodePath.isEmpty(): self.holeBottomPos = Vec3(*self.holeInfo['holePos'][0]) else: self.holeBottomPos = self.holeBottomNodePath.getPos() self.holePositions.append(self.holeBottomPos) def isBallInHole(self, ball): retval = False for holePos in self.holePositions: displacement = ball.getPosition() - holePos length = displacement.length() self.notify.debug('hole %s length=%s' % (holePos, length)) if length <= GolfGlobals.DistanceToBeInHole * 0.5: retval = True break return retval def createRays(self): self.notify.debug('createRays') body = OdeBody( self.ballRay = OdeRayGeom(, 50.0) self.ballRay.setBody(body) self.ballRay.setOffsetRotation(Mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1)) self.ballRay.setOffsetPosition(0, 0, 0.0) self.ballRay.setCollideBits(BitMask32(16773375)) self.ballRay.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(4278190080L)) self.ballRayBody = body, GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID) self.rayList.append(self.ballRay) self.rayList.append(self.ballRayBody) self.skyRay = OdeRayGeom(, 100.0) self.skyRay.setCollideBits(BitMask32(240)) self.skyRay.setCategoryBits(BitMask32(0)) self.skyRay.setRotation(Mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1)), GolfGlobals.SKY_RAY_COLLIDE_ID) self.rayList.append(self.skyRay) def delete(self): self.ballRay = None self.skyRay = None self.recording = None self.avRecording = None self.llv = None return def initRecord(self): del self.recording self.recording = [] del self.aVRecording self.aVRecording = [] self.skipFrame = 0.0 self.frame = 0 self.tXYMax = 1.0 self.tZMax = 1.0 self.tXYMin = 0.1 self.tZMin = 0.1 self.skyContact = 1 self.doingRecording = 1 self.ballRocket = 0 self.inCount = 0 self.ballInHoleFrame = 0 self.ballTouchedHoleFrame = 0 self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame = 0 self.ballLastTouchedGrass = 0 self.hasReset = 0 self.resetAt = 100000 self.greenIn = 0 for key in self.commonObjectDict: self.commonObjectDict[key][2].enable() def checkCommonObjectsNeedPass(self): for index in self.commonObjectDict: if self.commonObjectDict[index][1] in [4]: return 1 return 0 def checkInRadius(self, ball): smallestDist = None for index in self.commonObjectDict: if self.commonObjectDict[index][1] in [4]: radius = self.commonObjectDict[index][8] mover = self.commonObjectDict[index][2] diffX = ball.getPosition()[0] - mover.getPosition()[0] diffY = ball.getPosition()[1] - mover.getPosition()[1] diffZ = ball.getPosition()[2] - mover.getPosition()[2] dist = math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY + diffZ * diffZ) if dist < radius: if not smallestDist or smallestDist[1] > dist: smallestDist = [radius, dist] self.notify.debug('Ball Pos %s\nMover Pos %s' % (ball.getPosition(), mover.getPosition())) return smallestDist def trackRecordBodyFlight(self, ball, cycleTime, power, startPos, dirX, dirY): self.notify.debug('trackRecordBodyFlight') self.ballInHoleFrame = 0 self.ballTouchedHoleFrame = 0 self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame = 0 self.ballLastTouchedGrass = 0 startTime = globalClock.getRealTime() self.notify.debug('start position %s' % startPos) self.swingTime = cycleTime frameCount = 0 lift = 0 startTime = GolfGlobals.BALL_CONTACT_FRAME / 24 startFrame = startTime * self.FPS for frame in xrange(int(startFrame)): self.simulate() self.setTimeIntoCycle(self.swingTime + float(frameCount) * self.DTAStep) frameCount += 1 forceMove = 1500 if power > 50: lift = 0 self.didHoleBreak = 0 ball.setPosition(startPos) ball.setLinearVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ball.setAngularVel(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ball.enable() self.preStep() self.simulate() self.postStep() ball.enable() ball.addForce(Vec3(dirX * forceMove * power / 100.0, dirY * forceMove * power / 100.0, lift)) self.initRecord() self.llv = None self.lastSkyContactPoint = None ran = 0 self.record(ball) self.comObjNeedPass = self.checkCommonObjectsNeedPass() self.notify.debug('self.comObjNeedPass %s' % self.comObjNeedPass) firstDisabled = -1 reEnabled = 0 lastFrameEnabled = 0 checkFrames = self.FPS * (self.timingCycleLength + 1.0) hasPrinted = 0 while ball.isEnabled() and len(self.recording) < 2100 or self.comObjNeedPass or len(self.recording) < 10: ran = 1 if len(self.recording) > 2100 and not hasPrinted: self.notify.debug('recording too long %s' % len(self.recording)) hasPrinted = 1 ball.disable() self.preStep() self.simulate() self.setTimeIntoCycle(self.swingTime + float(frameCount) * self.DTAStep) frameCount += 1 self.postStep() self.record(ball) if self.comObjNeedPass: if firstDisabled == -1 and not ball.isEnabled(): firstDisabled = self.frame self.notify.debug('firstDisabled %s' % firstDisabled) check = self.checkInRadius(ball) if check == None: self.comObjNeedPass = 0 self.notify.debug('out radius') else: self.notify.debug('in radius %s dist %s' % (check[0], check[1])) elif ball.isEnabled() and firstDisabled != -1 and not reEnabled: reEnabled = self.frame self.notify.debug('reEnabled %s' % reEnabled) if reEnabled: if self.frame > reEnabled + checkFrames: self.comObjNeedPass = 0 self.notify.debug('renable limit passed') elif self.frame > 2100 + checkFrames: self.comObjNeedPass = 0 print 'recording limit passed comObj' if ball.isEnabled(): lastFrameEnabled = self.frame self.notify.debug('lastFrameEnabled %s' % lastFrameEnabled) if lastFrameEnabled < 3: lastFrameEnabled = 3 self.record(ball) self.notify.debug('Frames %s' % self.frame) midTime = globalClock.getRealTime() self.recording = self.recording[:lastFrameEnabled] self.aVRecording = self.aVRecording[:lastFrameEnabled] self.frame = lastFrameEnabled self.processRecording() self.processAVRecording() self.notify.debug('Recording End time %s cycle %s len %s avLen %s' % (self.timingSimTime, self.getCycleTime(), len(self.recording), len(self.aVRecording))) length = len(self.recording) - 1 x = self.recording[length][1] y = self.recording[length][2] z = self.recording[length][3] endTime = globalClock.getRealTime() diffTime = endTime - startTime self.doingRecording = 0 fpsTime = self.frame / diffTime self.notify.debug('Time Start %s Mid %s End %s Diff %s Fps %s frames %s' % (startTime, midTime, endTime, diffTime, fpsTime, self.frame)) return Vec3(x, y, z) def record(self, ball): self.recording.append((self.frame, ball.getPosition()[0], ball.getPosition()[1], ball.getPosition()[2])) self.aVRecording.append((self.frame, ball.getAngularVel()[0], ball.getAngularVel()[1], ball.getAngularVel()[2])) if self.frame > 50 and not self.frame % 13: curFrame = self.recording[self.frame] pastFrame5 = self.recording[self.frame - 11] pastFrame10 = self.recording[self.frame - 34] currPosA = Vec3(curFrame[1], curFrame[2], curFrame[3]) past5PosA = Vec3(pastFrame5[1], pastFrame5[2], pastFrame5[3]) past10PosA = Vec3(pastFrame10[1], pastFrame10[2], pastFrame10[3]) displacement1 = currPosA - past5PosA displacement2 = currPosA - past10PosA if displacement1.lengthSquared() < 0.002 and displacement2.lengthSquared() < 0.002 and not self.grayCount and not self.onSlick: ball.disable() self.frame += 1 def preStep(self): if hasattr(self, 'ballRay'): bp = self.curGolfBall().getPosition() self.ballRayBody.setPosition(bp[0], bp[1], bp[2]) self.skyRay.setPosition(bp[0], bp[1], 50.0) def getOrderedContacts(self, entry): c0 = c1 = if c0 > c1: return c1, c0 else: return c0, c1 def postStep(self): if self.canRender: self.translucentLastFrame = self.translucentCurFrame[:] self.translucentCurFrame = [] self.onSlick = 0 rayCount = 0 skyRayHitPos = None ballRayHitPos = None bp = self.curGolfBall().getPosition() for entry in self.colEntries: c0, c1 = self.getOrderedContacts(entry) x, y, z = entry.getContactPoint(0) if c0 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID or c1 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID: rayCount += 1 if self.canRender: if self.currentGolfer: self.ballShadowDict[self.currentGolfer].setPos(x, y, z + 0.1) if c1 == GolfGlobals.GRASS_COLLIDE_ID or c1 == GolfGlobals.HARD_COLLIDE_ID: if self.curGolfBall().getPosition()[2] < z + 0.2: ballRayHitPos = Vec3(x, y, z) if c0 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID and c1 == GolfGlobals.SLICK_COLLIDE_ID: self.onSlick = 1 elif c0 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID and c1 == GolfGlobals.HARD_COLLIDE_ID: self.onSlick = 1 if c0 == GolfGlobals.GRASS_COLLIDE_ID and c1 == GolfGlobals.SKY_RAY_COLLIDE_ID: self.lastSkyContactPoint = (x, y, z) if self.curGolfBall().getPosition()[2] < z + 0.2 and rayCount == 0: if self.skyContact in [1, 2]: skyRayHitPos = Vec3(x, y, z) self.skyContact += 1 if self.doingRecording: if c0 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID or c1 == GolfGlobals.OOB_RAY_COLLIDE_ID: rayCount += 1 if c1 == GolfGlobals.GRASS_COLLIDE_ID: self.greenIn = self.frame self.llv = self.curGolfBall().getLinearVel() elif GolfGlobals.BALL_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1] and GolfGlobals.HOLE_CUP_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1]: self.ballTouchedHoleFrame = self.frame ballUndersideZ = self.curGolfBall().getPosition()[2] - 0.05 if z < ballUndersideZ: if not self.ballInHoleFrame: self.ballInHoleFrame = self.frame if self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame < self.ballLastTouchedGrass: self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame = self.frame if self.isBallInHole(self.curGolfBall()) and self.didHoleBreak == 0: self.comObjNeedPass = 0 ballLV = self.curGolfBall().getLinearVel() ballAV = self.curGolfBall().getAngularVel() self.curGolfBall().setLinearVel(0.5 * ballLV[0], 0.5 * ballLV[1], 0.5 * ballLV[2]) self.curGolfBall().setAngularVel(0.5 * ballAV[0], 0.5 * ballAV[1], 0.5 * ballAV[2]) self.notify.debug('BALL IN THE HOLE!!! FOO!') self.didHoleBreak = 1 return elif GolfGlobals.BALL_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1] and GolfGlobals.GRASS_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1]: if self.ballInHoleFrame: self.ballInHoleFrame = 0 self.notify.debug('setting ballInHoleFrame=0') self.ballLastTouchedGrass = self.frame elif self.canRender: if c0 == GolfGlobals.TOON_RAY_COLLIDE_ID or c1 == GolfGlobals.TOON_RAY_COLLIDE_ID: self.toonRayCollisionCallback(x, y, z) if GolfGlobals.CAMERA_RAY_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1] and GolfGlobals.WINDMILL_BASE_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1]: self.translucentCurFrame.append(self.windmillFanNodePath) self.translucentCurFrame.append(self.windmillBaseNodePath) if GolfGlobals.BALL_COLLIDE_ID in [c0, c1] and GolfGlobals.GRASS_COLLIDE_ID not in [c0, c1]: self.handleBallHitNonGrass(c0, c1) if not self.curGolfBall().isEnabled(): return if rayCount == 0: self.notify.debug('out of bounds detected!') self.grayCount += 1 self.outCommon = self.getCommonObjectData() self.inCount = 0 if skyRayHitPos: self.curGolfBall().setPosition(skyRayHitPos[0], skyRayHitPos[1], skyRayHitPos[2] + 0.27) self.notify.debug('SKY RAY ADJUST?') else: if self.grayCount > 1: self.notify.debug('Back in bounds') self.grayCount = 0 self.inCount += 1 if ballRayHitPos: self.curGolfBall().setPosition(ballRayHitPos[0], ballRayHitPos[1], ballRayHitPos[2] + 0.245) ballRayHitPos = None if self.doingRecording: self.notify.debug('BALL RAY ADJUST!') self.notify.debug('%s' % self.curGolfBall().getLinearVel()) if self.ballRocket > 0 and self.inCount > 1: self.ballRocket -= 1 rocketVel = self.curGolfBall().getLinearVel() self.curGolfBall().setLinearVel(2.0 * rocketVel[0], 2.0 * rocketVel[1], 2.0 * rocketVel[2]) self.notify.debug('ROCKET!!!!') if self.grayCount > self.backAmount and self.doingRecording: if self.greenIn > 2: self.greenIn -= 2 if self.greenIn > self.resetAt: self.greenIn = self.resetAt - 10 if self.greenIn < 0 or self.hasReset > 3: self.greenIn = 0 self.hasReset += 1 self.notify.debug('BALL RESET frame %s greenIn %s resetAt %s' % (self.frame, self.greenIn, self.resetAt)) self.useCommonObjectData(self.outCommon) self.curGolfBall().setPosition(self.recording[self.greenIn][1], self.recording[self.greenIn][2], self.recording[self.greenIn][3] + 0.27) self.curGolfBall().setAngularVel(0, 0, 0) if self.hasReset < 3 and self.llv: self.ballRocket += 1 self.notify.debug(' BRAKE!!!!') self.curGolfBall().setLinearVel(0.5 * self.llv[0], 0.5 * self.llv[1], 0.5 * self.llv[2]) else: self.notify.debug('back disable %s' % self.frame) if self.lastSkyContactPoint: self.curGolfBall().setPosition(self.lastSkyContactPoint[0], self.lastSkyContactPoint[1], self.lastSkyContactPoint[2] + 0.27) self.curGolfBall().setLinearVel(0, 0, 0) self.curGolfBall().disable() self.recording = self.recording[:self.greenIn] self.aVRecording = self.aVRecording[:self.greenIn] self.frame = self.greenIn self.resetAt = self.greenIn self.grayCount = 0 if self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame > self.frame: self.notify.debug('reseting first touched hole, self.frame=%d self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame=%d' % (self.frame, self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame)) self.ballFirstTouchedHoleFrame = 0 if self.ballLastTouchedGrass > self.frame: self.ballLastTouchedGrass = 0 return def processRecording(self, errorMult = 1.0): self.notify.debug('processRecording') lastFrame = self.recording[len(self.recording) - 1][0] countRemovals = 0 for frame in self.recording: if frame[0] == 0 or frame[0] == lastFrame: pass else: index = self.recording.index(frame) prevFrame = self.recording[index - 1] nextFrame = self.recording[index + 1] if self.predict(frame, prevFrame, nextFrame, errorMult): self.recording.remove(frame) countRemovals += 1 if countRemovals > 5: self.processRecording() elif len(self.recording) > 120: self.processRecording(errorMult * 1.25) else: for frame in self.recording: pass def processAVRecording(self, errorMult = 1.0, trials = 0): self.notify.debug('processAVRecording') lastFrame = self.recording[len(self.recording) - 1][0] countRemovals = 0 countTrials = trials for frame in self.aVRecording: if frame[0] == 0 or frame[0] == lastFrame: pass else: index = self.aVRecording.index(frame) prevFrame = self.aVRecording[index - 1] nextFrame = self.aVRecording[index + 1] if self.predictAV(frame, prevFrame, nextFrame, errorMult): self.aVRecording.remove(frame) countRemovals += 1 else: countTrials += 1 if countRemovals > 5: self.processAVRecording(errorMult, countTrials) elif len(self.aVRecording) > 80: self.processAVRecording(errorMult * 1.25, countTrials) else: for frame in self.aVRecording: pass def predict(self, frame, sourceFrame, destFrame, errorMult = 1.0): tXY = 0.05 * errorMult tZ = 0.05 * errorMult projLength = destFrame[0] - sourceFrame[0] projPen = destFrame[0] - frame[0] propSource = float(projPen) / float(projLength) propDest = 1.0 - propSource projX = sourceFrame[1] * propSource + destFrame[1] * propDest projY = sourceFrame[2] * propSource + destFrame[2] * propDest projZ = sourceFrame[3] * propSource + destFrame[3] * propDest varX = abs(projX - frame[1]) varY = abs(projY - frame[2]) varZ = abs(projZ - frame[3]) if varX > tXY or varY > tXY or varZ > tZ: return 0 else: return 1 def predictAV(self, frame, sourceFrame, destFrame, errorMult = 1.0): tXYZ = 1.5 * errorMult projLength = destFrame[0] - sourceFrame[0] projPen = destFrame[0] - frame[0] propSource = float(projPen) / float(projLength) propDest = 1.0 - propSource projX = sourceFrame[1] * propSource + destFrame[1] * propDest projY = sourceFrame[2] * propSource + destFrame[2] * propDest projZ = sourceFrame[3] * propSource + destFrame[3] * propDest varX = abs(projX - frame[1]) varY = abs(projY - frame[2]) varZ = abs(projZ - frame[3]) if varX > tXYZ or varY > tXYZ or varZ > tXYZ: return 0 else: return 1 def handleBallHitNonGrass(self, c0, c1): pass